
Latest Articles: Dead Constitution

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Getting Julian Assange
Post Date: 2017-05-23 14:13:34 by Ada
Julian Assange has been vindicated because the Swedish case against him was corrupt. The prosecutor, Marianne Ny, obstructed justice and should be prosecuted. Her obsession with Assange not only embarrassed her colleagues and the judiciary but exposed the Swedish state's collusion with the United States in its crimes of war and "rendition". Had Assange not sought refuge in the Ecuadorean embassy in London, he would have been on his way to the kind of American torture pit Chelsea Manning had to endure. This prospect was obscured by the grim farce played out in Sweden. "It's a laughing stock," said James Catlin, one of Assange's Australian lawyers. "It ...

Trump Feted by Rogue Saudi Regime
Post Date: 2017-05-21 07:51:33 by Stephen Lendman
Trump Feted by Rogue Saudi Regime by Stephen Lendman It’s despotically ruled, viciously repressive, super-rich from vast oil reserves, used for pure evil, partnered with America’s imperial agenda, waging terror-war on Syria, Yemen and its own people. Its appalling human rights record doesn’t deter close ties with America, Britain and other EU countries - allied rogue states. Trump’s visit cashed in big on Saudi wealth, sealing a $110 billion arms deal, signing a memorandum of intent to supply Riyadh with weapons worth around $350 billion over the next decade. They’ll be used for regional wars and domestic repression, its agenda like America’s, waging war ...

US Constitution May Be Suspended: War, National Emergency and “Continuity of Government”
Post Date: 2017-05-20 19:31:30 by BTP Holdings
US Constitution May Be Suspended: War, National Emergency and “Continuity of Government” May 30, 2010 0 Comments Peter Dale Scott Japan Focus May 30, 2010 Cheney and FEMA had been working on COG planning as a team throughout the 1980s and 1990s. In July 1987, during the Iran-Contra Hearings grilling of Oliver North, the American public got a glimpse of “highly sensitive” emergency planning North had been involved in. Ostensibly these were emergency plans to suspend the American constitution in the event of a nuclear attack (a legitimate concern). But press accounts alleged that the planning was for a more generalized suspension of the constitution. As part of ...

Latest Anti-Trump Media Assault
Post Date: 2017-05-20 07:37:17 by Stephen Lendman
Latest Anti-Trump Media Assault Stephen Lendman At the start of his first foreign trip, departing Friday, lasting nine days, returning home next weekend, America’s two leading broadsheets sent him on his way with denigrating reports. Along with other media scoundrels, it’s part of their sinister plot to weaken, delegitimize, and oust him from office for wrongheaded reasons, not warranted ones. The deplorable NYT headlined “Trump Told Russians That Firing ‘Nut Job’ Comey Eased Pressure From Investigation,” saying: During Sergey Lavrov’s Oval Office visit, along with ambassador Sergey Kislyak, Trump reportedly said “ ‘I just fired the head of ...

Disinformation Report Hypes Nonexistent Russian Threat
Post Date: 2017-05-20 07:20:59 by Stephen Lendman
Disinformation Report Hypes Nonexistent Russian Threat by Stephen Lendman Russophobic former US ambassador to Ukraine Steven Pifer is now a Brookings senior fellow, head of it Arms Control Initiative, and paid propagandist. In Washington testimony before Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) members, he hyped a nonexistent Russian military threat in Europe, Ukraine used as a case study. A litany of disinformation and Big Lies followed, truth turned on its head about Crimea, ignoring its legitimate return to Russia correcting a historic mistake, and blaming Moscow for Kiev’s war on Donbass. Pifer: “There is little evidence to suggest that Russia and the ...

Slow-Motion Plot to Dump Trump
Post Date: 2017-05-19 08:50:30 by Stephen Lendman
Slow-Motion Plot to Dump Trump by Stephen Lendman Dark forces in Washington want him removed, things headed toward replacing him with Pence, a deep state puppet he erred in appointing as vice president. GHW Bush was smarter, choosing political lightweight Dan Quale, unqualified for any public position. Trump’s hold on the presidency is shaky. On Thursday, he tweeted “(w)ith all of the illegal acts that took place in the Clinton campaign & Obama Administration, there was never a special counsel appointed!” “This is the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history!” Long knives wanting him ousted may succeed, removing him from office by ...

