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CIA Counterterror Chief Suggests Going To War Against "Domestic Insurgents"
Post Date: 2021-02-04 21:51:13 by X-15
CIA Counterterror Chief Suggests Going To War Against ‘Domestic Insurgents’ Compares dissenting Americans to Taliban, Al Qaeda; Compares President Trump to Saddam Hussein. The former head of the CIA Counterterrorism Center has suggested that counterinsurgency tactics used by the military in Iraq and Afghanistan should be applied to ‘domestic extremists’ inside the US. NPR reports that Robert Grenier, who directed the CIA’s Counterterrorism program from 2004 to 2006, declared “We may be witnessing the dawn of a sustained wave of violent insurgency within our own country, perpetrated by our own countrymen.” In an op-ed for The New York Times last week, ...

Surveillance Kills Freedom
Post Date: 2021-02-04 08:15:03 by Ada
"The makers of our Constitution undertook to secure conditions favorable to the pursuit of happiness. They recognized the significance of man’s spiritual nature, of his feelings, and of his intellect. They knew that only a part of the pain, pleasure and satisfactions of life are to be found in material things. They sought to protect Americans in their beliefs, their thoughts, their emotions and their sensations. They conferred, as against the Government, the right to be let alone – the most comprehensive of rights, and the right most valued by civilized men." – Justice Louis D. Brandeis (1856-1941) When Justice Louis D. Brandeis referred to the right to privacy as ...

China’s Puppet? Biden Makes It Illegal to Claim COVID-19 Originated in China
Post Date: 2021-02-03 20:29:24 by BTP Holdings
China’s Puppet? Biden Makes It Illegal to Claim COVID-19 Originated in China During his first six days in office, Joe Biden has already signed 37 executive orders. We are not sure how many of these orders are actually going to help with the pandemic, though. There is one order, in particular, that is vexing to those who are wondering what comes next. Now, he is telling people that calling the virus a “China virus” is actually illegal. How is this going to help anything? It’s more of the same hollow virtue-signaling that the Democratic party knows and loves. CBS has more about this latest development. “The Biden executive order is also expected to direct federal ...

Police allowed to seize guns in home without a warrant
Post Date: 2021-01-31 18:43:33 by Ada
'A blatant attempt by law enforcement to create gaping holes in the 4th Amendment' In an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, a civil-liberties legal group contends lower-court rulings in a Rhode Island case have set a dangerous precedent that allows police officers in some instances to enter the homes of citizens without a warrant and confiscate legal firearms. The Rutherford Institute, in a friend-of-the-court brief in the case of Caniglia v. Strom, asserts the lower courts wrongly invoked the "community caretaking" exemption in the Fourth Amendment. "This case represents a blatant attempt by law enforcement to create gaping holes in the Fourth Amendment force ...

Certifiably Insane: The Washington Post Tries to Cancel Biden Sign Language Interpreter for Translating for Conservative Groups
Post Date: 2021-01-29 15:40:00 by BTP Holdings
Certifiably Insane: The Washington Post Tries to Cancel Biden Sign Language Interpreter for Translating for Conservative Groups by Patriot Outlook January 29, 2021 On Thursday night The Washington Post dropped a certifiably insane report on Joe Biden’s most recent sign language interpreter, citing the fact that she has previously “interpreted far-right misinformation.” The headline alone is insane considering The Post is considered one of our most prestigious news outlets. The entire article is a frightening glimpse into the Orwellian downturn of modern liberal journalism. Writer Meryl Kornfield audaciously begins the piece by reminding the readers of Biden’s ...

Flashback: Before signing 37 executive actions​ Biden said, 'We need consensus,' and dictators rule by executive orders
Post Date: 2021-01-29 14:12:46 by BTP Holdings
Flashback: Before signing 37 executive actions​ Biden said, 'We need consensus,' and dictators rule by executive orders Biden's words in October seem to contradict what he is doing now JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images JANUARY 28, 2021 by PAUL SACCA President Joe Biden has signed 24 executive orders and 37 presidential actions in his first week in power. However, during his campaign run, Biden contradictorily stated that democracy needs "consensus" of the people, and those who govern by executive orders are "dictators." On Oct. 15, only weeks before the election, then-candidate Joe Biden participated in an ABC News town hall at the National ...

