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Federal Judge Halts Trump's Travel Ban
Post Date: 2017-03-16 07:53:21 by Stephen Lendman
Federal Judge Halts Trump’s Travel Ban by Stephen Lendman The Constitution’s First Amendment Establishment Clause states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” Citing it, Hawaii-based US District Court Judge Derrick Watson issued a temporary restraining order (TRO), halting Trump’s travel ban nationwide, blocking it from taking effect on March 16, saying: “(A) reasonable, objective observer…would conclude that the executive order was issued with a purpose to disfavor a particular religion.” Hawaii Attorney General Doug Chin said Trump’s ban exceeded his authority ...

Kiev Blocks Road and Rail Links to Donbass
Post Date: 2017-03-16 07:35:42 by Stephen Lendman
Kiev Blocks Road and Rail Links to Donbass by Stephen Lendman A statement by its putschist national security and defense council head Alexander Turchinov said: “Taking into consideration that Ukraine’s enterprises have been (nationalized) and the security situation has worsened…the (council) has made a decision to suspend movement of cargos through the contact line.” “Following (the council’s) decision, all highways and railroads leading to the line of disengagement will be blocked (on Wednesday) at 1pm (local time) by” police and so-called national guard. Blocking will continue until Ukrainian enterprises are returned to oligarch’s hands and ...

Neocon Senator Considers RT a Foreign Agent
Post Date: 2017-03-16 07:21:24 by Stephen Lendman
Neocon Senator Considers RT a Foreign Agent by Stephen Lendman Russophobia in America is rampant. A CNN propaganda documentary shamelessly lied, saying Vladimir Putin governs “unconstrained by other institutions, parties and political forces.” Russian democracy is real, America’s is fake. Each wing of its one-party extremist rule takes turns assuming power. Elections are farcical when held. Voters have no say whatever. CNN claiming Putin “is not foolish enough to make a frontal assault on America and Europe” despicably maligns a world-class peacemaker. If all nations were governed like Russia, endless imperial wars wouldn’t be waged. Countries would ...

Discrimination Misconceptions
Post Date: 2017-03-14 08:33:19 by Ada
Back in 2013, Barronelle Stutzman, the owner of Arlene’s Flowers in Richland, Washington, refused to provide flowers for a gay friend’s same-sex wedding. The legal battle that ensued has now ended: The Washington State Supreme Court just unanimously ruled that the florist violated the state’s anti-discrimination law. The case has given rise to some misconceptions about discrimination. Here is the back story. In 2012, the state of Washington enacted Senate Bill 6239, which recognized same-sex marriage. Gay men Robert Ingersoll and Curt Freed, who had been a couple since 2004, decided to get married in September of 2013. At the time of his engagement, Ingersoll had been a ...

NYT Hypocrisy
Post Date: 2017-03-14 07:34:46 by Stephen Lendman
NYT Hypocrisy by Stephen Lendman In a Tuesday editorial, Times editors criticized Trump for calling Egyptian despot Abdel Fattah el- Sisi (a US War College graduate) a “fantastic guy,” ignoring his coup d’etat regime, reigning terror against Muslim Brotherhood members and other opponents. The Times selectively picks nations and leaders to criticize, ignoring ones most important to target - America and Israel most of all, the world’s two leading human rights abusers. The self-styled newspaper of record ignores their high crimes. Try finding a single Times report denouncing US aggression in multiple theaters. Nothing about replacing democracy with fascist thugs in ...

Dramatic moment fire crews use a hose to blast a father-of-six out of his car during a traffic stop before cops shoot him dead
Post Date: 2017-03-14 07:29:53 by noone222
Shocking video shows the moment fire crews blasted a father-of-six out of his van with a water hose after he was pulled over for a broken tail light - before police shot him dead. The suspect, identified by his sister as Michael Anthony Perez, had been pulled over in Anaheim, California, on Saturday evening when police say he refused to get out of his minivan. Officers say they became concerned when the 33-year-old pulled out a lighter and gas container. 'We felt this guy was going to light himself on fire or blow the car up,' Orange police Lt. Fred Lopez said. Comment:This ...

