
Latest Articles: Dead Constitution

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Florida's New Assault Weapons Ban Bill Explained: Its Bad!
Post Date: 2021-01-14 13:35:56 by Esso
Poster Comment:I can't wait 'til the 20th, when things really get bad.

Mike Pence Issues Forceful Response to Nancy Pelosi's 25th Amendment Demand
Post Date: 2021-01-13 10:39:59 by BTP Holdings
Mike Pence Issues Forceful Response to Nancy Pelosi's 25th Amendment Demand Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Vice President Mike Pence, left, talk as a joint session of the House and Senate convenes to count the Electoral College votes cast in November's election, at the Capitol in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021. (Jim Lo Scalzo / Pool via AP) By Jack Davis Published January 13, 2021 at 7:49am Quoting Ecclesiastes, Vice President Mike Pence urged House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to reach above vindictiveness as he firmly rejected her demand that Pence invoke the 25th Amendment to the Constitution to remove President Donald Trump from office. The 25th Amendment allows the vice ...

The Art of the Steal
Post Date: 2021-01-13 09:28:38 by noone222
Poster Comment:We Americans have an absolute right to know the voting was legitimate or else it's "Taxation w/o Representation."

Now They Want Cruz And Hawley Put On The No-Fly List
Post Date: 2021-01-13 00:51:53 by Esso
Poster Comment:I'd about give my left nut to know what's driving everyone insane. Maybe it's holding a cell phone in your hand for 16+ hours/day. They put out goofball rays. That would explain why I'm not affected. Probably most 4umers too. Laughing our way through the fall of the Republic. SMH

MY TITLE Fake Shaman First Refuses food because not organic, THEN, gets his wish.
Post Date: 2021-01-12 11:59:51 by TommyTheMadArtist
The guy in the horned hat who has been an ANTIFA and BLM Protestor gets popped and then refuses to eat because the food is not organic. THEN, the jail starts feeding this terrorist his organic diet. Read the article it’s a crock. It just screams out that these were not Trump Conservatives doing this stuff, it was terrorist liberals.

Sedition Charges Are Almost Always a Terrible Idea
Post Date: 2021-01-12 08:43:35 by Ada
Laws against sedition have historically been used by insecure officials to punish critics. In the wake of the January 6 storming of the Capitol, a popular new word in common usage is "sedition." Horrified onlookers—and conniving power brokers—urge charging the participants and those who egged them on with "seditious conspiracy" under laws with a nasty history of politicized mischief. As such, "sedition" joins the recently popular "treason" on the list of overused and emotionally charged vocabulary terms with dangerous implications. "For at least some of these protesters, particularly the ones that broke into the Capitol, I think ...

Trump Declares Emergency In DC as 15,000 Troops Enter Washington
Post Date: 2021-01-11 22:31:00 by Esso
Poster Comment:This is gonna be the week that gets "WTAF?" its own zip code. Go get 'em, Salty! LOL.

House Dems Introduce Article Of Impeachment Against Trump, Have The Necessary Votes
Post Date: 2021-01-11 12:49:58 by Esso
It appears President Trump is about to be the first to be impeached for the second time as The Washington Post reports that House Democrats, which just formally introduced an article of impeachment against President Trump, have lined up the votes to impeach him for his role in "inciting an insurrectionist mob" to storm the Capitol. “We actually have the votes,” Rep. David Cicilline, the Rhode Island Democrat who has taken the lead in rounding up support for a resolution of impeachment, told The Washington Post. “There’s no doubt about that.” The article, co-authored by Reps. David Cicilline (R-I.), Ted Lieu (Calif.) and Jamie Raskin (Md.), states that ...

Parler Is Gone And My NEVER Recover, Every Vendor Bailed On Them, Leftist Monoculture Taking Over
Post Date: 2021-01-11 10:27:17 by Esso
Poster Comment:I don't give a rat's ass about social media and don't use it outside of 4um and ZH. I care about where this is heading. "The lucrative merger between corporate and state" has a name. Fascism. We've got a front-row seat for the Nazification of America and WWIII. Damn, it's gonna take a long time to get this monkey off the country's back. I won't make it to the end this time. In the past, I always had a country to return to. Not this time. Dammit.

A Magazine Ban Submitted Because Of Feelings And Pandemic?!?!
Post Date: 2021-01-09 22:10:44 by Esso
Poster Comment:Shoot me now.