Biden plans to limit private prisons and transfer of military equipment to police
Post Date: 2021-01-26 14:42:46 by BTP Holdings
Biden plans to limit private prisons and transfer of military equipment to police By Sarah N. Lynch, Trevor Hunnicutt January 26, 2021 WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Joe Biden is poised to issue executive actions as soon as Tuesday scaling back the use of private prisons and placing new limits on the transfer of military equipment to local law enforcement, according to a person familiar with the matter and a planning document. The executive actions are part of a broader push by the new administration to roll back controversial policies by Biden’s predecessor Donald Trump, promote criminal justice reform and address racial inequity across the United States. Representatives of the ...

It's John Brennan's authoritarianism that threatens 'democracy'
Post Date: 2021-01-25 12:53:19 by Ada
David Harsanyi notes ex-CIA director is back on cable when he should be 'in federal prison' Every time former CIA Director John Brennan appears on cable news to warn America about some new "insidious threat to democracy," I am reminded again that he deserves to be in federal prison. In this corrupt media environment, however, the official who oversaw an illegal domestic-spying operation on the legislative branch of the United States government, who tried to cover it up and blame innocent Senate staffers when discovered, and who then brazenly lied about it to legislators and the American people – this man is held up as a paragon of civic virtue. We still don't ...

The D.C. Occupation Will Continue Until Democracy is Saved
Post Date: 2021-01-24 12:56:09 by X-15
On a cold, windy day with a small group of spectators watching from behind barbed wire, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. swore another in a long series of false oaths before his motorcade passed between a long row of soldiers with their backs to him looking outward for threats. No inauguration has been this empty in a century of American history. And at no inauguration have the spectators been outnumbered by a raw display of armed force. American presidents have been inaugurated in wartime and during actual national emergencies with a better turnout. Through world wars and wars on terror, Washington D.C. has remained a national capital where the hundreds of millions of taxpayers who labor to ...

There’s Something Happening Here, But You Don’t Know What It Is, Do You, Mr. Jones?
Post Date: 2021-01-24 09:06:56 by Ada
People keep talking about how the government might pass laws removing the First Amendment – but there isn’t any need to do that. We are already a nation totally devoid of freedom of speech. America has less freedom of speech than any country in history, it’s just that they play these weird legalistic games with it. Right now: The government has worked with tech companies, through deregulation, tax incentives and infrastructure projects, to build the internet. The government has claimed that tech monopolies are legal, even if they are unregulated. While unregulated, these companies maintain special legal protections (basically reverse deregulation). The government has ...

Kristi Noem Points Out Rubio's "Failed" Attempt At Playing To The Home Crowd
Post Date: 2021-01-23 23:13:59 by Esso
Poster Comment:Kristi Noem/ Kayleigh McEnany 2024! I won't be there. I miss Kayleigh, she made me smile and feel my crow's feeties. Eeeek, I'm an extremist!

Esso's Bestest Girly-Friend Ever! (My Title)
Post Date: 2021-01-23 15:40:46 by Esso
Mental Gymnast Cortez Is Once Again Gas Lighting Her "Supposed Fears" Of House Floor Shootouts Poster Comment:Oh, how I wish I could show this creature some of the places I've been. Some of the situations and conditions. It must be a LIVING HELL to go through life offended and afraid.

Biden is too weak to steer his party away from self-destruction
Post Date: 2021-01-23 01:18:36 by Esso

"Toilet Paper Effect": Americans Scramble For Ammo Amid Shortage
Post Date: 2021-01-22 14:35:31 by Esso
Via, It is certainly a sign of the times. In 2020, the FBI processed a record 39.7 million firearm background checks, the most recorded since the agency began keeping tabs in 1998. On top of that, checks exclusively related to the sale of firearms also reached a record high last year, totaling 21 million, according to firearm trade organization National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF). The gun and ammo craze, which is being pinned on the COVID-19 crisis, the violent rioting that gripped major cities in recent months, and the new Biden administration, has anyone looking to get their hands on ammunition going to extraordinary lengths as a nation wide shortage strikes ...

Biden's Actual Inauguration
Post Date: 2021-01-21 13:27:18 by Esso
Poster Comment:Apparently the news has been outlawed. This was about the closest thing to the truth I've been able to find today.

Does the First Amendment Restrain Big Tech?
Post Date: 2021-01-21 08:06:43 by Ada
When Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, he included in it a list of the colonists’ grievances with the British government. Notably absent were any complaints that the British government infringed upon the freedom of speech. In those days, public speech was as acerbic as it is today. If words were aimed at Parliament, all words were lawful. If they were aimed directly and personally at the king – as Jefferson’s were in the Declaration – they constituted treason. Needless to say, Jefferson and the 55 others who signed the Declaration would all have been hanged for treasonous speech had the British prevailed. Of course, the colonists won the war, ...