Sweden Drops Phony Assange Rape Case
Post Date: 2017-05-19 08:29:07 by Stephen Lendman
Sweden Drops Phony Assange Rape Case by Stephen Lendman Since June 2012, he’s been holed up in Ecuador’s London embassy, granted political asylum by its government weeks later in response to phony Swedish rape charges. Britain conspired with Washington to get Assange to Sweden, once there extradited to Washington where a reported sealed indictment charges him with spying under the WW I relic Espionage Act. Neocon Attorney General Jeff Sessions calls arresting him “a priority…(W)e will seek to put some people in jail” for whistleblowing, he blustered. CIA head Mike Pompeo said he deserves the death penalty. He lied saying “(i)t’s time to call out ...

Banana Republic Antics in Washington
Post Date: 2017-05-18 07:47:48 by Stephen Lendman
Banana Republic Antics in Washington by Stephen Lendman What’s going on is shocking and appalling - how banana republics operate. The term refers to politically unstable and repressive countries where a privileged few have a disproportionate share of wealth and power, where ordinary people are exploited, many persecuted, where a police state apparatus enforces control, where nonbelievers face gulag imprisonment. It’s a plutocracy run by a criminal class, bipartisan in America, complicit with corporate predators. It’s gangsterism run for personal gain at the expense of the general welfare. It’s what US governance is all about, fantasy democracy, fundamental freedoms ...

NYT Praise for Witch-Hunt Investigations
Post Date: 2017-05-18 07:32:35 by Stephen Lendman
NYT Praise for Witch-Hunt Investigations by Stephen Lendman Anti-Trump dark forces in Washington want him denigrated, weakened and ousted from office, puppet leadership they control replacing him. That’s what the hysterical climate is all about, inventing stuff to render him too damaged to continue as president - an unrelenting, media supported, onslaught greater than anyone can withstand. Media scoundrels support what demands condemnation. The NYT is Trump’s leading antagonist, disgracing itself more than already, serving as press agent for powerful interests at the expense of journalism the way it should be - absent on issues mattering most. Its editors hailed the ...

Putin Accused of Bribing Trump
Post Date: 2017-05-18 07:19:38 by Stephen Lendman
Putin Accused of Bribing Trump by Stephen Lendman You have to be delusional to believe it, neocon Senate Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R. CA) making the baseless accusation, saying: “There’s two people I think Putin pays: (Rep. Dana) Rohrabacher and Trump,” according to a June 15, 2016 recorded discussion with other Republicans, including Speaker Paul Ryan. It followed talks on Capitol Hill with putschist Ukrainian prime minister Vladimir Groysman, bashing Russia irresponsibly, claiming the Kremlin bribes politicians to serve its interests. It was around the time Moscow was falsely accused of hacking last year’s US presidential election, McCarthy joining the ...

Erdogan in Washington
Post Date: 2017-05-18 07:11:07 by Stephen Lendman
Erdogan in Washington by Stephen Lendman A thuggish security entourage accompanies his foreign trips, clashing with critics when demonstrations are held. In April 2016 at Brookings, deplorably invited to speak, they made Washington resemble Ankara, clashing with peaceful demonstrators, protesting his crackdown on press freedom, other human rights abuses, war on Turkish Kurds and support for terrorist groups in Syria. They assaulted journalists covering his talk, outside and inside the venue, including regime critic Adem Yavuz Arslan. They clashed with DC police after demands to remove protesters were rejected. During Erdogan’s May 16 White House visit, one of many tinpot despots ...

The Bizarre Story Behind the FBI’s Fake Documentary About the Bundy Family
Post Date: 2017-05-17 09:29:51 by Ada
RYAN BUNDY SEEMED uneasy as he settled into a white leather chair in a private suite at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. As the eldest son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, who had become a national figure for his armed standoff with U.S. government agents in April 2014, Ryan had quite a story to tell. Eight months had passed since Cliven and hundreds of supporters, including heavily armed militia members, faced off against the federal government in a sandy wash under a highway overpass in the Mojave Desert. Now, here in the comforts of the Bellagio, six documentary filmmakers trained bright lights and high-definition cameras on Ryan. They wanted to ask about the standoff. Wearing a cowboy hat, ...