Pro-Trump Mob Livestreamed Its Rampage, and Made Money Doing It
Post Date: 2021-01-09 18:19:39 by Dakmar
When white nationalist Tim Gionet stormed the U.S. Capitol with a mob of Trump loyalists Wednesday, entering congressional offices and putting his feet up on lawmakers’ furniture, he also chatted live with more than 16,000 of his fans. Using a livestreaming site called Dlive, Gionet — known by the online alias “Baked Alaska” — broadcast his actions inside the Capitol. Through Dlive, his fans then sent him messages telling him where to go to avoid capture by the police. They also tipped him with “lemons,” a Dlive currency that can be converted into real money, through which Gionet made more than $2,000 on Wednesday, according to online estimates. Gionet ...

Google bans Parler from Android app store
Post Date: 2021-01-09 08:31:31 by Ada
Mainstream social media sites have banned Donald Trump and others on the right. Google has banned the conservative social media app Parler from its Play Store for Android. In a statement to Ars, Google said it was enforcing long-standing policies requiring that social media apps remove "egregious content like posts that incite violence." "We’re aware of continued posting in the Parler app that seeks to incite ongoing violence in the US," a Google spokesman told Ars. "In light of this ongoing and urgent public safety threat, we are suspending the app’s listings from the Play Store until it addresses these issues." While Google didn't specify ...

Did Kamala Harris Steal Her Childhood Story About Calling for ‘Fweedom’ from MLK?
Post Date: 2021-01-05 17:31:02 by BTP Holdings
Did Kamala Harris Steal Her Childhood Story About Calling for ‘Fweedom’ from MLK? California Sen. Kamala Harris speaks during a drive-in rally Sunday in Savannah, Georgia, ahead of Tuesday's Senate runoff elections. An anecdote Harris told for an interview published in October is drawing new attention for its similarity to a story told by Martin Luther King Jr. for a 1965 interview. (Michael M. Santiago / Getty Images) By C. Douglas Golden Published January 5, 2021 at 6:59am Kamala Harris doesn’t have to pander to the black community. Really. She’s just making it worse at this point. Ever since Rep. Tulsi Gabbard dismantled Harris on a debate stage during the ...

The Silent Ones At It Again? Private Spies vs. Shadow Intel Community
Post Date: 2021-01-04 06:39:52 by noone222
Poster Comment:Just remember it was Victoria Toensing that admitted on a Sean Hannity interview that "ALL INTEL AGENCIES" work for the international bankers. And it was I that dutifully reported that here on 4UM !

Post Date: 2021-01-03 12:04:58 by Esso

Beware of Biden’s $200 Gun Tax
Post Date: 2021-01-01 17:14:43 by BTP Holdings
Beware of Biden’s $200 Gun Tax Isabelle Morales | Posted: Oct 30, 2020 12:01 AM The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Beware of Biden’s $200 Gun Tax Source: AP Photo/Julio Cortez Joe Biden would force semiautomatic rifle owners to either participate in a gun buyback program, or register their firearm under the National Firearms Act, which requires the payment of a $200 tax. This would extend to AR-15s and other common household rifles. Those who do not comply would face up to 10 years in federal prison, and a potential $10,000 fine. This is yet another violation of Joe Biden's pledge against any tax ...

Trump Lawyer Lin Wood Says Jeffrey Epstein is Still Alive
Post Date: 2021-01-01 07:45:11 by Ada
Lin Wood is a lawyer for Donald Trump. He just tweeted that Jeffrey Epstein is still alive. Epstein may or may not be secretly alive – I have no idea and neither does anyone else, frankly. But this is interesting: Lin Wood is a full-on QAnon kook, by any measure. And he is very close to the President. The same is true of Sidney Powell. Here’s the question I want to ask: do you think Alt-Right people could have gotten this close to the President, if the Alt-Right had been managed differently? Answer: obviously, we could have. So, if you ever wonder why Nick Fuentes is so strict with who he allows to be involved with America First – this is why. The Alt-Right was ...

