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Is U.S. Congress Declaring War on WikiLeaks?
Post Date: 2017-09-01 06:29:09 by Ada
Senate bill calls organization a 'hostile intelligence service' working with 'state actors.' The United States, uniquely among nations, believes that its writ runs all over the world—and that it has a right to use its courts of law to seek retributive justice even in situations that did not involve American citizens and occurred in a foreign land. No other country sends its marshalls overseas to forcibly detain fugitives from “justice.” If the United States is truly exceptional, it is no doubt due to its hubris in declaring itself to be the final arbiter of what goes on all around the globe. It seems that nearly every week Congress outdoes itself in ...

Why the Media is in a Never-Ending Hunt for Right-wing Violence
Post Date: 2017-08-30 18:37:17 by Ada
Media bias at its most extreme. After I’d spent a decade begging Republicans, including a few presidential candidates, to take up the immigration issue, Donald J. Trump came along, championed the entire thesis of Adios, America, and swept all contenders aside. It’s too late for the likes of Marco Rubio, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan to avoid humiliation, but if they don’t want to keep making asses of themselves in public by, for example, praising today’s version of the KKK, they should read my entire corpus of work, starting with Demonic. (Trump somehow grasped the whole point of that book, too.) The reason normal people are suspicious of the media’s narrative on ...

Post Date: 2017-08-28 14:04:19 by Ada
we don’t need no stinkin’ facts In the United States, facts, an important element of truth, are not important. They are not important in the media, politics, universities, historical explanations, or the courtroom. Non-factual explanations of the collapse of three World Trade Center buildings are served up as the official explanation. Facts have been politicized, emotionalized, weaponized and simply ignored. As David Irving has shown, Anglo-American histories of World War 2 are, for the most part, feel-good histories, as are “civil war” histories as Thomas DiLorenzo and others have demonstrated. Of course, they are feel good only for the victors. Their emotional ...

War of the Classes
Post Date: 2017-08-27 12:02:01 by Ada
Francis Fukuyama hypothesized the ending of history, but he failed to foresee the increasingly popular practice of the mending of history to delegitimize the right of the politically weak to their pride and property. Rewriting the past to help disinherit the powerless by demeaning their ancestors is an ancient practice currently growing in popularity. For example, this summer in Madison and Boston, government officials have obliterated or covered up grave markers commemorating prisoners of war who died in captivity. This is justified as punching up against white supremacy. After all, who is more powerful than a dead POW? Why are politicians today going out of their way to disrespect ...

Rex Murphy: Deplorability of neo-Nazis no excuse for anti-fascist thuggery
Post Date: 2017-08-26 13:24:20 by farmfriend
One other matter that is not so evident, though, and which in fact may need pointing out, is that the existence, and even occasional protest presence of so vile a mini-tribe, does not in itself sanction others to dip into violence and thuggery, in the name of demonstrating against them. Put in plainer terms, calling your group anti-fascist doesn’t mean you’re thereby licensed to use fascist means. Indeed, with the recent Montreal protest in mind, if one were to look at the film of that event – without sound – and asked to identify which of the two groups was the “fascist” one, the result might be uncomfortable for a lot of people. Equally surprising might be ...

Post Date: 2017-08-26 07:18:33 by Ada
This post will only begin with Charlottesville; it will thereafter flow into other topics – I think all related, flowing through the same stream. Charlottesville On the day of the events many stories were told, all parroting some version of the mainstream narrative: white supremacists and Nazis did it; everyone else there just wanted peace. I decided at the time not to comment: most importantly, I was certain that whatever we heard in the mainstream was a lie, so why not let things settle a bit before opening my mouth; second, I guess I would consider myself more of a journalist than a reporter. There are so many people so much better than I am at putting together the facts, almost ...