Chelsea Manning: Free at Last
Post Date: 2017-05-17 09:04:45 by Stephen Lendman
Chelsea Manning: Free at Last by Stephen Lendman Her long ordeal bears testimony to state-sponsored viciousness, deep emotional scars certain to remain longterm. It’s official. She’s free following seven horrific years of brutal political imprisonment - for doing the right thing. Arrested in April 2010, she was viciously treated, held in brutalizing pre-trial confinement for over three years before court proceedings began - a flagrant 8th Amendment violation, prohibiting cruel and unusual punishment for any reason. On January 17, Obama commuted her sentence, effective May 17 - waiting nearly seven years to do the right thing instead of intervening right away responsibly. At ...

Long Knives Out for Trump
Post Date: 2017-05-17 07:50:44 by Stephen Lendman
Long Knives Out for Trump by Stephen Lendman He’s a longtime establishment figure. How else could he become super-rich, able to be the GOP standard bearer, then president? Yet he’s portrayed as an outlier. Undemocratic Democrats and media scoundrels despise him for preventing Hillary from getting the nation’s top job. An unrelenting blitzkrieg persists to demonize, weaken and delegitimize him, a softening up process aimed at ousting him from office by forced resignation, impeachment or more sinister means. If dark forces want him removed, he’s likely powerless to stop them. It’s too early to definitively know, but things appear headed in the direction of ending ...

Sinister NYT Plot to Oust Trump from Office
Post Date: 2017-05-17 07:36:21 by Stephen Lendman
Sinister NYT Plot to Oust Trump from Office by Stephen Lendman Likely colluding with anti-Trump dark forces, Times editors said his authority as president “does not extend to obstructing a federal investigation.” No credible evidence proves it - only an alleged Comey memo not seen outside the Justice Department if it exists. It cites him quoting Trump supposedly saying “I hope you can let this go,” referring the witch-hunt federal investigation into possible improper Michael Flynn connections to Russia - what never should have been initiated in the first place. Asking if Trump obstructed justice, Times editors, without credible evidence, said “(t)hat is ...

Report on Trump Disclosure of Information on ISIS to Russia Suppressed What's Most Important
Post Date: 2017-05-16 07:27:28 by Stephen Lendman
Report on Trump Disclosure of Information on ISIS to Russia Suppressed What’s Most Important by Stephen Lendman All Western media reports are suspect, notably on war and peace as well as other geopolitical issues, especially anything related to Russia. Media scoundrels seek pretexts to bash its government and leadership - the latest example from the neocon/CIA-connected Washington Post, serving as a virtual house organ for the spy agency, putting out material it wants published, suppressing what it wants concealed. On Monday, it claimed Trump “revealed highly classified information (on ISIS) to Russian Foreign Minister” Sergey Lavrov and its ambassador to Washington ...

US Pursues Everything but the Right Things
Post Date: 2017-05-15 07:08:57 by Stephen Lendman
US Pursues Everything but the Right Things by Stephen Lendman Churchill was wrong once saying “(y)ou can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they’ve tried everything else.” In modern times especially, it’s consistently and recklessly on the wrong side of vital issues - notably on war and peace and responsible diplomatic relations with all countries. Its rage for unchallenged dominance is humanity’s greatest threat. Eventual nuclear war seems virtually certain if its recklessness isn’t halted - no simple task given neocon-infested Washington, trigger-happy for new conquests, permanently at war, peace and stability considered sissy and ...

Endless Russia Bashing
Post Date: 2017-05-15 06:56:16 by Stephen Lendman
Endless Russia Bashing by Stephen Lendman Most Americans know little or nothing about modern-day Russia, how its governed, its geopolitical policies and most everything else. They’re brainwashed to believe the opposite of what’s true. If all nations were run like Russia, they’d get along with each other cooperatively. They’d be global peace and stability, not endless imperial wars. Yet media scoundrels proliferate opposite claims, portraying the Cold War “evil empire” notion, a colossal canard. It’s in Washington, not Moscow. Western fake news pretends otherwise. The Washington Post is a CIA house organ, controlling its editorial content. On May 14, ...

Comey's Firing an Excuse to Bash Trump for the Wrong Reasons
Post Date: 2017-05-15 06:46:50 by Stephen Lendman
Comey’s Firing an Excuse to Bash Trump for the Wrong Reasons by Stephen Lendman The NYT is the lead player waging media war on Trump, bashing him for the wrong reasons, not the right ones. In a Monday broadside, it accused him of “baffling, outrageous, unfathomable…bizarre behavior,” indicating there’s “something (he) knows about the investigations into his campaign’s contacts with Russia that he doesn’t want us to know.” “These are either the machinations of concealment, expressions of a burgeoning insanity, or both.” Responsible editors wouldn’t let this type rubbish be published. The Times features it, ignoring what’s ...

