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Obama Violates Geneva Agreement
Post Date: 2013-12-15 03:04:46 by Stephen Lendman
Obama Violates Geneva Agreement by Stephen Lendman American agreements aren't worth the paper they're written on. US history reflects it. Iranians aren't surprised. More below on Washington's latest betrayal. Native Americans suffered through centuries of heroic lost struggles. From 1492 to today, they experienced promises made and broken. Winning the West involved betraying them. One US treaty after another was violated. Imperialism works this way. Things haven't changed. Today they're worse than ever. Earlier US policy makers sought sea to shinning sea dominance. Today they want it globally. They want it unchallenged. They'll stop at nothing to get it. ...

Beltway Bandit Named Senior Obama Adviser
Post Date: 2013-12-14 03:06:02 by Stephen Lendman
Beltway Bandit Named Senior Obama Adviser by Stephen Lendman On December 11, Obama named John Podesta senior "counselor to the president." According to the White House, he'll mainly advise on energy, climate, and healthcare issues. Expect him to heavily involved in others. One of his many tasks will be selling Obamacare. He's is a longtime Washington insider. In the 1980s, he was legal counsel for various congressional committees. He once served as former senate majority leader Tom Daschle's chief of staff. He's known as a veteran Washington fixer. In 1988, he and his brother, Anthony, founded the Podesta Group. It's a Washington-based corporate ...

The CIA, drugs and rock and roll
Post Date: 2013-12-13 08:19:35 by noone222
Poster Comment:Constant intervention of our way of life by govt thugs.

A Conspiracy So Vast
Post Date: 2013-12-12 08:38:37 by Ada
Readers of this page are well aware of the revelations during the past six months of spying by the National Security Agency (NSA). Edward Snowden, a former employee of an NSA vendor, risked his life and liberty to inform us of a governmental conspiracy to violate our right to privacy, a right guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment. The conspiracy he revealed is vast. It involves former President George W. Bush, President Obama and their aides, a dozen or so members of Congress, federal judges, executives and technicians at American computer ISPs and telecoms, and the thousands of NSA employees and vendors who have manipulated their fellow conspirators. The conspirators all agreed that it ...

Congressional Budget Deal Betrayal
Post Date: 2013-12-12 03:00:25 by Stephen Lendman
Congressional Budget Deal Betrayal by Stephen Lendman Days ahead of adjourning until January, bipartisan complicity struck a deal no responsible government would accept. House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R. WI) and Senate Budget Committee Chairwoman Patty Murray (D. WA) were involved. On Tuesday, Obama thanked them for doing so. He asked for swift congressional action "so (he) can sign it into law and our economy can continue growing and creating jobs without more Washington headwinds." He's mindless of the harm it causes. Throughout his tenure, he's waged war on social justice. He wants America's resources earmarked for militarism, homeland repression, ...

The Battle for Ukraine
Post Date: 2013-12-12 02:59:37 by Stephen Lendman
The Battle for Ukraine by Stephen Lendman Ukraine matters. It's strategically located. It's in Europe's geographic center. It borders seven countries. In alphabetical order, they include Belarus, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Russia. After Western/Central Russia, it's Europe's largest country territorially. It's resource rich. Zbigniew Brzezinski once said "without Ukraine, Russia ceases to be an empire, but with Ukraine suborned and then subordinated, Russia automatically becomes an empire." Recently he said if Russia ever reunites with Ukraine, it'll be a Eurasian powerhouse. If Ukraine allies with Western Europe, Moscow will be ...

Disturbing Obamacare Surprises
Post Date: 2013-12-11 03:12:44 by Stephen Lendman
Disturbing Obamacare Surprises by Stephen Lendman Consumers are in for many rude surprises. Soon enough they'll know they've been scammed. A previous article discussed insurers limiting hospital and doctor choices. Doing so cuts costs. Sacrificed is treatment from relied on providers when most needed. Using their services requires paying costs out-of-pocket. Obama lied claiming: "If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period," he said. "If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what." Obamacare deception is one of many lies he told. Marketplace ...

Gun makers say adios to states messing with gun ownership.
Post Date: 2013-12-10 21:09:43 by BTP Holdings
Gun makers say adios to states messing with gun ownership. Following the horrible tragedies at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, and elsewhere, a number of grandstanding politicians saw their chance to exploit the situation by trying to get tougher gun control laws passed in their states. As we’ve discussed before, none of these politicians seems to grasp the obvious. In almost every case of a madman shooting up a school, theater or mall, a good guy with a gun could have stopped the bad guy with a gun and limited the loss of life. But they don’t see it that way. They seem bent on keeping us all helpless when a shooter starts his carnage. Fortunately, gun ...

