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Post Date: 2020-01-20 03:56:13 by Uncle Bill
TYRANNY AT THE DOOR IN VIRGINIA American Greatness By Ned Ryun January 18, 2020 The gun grabbers are at it again, this time in Virginia. Sadly, it didn’t just happen overnight; it’s been building for years. It began when Ralph “Blackface” Northam became the governor of Virginia in 2017, then advanced another step when the Democratic Party took control of the Virginia General Assembly last year. In part, these events transpired because of the efforts by Michael Bloomberg and George Soros to put Virginia in their crosshairs by dumping millions of dollars into state and local elections. With Northam at the helm and a general assembly ready to back his every wish, gun ...

Richmond 2A Rallygoers To Be Corralled Into “Chain-Link Pen” With Only One Way In And Out
Post Date: 2020-01-19 21:03:18 by Bill D Berger
By Chris Menahan Folks attending the Second Amendment rally at the Capitol grounds in Richmond, Virginia on Monday will be barred from exercising their Second Amendment rights and corralled into a chain-link “pen” with only one entrance and exit. From The Washington Post: This is what it looks like inside the rally zone. — Ford Fischer (@FordFischer) January 19, 2020Outside the Capitol, authorities used tall chain-link barriers to create a pie-shaped pen for the rally. The area takes up about a third of Capitol Square, a manicured park dotted with monuments to figures ranging from Native Americans and George Washington to a segregationist governor ...

West Virginia Asserts its Statehood: Virginia is Divided Again |
Post Date: 2020-01-19 11:29:14 by Ada
With a match one has no need of a lever; one does not lift up the world, one burns it. —The Fire in the Minds of Men In the State of Virginia we can find the essence of the American Revolution, and from its distinguished men came the words necessary to craft the documents declaring Americans as a free people and defining their standing as sovereign; the governments below them were bound by Law as their servants. Over the course of the many years after the Declaration of Independence until the deliberately created “Civil War” of 1861, Virginia maintained its prominence as the center of the United States; an intellectual and moral citadel protecting the Union, clarifying ...

WaPo Opens Front Page Article About Virginia Rally With “Charlottesville White Supremacists”
Post Date: 2020-01-19 08:17:46 by Ada
READ: Don’t Go to This Virginia Gun Rally – It is Just Charlottesville All Over Again I have been seeing people claiming that Monday’s rally in Virginia will be “normie conservatives,” and that this means that the cops aren’t going to attack them and create a Charlottesville type situation. However, it doesn’t matter who is at the rally. All that matters is who the media says is at the rally. And even before it has happened, the media has already totally settled on the idea that the rally will be filled with the same “White Supremacist Neo-Nazis” they claimed made up the entirety of the 2017 Charlottesville “Unite the Right” ...

BREAKING: Democrats conspiring to stage false flag bloodshed on Jan. 20th in Virginia – “Charlottesville 2.0” – in order to ignite a civil war and mass chaos
Post Date: 2020-01-18 20:28:31 by Ada
(Natural News) The stage is being set by Democrats and the complicit left-wing media (CNN) to turn Jan. 20th “Lobby Day” in Richmond, Virginia into a false flag bloodbath that will attempt to frame gun owners as terrorists and provide the justification for state-wide martial law and the confiscation of all firearms from citizens. Ultimately, the plan is to escalate the conflict into regional civil war and widespread chaos that Democrats hope could help destabilize America and remove Trump from office, no matter what it takes. We are issuing this urgent warning because all the signs of this imminent false flag are rapidly falling into place. For example, yesterday the ...

Suspected Neo-Nazi Arrested Before VA Gun Rally Is Actually an Illegal Immigrant
Post Date: 2020-01-18 10:18:06 by BTP Holdings
Suspected Neo-Nazi Arrested Before VA Gun Rally Is Actually an Illegal Immigrant Man Arrested in High-Profile Crime Is Actually Here Illegally Volume 90% By C. Douglas Golden Published January 17, 2020 at 9:38am I often suspect I’ve woken up inside a Tom Clancy novel when I open The New York Times app and hear about how the neo-Nazi threat is all around us. Granted, actual white nationalists are a legitimate problem we shouldn’t underestimate, but I suspect it’s more a question of a bunch of out-of-shape guys in the Idaho wilderness doing some military cosplay rather than a massive secret cabal of alt-righters bubbling just under the tectonic plates of ...

