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An Excerpt from “Political Observations” by James Madison
Post Date: 2018-05-20 11:20:49 by BTP Holdings
An Excerpt from “Political Observations” by James Madison April 20, 1795 Of all the enemies of true liberty, war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended; its influence in dealing out offices, honors and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds, are added to those of subduing the force, of the people. The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced ...

FBI Releases Pro-2nd Amendment Statement, States the Importance of Armed Citizens in America
Post Date: 2018-05-16 17:49:30 by BTP Holdings
FBI Releases Pro-2nd Amendment Statement, States the Importance of Armed Citizens in America By Becky Loggia May 12, 2018 at 11:21am Active shooter incidents are defined as any incident involving one or more individuals who are actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill those within a populated area — gang or drug-related shootings notwithstanding. There were 50 active shooter incidents in 2016 and 2017 combined, leaving many to question if America is, in fact, safer when armed. However, a recent investigation by the FBI in April showed that, in numerous incidents involving active shooters, there were people who stopped them by use of a weapon. “Armed and unarmed ...

Calif. School: Student ‘Promoting Violence’ by Wearing Pro-2nd Amendment Shirt
Post Date: 2018-05-14 17:03:29 by BTP Holdings
Calif. School: Student ‘Promoting Violence’ by Wearing Pro-2nd Amendment Shirt By Rob Shimshock May 13, 2018 at 3:42pm A California high school questioned a student after he attempted to wear a pro-gun rights flag to a pro-Second Amendment walkout. South Pasadena High School student Charles Li tried to wear a “Come and Take It” flag depicting an AR-15, Campus Reform reported Tuesday. Administrators pulled Li aside to question him about it, with one reportedly asserting it violated the school’s code of conduct. “I have a right to wear it, in support of the Second Amendment,” Li, a member of South Pasadena’s Young Conservatives chapter, ...

Democrats fume over early Gorsuch rulings
Post Date: 2018-05-12 20:03:54 by BTP Holdings
Democrats fume over early Gorsuch rulings Conservative moves by the new Supreme Court justice draw mixed reviews. By JOSH GERSTEIN 06/28/2017 05:35 AM EDT "We've got another Scalia," declared Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch. | AP Photo A string of decidedly conservative rulings from new Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch has Democratic senators grumbling: We told you so. During the less than three months he has occupied the late Justice Antonin Scalia's seat on the high court, Gorsuch is sending signals that he could be one of its most conservative jurists. He has often ...

Torture? Let’s Also Not Forget Assassination
Post Date: 2018-05-12 07:55:35 by Ada
The nomination of CIA operative Gina Haspel to be CIA director has, fortunately, given rise to powerful arguments against the U.S. government’s participation in torture, a practice that is common to tyrannical regimes. The critics of Haspel’s nomination are right: The United States should never be engaged in evil conduct, and the torture of a human being is without any doubt whatsoever evil conduct. That’s why torture is inevitably associated with such regimes as Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, and North Korea. It has no place in a country whose very own founding document, the Constitution, expressly prohibits the federal government from inflicting “cruel and unusual ...

Judge Rules White House Cannot Transfer American Citizen Detained Without Charge
Post Date: 2018-05-10 19:07:49 by Ada
A federal appeals court has blocked an attempt by the Trump Administration to move an unidentified detainee out of the U.S. On Monday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit blocked the Trump administration from transferring an unidentified United States citizen, accused of fighting for the Islamic State in Syria, to another country. The detainee, identified only as John Doe, is a dual citizen of the U.S. and Saudi Arabia who has been held without charge since September 2017 when he was captured by Kurdish fighters in Iraq. He was later transferred to the U.S. military in Iraq where he is currently being held. As reported by the American Civil Liberties Union last November: ...

ILLINOIS COUNTIES FORM ‘SANCTUARIES’ FOR GUN OWNERS Rural counties move to thwart state’s push for gun control
Post Date: 2018-05-07 12:05:33 by Horse
Multiple rural Illinois counties have passed resolutions establishing a so- called “sanctuary” for gun owners in a bid to thwart the state legislature’s efforts to enact stricter gun control. At least five counties declared themselves sanctuary counties for gun rights, co-opting a word that most conservatives associate with the liberal policy of ignoring federal immigration laws. The resolutions aim to send a message to the Democratic-controlled Legislature in the state that if it passes the proposed gun bills, such as increasing the minimum age for owning a gun or a bump stock ban, the counties will instruct their employees to ignore the new laws. “It’s a ...

