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An Assessment and the Perspectives of Donald Trump
Post Date: 2017-12-06 09:38:54 by Ada
It would be a serious error to judge President Trump by the criteria of the Washington ruling class, ignoring the History and the culture of the United States. It would also be an error to interpret his actions from the point of view of European thought. Indeed, his defence of the right to bear arms or the racist demonstrations in Charlottesville have nothing to with support for extremists, but exclusively the promotion of the Bill of Rights. Thierry Meyssan explains the train of thought that he represents, and draws up an assessment of his highly important economic, political and military realisations. He also questions the limits of US political thought and the risks of dismantling the ...

Post Date: 2017-12-04 20:24:50 by Horse
Another awful story of civil asset forfeiture abuse comes to us via German Lopez at Vox. But at least this one has a happy ending. The beginning, however, is anything but happy. Musician Phil Parhamovich made the mistake of driving in Wyoming without his seatbelt buckled. A click-it ticket in Wyoming usually runs about $25. In Parhamovich's case, it cost him nearly $92,000. Phil Parhamovich had been waiting for this moment for a long time. The 50-year- old had spent years restoring and selling houses, cars, and musical instruments, often clocking 12-hour workdays, to save up more than $91,000. And now it was all going to pay off: He would buy a music studio in Madison, Wisconsin, where ...

Dershowitz: ‘You Cannot Charge a President With Obstruction of Justice for Exercising His Constitutional Power’
Post Date: 2017-12-04 13:28:55 by Ada
Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz batted down the merit of obstruction of justice charges aimed at President Donald Trump for what he said was exercising his constitutional power and authority regarding the firing of then-FBI Director James Comey and instructing the Department of Justice what to and not to investigate. “If Congress were to ever charge him with obstruction of justice for exercising his constitutional authority under Article 2, we’d have a constitutional crisis,” he explained. “You cannot charge a president with obstruction of justice for exercising his constitutional power to fire ...

New Drone Strikes Underscore, Again, How Much Power We Give Trump
Post Date: 2017-11-29 06:59:38 by Ada
Americans rolled over for decades while we gave the executive branch unreviewable authority to kill – now that power is in the hands of an idiot While all of us were preparing for Thanksgiving dinner, the United States was busy preparing an attack on the Yemeni province of Badhya. Related God Save Us From the Trump-LaVar Ball Battle The feud between idiot president and bellicose basketball Dad will bring out the worst in America’s WWE politics Residents later reported that the region spent much of the day under attack from Saudi jets and American drones, which hovered overhead and intermittently fired missiles from above. The attacks were described as a success in most ...

Nervous About Traffic Stops? I Am. You Should Be, Too
Post Date: 2017-11-28 05:43:07 by Ada
“Quit resisting.”—Cops yell at compliant young man who was thrown to the ground, beaten, arrested and hospitalized for severe injuries to his face and arm, allegedly in retaliation for “resisting arrest” by driving to a safe, well-lit area before submitting to a traffic stop for a broken tail light We’ve all been there before. You’re driving along and you see a pair of flashing blue lights in your rearview mirror. Whether or not you’ve done anything wrong, you get a sinking feeling in your stomach. You’ve read enough news stories, seen enough headlines, and lived in the American police state long enough to be anxious about any encounter with ...

Ryan Bundy's Opening Statement Is Something Every Red-Blooded American Should Hear
Post Date: 2017-11-25 18:36:07 by Ada
Sometimes, in the process of covering so many things and in the attempt to provide as much information and commentary as possible, we simply are not able to provide all that we wish to do so to the public. However, that does not mean other stories and commentary are not important. In fact, many things coming out of alternatives media today are vitally important for those coming off the government-controlled media. One of those items that didn't hit the mainstream media, and sadly didn't hit much of the alternative media, was the opening statement of Cliven Bundy's son, Ryan, as the trial of the century began nearly two weeks ago. In light of that, I've been meaning to ...

