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The Memo is Released
Post Date: 2018-02-02 12:56:38 by Pinguinite
House Intelligence Committee Report On FISA Abuses by The Federalist on Scribd

Post Date: 2018-02-02 00:20:58 by Uncle Bill
In 1999, as investigators looked into Whitewater, Travelgate, Filegate and other scandals involving the then-first lady, it was discovered that more than 1 million subpoenaed emails were mysteriously “lost” due to a “glitch” in a West Wing computer server. Comey and Clinton Go Way Back - Time Magazine: "Looking to get back into government after a stint in private practice, Comey signed on as deputy special counsel to the Senate Whitewater Committee. In 1996, after months of work, Comey came to some damning conclusions: Hillary Clinton was personally involved in mishandling documents and had ordered others to block investigators as they pursued their case. Worse, ...

Trump administration strips consumer watchdog office of enforcement powers in lending discrimination cases
Post Date: 2018-02-01 18:26:46 by bush_is_a_moonie
Fpr all you Trump supporters - What is he going to do next to further damage our country? How many lies did this sick wanna-be-dictator tell in the SOTU? The Trump administration has stripped enforcement powers from a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau unit responsible for pursuing discrimination cases, part of a broader effort to reshape an agency it criticized as acting too aggressively. The move to sharply restrict the responsibilities of the Office of Fair Lending and Equal Opportunity comes about two months after President Trump installed his budget chief, Mick Mulvaney, at the head of the bureau. The office previously used its powers to force payouts in several prominent cases, ...

The First Alt-Right Congressman?
Post Date: 2018-02-01 10:56:49 by Ada
In the 2016 Wisconsin Republican primaries, businessman Paul Nehlen (pronounced “kneelin’”) challenged soulless autocrat Paul Ryan but managed to snag only 15.9% of the vote. This year he is challenging Ryan again, with one big difference—in the interim, he has pushed the Overton Window so far to the right, he might as well have taken a sledgehammer and smashed it to pieces. On policy issues, Nehlen remains the same meat-and-potatoes MAGA type that he was in 2016—he’s against open borders, free trade, gun control, abortion, and amnesty. These are the positions that initially earned him the backing of Steve Bannon and a regular writing gig for Breitbart. ...

The State of Our Union: A House Divided, Enslaved & Mired in the Mistakes of the Past
Post Date: 2018-01-31 17:59:04 by Ada
“A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure, permanently, half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved — I do not expect the house to fall — but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other.”—Abraham Lincoln History has a funny way of circling back on itself. The facts, figures, faces and technology may change from era to era, but the dangers remain the same. This year is no different, whatever the politicians and talking heads may say to the contrary. Sure, there’s a new guy in charge with a talent for stirring up mayhem and madness, but for the ...

Golden boy Robert Mueller's forgotten surveillance crime spree
Post Date: 2018-01-30 06:35:06 by Ada
When Robert Mueller was appointed last May as Special Counsel to investigate Trump, Politico Magazine gushed that “Mueller might just be America’s straightest arrow — a respected, nonpartisan and fiercely apolitical public servant whose only lifetime motivation has been the search for justice.” Most of the subsequent press coverage has shown nary a doubt about Mueller’s purity. But, during his 11 years as director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Mueller’s agency routinely violated federal law and the Bill of Rights. Mueller took over the FBI one week before the 9/11 attacks and he was worse than clueless after 9/11. On Sept. 14, 2011, Mueller ...

New Orleans City Council Caves to Pressure From Jewish Groups, Rescinds Human Rights Resolution
Post Date: 2018-01-28 09:45:48 by Ada
. Human rights activists earlier this month celebrated the passage of a historic resolution pledging to take steps to avoid contracting with or investing in corporations complicit in human rights abuses — but their victory was short-lived. On Thursday, New Orleans withdrew the resolution after backlash from Jewish groups and pro-Israel politicians prompted city council members to reconsider their support. The resolution had made New Orleans the first city in the South — and one of the largest in the country — to pass an initiative in accordance with the campaign to boycott, divest from, and sanction Israel for its occupation of Palestinian territories, known as BDS. ...

FBI Official: FBI Agents Threatened Physical Harm to President Trump In Missing FBI Texts & Other “Frightening” Communications
Post Date: 2018-01-23 17:07:56 by X-15
“This is much larger than just texts between two FBI agents.” A high-ranking FBI official confirms a number of the missing 50,000 FBI text messages — as well as other text and email messages among FBI brass — reportedly discussed initiating physical harm to President Donald Trump. The FBI official urged the U.S. Department of Homeland Security — which oversees the U.S. Secret Service — to launch an investigation of the Justice Department, the FBI and all text messages missing and otherwise that threatened the President. “This is dangerous territory and all FBI text messages and personal phones should be examined,” the official said. “It would ...

Republicans Have Four Easy Ways to #ReleaseTheMemo — and the Evidence for It. Not Doing So Will Prove Them to Be Shameless Frauds.
Post Date: 2018-01-21 08:32:20 by Ada
ONE OF THE gravest and most damaging abuses of state power is to misuse surveillance authorities for political purposes. For that reason, The Intercept, from its inception, has focused extensively on these issues. We therefore regard as inherently serious strident warnings from public officials alleging that the FBI and Department of Justice have abused their spying power for political purposes. Social media last night and today have been flooded with inflammatory and quite dramatic claims now being made by congressional Republicans about a four-page memo alleging abuses of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act spying processes during the 2016 election. This memo, which remains secret, ...