American Exceptionalism, the South and the Brain Robbery of Conservatism
Post Date: 2018-05-06 07:22:53 by Ada
No discussion of Southern conservatism, its history and its relationship to what is termed broadly the “American conservative movement” would be complete without an examination of events that have transpired over the past fifty years and the pivotal role of the powerful intellectual current known as Neoconservatism. From the 1950s into the 1980s Southerners who defended the traditions of the South, and even more so, of the Confederacy, were welcomed as allies and confreres by their Northern and Western counterparts. William F. Buckley Jr.’s National Review and Dr. Russell Kirk’s Modern Age, perhaps the two leading conservative journals of the period, welcomed ...

UN Guns Treaty: When It Goes Into Effect, and How It Changes America's Firearms Laws
Post Date: 2018-05-05 14:32:39 by BTP Holdings
UN Guns Treaty: When It Goes Into Effect, and How It Changes America's Firearms Laws Photo illustration. (Karen Bleir/AFP/Getty Images, file) By Spencer Durrant | Sunday, 25 January 2015 03:43 PM The guns treaty has been passed by the UN and is ready to go into effect across the world. Only Iran, Syria, and North Korea opposed the treaty when it passed in the organization’s general assembly in April 2013. The treaty, which seeks to prevent and control the illicit trade of weapons while regulating the international trade of them, includes measures such as creating a national gun registry; mandating control of firearms and ammunition; regulating the manufacture of gun parts; ...

Massive Gun Maker Refuses To Back Down, Hits AR Boycotters with Brutal News
Post Date: 2018-05-04 16:47:13 by BTP Holdings
Massive Gun Maker Refuses To Back Down, Hits AR Boycotters with Brutal News By Cillian Zeal May 4, 2018 at 7:35am If Dick’s Sporting Goods thought it could ban the AR-15 and similar weapons and just face boycotts from gun owners, they were wrong — especially after they started campaigning for gun control. One of the largest gun manufacturers in America, Springfield Armory, has announced it will no longer do business with Dick’s in the wake of their February decision to stop selling certain rifles. The move came after it was reported that Dick’s was working with lobbyists to enact new gun restrictions on Capitol Hill. “The company has retained Glover ...

Exclusive: Facebook commits to civil rights audit, political bias review
Post Date: 2018-05-03 19:12:11 by BTP Holdings
Exclusive: Facebook commits to civil rights audit, political bias review by Sara Fischer May 2, 2018 Illustration: Sarah Grillo/Axios To address allegations of bias, Facebook is bringing in two outside advisors — one to conduct a legal audit of its impact on underrepresented communities and communities of color, and another to advise the company on potential bias against conservative voices. Why it matters: The efforts are happening in response to allegations that the tech giant censors conservative voices and discriminates against minority groups. Facebook hopes the independent audit and formal advising partnership will show it takes these issues very seriously. The civil ...

CDC Study: Guns Used in Self Defense Almost 4 Times More Often Than Used by Criminals
Post Date: 2018-04-25 08:28:56 by Ada
Motto: An armed man is a Citizen. An unarmed man is a subject. Considering Canada’s latest (and worst in thirty years) mass killing from yesterday (10 people dead and others injured), it’s pretty obvious that when a lunatic/fanatic really wants to kill people, guns are not a requirement. Another “almost mass-shooting” took place in the US last week, when a crazy dude walked (apparently naked) into a Tennessee Waffle House and started shooting people with an AR 15 rifle. It would have been a massacre, but he was stopped by a heroic veteran who grabbed his rifle, after he killed for people. Guess what: he wasn’t allowed to own such a weapon, the Waffle House was a ...

The DNC’S Lawsuit Against WikiLeaks Poses a Serious Threat to Press Freedom
Post Date: 2018-04-23 08:27:57 by Ada
The Democratic National Committee (DNC) filed a lawsuit this afternoon in a Manhattan federal court against the Russian Government, the Trump campaign and various individuals it alleges participated in the plot to hack its email servers and disseminate the contents as part of the 2016 election. The DNC also sued WikiLeaks for its role in publishing the hacked materials, though it does not allege that WikiLeaks participated in the hacking or even knew in advance about it; its sole role, according to the DNC’s lawsuit, was publishing the hacked emails. The DNC’s suit, as it pertains to WikiLeaks, poses a grave threat to press freedom. The theory of the suit – that WikiLeaks ...