Northam Declares 'State of Emergency' as Militias Prepare To March on Richmond
Post Date: 2020-01-17 19:33:27 by BTP Holdings
Northam Declares 'State of Emergency' as Militias Prepare To March on Richmond 'State of Emergency' Declared as Militias Eye Capitol Volume 90% By Jared Harris Published January 15, 2020 at 5:13pm The die has been cast in Virginia. As citizens and militia groups prepare for a Jan. 20 march on Richmond in protest of Democrats’ shameless gun control measures, the commonwealth’s governor has declared a state of emergency in an attempt to disarm the protesting citizens. Governor Ralph Northam issued Executive Order 49 on Wednesday, a “declaration of a state of emergency due to potential civil unrest at the Virginia state capitol.” Northam ...

Family Sues DEA and TSA After Elderly Man's Life Savings Were Seized at Airport
Post Date: 2020-01-17 02:13:22 by Bill D Berger
A class-action lawsuit is now challenging the DEA's habit of seizing large amounts of cash from travelers without evidence of any crime. (Institute for Justice) Terrence Rolin kept his life savings in a Tupperware container, but all that money now belongs to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), even though the 79-year-old retired railroad engineer hasn't been charged with a crime.When Rolin's daughter, Rebecca Brown, tried to take her fathers' savings—$82,373 in cash—on an airplane, a DEA agent seized it simply because large amounts of cash are considered suspicious by the agency.Brown and Rolin are now the lead plaintiffs in a federal class-action lawsuit ...

Gun Grabbers Who Complained About Big Money Were Funded Almost Entirely by Big Money
Post Date: 2020-01-12 20:57:02 by BTP Holdings
Gun Grabbers Who Complained About Big Money Were Funded Almost Entirely by Big Money Anti-Gun Group Reeks of Hypocrisy After Source of Funding Revealed Volume 90% By C. Douglas Golden Published January 12, 2020 at 7:18am If you go to the website for March for Our Lives — the supposedly student-run gun control organization that popped up in the aftermath of the 2018 Parkland school shooting — you can print out a price tag that says what the life of each student is worth by state. Come again? Perhaps I should let them explain it: “We’ve calculated the price of each student in states across the country, based on the millions of dollars politicians have ...

How’s This Working Nancy?
Post Date: 2020-01-11 10:08:28 by Ada
Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been clinging to her bill of impeachment for one reason: hoping that a judge will rule to release all the evidence and depositions collected by Robert Mueller’s investigation. What’s wrong with that? Mr. Mueller failed to find any prosecutable crimes. That was the sum and substance of his two-year-long exercise in bad faith. In which case, all that material is officially and legally evidence of nothing. Impeachment is a political act and sealed evidence of nothing can’t be released to one set of political actors in a political quarrel for use as a political weapon. More to the point — and to Mrs. Pelosi’s real motive here — the ...

POLICE STATE: Cops Used A Loophole To STEAL Millions From People Who Committed NO Crime
Post Date: 2020-01-03 18:03:57 by Ada
Police officers in Missouri stole $2.6 million from drivers they knew had committed no crime. The cops used a loophole in the Federal government’s law to get away the theft. As part of a larger series on national asset forfeiture cases organized by the Pulitzer Center, St. Louis Public Radio reported that St. Charles County law enforcement coerced at least 39 unsuspecting motorists into signing over their assets in 2018. This won’t be widely reported on, however, you can bet we Americans live in an oppressive police state. The laws protect the ruling class from us and allow them to steal from us. Martial Law Masquerading as Law and Order: The Police State’s Language of ...

Suffer any Wrong Rather than Go to Court
Post Date: 2020-01-03 10:22:29 by Ada
COMMENT: Judge Jackson & the Lack of Judicial Impartiality Martin in this very illuminating post you say: “Clearly, the most dangerous flaw appears to be intentional – Congress appoints judges not lawyers”. You’ve missed an important point here. At the time of the founding most judges were “appointed” by the people; through elections! Yes, with the federal courts it doesn’t work that way. But, with the inferior courts at the state and local level it still does; though the right has been assailed and so somewhat curtailed. Still, it is estimated some 50,000 judge-ships are subject to the ballot; a power, like so many others, fully squandered by the ...