Harvard's Fake Guide to Fake News Sites
Post Date: 2017-03-13 14:17:54 by Stephen Lendman
Harvard’s Fake Guide to Fake News Sites by Stephen Lendman Is this what parents pay $63,000 annually for tuition, room, board and fees - so their children can be ill-served and ill-taught? Following the 2014 Obama administration Kiev coup, replacing democracy with fascist dictatorship, Harvard expressed concern about nonexistent “Russian aggression.” Some faculty members called for US military intervention. Not a word about US-supported putschists seizing power. Nothing about the most brazen European coup since Mussolini’s 1922 march on Rome. No explanation about a scheme orchestrated in Washington. Silence about a major crisis in Europe’s heartland still ...

Egypt's Mubarak to Be Freed
Post Date: 2017-03-13 14:03:34 by Stephen Lendman
Egypt’s Mubarak to Be Freed by Stephen Lendman Egypt’s military coup ousted him. He didn’t resign. He was pushed. Washington did the heavy shoving after he fell out of favor for opposing America’s war on Iraq, and plans to organize regional Sunni states against Syria, Iran and Lebanon’s Hezbollah. The so-called Arab Spring never bloomed. It was orchestrated in Washington, not in Tahir Square, spillover in Cairo streets and elsewhere regionally. Protesters were trained in America to facilitate regime change. Maintaining hardline rule was planned, not transition to democracy. On February 11, 2011, Mubarak was ousted, authority transferred to the Supreme Council ...

Sheriff of Wall Street Kept Hands Off Top Officials
Post Date: 2017-03-13 09:13:16 by Stephen Lendman
Sheriff of Wall Street Kept Hands Off Top Officials by Stephen Lendman Wall Street crooks make money the old-fashioned way - stealing it through fraud, grand theft, market manipulation, front-running them, pump-and-dump schemes, scamming investors, bribing politicians, and having its executives in top administration posts making policies facilitating chicanery. Compared to major Street firms, Bernie Madoff was small-time. So are most other financial swindlers. Key ones plot in Wall Street board rooms, operating unaccountably, making their own rules. When caught red-handed defrauding customers, at most wrist-slap fines are imposed. No top executives are prosecuted, none imprisoned, none ...

Former Ukrainian Prime Minister in Washington
Post Date: 2017-03-13 08:58:17 by Stephen Lendman
Former Ukrainian Prime Minister in Washington by Stephen Lendman Yulia Tymoshenko served as illegitimate Ukrainian prime minister following the Bush administration’s 2004 Orange Revolution, toppling the sitting government, installing a pro-Western puppet regime. She a convicted felon, imprisoned for embezzlement, money laundering, hiding ill-gotten wealth abroad, and “abuse of public office.” Obama administration-installed putschists illegally freed her. At one time, she had nearly 300 secret foreign bank accounts. Some remain active. She’s militantly anti-Russia. She has presidential aspirations, twice visiting Washington in hopes of furthering them. In late ...

Wisconsin Judge Rules Against Trump's Travel Ban
Post Date: 2017-03-12 08:11:23 by Stephen Lendman
Wisconsin Judge Rules Against Trump’s Travel Ban by Stephen Lendman On Friday, federal District Court Judge William Conley issued a temporary restraining order (TRO) for the wife and child of a Syrian refugee, living in America since 2014. His ruling applies only to them, but opens the door to similar ones, potentially nationwide, along with other efforts to get Trump’s travel ban judicially overturned, one state at a time. Names of the individuals involved in the Wisconsin case are unreported to protect their identities for obvious reasons - given disturbing Islamophobia in America. The plaintiff is a Sunni Syrian Muslim, given refugee status in America over two years ago. ...

US spies still won't tell Congress the number of Americans caught in dragnet
Post Date: 2017-03-11 18:46:54 by hondo68
Electronic surveillance programs Prism, Upstream hang in the congressional balance.Enlarge / A page from a classified PowerPoint presentation highlighting two US surveillance programs disclosed by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.The Guardian In 2013, a National Security Agency contractor named Edward Snowden revealed US surveillance programs that involved the massive and warrantless gathering of Americans' electronic communications. Two of the programs, called Upstream and Prism, are allowed under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. That section expires at year's end, and President Donald Trump's administration, like his predecessor's administration, ...