Trump and the Right to #Resist
Post Date: 2018-04-19 14:52:48 by Ada
Since Donald Trump’s election, it has become fashionable for his opponents to use a #Resist hashtag on their social media postings. Public demonstrations have become more fashionable than at any time since the Vietnam War. Federal agencies are actively working to thwart the Trump administration; the Obama holdover chief of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau even refused to vacate her office for a Trump appointee. Government employees are avidly leaking documents to the Washington Post and other papers in a way probably never seen before in American history. Despite such efforts, Trump remains president. Barring death, resignation, impeachment, or Twenty-Fifth Amendment removal, ...

Sotomayor Decries ‘Shoot First and Think Later’ After Officer Is Granted Immunity
Post Date: 2018-04-16 19:09:14 by BTP Holdings
Sotomayor Decries ‘Shoot First and Think Later’ After Officer Is Granted Immunity By Kevin Daley April 3, 2018 at 9:10am Supreme Court granted immunity to a police officer who shot a mentally ill woman outside her home. Justice Sonia Sotomayor said the decision keeps with “disturbing trend” of the high court shielding police misconduct. The case was occasioned in 2010 when a University of Arizona police officer responded to a call of a woman brandishing a knife. The U.S. Supreme Court Monday granted immunity to a police officer who shot a mentally ill woman outside her home in 2010, prompting a fervent dissent from Justice Sonia Sotomayor. The justice said ...

Two Black Men Were Arrested In Starbucks. Witnesses Say They "Didn't Do Anything."
Post Date: 2018-04-15 19:39:47 by BTP Holdings
Two Black Men Were Arrested In Starbucks. Witnesses Say They "Didn't Do Anything." The men had simply been waiting for another person to arrive before they ordered, their lawyer said. A Starbucks manager phoned the police. Originally posted on April 14, 2018, at 1:16 p.m. Updated on April 14, 2018, at 10:05 p.m. Julia Reinstein BuzzFeed News Reporter Stephanie K. Baer BuzzFeed News Reporter Two black men were arrested in a Starbucks in Philadelphia on Thursday, and witnesses said the men "didn't do anything." In a widely circulated video of the incident, at least two people who were present verbally defended the two men and questioned why they were ...

Gun rights advocates rally across the nation
Post Date: 2018-04-15 09:28:22 by BTP Holdings
Gun rights advocates rally across the nation By Associated Press Apr 14, 2018 | 5:45 PM | DOVER, Del Steve Langlie, with sign, joins about 200 other protesters at an Americans for America rally on the steps of the state Capitol in Bismarck, N.D., on Saturday. (Mike McCleary / Associated Press) Gun rights supporters — many carrying rifles and ammunition — gathered at state capitols across the U.S. on Saturday to push back against efforts to pass stricter gun-control laws that they fear threaten their constitutional right to bear arms. From Delaware to Wyoming, hundreds gathered at peaceful protests to listen to speakers who warned that any restrictions on gun ownership or ...

Trump Signs Executive Order Requiring Welfare Recipients to Work
Post Date: 2018-04-14 20:56:34 by BTP Holdings
Trump Signs Executive Order Requiring Welfare Recipients to Work By Scott Kelnhofer April 11, 2018 at 3:28pm President Donald Trump has taken another step toward reducing the number of people trapped in the welfare cycle. Trump signed the Reducing Poverty in America by Promoting Opportunity and Economic Mobility executive order on Tuesday. It will affect millions of people who receive benefits from government assistance programs such as Medicaid, SNAP — better known as food stamps — and public housing. The federal government spent more than $700 billion on welfare programs to assist low-income households last year. The president says his latest executive order is ...

Five reasons why we’ll have another domestic conflict
Post Date: 2018-04-12 13:35:12 by X-15
One Friday night about a month ago, I sat down to write out 10 reasons why I thought the United States was headed towards a domestic conflict. My goal was to flesh out some ideas that many of us have considered intuitively, but provide some research and structured thinking to them. I got to the fifth reason and realized that it was an exercise in futility because I didn’t need 10 reasons. You likely don’t, either. Demographically, culturally, fiscally, we’re hemorrhaging as a country. Studies show that most immigrants, legal or illegal, have a political predilection towards larger, more authoritarian government. They do or will vote Democrat. That’s why amnesty is the ...