Washington, D.C. — Now Effectively Under Martial Law
Post Date: 2021-01-20 12:01:12 by X-15
Washington, D.C. Yon-Genre Mind-dump without edit I am looking at the the White House now. The flag is up. President Trump just gave a pep talk and flew to Florida. I am a war correspondent. Many years experience across the world. I am American. My Mother’s side landed in Jamestown in 1610 after being shipwrecked on Bermuda in 1609. We know this because an author was aboard. Wrote about it. Shakespeare created a play about it called “The Tempest.” I’ve spent more than half my life overseas. Not “half my adult life,” but more than half my entire life. Some as a Green Beret, other times as War Correspondent, or doing other things. Lived or travelled in 74 ...

Trump Dump Thread (My Title)
Post Date: 2021-01-20 10:36:25 by Esso
Poster Comment:He could've really done some good on his way out. He's just a man that stood tall while under attack for five years. I'm surprised he didn't just walk away years ago. I've stood in front of a lot of judges, but never congress. He could've done better, but he did OK, given the situation. Melania sure deserved a whole lot better.

Lesson Of Trump #1
Post Date: 2021-01-20 09:07:55 by Ada
Note: The Monday post is up on Taki. The general theme this week will naturally be about the installation of The Pretender onto the throne. I also have a movie post up behind the green door. If you are not a subscriber, you need to be. As the military begins the process of installing The Pretender as the figurative leader of the American Empire, it is a good time to take stock of what has happened over the last five years. From the perspective of political psychology, the world all of us inhabit today is a vastly different one from the world of 2015. This includes the dissident right, which has been transformed by the Trump experience. In the before times, politics was all shades of gray, ...

Assange Not Pardoned
Post Date: 2021-01-20 02:12:13 by Pinguinite
Trump released what is probably his final list of pardonees, and it looks like Assange ain't on it, sadly enough. Assange may well die in the UK prison before they even complete the appeal on extradition. Another thing Trump didn't do that disappointed me.

They've Shown Their Cards
Post Date: 2021-01-18 13:13:40 by Esso
Poster Comment:I'm having a great deal of trouble getting on the internet since the Capitol thing. I've been messing with this post for a few hours now.

Crisis #1 for Biden—Double Jeopardy System for Badwhites Will Get Officer Derek Chauvin. But First There May be Blood
Post Date: 2021-01-18 08:42:21 by Ada
[Excerpted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively through] See, earlier, May 30, 2020: Even Right Abandoning Accused Minneapolis Cop—But They Shouldn’t The incoming new administration will, with high probability, face three major crises in the next year or so. China will probably invade Taiwan. T he stock market bubble will burst and the economy will contract at exactly the time that the Democrats, seeking to Elect A New People and subjugate the Historic American Nation, open the borders and amnesty 20-30 million illegal aliens. And then there’s the Derek Chauvin trial. Chauvin, you’ll recall, is the former Minneapolis Police Officer ...

The left's vindictiveness: From erasing truth to criminalizing it
Post Date: 2021-01-17 09:48:32 by Ada
Exclusive: Patrice Lewis warns patriots, notes stark irony of Joe Biden's 'Unity' inauguration theme Typically, when I noodle around the idea for a column I choose a subject of interest and start gathering links to relevant articles as I come across them. I seldom go looking for links; most often I just come across them as I peruse the news. So when I decided to write about revenge – specifically, how the left is waging an all-out war on conservatives – I duly began gathering links. Imagine my surprise when I sat down to write this column and realized I had nine pages of links about leftist revenge … most of them gathered just in this latest blood-bath of a ...

America's Favorite Bartender Is Back Spewing Absurdities Like Never Before
Post Date: 2021-01-16 03:19:38 by Esso
Esso's girlfriend with black eyes. Poster Comment:Mmmmm. those black eyes.

Cancel Us at Your Own Risk
Post Date: 2021-01-15 07:54:01 by Ada
The left has redefined language, what is said and what it means -- words now mean what they say they mean, “nothing more and nothing less.” Silence can become “violence.” Actual violence and destruction can sometimes be “mostly peaceful” at other times, “insurrection” or “sedition.” Control the meaning of things and you control the narrative -- control the narrative and you control communication. Through the control of communication, such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, they hope to control America and Americans. That is why Democrats perceive Trump as dangerous; he has used Twitter brilliantly, negating their narrative control. They ...

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