Alt-right’s Richard Spencer leads torch-bearing protesters defending Confederate statue
Post Date: 2017-05-14 12:42:47 by Ada
RICHMOND — Self-proclaimed white nationalist Richard Spencer led a large group carrying torches and chanting “You will not replace us” Saturday in Charlottesville, protesting plans to remove a Confederate monument that has played an outsize role in this year’s race for Virginia governor. “What brings us together is that we are white, we are a people, we will not be replaced,” Spencer said at the first of two rallies he led in the college town where he once attended the University of Virginia. At the second rally, dozens of torch-bearing protesters gathered in a city park in the evening and chanted “You will not replace us” and “Russia is our ...

Revving Up War on Trump
Post Date: 2017-05-14 08:07:05 by Stephen Lendman
Revving Up War on Trump by Stephen Lendman Instead of criticizing him for the right reasons, media scoundrels bash him for the wrong ones. Dark forces in Washington want him weakened, delegitimized, ousted, and replaced by neocon Pence, an easily controlled establishment figure, their sinister agenda in good hands with him as president. Acting as press agents for power, media scoundrels support what demands condemnation. At war with Trump throughout the campaign, their hostility continues with him as head of state. Firing James Comey is a pretext for revving up war on him, a convenient issue with legs, not going away any time soon, even after a new FBI director is named. A nasty ...

DONALD TRUMP: "I am the law and order candidate" - PROVE IT
Post Date: 2017-05-14 01:57:39 by Uncle Bill
Miguel Rodriguez, lead investigator tasked to investigate the murder of Vincent Foster -- "It was the Independent counsel themselves and the FBI that beat me back, in fact threatened me. They told me to back off and back down. I have been communicated with again and told to be careful where I tread. I can tell you this it's not just my career and reputation, but it also has to do with my personal health and my family." "Vince Foster was shot right here in the neck"Miguel Rodriguez - The Neck Wound, The Secret Life of Bill Clinton, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard. VINCE FOSTER - The Mirage of Suicide and The Reality of Murder "Justice is the end of government. It is ...

DNI Coats Disgracefully Calls Russia a Serial Election Hacker
Post Date: 2017-05-13 07:42:16 by Stephen Lendman
DNI Coats Disgracefully Calls Russia a Serial Election Hacker by Stephen Lendman Everyone in Washington knows Russia didn’t interfere in America’s 2016 presidential election or any others. Yet the Big Lie persists, along with continued witch-hunt investigations to prove a negative, what didn’t happen, one of numerous examples of how America wastes time, effort and money on the wrong things - governing responsibly off-the-table. Along with imperial wars and enriching the nation’s privileged class at the expense of most others, the national pastime is Russia bashing, pursued ferociously for fabricated reasons because legitimate ones don’t exist. In its annual ...

Ukraine: US-Installed Fascist Rule in Europe's Heartland
Post Date: 2017-05-13 07:31:10 by Stephen Lendman
Ukraine: US-Installed Fascist Rule in Europe’s Heartland by Stephen Lendman The Obama administration bears full responsibility for replacing democracy in Ukraine with illegitimate Nazi-infested fascist rule. The nation shares a near-1,500 mile land and sea border with Russia. Stop NATO’s Rick Rozoff earlier explained Ukraine is “the decisive linchpin in plans by the US and its NATO allies to effect a military cordon sanitaire, severing Russia from Europe” - a sinister plot perhaps intended as prelude to nuclear war. Under putschist rule, Ukraine is a hotbed of militarized extremism, waging war on its own people, committing appalling human rights abuses - with full ...

Presstitute Hysteria
Post Date: 2017-05-12 08:47:27 by Stephen Lendman
Presstitute Hysteria by Stephen Lendman Operating as virtual press agents for power, US media scoundrels find new ways to embarrass and shame themselves - journalism the way it should be considered anathema, disinformation and fake news substituting. Comey’s sacking should be a non-issue. Instead it’s called another Saturday Night Massacre and “worse than Watergate.” It’s neither. Reliable independent media alone explain what news consumers need to know. In the case of Comey’s sacking and removing other Obama administration holdovers, it’s a matter of Trump wanting his own choices in key positions, ones he trusts, serving his agenda, not going another ...

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