-Jury Smacks Down Kangaroo Court in Bundy Trial
Post Date: 2017-08-24 06:05:41 by Ada
Yesterday the jury in the trial of four men accused of offenses related to a standoff near the Bundy ranch in Bunkerville, Nevada sent a resounding message to prosecutors and the judge in the case by returning absolutely no Guilty verdicts. Instead, jurors found Ricky Lovelien and Steven Stewart Not Guilty of all 10 charges against them. Jurors found Scott Drexler and Eric Parker Not Guilty of most charges against them, with the jury undecided on four charges against Parker and two charges against Drexler. “There was not a dry eye in the room, except the prosecutors’, who were steaming mad, and the judge’s. I was literally bawling my eyes out,” said FIJA Advisory ...

“I was speechless:” Man charged with felony for passing out jury rights fliers in front of courthouse
Post Date: 2017-08-23 18:31:58 by BTP Holdings
“I was speechless:” Man charged with felony for passing out jury rights fliers in front of courthouse Posted 1:32 PM, December 1, 2015, by Dana Chicklas, Updated at 06:51PM, December 1, 2015 MECOSTA COUNTY, Mich. — A Mecosta man is charged with a felony for obstruction of justice and misdemeanor of tampering with a jury for passing out fliers about jury nullification rights on the sidewalk of the Mecosta County courthouse. Keith Wood, 39, faces these charges after handing out about 50 fliers on Nov. 24, which the Fully Informed Jury Association wrote, that describe juror rights that are typically not given by judges during jury instructions before a trial. Wood's ...

Freedom for the Speech We Hate: The Legal Ins and Outs of the Right to Protest
Post Date: 2017-08-23 08:21:12 by Ada
“If there is any principle of the Constitution that more imperatively calls for attachment than any other, it is the principle of free thought — not free thought for those who agree with us but freedom for the thought that we hate.”— Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes There was a time in this country, back when the British were running things, that if you spoke your mind and it ticked off the wrong people, you’d soon find yourself in jail for offending the king. Reacting to this injustice, when it was time to write the Constitution, America’s founders argued for a Bill of Rights, of which the First Amendment protects the right to free speech. James ...

US Liberals cozy up to Antifa, America's anti-free speech 'Taliban'
Post Date: 2017-08-22 13:50:16 by ghostdogtxn

Charlottesville Requiem
Post Date: 2017-08-22 13:39:23 by Ada
Who did what to whom? The hysteria unfolding regarding events in Charlottesville reminds me of the anti-Russia madness that has made front page news ever since Hillary Clinton discovered that she had lost the presidential election to Vladimir Putin. The media train is again rushing headlong into a terra incognita with its only goal being to bring down President Donald Trump by riding a wave of anti-right wing extremist revulsion. The establishment press is essentially enforcing its own code of ethics, insisting that just because what the mainstream characterizes as morally repugnant “Nazi-scum” and white nationalists exist they are ultimately fully responsible for any violence ...

American Bar Association Asks States to Adopt Firearm Confiscation Laws
Post Date: 2017-08-22 08:11:12 by Ada
The American Bar Association is pushing state and local governments to adopt firearm confiscation laws similar to those in California. During their 2017 Annual Meeting, the ABA House of Delegates adopted Resolution 118B, which “urges governments to enact statutes, rules, or regulations authorizing courts to issue gun violence restraining orders, including ex parte orders.” The ex parte aspect of the resolution means the ABA is pushing confiscation orders that can be issued without any input from the gun owner. Breitbart News reported that California Democrats secured “gun violence restraining orders” after the May 23, 2014, Santa Barbara attack. That attack was a ...

The Week’s Most Curious, Spurious, and Injurious Headlines
Post Date: 2017-08-20 19:56:05 by Ada
“GOY, BYE!”: BANNON RESIGNS Seen by many as the Trump Administration’s gin-blossomed face of anti-globalist populist fury, former Breitbart News Executive Chairman Steve “The Great Manipulator” Bannon resigned as White House Chief Strategist on Friday. He will return to his role at Breitbart. It is suspected that Bannon’s departure was at least partially engineered to take the heat off Trump for the events in Charlottesville. Bannon has routinely been depicted in the press as a white supremacist, an anti-Semite, and even a Nazi—although we’re now all Nazis, apparently. Keeping things non-racial as the left is always wont to do, The Huffington ...

