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Kike gun-grabber Frank Lautenberg starts his eternity in hell
Post Date: 2013-06-03 11:59:45 by X-15
Manasquan, NJ --(Ammoland.com)- Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), the last World War II veteran in the Senate and the chamber’s oldest member, died Monday morning. He was 89. Lautenberg, was an unabashed supporter of gun control and his signature piece of legislation the “Lautenberg Amendment” that was supposed to target Domestic Violence, but is infamous for entrapping innocents whose cases were later over turned, will live on. The senator, who survived a bout with blood cancer in 2010, had been in failing health for the last few months and had been absent from the Senate floor for much of the year. His office issued a statement in early April citing “muscle weakness ...

"Supreme" Court: Police can take DNA swabs from arrestees
Post Date: 2013-06-03 10:38:34 by PSUSA2
WASHINGTON (AP) — A divided Supreme Court says police can legally take DNA without a warrant from those arrested in hopes of using it to solve old cases. The justices, on a 5-4 vote, say taking DNA samples from people who have been arrested for various crimes, long before their guilt or innocence has been proven, does not violate the Constitution. At least 28 states and the federal government now take DNA swabs after arrests. But a Maryland court said it was illegal for that state to take Alonzo King's DNA without approval from a judge. That court said King had "a sufficiently weighty and reasonable expectation of privacy against warrantless, suspicionless searches." ...

Ex Obama Secret Service Exposes Gun Control Agenda
Post Date: 2013-06-03 09:00:01 by Ada
I recently spoke with former Obama Secret Service agent Dan Bongino, who actually left his career to inform the public on the reality behind the gun control debate and campaign for office. You may know Bongino from his inspiring speech on the subject of how gun control is really not centered around the control of guns, but in fact the control of the individuals who own and carry them. Quite simply, ‘gun control’ is really about people control. A reality that very few talking heads within the gun debate who push for gun control truly understand (or are willing to admit). Sociopathic control freaks inside government, many of which Bongino is certainly familiar with working deep ...

Anti-Government Protests Rock Turkey
Post Date: 2013-06-03 03:10:02 by Stephen Lendman
Anti-Government Protests Rock Turkey by Stephen Lendman In 2001, Recep Tayyip Erdogan established the Justice and Development Party (AKP). In November 2002, it won nearly two-thirds of parliamentary seats. It did so with 35% of the vote. Earlier dominant parties were rebuffed. Hard times aroused public anger. Voters rejected corrupt political rule. At the time, Istanbul newspaper Sabah called AKP's triumph a "revolution by impoverished Anatolia against the old political guard." Party leader Erdogan earlier was Istanbul mayor. On March 14, 2003, he became prime minister. He feigned moderation. He pretended advocacy for poor, disadvantaged, oppressed Turks. He spurned them ...

BOOM! Judge Jeanine SCORCHES Eric Holder, says he should be INDICTED
Post Date: 2013-06-02 13:07:33 by Southern Style
BOOM! Judge Jeanine SCORCHES Eric Holder, says he should be INDICTED I’ve really come to look forward to Judge Jeanine’s monologues because she is one of the few who will tell the brutal truth no matter how politically incorrect or sensitive. And in this week’s monologue she takes on America’s top law enforcement agent and head of the DOJ, Eric Holder, and rakes him across the coals for the lies he has told and how he is running the DOJ. She calls him a political operative and says he needs to be indicted – and then she writes the actual indictment. Fantastic! This is a MUST WATCH:

Murder, Inc: Official US Policy
Post Date: 2013-06-01 03:07:31 by Stephen Lendman
Murder, Inc: Official US Policy by Stephen Lendman America does it wholesale and retail. Obama's wars increase body counts. They mount daily. Special forces death squads in over 120 countries add their own. So do covert CIA agents. They're licensed to kill. They do it globally.  FBI assassins operate domestically. Doing so belies their "Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity" motto. They don't prevent crimes. They aid and abet them. They commit them. They're political police. They subvert democratic values. They menace freedom. They're agents of repression. They support wealth, power and privilege. They're state-sponsored terrorists. They kill with ...

