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Post Date: 2018-07-01 15:31:17 by Horse
Minneapolis, MN – Last week, The Free Thought Project reported that cops were caught involuntarily injecting unruly suspects with the powerful sedative ketamine, which police classify as a date rape drug. Since the initial story was made public, more details have emerged in the case, revealing a twisted study that has been going on for many years, researching the effects of different sedatives on patients, many times without their knowledge or consent. This research has been taking place at Hennepin Healthcare, under the supervision of doctors and full knowledge and encouragement from the local police. The Star Tribune interviewed numerous victims who were involuntarily enrolled in ...

The Supreme Court’s Deference to the Pentagon
Post Date: 2018-07-01 15:26:04 by Horse
Imagine a county sheriff that took a suspected drug-law violator into custody more than 10 years ago. Since then, the man has been held in jail without being accorded a trial. The district attorney and the sheriff promise to give the man a trial sometime in the future but they’re just not sure when. Meanwhile the man sits in jail indefinitely just waiting for his trial to begin. Difficult to imagine, right? That’s because most everyone would assume that a judge would never permit such a thing to happen. The man’s lawyer would file a petition for writ of habeas corpus. A judge would order the sheriff to produce the prisoner and show cause why the prisoner shouldn’t ...

KrisAnne Hall: Here’s Why Everyone Wins When Donald Trump Appoints SCOTUS Justices
Post Date: 2018-07-01 13:48:20 by BTP Holdings
KrisAnne Hall: Here’s Why Everyone Wins When Donald Trump Appoints SCOTUS Justices By KrisAnne Hall June 29, 2018 at 3:52pm If someone someday writes a book titled “The Demise of the American Republic,” the history of the Supreme Court will likely occupy the bulk of its pages. Two opinions from the Supreme Court of the United States serve to illustrate this point. These opinions may appear rather innocuous on the surface; however, they are anything but harmless. The great task of SCOTUS, according to James Madison (sometimes called “the father of the Constitution”) was for it to be an “impenetrable bulwark” protecting states’ rights and the ...

BREAKING NEWS: Trump says he's cut his Supreme Court short-list down to five candidates including TWO women and he'll announce a nominee July 9 – but he doesn't plan to ask any of them about Roe v. Wade
Post Date: 2018-06-30 11:57:03 by Ada
President is under pressure from conservatives to pick a reliably right-wing Supreme Court justice who would vote to overturn abortion rights Anthony Kennedy's retirement gives Trump his second pick in two years He said Friday that he doesn't plan to ask candidates about the Roe v. Wade case Anti-abortion leader says that's reasonable 'because they won’t answer him' Trump told reporters aboard Air Force One that his list of 25 has been winnowed down to just 5, including 2 women He promised a July 9 announcement of his choice and said he might be interviewing candidates this weekend at his New Jersey golf resort Trump is likely to pick a young jurist who can ...

The American Who Says He’s Been the Target of Five Air Strikes
Post Date: 2018-06-29 06:58:25 by Ada
A federal judge is allowing his suit to proceed, finding that his “interest in avoiding the erroneous deprivation of his life is uniquely compelling.” He was born Darrell Lamont Phelps. He grew up in Mount Vernon, New York, moved down to the city, tried his hand at comedy, and later converted to Islam, adopting the name of Bilal Abdul Kareem. Now 46 years old, he lives in the Middle East, where he has a wife, five children, and a controversial freelance-journalism career focused on Islamist fighters in the Syrian civil war. Make your inbox more interesting. Sign up for The Atlantic Daily for an overview of the day’s biggest news and most fascinating ideas. Email ...

Can Immigrants Be Deported Without a Trial?
Post Date: 2018-06-28 14:03:01 by Ada
Last weekend, President Donald Trump argued that those foreigners who enter the United States unlawfully should simply be taken to the border, escorted across it and let go. According to the president, this would save precious government resources, avoid the business of separating children from their parents and free up the Border Patrol and other federal assets to do their jobs. He is undoubtedly correct on the beneficial consequences to the government of forced deportation without due process. Yet deportation without a trial is profoundly unconstitutional. Here is the back story. The nation has been torn apart by the images of immigrant children — some are babies — being ...