Former Fed Prosecutor Only Needs 2 Minutes To Destroy Peter Strzok's 1st Amendment Claims
Post Date: 2020-01-01 11:46:02 by BTP Holdings
Former Fed Prosecutor Only Needs 2 Minutes To Destroy Peter Strzok's 1st Amendment Claims Saul Loeb / AFP via Getty Images Former FBI agent Peter Strzok frowns while preparing to testify before the House of Representatives in July 2018. In a court filing Monday, Strzok argued that his firing from the FBI last year was a violation of his First Amendment rights, but former prosecutor and commentator Andrew McCarthy thinks otherwise. (Saul Loeb / AFP via Getty Images) By Joe Saunders Published December 31, 2019 at 9:55am Even a disgraced former FBI agent should know when he has no case. But Peter Strzok, the one-time head of counterintelligence for the bureau, argued in a court ...

Nullify Government Tyranny: In 2020, Harness the Power of Your Discontent
Post Date: 2020-01-01 09:52:17 by Ada
“The people have the power, all we have to do is awaken that power in the people. The people are unaware. They’re not educated to realize that they have power. The system is so geared that everyone believes the government will fix everything. We are the government.”—John Lennon Twenty years into the 21st century, and what do we have to show for it? Government corruption, tyranny and abuse have propelled us at warp speed towards a full-blown police state in which egregious surveillance, roadside strip searches, police shootings of unarmed citizens, censorship, retaliatory arrests, the criminalization of lawful activities, warmongering, indefinite detentions, SWAT team ...

Why Americans Fear Trial by Jury
Post Date: 2019-12-31 09:25:00 by Ada
Draconian punishments for minor acts and politicized prosecutors have brought faith in the justice system crashing down. Everyone on both left and right these days is demanding rights—but not the earliest and most important one, the historic right to trial by a jury of one’s peers. Today, over 90 percent of American defendants waive that right in favor of a prosecutor’s proposed plea bargain, because, as Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz notes in his new book Guilt by Association, they are warned that the penalty at the trial stage will be excessively higher. Dershowitz offers frightening examples. Two men picked up their uncle after committing a robbery, making him ...

USMCA and the Yellow Brick Road to World Government
Post Date: 2019-12-28 18:14:20 by Uncle Bill
USMCA and the Yellow Brick Road to World Government By Joan Holleman Brown Jun 19, 2019 We’re off to see the Wizard, the Wonderful Wizard of Trade. The media is ready for Congress to don Dorothy’s red slippers and dance down the Yellow Brick Road to the Wizard of Trade’s creation—the United States-Mexico-Canada-Agreement. The USMCA is that so-called “free trade” deal to replace the North American Free Trade Agreement—NAFTA. President Trump’s Trade Wizard is Robert Lighthizer, a long time New World Order member of the globalist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). And, it is “Curtain Time!” The scarecrow without a brain represents ...

Censorship Isn't Working: Traffic to Alt-Right Websites Continues to Rise, Surpasses Left-Wing and Alt-Con Sites
Post Date: 2019-12-27 09:50:20 by Ada
While these individuals have taken over the Trump populist movement, their ideas are simply not taking. When it comes to popular support, the besieged alt-right is still significantly stronger than what these alt-"cuckservatives" turned Millennial memers and South Park libertarians have to offer, in spite of a gargantuan inequality in funding and ability to operate freely. The abrupt take down of Red Ice TV, a Youtube sensation, is the latest in tactical censorship being conducted by Zionist organizations. In just three years, American intellectual elites have gone from defending Richard Spencer's right to speak in public spaces to embracing Chinese-style censorship in ...

Americans Send Resounding Rebuke to Gun-Grabbing Democrats in Virginia
Post Date: 2019-12-25 19:38:21 by BTP Holdings
Americans Send Resounding Rebuke to Gun-Grabbing Democrats in Virginia Gun-Grabbing Democrats Just Got Put In Their Place Volume 90% By Lori Flaherty Published December 23, 2019 at 10:05am Americans have had enough of the progressive left’s relentless attempts to neuter the Second Amendment, and there has been no greater grassroots response to unconstitutional maneuvers than in Virginia. Virginia Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam’s vow to push gun control laws through the General Assembly, where his party now holds the majority in both the state Senate and House of Delegates, sparked a swift and resounding backlash from Old Dominion citizens. Democrats wasted no time ...