Court upholds rifle sales reporting requirement (Border States - TEXAS included)
Post Date: 2013-05-31 19:00:09 by noone222
WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal appeals court panel Friday unanimously upheld an Obama administration requirement that dealers in southwestern border states report when customers buy multiple high-powered rifles. The firearms industry trade group, the National Shooting Sports Foundation, and two Arizona gun sellers had argued that the administration overstepped its legal authority in the 2011 regulation, which applies to gun sellers in California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. The requirement, issued in what is known as a demand letter, compels those sellers to report to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives when anyone buys — within a five-day period — two ...

CIA Global Renditions
Post Date: 2013-05-31 03:01:23 by Stephen Lendman
CIA Global Renditions by Stephen Lendman Extraordinary renditions include arbitrary abductions and extrajudicial transfers from one country to another. Targeted individuals are called terrorists. Corroborating evidence isn't needed. What Washington says goes. Rogue hegemons operate that way. International, constitutional, and US statute laws don't matter. They're spurned. Victims are guilty by accusation. It's official US policy. Before leaving office in January 1993, a classified GHW Bush National Security Directive (NSD 77) established the rendition process. Bill Clinton's June 1995 Presidential Directive (PDD 39) authorized "all legal means available to ...

Kill shot? Man linked to Tsarnaev took FBI bullet to top of head (PHOTOS)
Post Date: 2013-05-31 00:03:41 by Original_Intent
Kill shot? Man linked to Tsarnaev took FBI bullet to top of head (PHOTOS)Get short URL Published time: May 30, 2013 14:08 Edited time: May 30, 2013 23:57 Abdulbaki Todashev, the father of Ibragim Todashev, attending the press conference at the RIA Novosti Agency.(RIA Novosti / Alexander Natruskin) Ibragim Todashev, who was killed by the FBI during a questioning, was shot six times, once in the crown of his head, photos shown at a press conference in Moscow reveal. His father suspects it could have been a kill shot. “I can show you the photos taken after the killing of my son. I have 16 photographs. I just would like to say that looking at these photos is like being in a movie. I ...

Secret Arrests By Police In Wisconson Is This Big Bro's Future For Americans?
Post Date: 2013-05-30 21:23:15 by titorite
Secret arrests by police in Wisconsin is this Big Brother's future for Americans? Wisconsin - Police work that has traditionally been conducted in public view is increasingly being shielded, as insurance companies and municipal attorneys throughout Wisconsin push departments to withhold names from reports due to liability concerns. A long-ignored federal privacy law is driving the redactions, interpreted by some municipal leaders to overrule a state public records law that says the full reports should be released. (Federal privacy law allows police to conduct secret arrests in AMERIKA! Is this the future of policing?) With a growing number of departments redacting crash reports ...

California Senate approves seven gun control bills
Post Date: 2013-05-30 19:53:38 by X-15
The measures include a requirement that Californians who want to buy ammunition, and the vendors who sell it, would have to submit personal information for a background check to determine whether they have a criminal record, severe mental illness or a restraining order that would disqualify them from owning guns. The goal of SB 53 is “to ensure that criminals and other dangerous individuals cannot purchase ammunition in the state of California,” said Sen. Kevin De Leon (D-Los Angeles), the bill’s author. “To purchase a product that has the potential to maim or kill another human being you can (now) walk into a gun store, no questions asked,” he added. “I ...

Bilderberg's June 6 - 9 Conference
Post Date: 2013-05-30 15:06:33 by Stephen Lendman
Bilderberg June 6 - 9 Conference by Stephen Lendman Its four-day meeting occurs annually. It's a rite of spring. British political economist Will Hutton calls the group the "high priests of globalization." Powerful movers and shakers have their own agenda. They discuss key issues. They do it year round. Once annually they meet face-to-face. They plot strategy to exploit the world's riches. They want them for themselves. They try to keep meeting dates, locations, and issues to be discussed secret. Word gets out. It's official. Britain's five-star Grove Hotel is this year's venue. It's a Hertfordshire, England hotel resort. It calls itself ...