Four Scary Facts Gun Owners Need to Know about Red Flag Gun Confiscation Bills
Post Date: 2018-06-28 06:07:18 by BTP Holdings
Four Scary Facts Gun Owners Need to Know about Red Flag Gun Confiscation Bills By: Ted Patterson “Extreme Risk Prevention Orders” (ERPOs) are popping up across the nation right now. Some states, like Florida and Maryland, have already passed these back-door gun control laws, while many other states are considering them. ERPOs, also known as “red flag” gun confiscation laws, are pitched as a way to get guns out of the hands of people who are a danger to themselves or others. In the aftermath of several school shootings this year, policy makers are considering how to keep guns out of the hands of individuals considered to be “high risk.” The problem is: What ...

Down With False Democracy, Up With True Self-Government
Post Date: 2018-06-27 06:12:04 by Ada
The Right and Left claim to be "democratic" while forgetting the liberal and republican principles that have made America great. It’s become commonplace to bemoan the lack of civility in American public discourse. Whether or not political coarseness is at an all-time high is debatable—much of the campaign material from, say, the Election of 1800 is certainly no-holds-barred—but the perception matters more than the substance. Certainly, for those in the political fray, compromise is far less feasible than it used to be. But what is the fight actually about? The Right and the Left are really contesting over irreconcilable visions of self-government, but they ...

Report: US has highest income inequality in the Western world
Post Date: 2018-06-25 08:28:40 by Ada
The American dream of mobility is turning into the American illusion UN ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, withdrew the US from the UN Human Rights Council just days before a report was to be presented detailing the threat which poverty poses to human rights in America, and the threat which it poses to America’s democracy. Haley’s withdrawal took place on Tuesday, and UN Special Rapporteur Philip Alston’s report came out on Friday. Haley’s personal position on the report was that it is ridiculous to pay attention to human rights and inequality in the US when there are issues in undeveloped nations in a sort of ‘don’t pay attention to us, look over ...

Collecting rainwater now illegal in many states as Big Government claims ownership over our water
Post Date: 2018-06-23 14:32:07 by BTP Holdings
Collecting rainwater now illegal in many states as Big Government claims ownership over our water Monday, July 26, 2010 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Editor of (See all articles...) (NaturalNews) Many of the freedoms we enjoy here in the U.S. are quickly eroding as the nation transforms from the land of the free into the land of the enslaved, but what I'm about to share with you takes the assault on our freedoms to a whole new level. You may not be aware of this, but many Western states, including Utah, Washington and Colorado, have long outlawed individuals from collecting rainwater on their own properties because, according to officials, that rain ...

U.S. centers force migrant children to take drugs: lawsuit
Post Date: 2018-06-21 21:32:45 by Dakmar
Immigrant children are being routinely and forcibly given a range of psychotropic drugs at U.S. government-funded youth shelters to manage their trauma after being detained and in some cases separated from parents, according to a lawsuit. Children held at facilities such as the Shiloh Treatment Center in Texas are almost certain to be administered the drugs, irrespective of their condition, and without their parents' consent, according to the lawsuit filed by the Los Angeles-based Center for Human Rights & Constitutional Law. The Shiloh center, which specializes in services for children and youths with behavioral and emotional problems, did not respond immediately to a request for ...

Old White Guys Need Not Apply
Post Date: 2018-06-20 06:48:13 by Ada
The victory of the plaintiff in recent Supreme Court case of Masterpiece Cakeshop Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission does not mean that all forms of discrimination are now legal in the United States. Far from it. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recently announced that it had settled a three-year-old lawsuit against Orlando-based Darden Restaurants, a Fortune 500 company with 1,700 restaurants and 175,000 employees that owns the brands Olive Garden, LongHorn Steakhouse, Cheddar’s Scratch Kitchen, Yard House, The Capital Grille, Bahama Breeze, Eddie V’s, and Seasons 52. The problem? The federal lawsuit, which was filed in February 2015, alleged ...