Post Date: 2017-11-25 04:36:38 by Ada
In Ex Parte Quirin (1942) the U.S. Supreme Court justified the trial by military commission of eight German soldiers “captured” on American soil. Edward S. Corwin called the case “a ceremonious detour to a predetermined goal” (Total War and the Constitution, 1947). Louis Fisher notes the “common perception … that Quirin was a contrived decision without anchoring itself in any legal precedent” (“Military Commissions,” Boston University International Law Review). Dissenting in Hamdi (2004), Justice Antonin Scalia wrote that Quirin was not the Court’s “finest hour.” Quirin was little cited until lawyers under George W. Bush embraced ...

Repeal the Second Amendment?
Post Date: 2017-11-22 09:30:34 by Ada
After the horrific shooting in Las Vegas last month, congressional Democrats, progressive pundits, and liberal activists, predictably and immediately, began calling for more, and more draconian, gun-control laws. “It is long past time for Congress to take action on gun safety to save innocent lives,” said Bernie Sanders. According to Igor Volsky of Guns Down and the Center for American Progress: “It’s not enough to just limit the kind of people who own guns. You have to go after the guns themselves. Guns are the problem.” Joe Biden opined: “How long do we let gun violence tear families apart? Enough. Congress & the WH should act now to save lives. ...

Federal Appeals Court Agrees to Accept Evidence for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s Innocence
Post Date: 2017-11-17 10:13:18 by Ada
On October 26 attorney John Remington Graham explained on this website why he suspects that the trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the surving brother of the alleged Boston Marathon bombing, is a case of judicial murder. He wrote: “As a last hurrah as a lawyer, I recently filed a motion in behalf of three American citizens before the First Circuit in the appeal of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, asking that they be recognized as friends of the court, so they can show that, on the basis of facts actually of record before the federal district court in Boston, Dzhokhar did not detonate a pressure-cooker bomb on Boylston Street on April ...

Do Trump's liberal critics seem increasingly unhinged?
Post Date: 2017-11-16 03:47:45 by Ada
New poll: Majority disapproves of media's coverage of Trump Last week’s anniversary of Trump’s election sparked widespread teeth-gnashing by the nation’s pundits. Trump is supposedly the gravest threat to American democracy since the secession of the Confederacy. His presidency, probably, continues to be a boon for antidepressant sales across the land. New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg, in a column last week headlined “Anniversary of the Apocalypse,” lamented the “terror-struck and vertiginous days” after Trump’s win and the ongoing “metaphysical whiplash” and “hideous interregnum,” which leaves her “poleaxed ...

ALERT: Mainstream Media Now Promoting “Gun Confiscation Orders” As Solution To Mass Shootings
Post Date: 2017-11-14 13:54:42 by AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt
In what many saw coming a mile away in the aftermath of both the Las Vegas Massacre and the Texas Church mass shooting, liberals in the government, with the help of their mainstream media allies, are now pushing what amounts to plans for gun confiscation, outside of normal law, for Americans across the country. The new push for gun control from the left comes courtesy of ABC News which recently published a piece promoting the use of an Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) that many believe is nothing more than a thinly veiled confiscation plan that would allow a judge to “issue an ex parte order” for the direct confiscation of an American citizens firearms. Unbelievably, the ...

The Whiskey Rebellion: Hamilton as Tyrant (my title)
Post Date: 2017-11-14 13:40:11 by ghostdogtxn

William Cooper was entirely right when he wrote how they will take away gun rights
Post Date: 2017-11-14 13:37:31 by AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt
William Cooper was entirely right when he wrote how they will take away gun rights. Except that Cooper was unaware that many mass shootings (in his future) would be staged as complete hoaxes just like Sandy Hook. Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:[see revealing page from Cooper's book: BEHOLD A PALE HORSE at the link] just heard on the radio there is another school shooting in California.