Obama's Anti-Populist Agenda
Post Date: 2013-05-30 03:08:36 by Stephen Lendman
Obama's Anti-Populist Agenda by Stephen Lendman Obama's a reliable corporate tool. He serves powerful monied interests. He spurns populist ones. He's done so throughout his tenure. He's unfit to serve. Since taking office, he targeted America's most disadvantaged. He wants deeper Medicare and Medicaid cuts than already instituted on his watch. He wants Social Security benefits reduced. He’s already cut: • home heating help for needy families; • higher education Pell Grants; • Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) benefits; • community healthcare center funding; • HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and other disease prevention ...

Confirmed: Polk County, FL schools conducted iris scans on students without permission
Post Date: 2013-05-29 20:42:28 by Esso
Florida parents are right to be outraged at the outrageous privacy violations that took place late last week in at least 3 Polk County, Florida schools. I just got off the phone with Rob Davis, senior director of support services for the district, who confirmed to me what Florida education activists blew the whistle on here: Students were indeed subjected to iris scans without their parents’ permission. The schools involved: Daniel Jenkins Academy – high school Bephune Academy – elementary school Davenport School of the Arts – middle school. Davis told me that “it is a mistake on our part” that a notification letter to parents did not go out on May 17. He ...

Obama: America's Second Teflon President?
Post Date: 2013-05-29 03:05:22 by Stephen Lendman
Obama: America's Second Teflon President? by Stephen Lendman New poll numbers show recent scandals haven't hurt his approval rating. According to a CNN/ORC International survey, 53% of Americans approve his job as president. Another 45% disapprove. Throughout much of his tenure, he hovered around 50%. According to Gallup, he scored highest from January 22 - 24, 2009 at 69%. At 38%, he scored lowest from October 15 - 17, 2011. His average approval from January 20, 2009 to the present is 49%. From 1938 - 2013, the average for US presidents is 54%. After his November 2012 reelection, Obama's approval rating was 52%. George W. Bush's average second term rating was 37%. ...

The Age of Authoritarianism: Government of the Politicians, by the Military, for the Corporations
Post Date: 2013-05-25 07:56:29 by Ada
“[F]orce alone cannot make us safe. We cannot use force everywhere that a radical ideology takes root; and in the absence of a strategy that reduces the well-spring of extremism, a perpetual war – through drones or Special Forces or troop deployments – will prove self-defeating, and alter our country in troubling ways.” ~ Barack Obama, May 23, 2013 President Obama’s declaration that “America is at a crossroads” in the fight against terror, a fight that is increasingly turning inwards, setting its sights on homegrown extremists, should give every American pause. We have indeed reached a crossroads. History may show that from this point forward, we will ...

Developing: EPA Targeting Conservative Groups Too
Post Date: 2013-05-24 21:28:12 by farmfriend

Attorney Cleta Mitchell Releases Bombshell Report On IRS Tea Party Targeting
Post Date: 2013-05-24 21:22:30 by farmfriend
Attorney Cleta Mitchell Releases Bombshell Report On IRS Tea Party Targeting By CHQ Staff | 5/24/13 Attorney Cleta Mitchell, a partner in the powerhouse law firm Foley & Lardner LLP, may be familiar to many readers as a frequent guest on FOX News, as a Board Member of the National Rifle Association and as Chair of the American Conservative Union Foundation. With more than 40 years of experience in law, politics and public policy, Mitchell advises nonprofit and issue organizations, corporations, candidates, campaigns, and individuals on state and federal campaign finance law, election law, and compliance issues related to lobbying, ethics and financial disclosure. In short – the ...

To all you athests here you better start praying
Post Date: 2013-05-24 20:52:57 by Itistoolate
U.S. Congress Introduces Bill Ordering “FEMA” to Conduct ‘Mass Fatality Planning While millions of Americans were busy watching the elephant puppet battle the ass puppet at the latest political circus, the United States Congress quietly introduced a new piece of legislation ordering the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to begin preparing for mass casualties throughout the country. House Resolution 6566, also known as the Mass Fatality Planning and Religious Considerations Act, would amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to mandate that FEMA immediately begin conducting “mass fatality planning” in preparation for a major event or series of events that ...