Post Date: 2018-01-20 01:33:40 by Uncle Bill
Vegas woman who claimed multiple gunmen dies unexpectedly“Bullets were coming from every direction. Behind us, in front of us, to the side of us. But I know, I just know, that there was someone chasing us. The entire time I felt this way. The farther we got from the venue, the closer the gunfire got. I kept looking back expecting to see the gunmen- and I say MEN because there was more than one person. There was more than one gun firing. 100% more than one. As we were running, we kept changing direction, because it felt like no matter what direction we took, we were being followed.” Las Vegas Eyewitness, Who Exposed Multiple Shooters, Found Dead 9th Las Vegas Shooting Witness ...

"how to stop a cop in 24 seconds" why it works and how to do it.
Post Date: 2018-01-19 05:01:54 by Horse

The Republican Supreme Court Gave Us The Police State
Post Date: 2018-01-18 18:26:24 by Ada
When the US Supreme Court consisted of civil libertarians such as William Douglas, William Brennan, and Thurgood Marshall, Republicans argued that the Supreme Court was coddling criminals and inventing rights. To prevent legislation from the bench, it was necessary, Republicans said, to elect Republican presidents who would appoint a different court that would respect the Constitution. Law and Order Conservatives were particularly upset by the Miranda decision. These conservatives were too naive to realize that often police are more interested in “solving” a case than they are in justice. Coerced self-incrimination was an easy way for police to “solve” a crime. ...

Amnesty International Is Barking Up The Wrong Tree
Post Date: 2018-01-16 09:09:27 by Ada
I have received a letter from Margaret Huang, Amnesty International’s executive director. She is fundraising on the basis of President Trump’s “chilling disregard for our cherished human rights” and his exploitation of “hatred, misogyny, racism and xenophobia,” by which he has “emboldened and empowered the most violent segments of our society.” Considering the hostility of Identity Politics toward Trump, one can understand why Ms. Huang frames her fundraiser in this way, but are the Trump deplorables the most empowered and violent segments of our society or is it the security agencies, the police, the neoconservatives, the presstitute media, and the ...

Frank Zappa Quote and Meme
Post Date: 2018-01-15 15:09:06 by Horse

TREASON: Ted Kennedy Secretly Asked The Soviets To Intervene In The 1984 Elections
Post Date: 2018-01-15 01:33:02 by Uncle Bill
Christine. Copy this link. You may never see it again: The Link Ted Kennedy, a traitor that stretched out his hand to help every illegal alien to escape their shit holes, but couldn't reach out his hand to help citizen Mary Jo Kopechne from her hell hole This letter which details Senator Edward Kennedy’s offer to help the Soviet Union defeat Reagan’s efforts to build up the nuclear deterrent in Europe was unearthed by a Times of London reporter in the 1990s after the KGB files were opened. It got little or no attention, however, until the publication of Paul Kengor’s book "The Crusader – Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism." But even then the ...

Post Date: 2018-01-13 03:13:14 by Uncle Bill
Cover Ups? Insight Magazine Paul M. Rodriguez March 28, 2000 FBI & Justice Charged With Hiding Facts From Judge Lamberth About Lost Emails and Separate Telephone Logs -- Some Charge Games Played. The head of the Justice Department/FBI Campaign Task Force, along with the department's lead attorney, James Gilligan, are being charged with playing a game of hide & seek with U.S. District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth on the matter of "lost" White House emails, Insight has learned. Moreover, high level federal law enforcement sources have told Insight that neither the Campaign Task Force nor the Justice Department have been completely above board on a separate matter ...

Martin Luther King - Communist
Post Date: 2018-01-13 02:26:51 by Uncle Bill
MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. - Congressional Record - CPUSACrime/Corruption Miscellaneous Keywords: MARTIN LUTHER KING, COMMUNISM, MARXISM, BLACK PANTHERS, CPUSA, SCLC Source: The Congressional Record - Vol. 129, No. 130, Pages S 13452 thru S 13461 Published: October 3, 1983 Author: Senator Jesse Helms Posted on 01/17/2001 00:52:09 PST by Uncle Bill Wolves in Costume: Martin Luther King Jr. THE COMMUNIST/SOCIALIST QUOTES OF MARTIN LUTHER KING Martin Luther King Jr. - Congressional Record - CPUSA “A whole new sphere of trouble-making for the United States was launched yesterday when Martin Luther King [Jr.], accompanied by Bayard Rustin, turned from his successes at creating domestic ...

Post Date: 2018-01-13 00:48:09 by Uncle Bill
FBI COVER-UP OF CHINESE INFILTRATION OF WHITE HOUSE The Washington Weekly Staff Written November 17, 1997 Clinton and Gore Funded by Chinese Agents Since 1989 Friday's leak through the Washington Post that the FBI has known since 1991 that the Democrat Party is infiltrated by Chinese agents is a seminal event. For it offers sufficient detail to complete the picture of how the entire Chinese intelligence penetration succeeded. When combining it with other leaks, intelligence reports, and congressional investigation results, the following picture can be put together: In the 1980s, the People's Republic of China made a decision to build the most powerful military force in the ...