Human Rights Day 2013
Post Date: 2013-12-10 12:50:40 by Stephen Lendman
Human Rights Day 2013 by Stephen Lendman In 1950, the UN proclaimed December 10 Human Rights Day. It did so to affirm the importance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Eleanor Roosevelt chaired the UDHR drafting committee. Seventeen other political, cultural and religious figures joined her. She said: "We must show by our behavior that we believe in equality and justice and that our religion teaches faith and love and charity to our fellow men." "Here is where each of us has a job to do that must be done at home, because we can lose the battle on the soil of the United States just as surely as we can lose it in any one of the countries of the ...

Obama Sentences Lynne Stewart to Death
Post Date: 2013-12-10 03:02:22 by Stephen Lendman
Obama Sentences Lynne Stewart to Death by Stephen Lendman Lynne's crime was compassion. She was imprisoned for doing the right thing. She did it honestly, admirably and courageously. She did it defending some of America's most disadvantaged for 30 years. Previous articles explained. She's dying. She has Stage Four cancer. She was given 12 months to live. She qualifies in all respects for compassionate release. Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) authorities denied her. Doing so reflects official Obama administration policy. In Lynne's words, BOP "stonewall(ed) since August." "They know (she's) fully qualified." Over 40,000 supporters "signed on ...

Tech Companies Demand Government Surveillance Continue
Post Date: 2013-12-10 02:55:14 by James Deffenbach
Laughable. That’s the single word that came to my mind as I read an article in the Atlantic titled “Google, Apple, and Microsoft Agree: NSA Spying Undermines Freedom”. Now, from their title, it sounds as if these companies were standing up for you, the user of their products and services. What actually transpired though, was something far different, and closer to the title of this article. Indeed, these giant corporations that wield so much influence over your life, have sent a letter to the government, which also wields entirely too much influence over your life. This letter outlines 5 points, which these companies say should restructure the manner in which they help said ...

Disaster Averted! Brave TSA Agent, With no Thought For Her Own Safety, Disarms Sockmonkey and Takes His Gun!
Post Date: 2013-12-09 12:01:13 by James Deffenbach
Thank God for the brave St. Louis TSA agent that stopped a sock monkey from getting a gun on a airplane. May has a small business selling unique sock monkey dolls. She says she and her husband were on their way from St. Louis to Sea-Tac and she had a couple of monkeys and sewing supplies with her in a carry-on bag. “His pistol was in there,” she says of the sock monkey “Rooster Monkburn,” a take-off on John Wayne character “Rooster Cogburn” from the film “True Grit.” May and her husband were going through the screening process when she noticed that one of her bags was missing. “And the (TSA agent) held it up and said ‘whose is ...

TOTAL BULLSHIT: Facebook and Twitter join tech giants in call for Obama to curb government spying
Post Date: 2013-12-09 07:34:48 by noone222
The world's most powerful technology firms united today in calls to curb government spying on internet users. Bosses from Apple, Facebook, Google, AOL, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Twitter and Yahoo said 'it's time to change' surveillance laws and practices in the wake of revelations about massive U.S. spying on citizens. The rare show of unity by usually fierce competitors is seen as a reflection of the damage in public confidence inflicted by leaks from Edward Snowden, the former NSA contractor-turned-whistleblower. Earlier this year he revealed how U.S. and British spy agencies were able to harvest huge amounts of data - including emails and search history - on millions of ...

John Kerry's Anti-Palestinian Agenda
Post Date: 2013-12-09 03:06:20 by Stephen Lendman
John Kerry's Anti-Palestinian Agenda by Stephen Lendman He's no peacemaker. He never was throughout 30 years in state and federal government service. He's one of America's privileged. He's super-rich. His record shows exclusive support for wealth and power. He spurns popular interests. He's been conducting Middle East shuttle diplomacy for months. He's Israel's man at State. He's no honest broker. He never was. He's not now. His dirty hands are manipulating dead on arrival Israeli/Palestinian peace talks. They're more pretense than real. They demand unconditional Palestinian surrender. Israel is all take and no give. So is Washington. Peace ...

Who Really Runs The Earth? Is It the “United Launch Alliance”?
Post Date: 2013-12-08 13:38:48 by Original_Intent
Who Really Runs The Earth? Is It the “United Launch Alliance”? So who really runs the Earth? Who's in charge, here below?barack obama? ben bernanke? Clearly not. These ostensibly powerful men are obviously doing the bidding of others, who remain hidden from sight. They are but pawns. Sock puppets.  They mostly do as they are told. So who really runs the show? I am not certain, but I cannot help but notice that someone or something is putting up a lot of very heavy, very secret payloads into Earth orbit. No doubt at all that these missions have to do with setting up a global, social control grid. Click these links:Giant secret satellite blasts off from Cape ...