Post Date: 2013-05-24 05:54:19 by Ada
For all his faults and failures, President Lyndon Johnson put it correctly: With its assassination program, the CIA was operating a “damned Murder Inc.” Not only does Johnson’s pointed observation observe the true nature of the federal government’s assassination program, it also serves to show that assassination has been an integral part of the U.S. national-security state apparatus since long before the 9/11 attacks. Johnson wasn’t the only one who got it right. When an assassination team established by U.S.-supported Chilean military dictator Augusto Pinochet assassinated former Chilean diplomat Orlando Letelier and 25-year-old American citizen Ronni Moffitt on ...

Tom Cotton 'Corruption Of Blood' Bill Would Convict Family Members Of Iran Sanctions Violators
Post Date: 2013-05-23 09:31:35 by Ada
WASHINGTON -- Rep. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) on Wednesday introduced legislation that would "automatically" punish family members of people who violate U.S. sanctions against Iran, levying sentences of up to 20 years in prison. The provision was introduced as an amendment to the Nuclear Iran Prevention Act of 2013, which lays out strong penalties for people who violate human rights, engage in censorship, or commit other abuses associated with the Iranian government. Cotton also seeks to punish any family member of those people, "to include a spouse and any relative to the third degree," including, "parents, children, aunts, uncles, nephews nieces, grandparents, great ...

Apple's latest tax dodge is yet another chink in its once-shining armor
Post Date: 2013-05-23 01:07:54 by Tatarewicz
Gimme shelter Apple CEO Tim Cook testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, May 21, 2013, before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Permanent subcommittee on Investigations as lawmakers examine the methods employed by multinational corporations to shift profits offshore and how such activities are affected by the Internal Revenue Code. Lawmakers want to know the tax strategy of how Apple, the world's most valuable company, based in Cupertino, Calif., holds a billion dollars in an Irish subsidiary as a tax strategy, according to a report issued this week by the subcommittee. Virginia Heffernan is the national correspondent for Yahoo! News, covering culture ...

Facing the Future as a Minority
Post Date: 2013-05-22 12:51:55 by Prefrontal Vortex
Facing the Future as a Minority May 14, 2013 Richard Spencer This speech was delivered at the 2013 American Renaissance conference, which took place on April 5–7 near Nashville, Tennessee. It was posted originally at the website of the National Policy Institute For as long as anyone can remember, immigration has been the chief political concern at gatherings such as this. At last night’s cocktail party, “amnesty,” “illegals,” and various heroes and villains in Washington were discussed with great interest. For people like us—who are asylumed away to the margins—one could say that immigration is our connection to the outside world. It makes us feel ...

Obama's War on Free Expression
Post Date: 2013-05-22 03:05:33 by Stephen Lendman
Obama's War on Free Expression by Stephen Lendman It's the most fundamental right. Without it all others are endangered. Obama's waging war to destroy it. He's done so throughout his tenure. He targeted AP. He did so unjustifiably. A previous article discussed it. It was lawless intrusion. It intimidates journalists, potential whistleblowers, valued sources, and others. It warns them against challenging or disclosing information Washington wants kept secret. Obama's done it numerous times before. He's waging war on truth. He's targeted more whistleblowers than all previous administrations combined. Bradley Manning and Julian Assange are best known. Others ...

Supreme Court Colludes with Monsanto
Post Date: 2013-05-21 03:07:08 by Stephen Lendman
Supreme Court Colludes with Monsanto by Stephen Lendman It's no surprise. Michael Parenti calls America's High Court its "autocratic branch." It's notoriously pro-business. It's longstanding. In Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railway (1886), it granted corporations legal personhood. More recently, in Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. Dukes et al (June 2011), it denied longstanding sexual discrimination class action redress. It overruled a Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decision doing so. In AT&T Mobility v. Concepcion (April 2011), it did so two months earlier. It blocked class action redress claiming fraud. The company's wireless subsidiary charged ...

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