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe Issues Executive Order That Violates First Amendment
Post Date: 2017-08-20 10:02:10 by Ada
Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe signed an executive order late Friday halting demonstrations at Lee Monument in Richmond for the next 90 days. That order violates the First Amendment. “In spite of weeks of preparation, the city of Charlottesville was the target of an act of domestic terrorism that cost one woman her life, and had a helicopter accident lead to the deaths of two state troopers,” McAuliffe said in a statement that accompanied the executive order: In the aftermath of this tragedy, several groups have requested permits to hold similar-styled events at the Lee Monument in Richmond. State and local officials need to get ahead of this problem, so that we have the proper ...

Censor White Supremacy
Post Date: 2017-08-20 09:27:09 by Ada
One of the most welcome political developments of my lifetime is the growing suspicion with which attempts to cloak even the most detestable utterances under the mantle of “free speech” is regarded. From the misogynistic obscurantism of #GamerGate (years later I still can’t find anyone who can tell me what the “-gate” was) and the painfully unfunny parody of stand-up comedy performed on college campuses by the expatriate employer of ghostwriters known as Milo Yiannopoulos to the latter-day phrenology of the so-called alt-right and the unabashed Holocaust denial of Stormfront, there are expressions that most of us consider on their face unacceptable and ...

Something stinks about Charlottesville
Post Date: 2017-08-19 07:19:23 by Ada
Evidence is turning up from, of all places, the Southern Poverty Law Center, as well as Breitbart and others, that this character, Jason Kessler, who organized the suspicious and supposed Alt-Right demonstration in Charlottesville, Va. that blew up in everyone's face, is a cunning lefty holdover from the Occupy Wall Street movement and a former Barack Obama supporter. I smell Soros money, sabotage, and Democrat dirty tricks here. I've been suspicious of the nature of the violence at this supposed Alt-Right demonstration since the news first began breaking. It is no secret that radical elements in the Democrat left have been routinely utilizing violence when it suits their ...

Chaos in Charlottesville: No One Gave Peace a Chance, Including the Police
Post Date: 2017-08-19 06:55:09 by Ada
“No wrongs have ever been righted by riots and civil disorders.” — Robert F. Kennedy Let’s be clear about one thing: no one—not the armed, violent, militant protesters nor the police—gave peace a chance during the August 12 demonstrations in Charlottesville, Va. What should have been an exercise in free speech quickly became a brawl. It’s not about who threw the first punch or the first smoke bomb. It’s not about which faction outshouted the other, or which side perpetrated more violence, or even which group can claim to be the greater victim. One young woman is dead because of the hate, violence, intolerance, racism and partisanship that is ...

Freedom for the Speech We Hate
Post Date: 2017-08-17 07:09:43 by Ada
Last weekend, serious violence broke out in Charlottesville, Virginia, when a group of white supremacist demonstrators was confronted by a group of folks who were there to condemn the message the demonstrators had come to advance. The message was critical of the government for removing a statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee from a public place. For some, Lee is associated with the military defense of slavery. For others, he is associated with the military defense of the right of states to leave the union — a union they voluntarily joined. For the organizers of the Charlottesville rally, the removal of the statue provided a platform to articulate crudely their view that the Caucasian race is ...

What Trump Got Right about Charlottesville
Post Date: 2017-08-17 06:04:14 by Ada
Was the apoplectic media watching the same press conference? The allegation that the mainstream media disseminates “fake news” about the Trump administration often can seem overwrought, even a kind of caricature. Yet the nearly universal media response to President Trump’s news conference at which he addressed the Charlottesville violence can only reinforce it. One day this response make make a rich subject for future historians analyzing it as earlier historians probed witch-burnings, pogroms, and other outbreaks of mass hysteria. They likely will focus on the spectacle of sophisticated, experienced, well credentialed people—Chuck Todd, Jake Tapper, Joe Scarborough, ...

