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Re-Politicize the Supreme Court
Post Date: 2020-09-28 08:43:02 by Ada
For most of its history, the nation's highest court was a highly partisan affair. It should be again. In modern American politics each death or retirement of a Supreme Court justice seems to result in a mass wailing, with the threat that a new balance of power could upend the righteous legitimacy of the high court. This fear is an unhealthy, but predictable side effect of treating an assortment of judges like they were apolitical seraphs, hovering above the rest of our elected, mortal government. This divine treatment, where the Supreme Court’s decisions are the thread that the republic hangs on, is a sensational departure from its humbler origins. There is a reason why ...

The Trump Administration’s Human Rights Confidence Game: Targeting Adversaries, Excusing Allies
Post Date: 2020-09-28 08:07:36 by Ada
Promoting human rights is a central tenet of US foreign policy. Sometimes. In practice, Washington is most enthusiastic about defending life, liberty, and happiness where America has the least clout. And American policymakers most often remain silent when allied governments, whom the US could most influence, are detaining, torturing, and murdering opponents. The Trump administration has taken this approach to an extreme, losing all credibility on the issue. For President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo human rights are a weapon to be used against adversaries. When friends are the abusers, the issue is quietly and speedily dismissed, never to be mentioned again. Last week ...

"She's "THE" Lockdown Judge" (Amy Barrett)
Post Date: 2020-09-28 06:58:54 by noone222
Poster Comment:Lawyer, Robert Barrett, speaks with Alex Jones about Trump's choice for the supreme court and says emphatically that she is the lock down Judge. She has ruled in the past that the Constitution can be set aside under a health crisis scenario.

After Conservative Ideologists Supported the Lockdown, Conservative Ideology is Dead Forever
Post Date: 2020-09-27 08:42:36 by Ada
The Jew ideologist Jonah Goldberg doesn’t think the government has a right to interfere with private businesses. Unless there’s a virus, in which case the government has an absolute right to completely collapse the entire middle class and destroy every small business. The one condition is that they show you a graph. In April, the entire media apparatus, including allegedly independent media, acted in unison to support the coronavirus lockdown. The virus was presented as a public health crisis that was beyond politics, and it was claimed that there was a single possible response to it, which was for the government to lock people in their houses by passing decrees which ...

British Ambassador Craig Murray Exposes the Corrupt and Censored Assange Extradition Hearing
Post Date: 2020-09-26 09:38:00 by Ada
Ambassador Murray is upfront: “I strongly expect the final decision was made in this case even before opening arguments were received.” Although the hearing is being conducted in a British court, the US government has controlled the hearing and has determined what evidence could be presented: “The plan of the US Government throughout has been to limit the information available to the public and limit the effective access to a wider public of what information is available. Thus we have seen the extreme restrictions on both physical and video access. A complicit mainstream media has ensured that those of us who know what is happening are very few in the wider ...

Kamala Harris Is Not Eligible to Be Vice-President of the United States
Post Date: 2020-09-25 15:59:59 by BTP Holdings
Kamala Harris Is Not Eligible to Be Vice-President of the United States FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 2020 @ 12:57 PM The Constitution says that a vice-president must meet the same eligibility requirements as the president: "[N]o person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States." Article II of the Constitution specifies "[n]o person except a natural born citizen...shall be eligible to the office of President." Senator Kamala Harris is not, from a constitutional standpoint, a natural-born citizen of the United States. She was born on American soil, but that’s not enough to qualify for birthright ...

Innocent Until Proven Trump Supporter
Post Date: 2020-09-24 22:09:31 by Bill D Berger
Guest Post by Ann Coulter During a BLM “peaceful protest” in Omaha, Nebraska, on May 30 (over George Floyd’s dying of a heart attack while in police custody in Minneapolis), James Scurlock was peacefully protesting by breaking into an architecture firm — hoisting an office chair and hurling it into two computer monitors, then ripping a phone from a desk and throwing it against the wall, as his friend shattered another monitor — all of which was captured on video. Nearby, Jake Gardner, an Iraq War veteran and Trump supporter, was keeping watch over the two bars he owned, The Hive and The Gatsby, aided by his 68-year-old father and a security guard. The peaceful ...