The Hoaxing of Roy Moore’s Jailbait Adventure
Post Date: 2017-11-12 09:11:39 by Ada
We can learn much about the nature of fake news from the hoaxing of Roy Moore’s jailbait adventure. This just came out. The Hill: A former colleague of GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore said Saturday that it was “common knowledge” that the Alabama Republican dated high school girls when he worked in the Etowah County District Attorney’s Office in the 1980s. In a statement to CNN, Teresa Jones, who served as deputy district attorney for Etowah County, Ala., from 1982 until 1985, said that multiple people thought it was unusual that Moore dated high school girls, but that no one ever raised the matter with him. “It was common knowledge that Roy Moore dated high ...

Extend the First Amendment to Twitter and Google Now
Post Date: 2017-11-07 07:32:05 by Ada
Too many people are being shut up, and shut out of the quasi-public cyberspace. I recently wrote about how the Ohio State University is preventing white supremacist Richard Spencer from speaking on campus. Despite falling under the First Amendment, Ohio State is looking for a legal loophole to block speech it doesn’t agree with. The semi-comforting news is Ohio State is subject to legal challenge. Not so in cyberspace, which Justice Anthony Kennedy called the “vast democratic forums of the Internet in general, and social media in particular.” There, access to diverse ideas is controlled by corporations and their Terms of Service. Hiding behind the bushes of private ...

Washington Stomps on Civil Liberty
Post Date: 2017-11-05 17:36:45 by Ada
The insouciant American electorate is so inattentive that it routinely elects enemies of civil liberty to represent the public in Congress. Last Wednesday Rep. Adam Schiff (D, CA), Rep. Trey Gowdy ( R, SC), Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D, CA), Sen. Mark Warner (D, VA), Rep. Jackie Speier (D, CA), Sen. Tom Cotton (R , AR ), and Rep. Joaquin Castro (D, TX) tried to intimidate executives from Facebook, Twitter, and Google into blocking all digital dissent to the anti-Trump/Russian line taken by the DNC and military/security complex and to serve as spy agencies for the CIA. Two of the above—Gowdy and Cotton—are Republicans who have aligned themselves with the attack on Russia and ...

Post Date: 2017-11-03 07:54:11 by Ada
ABDULSALAM WAS IN the middle of Friday prayer at his neighborhood mosque in al-Bab, Aleppo, when he heard a crash — a nearby bakery had just disintegrated under the force of a barrel bomb, a deadly metal container filled with shrapnel and explosives, favored by the Syrian military. Scanning the sky he saw the hovering chopper that had dropped the weapon. He tried to snap photos as it loomed above the rubble, but the images looked fuzzy. Abdulsalam hopped on the back of a passing ambulance and was among the first on the scene. He trained his camera on the smoldering facade of a bakery, panned to series of blasted-apart food stalls, and then settled his lens on mangled bodies. He kept ...

Texas Police, Looking for More Military Hardware, Tout Its Use In Harvey Relief
Post Date: 2017-11-02 09:52:41 by Ada
With military-grade equipment available for the cost of pick-up, police forces have been stocking up. While some of that equipment appears actually to have been used in post-hurricane relief work, most of it is better suited for SWAT raids, intimidating protesters, and killing people. HOUSTON – In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, local Texas police are using the recovery efforts to justify the continued existence of a controversial program that critics argue strongly contributes to a dangerous trend of police militarization. According to the Houston Chronicle, local police agencies are arguing that excess military equipment they had received from the Pentagon through its controversial ...

Trick or Treat: One Year Later, Is Trump a Blessing or a Curse to the Deep State?
Post Date: 2017-11-01 19:31:29 by Ada
“Jesus! Where will it end? How low do you have to stoop in this country to be President? … We’ve come to a point where every four years this national fever rises up — this hunger for the Saviour, the White Knight, the Man on Horseback — and whoever wins becomes so immensely powerful … that when you vote for President today you’re talking about giving a man dictatorial power for four years… The whole framework of the presidency is getting out of hand. It’s come to the point where you almost can’t run unless you can cause people to salivate and whip each other with big sticks. You almost have to be a rock star to get the kind of fever you ...