Conservatives’ Blind Love For Corporate America Must End
Post Date: 2017-08-16 02:52:58 by Ada
Google’s firing of James Damore is a lesson. The controversy over tech giant Google’s firing of James Damore after he internally circulated a memo criticizing the company’s diversity-driven hiring practices has put America’s suffocating corporate culture in the limelight. Yet it also speaks to a broader question: Do modern conservatives blindly defend corporate rights to the detriment of all other values? If so, Google is the perfect example of why they shouldn’t. To be fair, many on the Right used the incident as another example of America’s deteriorating culture of free expression. Yet many within Google’s c-suite and its shareholders were likely ...

CENSORSHIP ALERT: Mozilla planning “kill shot” for entire independent media by blocking all non-approved news in the FireFox browser
Post Date: 2017-08-15 20:02:34 by BTP Holdings
CENSORSHIP ALERT: Mozilla planning “kill shot” for entire independent media by blocking all non-approved news in the FireFox browser Tuesday, August 15, 2017 by: Jayson Veley (Natural News) In November of 1737, decades before America officially declared its independence from the king of England, a young Benjamin Franklin published an essay in The Pennsylvania Gazette entitled, “On Freedom of Speech and the Press.” In it, Franklin wrote, “Freedom of speech is a principal pillar of a free government; when this support is taken away, the Constitution of a free society is dissolved, and tyranny is erected on its ruins.” Franklin went on to write, “An ...

Post Date: 2017-08-15 09:50:16 by Ada
Listening to NPR this morning confirmed what I already knew. Charlottesville is being turned into another nail in President Trump’s coffin. NPR had no interest whatsoever in reporting the actual facts about what had occurred in Charlottesville. The several “interviews” with the like-minded were orchestrated to produce the desired propaganda result: It was all Trump’s fault. It was Trump’s fault for many reasons. He had stirred up White Supremacists and Nazis by appealing during the presidential election campaign to their supremacist views with his slogan “America first.” Of course, what Trump means by “America first,” is precisely what the ...

Charlottesville: Here’s what really happened
Post Date: 2017-08-15 08:16:01 by Ada
“UNITE THE RIGHT” The agents of Deep State know that the American patriot movement is coming for them with torches and pitchforks. The back story to what really occurred in Charlottesville comes down to that slogan: Unite the Right It there is anything Deep State does not want to see, it’s a united right. The NWO globalists will do anything in their power — and they have a LOT of it — to prevent a genuine unification of the many different groups on the right side of the political spectrum. The oligarchy that administers the U.S. Corporation will absolutely not tolerate an authentic patriot movement on American soil. The power elite who oversees the American ...

Ok folks, here’s what REALLY happened in Charlottesville – and what everyone is missing
Post Date: 2017-08-14 22:48:27 by farmfriend
Ok folks, here’s what REALLY happened in Charlottesville – and what everyone is missing By: Allen West This past weekend I was honored to be in a most picturesque place with some great and hospitable folks ib Prescott (Yavapai County) Arizona. I was there to address the Republican Women of Prescott, the nation’s largest Republican women’s club, on their 75th anniversary. The scenery there was just breathtaking and there was just a sense of solemnness that we all need experience from time to time. How great a contrast it was from what was happening across the country in Charlottesville, Virginia. Let me begin by saying, I deplore any form of supremacist view — ...

The Wrong Narrative in Charlottesville
Post Date: 2017-08-14 19:23:32 by Ada
The political violence in Charlottesville yesterday was as predictable as it was futile. One person was killed and dozens badly injured, marking a new low in the political and cultural wars that are as heated as any time since in America since the 1960s. This relentless politicization of American culture has eroded goodwill and inflamed the worst impulses in society. Antifa and the alt-right may represent simple-minded expressions of hatred and fear, but both groups are animated entirely by politics: the perception that others can impose their will on us politically. The only lasting solution to political violence is to make politics matter less. We’ve allowed politics to invade ...

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