Do We Still Have a Constitution?
Post Date: 2020-09-24 10:07:47 by Ada
I have been taking some heat from friends and colleagues for my steadfast defense of personal liberties and my arguments that the Constitution — when interpreted in accordance with the plain meaning of its words, and informed by history — does not permit the government to infringe upon personal freedoms, no matter the emergency or pandemic. For those who agree with me, worry not. We will persevere. For those who trust the government, worry a lot. You are not in good hands. The purpose of the Constitution is to establish the government and to limit it. Some of the limitations are written in the Constitution itself. Most of the limitations that pertain to personal freedoms are ...

Alan Dershowitz to Newsmax TV: Barrett Could Make Roe V. Wade Unconstitutional
Post Date: 2020-09-24 07:29:49 by BTP Holdings
Alan Dershowitz to Newsmax TV: Barrett Could Make Roe V. Wade Unconstitutional (Newsmax TV's "Greg Kelly Reports") By Tauren Dyson | Tuesday, 22 September 2020 08:19 PM Federal judge Amy Coney Barrett might be the front-runner to fill the Supreme Court seat that opened up after the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, but her views on the right to life could overturn abortion if she got the opportunity to sit on the high court, legal expert Alan Dershowitz told Newsmax TV. "What worries me most about Judge Barrett, who's very smart . . . She has, however, written that she believes there may be a constitutional right to life," Dershowitz told Tuesday's ...

Justice Sleeps and ‘We the People’ Suffer: No, the U.S. Supreme Court Will Not Save Us
Post Date: 2020-09-23 09:20:27 by Ada
“The Constitution is not neutral. It was designed to take the government off the backs of the people.”—Justice William O. Douglas The U.S. Supreme Court will not save us. It doesn’t matter which party gets to pick the replacement to fill Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s seat on the U.S. Supreme Court. The battle that is gearing up right now is yet more distraction and spin to keep us oblivious to the steady encroachment on our rights by the architects of the American Police State. Americans can no longer rely on the courts to mete out justice. Battlefield America: T... John W. Whitehead Best Price: $10.95 Buy New $18.80 (as of 10:15 EST - Details) Although the ...

Suspect Arrested After 84-Year-Old Trump Supporter Beaten in Savage Daylight Attack
Post Date: 2020-09-20 17:00:41 by BTP Holdings
Suspect Arrested After 84-Year-Old Trump Supporter Beaten in Savage Daylight Attack By Jack Davis Published September 20, 2020 at 10:16am What began as a California rally on behalf of President Donald Trump ended up with a 33-year-old man being arrested after three Trump supporters were attacked. Supporters showed up to show their backing for the president on Wednesday in Aliso Viejo. Then things turned ugly, as recounted by Trump supporter Donna Snow, 84, who said she was struck by a man who got into the Trump supporters’ faces. “He just took his hand way back like he was going to punch me, and [he] hit me right across the face,” Snow said, according to KCAL- TV. ...

Here’s who might succeed Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court
Post Date: 2020-09-19 09:53:35 by Ada
Trump may announce a nominee to succeed Ruth Bader Ginsburg in days: report Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death on Friday at 87 is sure to spark a battle over who will fill her seat. Here are some of the judges who could be in line to succeed her on the high court, should President Trump choose to nominate someone: Amy Coney Barrett A judge on the US Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit, Barrett was on Trump’s shortlist for his second Supreme Court nomination, which ultimately went to Justice Brett Kavanaugh in 2018. A graduate of Notre Dame University Law School, she clerked for the late conservative Justice Antonin Scalia and then spent two decades as a law ...

Meet the Judge That Trump's Reportedly Been 'Saving'
Post Date: 2020-09-19 09:45:38 by Ada
Amy Coney Barrett is at the top of the short list (Newser) – With the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, there's now an opening on the US Supreme Court, and with that a few possibilities to be President Trump's nominee, if he's indeed the one to make that nomination. USA Today reports on some names now being floated, including Allison Eid, a judge for the US Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit, and Britt Grant, a judge for the 11th US Circuit Court of Appeals who, at 42, is so far the youngest name mentioned for Ginsburg's seat. CNN adds in a few more, including Sen. Tom Cotton and Barbara Lagoa, an 11th US Circuit Court of Appeals judge who would be the second Supreme ...