Trapped in the Closet
Post Date: 2018-06-19 17:59:51 by Ada
“Everything in our age conspires to turn the writer, and every other kind of artist as well, into a minor official, working on themes handed down from above and never telling what seems to him the whole of the truth.” —George Orwell What was true about this in the 1940s is true today. There is now an atmosphere of intimidation and self-censorship that is forcing a number of people, not just right-wingers, into a kind of ideological closet. They don’t feel they can speak their mind or step out from these grim left-wing orthodoxies and the lobby groups that see to it that no “dark truths” are ever spoken. It makes for a nervous situation. To shift to a ...

How to Get Off the Kill List
Post Date: 2018-06-16 17:59:46 by Ada
Years after George W. Bush created a secret “kill list” of alleged terrorism suspects, it remains murky how one gets on the list, and just as complicated to try to get off it, as Marjorie Cohn explains. After the 9/11 attacks, the Bush administration created a secret “kill list” to step up the targeting of alleged terrorists for assassination. The criteria for inclusion on the list have apparently morphed over three presidential administrations, yet they remain elusive. Last year, two journalists filed a federal lawsuit against Donald Trump and other high government officials, asking to be removed from the kill list until they have a meaningful opportunity to ...

These Progressive Cities Are Circumventing the Constitution
Post Date: 2018-06-13 06:34:41 by BTP Holdings
These Progressive Cities Are Circumventing the Constitution By: Friedrich Seiltgen Progressives across the country are using the Parkland, Florida shooting as their excuse to ignore the Second Amendment and pass city ordinances banning “assault weapons.” The city council of Deerfield, Illinois passed a city ordinance in April banning the possession of AR-15s, applying fines of $1,000 per-day for non-compliance. “The possession, manufacture, and sale of assault weapons in the Village of Deerfield is not reasonably necessary to protect an individual’s right of self-defense or the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated militia,” the ordinance states. The ...

The SPLC State ... And The Unprecedented Threat To Civil Liberties
Post Date: 2018-06-10 19:51:33 by Ada
"Like a tyrannical regime overseas, it links peaceful dissidents to violent terrorists and uses this as an excuse to shut down opposition. It can also make a person a target for Antifa violence ..." The SPLC wrote about us back in February, so we're joining in the general pile-on here. Seriously, it's getting to the point where the SPLC is right up their with Monsanto and George Soros, i.e. outfits that in desperate need of a smart PR manager. They represent the very worst of America, and need to be called out. The American Constitution utilizes checks and balances to prevent any one faction or person from controlling the State. Yet power over society is not exercised ...

Whose Country Is This? Is the Constitution Even Welcome Here Anymore?
Post Date: 2018-06-01 09:53:31 by Ada
“The first time it was reported that our friends were being butchered there was a cry of horror. Then a hundred were butchered. But when a thousand were butchered and there was no end to the butchery, a blanket of silence spread. When evil-doing comes like falling rain, nobody calls out ‘stop!’ When crimes begin to pile up they become invisible. When sufferings become unendurable the cries are no longer heard. The cries, too, fall like rain in summer.” ― Bertolt Brecht, Selected Poems There are days I wake up, and I’m not sure what country I live in anymore. There are days I wake up and want to go right back to sleep in the hopes that this surreal ...

Our Constitution Must Be the Battleground
Post Date: 2018-05-30 06:45:07 by Ada
Some 90 percent or more of our multi-trillion-dollar warfare state, surveillance state, bail-out state, and welfare state could be eliminated over time. The United States Constitution—praised as “the most wonderful work ever struck off at a given time by the brain and purpose of man” by Lord Gladstone—should be the battleground of American politics. If that does not happen, our Republic is doomed to self-ruination like all other Empires. They all collapsed, among other things, by exalting raw power over constitutionally safeguarded liberty, and the armored knight over the moral philosopher. The Constitution’s summum bonum is individual liberty—the ...

Little Scalia
Post Date: 2018-05-29 14:46:15 by Ada
Watching Neil Gorsuch, a mild-mannered good boy from Denver, become the second-most-polarizing man in Washington. Two years ago, the Supreme Court heard a case with bleak implications for the country’s labor movement. A California teacher named Rebecca Friedrichs decided she didn’t want to pay fees to the union that represented her because she didn’t want it funding liberal causes. So she sued. If the Court ruled in her favor, which no one doubted it would, public employees could choose to stop paying such fees, potentially triggering a vicious cycle of membership flight and financial ruin. But then Justice Antonin Scalia died in his sleep on a ranch in West Texas and the ...