Post Date: 2017-10-31 04:03:38 by noone222
Poster Comment:I posted this before it finished because of what the document says at the 1:46 mark. Sorry it's so large.

U.S. GOVERNMENT IMMUNE FROM LAW - U.S. 10th Circuit Court of Appeals
Post Date: 2017-10-29 04:24:51 by Uncle Bill
Making Government Immune From LawNewsMax By Paul Craig Roberts January 14, 1999 If President Bill Clinton were being tried by the U.S. 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, he would be home free. In a horrendous ruling devastating for justice, fair play and the rule of law, the 10th Circuit has ruled (9-to-3) that the laws of the United States do not apply to officers and agents of the government unless Congress specifically designates that the law applies to the government."Statutes of general purport do not apply to the United States unless Congress makes the application clear and indisputable," says the court, citing a 1873 case that "it is a familiar principle that the King is ...

Can the Feds Prosecute Foreigners if Their Actions Are Legal Where They Are?
Post Date: 2017-10-26 09:32:36 by Ada
I am in Switzerland this week interacting with and lecturing to students and faculty at the University of Zurich. The subject of our work is the U.S. Constitution and its protections of personal liberty. In most countries, government has begrudgingly granted snippets of personal liberty to keep those who are demanding it at bay. Throughout history, kings and other tyrants have, from time to time, given in to pressures from folks to recognize their natural rights. These instances of “power granting liberty,” as the practice has come to be known, usually have come about to avoid further bloodshed. In the United States and in Switzerland, however, the opposite took place. In both ...

Shutting Up Richard Spencer
Post Date: 2017-10-25 07:41:42 by Ada
Ohio State is trying to prevent him from speaking. That isn't their choice to make. Certain things used to be more, well, self-evident. A great many of us didn’t necessarily like that the First Amendment protected speech we disagreed with, or that even made us afraid, but we accepted it. An agreed- upon duty to protect the right to expression irrespective of its content existed, and we knew ensuring that liberty was not the same as endorsing what might be said with it. We understood that if we allowed government and other institutions to block one person’s speech they would block others’— right up until they came for us. Then in November 2016 came a collective ...

TREASON: Clinton's, Obama, Comey, Mueller, Rosenstein, Holder: ROSENBERG THEM ALL
Post Date: 2017-10-24 01:13:48 by Uncle Bill
"THERE'S A SMELL OF TREASON IN THE AIR" 1963 Congressional Record: ‘Communist Goals’ Timeline of Clinton Treason/China "Government Corruption" Tops Americans' Biggest Fears Attorney: FBI Informant Was Blocked by Obama Administration from Testifying on Uranium One Deal Joseph McCarthy Was Right"Asked whether McCarthy had understood all the forces arrayed against him, Herman said no, that McCarthy hadn’t realized he’d be fighting against much of the Washington establishment. President Truman was fearful that exposures would reflect on key Democrat officials, he said, and big media and the academic world were very leftist, a heritage of ...

I Love Hans Hoppe!
Post Date: 2017-10-23 09:34:55 by Ada
NO! NOT THAT WAY! If that’s what I meant, he would have to “physically remove” me from his (virtual) neighborhood! I love his intellect, the way he creates the dots that he thereafter connects, his directness, and his very dry and wonderfully refined sense of humor. It was Hans Hoppe (more precisely, someone who challenged me to challenge Hans Hoppe) that accelerated my interest in what has become the most intellectually satisfying topic that I pursue via this blog, that of libertarians and culture. With that out of the way… Libertarianism and the Alt-Right: In Search of a Libertarian Strategy for Social Change, by Hans-Hermann Hoppe. (Speech delivered at the 12th ...

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