RBG Death Means Two-Headed Uniparty Will Threaten Americans With Removal Of Civil Rights
Post Date: 2020-09-19 09:13:07 by Ada
US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died, which means the US election is going to revolve around abortion and other civil rights for the foreseeable future. Which won’t change much since this presidential race hasn’t really been about anything since the end of the Democratic primaries. The opportunistic galvanization process has already begun before Ginsburg’s body is even cold, with liberal influencers calling Democrats to rally to a November win for “the notorious RBG” and Trump supporters dropping their faux anti-establishment schtick and metamorphosing into a bunch of mini-Mitch McConnells. Leftists are being shrieked at by mainstream Dems that ...

WATCH: Dad Getting Food for His Kids During Outbreak Owns 6 Cops Harassing Him for It
Post Date: 2020-09-17 12:40:38 by BTP Holdings
WATCH: Dad Getting Food for His Kids During Outbreak Owns 6 Cops Harassing Him for It Jack Burns March 31, 2020 Fort Smith, AR — It is illegal for police officers to pull reasons out of thin air and invent probable cause to pull over motorists, detain, and question law abiding citizens who have not committed any crimes. Still, we at TFTP regularly report incidents of this happening almost on a daily basis. Luke Ashlocke is one of these cases and claims Fort Smith police have been targeting him for harassment. His most recent interaction with Fort Smith officer Cassidy is proof, Ashlocke says, the cops have targeted him. He sent us the video and says watching videos and stories ...

Top US officials considered removing Trump using 25th amendment, FBI lawyers confirm
Post Date: 2020-09-10 15:40:37 by BTP Holdings
Top US officials considered removing Trump using 25th amendment, FBI lawyers confirm Corroboration came in secret congressional hearings last year Tim Wyatt Sunday 17 February 2019 11:57 An explosive claim that senior officials at the FBI and Justice Department discussed forcing Donald Trump out of office has been backed by two more witnesses in secret Congressional hearings. Former acting head of the FBI Andrew McCabe revealed earlier this week there had been conversations at the top echelons of the government about invoking the 25th Amendment to remove Mr Trump after he fired FBI director James Comey in May 2017. Mr McCabe told CBS News officials at the Justice Department had held ...

America's Caste System & "Deviating From The Norm"
Post Date: 2020-09-09 23:51:26 by Bill D Berger
Authored by Bruce Wilds via Advancing Time blog, Variety is the spice of life but when does it go too far? When does a person move from being a nonconformist to where they are just plain weird?  This is not a question that is easily answered. A sub-group of our population that is difficult to define is that of "weirdos." Even in our politically correct society, this is a subject that merits more than a quick once over. The dictionary defines a weirdo as a person who is extraordinarily strange or eccentric. With that in mind, it is important to ponder the effect these individuals have upon society and our culture.googletag.cmd.push(function() { ...

Post Date: 2020-09-08 01:56:43 by john stadtmiller
AUSTIN (KXAN) — Governor Greg Abbott extended the Disaster Declaration for all Texas counties in response to COVID-19 on Monday. Gov. Abbott originally issued the declaration on March 13 when there were less than 50 reported cases of COVID-19 in the state. Click for Full Text!

Gun Rights Group Dismantles Case Against Kyle Rittenhouse
Post Date: 2020-09-05 12:59:07 by BTP Holdings
Gun Rights Group Dismantles Case Against Kyle Rittenhouse By Jake Dima Published September 2, 2020 at 6:44pm > A spokesman for Gun Owners of America told the Daily Caller News Foundation that the organization believes Kyle Rittenhouse was “forced to fire in self-defense” the night he shot three people, killing two of them, in Kenosha, Wisconsin. > Rice said Rittenhouse appeared to have been trained and handled the situation with discipline and precision. > The teenager’s lawyer denies the claim that Rittenhouse was a vigilante and that he was in possession of an illegal firearm. A spokesman for Gun Owners of America, a prominent Second Amendment group, told the ...