Is It Time to Carve Turkey Out of NATO?
Post Date: 2018-05-29 07:45:39 by Ada
Erdogan's increasingly authoritarian rule and divergent interests are proving a huge problem. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan hopes to renew his hold on power in elections next month. His authority is not yet absolute: a judge recently ordered the release of several journalists convicted on dubious terrorism charges. Although they are now free on appeal, few observers believe they will ultimately prevail in a judicial system dominated by Erdogan. Since the attempted coup in July 2016, the government has arrested around 160,000 people, imprisoned an estimated 50,000, and tossed another 152,000 public employees from their jobs. Many of the latter are effectively unemployable, denied ...

Here’s How a 2-Time Obama Voter Turned Conservative and Now Advocates for Guns
Post Date: 2018-05-28 14:07:00 by BTP Holdings
Here’s How a 2-Time Obama Voter Turned Conservative and Now Advocates for Guns By Katrino Trinko May 27, 2018 at 3:04pm NOTE: This is an edited transcript of a conversation between Antonia Okafor and Katrina Trinko on the May 22 The Daily Signal podcast. Okafor weighed in on her own journey to becoming a conservative, Kanye West, gun rights and school safety. Katrina Trinko: Joining us today is Antonia Okafor, a political commentator and the CEO of EmPOWERed, an organization devoted to the Second Amendment rights of women on college campuses. You voted for Barack Obama in both 2008 and 2012? Okafor: Yes. Trinko: Why did you vote for him and what since then has changed your mind ...

Gun Stores Mock Dick’s Sporting Goods with Scathing New Signs
Post Date: 2018-05-28 10:29:34 by BTP Holdings
Gun Stores Mock Dick’s Sporting Goods with Scathing New Signs By Cillian Zeal May 27, 2018 at 9:40am In the wake of the Parkland shooting, Dick’s Sporting Goods decided to become the vanguard of the pusillanimous corporate response to pressure exerted by gun control groups. First, it banned modern sporting rifles — or, as we’ve started to call them, “assault weapons” — from subsidiary stores. It also raised the age limit to purchase firearms from 18 to 21, in spite of the fact that gun ownership is the constitutional right of every adult. Predictably, Dick’s seen a lot of pushback from its policy changes — and some of it comes from ...

House: No Authorization for US to Attack Iran
Post Date: 2018-05-26 05:40:19 by Ada
Amendment included in House version of NDAA Passed unanimously in the House of Representatives on Tuesday night, an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for 2019, which itself passed the House on Thursday, warns the Trump Administration that they have no legal authorization for a military attack on Iran. The amendment was offered by Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), and was very simply worded. It simply declares that it is the sense of Congress that neither the NDAA nor any other act authorizes the use of military force agaist Iran. The amendment became particularly important after President Trump withdrew the US from the P5+1 nuclear deal with Iran. Analysts have warned ...

A Time to Remember
Post Date: 2018-05-24 09:01:13 by Ada
Some Memorial Weekend reading We’re headed into the Memorial Day weekend, and what better time to remember those stories that held your attention, briefly, weeks or even months and years ago ? Well, here’s some follow-up: Perfidious Albion, Revisited – Remember when Judge Andrew Napolitano, the Fox News commentator, was suspended from Fox because he highlighted the British connection to the plot to oust Donald Trump? In light of the Christopher Steele dossier, and the even more recent revelation of the Stefan Halper/Sir Richard Dearlove spying mission, it looks like the Judge was right. Napolitano contended on air that the Obama White House used the Brits to get ...

ACLU Demands Amazon Stop Selling "Affordable Mass Surveillance" To Police
Post Date: 2018-05-23 22:52:31 by Horse
Amazon has been marketing its facial recognition platform, called Rekognition, a deep learning-based image and video analysis, to law enforcement agencies in Oregon and Orlando, according to recent documents acquired by American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Northern California. The ACLU alleges that Amazon is marching society towards a dystopian future in which corporations and governments can identify and track people in real time through the use of surveillance cameras. The ACLU and many other human rights organizations on Tuesday sent a damning letter to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos warning about the unpleasant future of mass surveillance in the hands of law enforcement. The letter urged ...

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