Edgar Ray Killen, Convicted in ’64 Killings of Rights Workers, Dies at 92
Post Date: 2018-01-12 21:19:02 by BTP Holdings
Edgar Ray Killen, Convicted in ’64 Killings of Rights Workers, Dies at 92 By RICHARD GOLDSTEIN JAN. 12, 2018 Edgar Ray Killen, in a wheelchair, outside the Neshoba County Courthouse in Philadelphia, Miss., in August 2005. Kyle Carter/Reuters Edgar Ray Killen, the former Klansman who was sentenced to a 60-year prison term in 2005 for arranging the murders of three young civil rights workers outside Philadelphia, Miss., in 1964 during the Freedom Summer drive to register Southern black voters, died on Thursday night in prison in Parchman, Miss. He was 92. The Mississippi corrections department said he was pronounced dead at the hospital at the Mississippi State Penitentiary at 9 ...

Justice Denied: The Government Is Not Going to Save Us
Post Date: 2018-01-11 07:13:22 by Ada
“The warlords of history are still kicking our heads in, and no one, not our fathers, not our Gods, is coming to save us.”— Journalist Ta-Nehisi Coates The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled: it will not hear the case of Young v. Borders. Despite the fact that a 26-year-old man was gunned down by police who banged on the wrong door at 1:30 am, failed to identify themselves as police, and then repeatedly shot and killed the innocent homeowner who answered the door while holding a gun in self-defense, the justices of the high court refused to intervene to address police misconduct. Although 26-year-old Andrew Scott committed no crime and never fired a single bullet or lifted ...

It Did What it Was Written to Do
Post Date: 2018-01-08 07:46:25 by Ada
A great many people – especially conservatives – reverence the Constitution, consider that it has been abused and that if only the doctrines expressed within were revived and respected, all would be well with America again. This, of course, is a kind of children’s bedtime story – and approximates reality to about the same degree as the story of the Three Little Pigs. The Constitution was peddled and imposed on us by men like Alexander Hamilton, a grasper after power who very openly loathed the ideas expressed by men like Jefferson in his Declaration (and even more so in his Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions). Hamilton and his faction – they were called ...

Crimes without Consequences – The Clinton Amendment
Post Date: 2018-01-06 06:53:59 by Ada
The time has come to face reality. Some American citizens are superior to others as far as justice under the law is concerned. They just are. Take the Clintons for example. Allegedly, they have been on a crime spree since they took control of the Governor’s Mansion in Arkansas back in 1979. And maybe earlier than that for all we know. But they are never held to account. Never. Rather than list all the Clintonian scandals and criminal accusations here, you can google them online and see the sordid details for yourself. The Clintons are representative of certain members of the political class for whom justice doesn’t seem to apply. Wall Street executives are another breed apart ...

Post Date: 2018-01-06 04:51:35 by Uncle Bill
"Investigating the corruption of Bill and Hillary Clinton is like drinking water from a fire hydrant". Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Eight Laws Hillary Clinton Could Be Indicted For Breaking Daily Caller By Kenneth P. Bergquist, Brigadier General, U.SArmy (Ret) As a former Justice Department official, I have, of late, been asked by both Democratic and Republican friends whether Hillary Clinton could be indicted for her email related actions. The simple answer is yes — she, and perhaps some of her senior staff, could be indicted for violating a number of federal criminal statutes. But for reasons that will be discussed later, it is unlikely that she will be. Nevertheless, it ...

A Tale of Two Americas: Where the Rich Get Richer and the Poor Go to Jail
Post Date: 2018-01-05 09:25:14 by Ada
d “It is said that no one truly knows a nation until one has been inside its jails. A nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but its lowest ones.” ― Nelson Mandela This is the tale of two Americas, where the rich get richer and the poor go to jail. Aided and abetted by the likes of Attorney General Jeff Sessions—a man who wouldn’t recognize the Constitution if it smacked him in the face—the American dream has become the American scheme: the rich are getting richer and more powerful, while anyone who doesn’t belong to the power elite gets poorer and more powerless to do anything about the nation’s steady slide towards ...

TAX-EXEMPT SUBVERSION: Special House Committee - 1953
Post Date: 2018-01-01 05:06:13 by Uncle Bill
TAX-EXEMPT SUBVERSION Congressman B. Carroll Reece American Mercury July 1957, pp. 56-64 Congressman Reece oversaw the hearings in 1953 of a special House Committee. The hearings were published in 1954: Tax-Exempt Foundations: Hearings Before the Special Committee to Investigate Tax- Exempt Foundations and Comparable Organizations, House of Representatives, Eighty-Third Congress, Second Session. This document is exceedingly rare. At the end of this article is information about where you can download a PDF file of the complete set of the hearings. Tax-exempt philanthropic foundations clearly have become one principle source of Communist influence infiltration and subversion in the ...

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