Kamala Harris Choice Creates Most Anti-Gun Presidential Ticket in History
Post Date: 2020-09-01 20:14:11 by BTP Holdings
Kamala Harris Choice Creates Most Anti-Gun Presidential Ticket in History SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 2020 Kamala Harris Choice Creates Most Anti-Gun Presidential Ticket in History SUPPORT NRA-ILA Between presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s calls for firearm confiscation and the draft Democratic Party Platform, the 2020 Democratic ticket was already shaping up to be the most anti-Second Amendment in history. With Biden’s, or his team of able-minded handlers’, choice of Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) for the vice presidential slot, the Biden campaign and the Democratic Party have cemented this ignominious distinction. Biden’s advanced age and visible ...

The Anti-Federalists Were Not Anti-Nationalists
Post Date: 2020-08-31 08:38:33 by Ada
Yoram Hazony and Ofir Haivry's binary account of America's early years is in need of a bit of revision. Andrew Jackson is a clear indication that the anti-Federalist tendency in early America was not an anti-nationalist one. A piece by Ofir Haivry and Yoram Hazony on the TAC website in June certainly seemed designed to provoke thought on the topic of American nationalism and its origins (“American Nationalism,” June 18). One hopes that it did so, as their thesis is indeed provocative and worthy of rumination and discussion—along with, perhaps, some respectful correctives. Recognizing that the idea of nationalism is in bad odor these days in many quarters of the ...

The Rise of Authoritarianism: From Parasite Stress Theory to Lock Step
Post Date: 2020-08-30 18:29:57 by Bill D Berger
By Derrick BrozeEmpirical evidence indicates that the spread of pathogens leads populations to become more conformist and accepting of authoritarian behavior from governments – what does this mean for the world of COVID19? As discussed in Multiple Studies Predicted Governments Become Authoritarian in Response to Pandemics, we have an abundance of scientific data highlighting how humans react to perceived threats and how that relates to the type of government the people will accept. I examined the study Pathogens and Politics: Further Evidence That Parasite Prevalence Predicts Authoritarianism, as well as other studies focused on the “parasite stress theory.” The theory ...

In Defense of Kyle Rittenhouse
Post Date: 2020-08-30 09:16:01 by Ada
More shots have been fired in the trial run of the second American Civil War. On August 25th, Kyle Rittenhouse, a seventeen-year-old citizen-militia member, was attacked at least twice by a Black Lives Matter and Antifa mob during a riot in Kenosha, Wisconsin. He was armed with a rifle, and with it killed two of his attackers and injured a third. This third attacker was about to fire a pistol at him when Rittenhouse nearly blew off his arm. That Rittenhouse is entirely blameless and fired his weapon in self-defense should come as no surprise to anyone who’s been following this story from its beginnings. Also not surprising is how all three victims had criminal records (one being a ...

WATCH: Historic Civil Rights Figure Clarence Henderson: ‘If You Do Vote For Biden, You Don’t Know History’
Post Date: 2020-08-28 22:04:23 by BTP Holdings
WATCH: Historic Civil Rights Figure Clarence Henderson: ‘If You Do Vote For Biden, You Don’t Know History’ "Donald Trump is offering real and lasting change." By Paul Bois Aug 27, 2020 CHARLOTTE, NC - AUGUST 26: (EDITORIAL USE ONLY) In this screenshot from the RNC’s livestream of the 2020 Republican National Convention, civil rights activist Clarence Henderson addresses the virtual convention on August 26, 2020. The convention is being held virtually due to the coronavirus pandemic but will include speeches from various locations including Charlotte, North Carolina and Washington, DC. Committee on Arrangements for the 2020 Republican ...

Major Cities Defunding Police Forces Plan to Request UN Police Officers To Take Their Place To “Keep Order”!
Post Date: 2020-08-27 16:02:04 by Bill D Berger
ALERT: UN Police Training Center is in… China! Police Services can be replaced by UN Police! Chinese Police Officers! Brought to you by BLM and the NWO! Investment Watch

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