Did The Supreme Court Just Pull The Rug Out From Under Article Of Impeachment?
Post Date: 2019-12-22 11:30:34 by BTP Holdings
Did The Supreme Court Just Pull The Rug Out From Under Article Of Impeachment? December 17, 2019 14797 Authored by Alan Dershowitz, op-ed via The Hill, The decision by the Supreme Court to review the lower court rulings involving congressional and prosecution subpoenas directed toward President Trump undercuts the second article of impeachment that passed the House Judiciary Committee along party lines last week. That second article of impeachment charges President Trump with obstruction of Congress for refusing to comply with congressional subpoenas in the absence of a final court order. In so charging him, the House Judiciary Committee has arrogated to itself the power to decide the ...

NAZBOL RISING: Swedish Communists Seek to Jetsam Multiculturalism, Homosexualism, Global Warmingism
Post Date: 2019-12-22 08:23:12 by Ada
“Nazbol,” a portmanteau of “Nationalist” and “Bolshevik,” has been a meme on the internet for a while. But finally a communist party is trying to implement it: in Sweden, of all places. And it has a long history. Despite the fact that communism is usually considered leftist, due to its Jewish roots, every single stable communist country ended up being socially right-wing in virtually every sense. They were certainly all very nationalistic. This confuses people. In particular, it confuses Americans. This is because Americans only have experience with communism as either the reining ideology of an enemy nation, or as a subversive element within our own ...

The Coup Becomes a Civil War – Trump Impeached
Post Date: 2019-12-21 19:52:55 by Ada
The Democrats declared war yesterday. Not on Donald Trump but on the United States and the Constitution. What started as a coup to overturn the 2016 election has now morphed into a Civil War as Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Fran-feces) presided over the passage of a bill which creates a clear Constitutional Crisis. And that means we have multiple factions vying for control of our government, the definition of a Civil War. In passing these articles of impeachment against President Trump Congress has arrogated to itself powers it does not have. The first article asserts a motive to Trump’s actions to invalidate his role as chief law enforcement officer for the country. It doesn’t ...

Reindeer Games
Post Date: 2019-12-21 10:22:28 by Ada
The WashPo staffers had barely finished toasting “merry impeachmas” — and then quickly deleting the incriminating tweet + photo that signaled their self-owned chagrin — when the implications of the day’s solemn work started sifting through those quarters of the alt-news media where the chronically self-owned don’t dare to go, or even look: Nancy Pelosi and her too-clever-by-half Lawfare grunts had engineered a Hanging Chad Impeachment. Apparently, Mrs. Pelosi wants to play Hide the Salami with the impeachment bill. She invoked some slippery procedure to stash it where the sun don’t shine in the hope that the senate won’t be able to follow through ...

Would Lindsey Graham Have Sent Richard Jewell to Gitmo?
Post Date: 2019-12-21 08:44:20 by Ada
If not for the Constitution and due process, the hero security guard might have never been vindicated—or seen the light of day. “And when they say, ‘I want my lawyer,’ you tell them: ‘Shut up. You don’t get a lawyer.’” So said Senator Lindsey Graham in 2011 about potential terror suspects apprehended within the U.S. even if they were American citizens. No legal representation. No due process. No constitutional rights. Graham appeared to believe detainees accused of terrorism should automatically be considered guilty because government officials he trusts say so. In 1996, security guard Richard Jewell was all but accused of being a terrorist. For ...

Richard Jewell, Carter Page And The Illusion Of The FBI’s Power And Competence
Post Date: 2019-12-19 07:49:29 by Ada
The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s reputation has been ravaged this month by the inspector general report that proved that the FBI deceived the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to secretly spy on a Trump campaign official. The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s reputation has been ravaged this month by the inspector general report that proved that the FBI deceived the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to secretly spy on a Trump campaign official. Even fired FBI chief James Comey was forced to admit that “I was wrong” in a Fox News interview Sunday regarding the FBI’s abuse of Carter Page. The Russiagate controversy could not have occurred unless ...

Pollak: House Democrats Violated the First, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments in Impeachment Inquiry
Post Date: 2019-12-17 22:23:36 by Dakmar
House Democrats violated the Bill of Rights in pursuing their impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump. Republicans have pointed out that Democrats’ articles of impeachment, especially the second article charging “obstruction of Congress,” punish the president for obeying the Constitution’s checks-and-balances. Yet Democrats have also violated the basic liberties protected by the Bill of Rights, in the following four ways: First Amendment: House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA), which led the impeachment inquiry, released a 300-page report in which he printed phone logs purportedly belonging to Ranking Member Devin Nunes (R-CA), ...

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