Supreme Court Rules Cops Can Kill Non-Threatening People As Long As They Say They Were Scared
Post Date: 2018-04-11 06:50:23 by BTP Holdings
Supreme Court Rules Cops Can Kill Non-Threatening People As Long As They Say They Were Scared The Supreme Court has ruled in favor of a police officer who opened fire on a woman from a distance while she stood on her property, claiming he feared for his safety. By Rachel Blevins - April 8, 2018 In a ruling that will be used to a reinforce a disturbing pattern practiced by police officers across the United States, the Supreme Court has determined that officers who shoot non-threatening citizens are completely justified and cannot face consequences for their actions—as long as they express to the court that they feared for their safety. The case of Kisela v. Hughes originated from a ...

Justice Thomas’ Wife Crushes Anti-Gun Parkland Students with Brutal Post
Post Date: 2018-04-11 06:25:46 by BTP Holdings
Justice Thomas’ Wife Crushes Anti-Gun Parkland Students with Brutal Post By Cillian Zeal April 10, 2018 at 7:22am In a Facebook post that went viral (and ticked a lot of liberals off), Ginni Thomas — the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and a conservative activist — criticized the students who walked out of school to protest for gun control laws. In the post that she shared Monday, according to The Hill, Thomas said the students needed to study history to learn what happened to those who gave up their guns unwillingly to the government. The post included a picture of a pile of shoes from Jewish victims of the Holocaust and was originally written by ...

In Search of Intelligent Latin Policy
Post Date: 2018-04-10 08:37:09 by Ada
To Sleep, Perchance to Dream…. The obvious and intelligent course regarding immigration from the south is to stop further influx and assimilate those who are not going away and, being citizens, cannot be deported. Mr. Trump’s placing of troops along the border, if carried out, can quickly and practically accomplish the first of these, as his silly wall would not. This accomplished, the chief obstacle to assimilation, crucial to the well-being of the United States, will be something called the Alt-Right. When I write about Latin America, response falls largely into two classes. First, those who are civil, interested, thoughtfully express various points of view or ask questions, ...

Maker of the 3d liberator and 3d printer AR-15
Post Date: 2018-04-08 22:35:16 by titorite
0 Comments This is an interview with the maker of the 3d printer gun and 3d printed ar-15 now. And it mirrors everything I was talking about with Ada the other day about the 1st and 2nd amendments. We have the right to talk about guns.... OH SHIT THE FEDS SAW WE DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO TALK ABOUT verb set kev HOW TO MAKE GUNS WTF... Its a good interview please give it a watch.

Federal Judge Upholds Firearm Ban: ‘Not Within the Scope of…2nd Amendment’
Post Date: 2018-04-07 08:37:54 by BTP Holdings
Federal Judge Upholds Firearm Ban: ‘Not Within the Scope of…2nd Amendment’ By Rebekah Baker April 6, 2018 at 11:59am A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit that challenged Massachusetts’ ban on so-called assault weapons and large capacity magazines, the Boston Globe reported. In a ruling on Friday, U.S. District Judge William Young stated that the ban doesn’t violate the Second Amendment, claiming that such weapons are “military firearms” and are thus not protected by the constitutional right to “bear arms.” “(T)he AR-15’s present day popularity is not constitutionally material,” he said. Young also argued that the ...

Where Is the Outrage About Julian Assange's Silencing?
Post Date: 2018-04-07 07:14:32 by Ada
On October 12, 1969, Daniel Ellsberg copied a secret dossier with the intention of disclosing the truth about the Vietnam War. The Pentagon Papers were a chronicle of events that recorded the scope of operations in Vietnam and beyond—details which were being withheld from the American public. The Vietnam War was built on the foundation of lies; we were rushed into the war using the Gulf of Tonkin as a false flag and defending freedom as a pretext to further the interests of the defense-financial complex. The truth eventually caught up to the lies of politicians and bureaucrats; Defense Secretary Robert McNamara later admitted the Gulf of Tonkin attack never took place. The Gulf of ...

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