Political Correctness in the History of the South
Post Date: 2020-12-31 08:36:49 by Ada
I was recently gifted The South Was Right, by James Ronald and Walter Donald Kennedy, an updated version of a work originally produced in 1994. Seeking an antidote to the PC historiography in which our universities are now awash, I happily plunged into this printed gift. The present “leftist ideologues,” more than their predecessors, hate the white South and have worked tirelessly to discredit it, facing no significant opposition. As a result, “everything associated with the traditional, conservative Bible-believing South has been demonized.” This is especially true since “older forms of Marxism,” the Kennedy brothers write, have been replaced by ...

Dr Birx announces retirement after criticism over holiday trip
Post Date: 2020-12-23 11:13:40 by Esso
Poster Comment:Golly, another 'Rona victim. I'll miss Dr. Scarf.

Massie, Gabbard team up on bill to repeal the Patriot Act
Post Date: 2020-12-17 10:14:08 by Ada
Reps. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) and Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) have teamed up to introduce a bill designed to repeal the Patriot Act. The two House members are proposing bipartisan legislation designed to limit government surveillance of people without warrants and probable cause. The Protect Our Civil Liberties Act would repeal both the Patriot Act and the FISA Amendments Act that permitted government agencies to collect mass telephone and email data. Gabbard and Massie argue that this surveillance violates Americans’ right to privacy and their civil liberties. In a video announcement Wednesday, Gabbard said the bill would make sure that Congress "reexamines how best to strike ...

Truth Revealed About Hillary Clinton: CEO of Overstock Drops Bomb!
Post Date: 2020-12-17 04:20:31 by noone222
Poster Comment:If true the deep state is really deep ... FBI, DOJ, CIA, all compromised.

REPORT: Joe Biden Already Planning Executive Orders On Gun Control
Post Date: 2020-12-14 13:20:31 by BTP Holdings
REPORT: Joe Biden Already Planning Executive Orders On Gun Control By Mike LaChance Published December 10, 2020 at 11:23pm Joe Biden has not even been certified as the winner of the 2020 election yet, but is already reportedly crafting new measures for gun control. And it should come as no surprise that he is not even planning legislation to send to America’s representatives but rather is planning to take steps through executive action. As usual, Democrats just can’t wait to take rights away from law abiding citizens. The Washington Examiner reports: Gun control first for Biden executive orders Joe Biden plans to move quickly against guns, adding the issue to his list of ...

Sidney Powell: Trump Could Trigger 2018 Executive Order
Post Date: 2020-12-14 11:27:15 by BTP Holdings
Sidney Powell: Trump Could Trigger 2018 Executive Order December 13, 2020 | by Joe Kovacs With time running out for President Trump, attorney Sidney Powell is raising the option for the commander in chief to invoke his 2018 executive order concerning foreign interference in U.S. elections. The order, signed by Trump on Sept. 12, 2018, states “not later than 45 days after the conclusion of a United States election, the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate executive departments and agencies (agencies), shall conduct an assessment of any information indicating that a foreign government, or any person acting as an agent of or on ...

The Supreme Court’s Claim of Discretion is Unconstitutional
Post Date: 2020-12-14 10:43:44 by Ada
QUESTION: Do you think this is over for Trump? GH ANSWER: Yes. They need to go back to the Supreme Court and argue that the Judiciary Act of 1925 is UNCONSTITUTIONAL because it created discretion to hear cases when the Supreme Court is the ONLY court created by the Constitution. The Supreme Court made it abundantly clear that “The Supreme Court alone possesses jurisdiction derived immediately from the Constitution, and of which the legislative power cannot deprive it.” Stevenson v Fain, 195 US 165, 167 (1904). In Reid v Covert, 384 US 1, 41 (1987) this Court quoted Lord Coke: “God send me never to live under the law of conveniency or discretion.” The jurisdiction of ...

Regarding the Supreme Court, Dick Morris says an unsayable truth.
Post Date: 2020-12-13 08:40:13 by Ada
Friday night, the Supreme Court’s rejected Texas’s case against the disputed states for “lack of standing.” There are a lot of theories for this decision, but Dick Morris said the unsayable: The Supreme Court was intimidated by the Democrats’ promised court-packing scheme. The Texas lawsuit went directly to the Supreme Court because it is the only court that can litigate a dispute between two states, and therefore has original jurisdiction for such disputes. Texas’s claim was that the defendant states, by violating constitutional mandates for conducting their elections, injured Texas – which used legal means to vote for Trump – by fraudulently ...

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