Western Officials Collaborating Against Ukraine's Government
Post Date: 2013-12-08 02:56:31 by Stephen Lendman
Western Officials Collaborating Against Ukraine's Government by Stephen Lendman US and other Western officials do it openly. They're doing it lawlessly. They're violating international law. UN Charter Article 2(7) states: "Nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state or shall require the Members to submit such matters to settlement under the present Charter." Under no circumstances may one nation, or combination thereof, intervene against another without Security Council authorization. Article 8 of the 1933 Montevideo Convention of Rights and ...

NSA Mass Monitoring Cell Phone Calls Globally
Post Date: 2013-12-07 02:58:34 by Stephen Lendman
NSA Mass Monitoring Cell Phone Calls Globally by Stephen Lendman On December 5, the Washington Post broke the story. It headlined "NSA tracking cellphone locations worldwide, Snowden documents show." Doing so enables tracking individual movements. It maps their relationships. It does it in "previously unimaginable" ways. NSA maintains a vast database. It's called FASCIA. It "stores information (on) locations of at least hundreds of millions of devices…" New efforts analyze data collected. Doing so reflects mass global surveillance. NSA claims it doesn't target Americans willfully. It lied saying so. "Incidental" ...

The As-Yet_Unlearned Lesson of 9-11-01
Post Date: 2013-12-06 23:41:32 by James Deffenbach

Betrayal At Pearl Harbor
Post Date: 2013-12-06 11:59:06 by Original_Intent
Capt. Eric Nave, an Australian who worked to break Japanese codes for Britain and Australia before and during World War II and was the co-author of a disputed 1991 book about Pearl Harbor, died last month, London newspapers reported last week. He was 94.In reporting his death, The Daily Telegraph and The Guardian did not give its cause or say where he lived. Book Sees British PlotThe Daily Telegraph said Captain Nave was "one of the most important pioneering personalities in the secret world of code-breaking" and his "long years in intelligence made him almost compulsively secretive."Born in Adelaide, he joined the Australian Navy in 1916 and later spent years in the ...

Honoring Lynne Stewart
Post Date: 2013-12-06 02:54:04 by Stephen Lendman
Honoring Lynne Stewart by Stephen Lendman Just societies erect statues to do so. They bestow tributes. America persecutes its best. Lynne is a longtime human rights champion. She deserves high praise, not punishment. She remains unjustifiably imprisoned. She's there for her powerful advocacy. She devoted her professional life to defending society's most disadvantaged. She did it because it matters. She's dying. She has Stage Four cancer. Prison authorities denied her request for compassionate release. Duplicitous reasons were given. A second request was submitted. No action so far was taken. Obama wants her dead. A stroke of his pen could release her straightaway. ...

Obama's Rogue Agenda
Post Date: 2013-12-06 02:52:23 by Stephen Lendman
Obama's Rogue Agenda by Stephen Lendman On Wednesday, Obama addressed income inequality. He called it "the defining challenge of our time." He did so disingenuously. Throughout his tenure, he's transferred America's wealth to corporate interests and super-rich elites. He stole it from ordinary people doing so. Even Wall Street Journal editors said "few presidents have done more to increase inequality than he has." Median household income fell throughout his tenure. It's 4.2% lower than when he took office. It keeps heading south. Rich investors profited hugely. Most never had it so good. "Mr. Obama is Chief Economist of Nottingham posing as ...

NFL Bans Daniel Defense Super Bowl Ad Response
Post Date: 2013-12-05 21:58:54 by Katniss

As Important As The Gun That Saves Your Life – ‘After You Shoot: Your Gun’s Hot. The Perp’s Not’
Post Date: 2013-12-05 09:14:05 by Ada
After You Shoot: Your gun’s hot. The perp’s not. Now what? PHOENIX, AZ --(Ammoland.com)- Don’t end up in more trouble than the crook – George Zimmerman needed this book. So do you. You have guns and plenty of ammo — but that’s only half of your armor. You need to know what to do after an incident. Should you Dial 911… And Fry? What should you say? Lawyers say: “Don’t say anything!” – and that’s impossible! What about your right to remain silent? How do you make that call — safely? Where do you put the gun before the man arrives? What if the perp had partners… or gets up again? If you’re perfectly innocent, do ...

100 Years of the Income Tax
Post Date: 2013-12-04 23:27:03 by James Deffenbach

For Those of Us Who Think Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Should Be a Convenience Store, Not a Government Agency
Post Date: 2013-12-04 18:17:32 by James Deffenbach

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