Turkey's Tyrannical Rule
Post Date: 2017-03-11 12:42:40 by Stephen Lendman
Turkey’s Tyrannical Rule by Stephen Lendman Recep Tayyip Erdogan rules with an iron fist, heading a virtual fascist dictatorship masquerading as democratic. Anyone criticizing or challenging his leadership risks imprisonment, including public figures, journalists, academics, other intellectuals, human rights activists, even young children - on charges ranging from insulting the president to terrorism, espionage or treason. He purged or imprisoned over 100,000 regime critics - from the judiciary, military, police, media and academia. His state of emergency imposed after last summer’s coup attempt “target(s) criticism, not terrorism,” according to UN High Commissioner ...

Trump and Palestinian Puppet President Speak by Phone
Post Date: 2017-03-11 08:10:15 by Stephen Lendman
Trump and Palestinian Puppet President Speak by Phone by Stephen Lendman Israeli-anointed Palestinian puppet Mahmoud Abbas lacks legitimacy. His so-called 2005 election was rigged to install him in office. His term expired in January 2009. He’s still there, remaining as long as Israel and Washington want him. He’s more stooge than statesman, a Palestinian Quisling. He’s a longtime Israeli collaborator, serving as its enforcer, a self-serving Judas goat, hugely corrupt, betraying his people for special benefits he’s afforded - remaining in office as long as he serves his masters in Tel Aviv and Washington. On Friday, he and Trump spoke by phone for the first time. A ...

Four States Sue to Overturn Trump's Racist Travel Ban
Post Date: 2017-03-10 12:46:34 by Stephen Lendman
Four States Sue to Overturn Trump’s Racist Travel Ban by Stephen Lendman Hawaii was the first to sue, discussed in a previous article. State Attorney General Doug Chin called Trump’s revised executive order “Muslim Ban 2.0.” “Under the pretense of national security, it still targets immigrants and refugees. It leaves the door open for even further restrictions,” he said. On Thursday, Washington, Oregon and New York announced they’ll challenge Trump’s ban. Other states may follow - Minnesota next, according to NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, adding: “While the White House may have made changes to the ban, the intent to discriminate ...

America in Turmoil: From Deep State Insurgency to Deep State Spying – WikiLeaks’ Vault 7
Post Date: 2017-03-10 11:26:34 by Ada
Even those not following the latest evidence of the tyrannical noose tightening around our necks, know something has gone terribly wrong in America. Through NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden’s revelations four years ago, we learned that US citizens, as well as foreign countries, are the most spied upon in human history. But this week’s latest massive WikiLeaks’ release, aka Vault 7, amounts to almost 9,000 pages of CIA documents collected from 2013 through 2016 that disclose highly classified hacking secrets. With this largest dump of confidential CIA files ever published, the world is beginning to realize just how far gone our privacy rights are, becoming virtually ...

War Criminal Obama Wins JFK Profile in Courage Award
Post Date: 2017-03-10 07:25:40 by Stephen Lendman
War Criminal Obama Wins JFK Profile in Courage Award by Stephen Lendman Obama is no JFK! Despite committing horrific war crimes straightaway in office, Nobel committee members awarded him their 2009 peace prize, further mocking its legitimacy - honoring criminality, snubbing worthy recipients. Obama boasted about being at war throughout his tenure - after promising to end wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. They rage endlessly. Obama raped Libya, Syria and Yemen, replaced democracy in Ukraine with fascist tyranny, partnered with Israeli wars on Gaza, waged drone wars in multiple theaters, largely killing civilians, and enforced police state ruthlessness domestically. Days earlier, he was ...

China's Report on US Human Rights Abuses
Post Date: 2017-03-09 13:55:50 by Stephen Lendman
China’s Report on US Human Rights Abuses by Stephen Lendman China’s annual reports on US human rights abuses counter ones produced by the State Department - judging other nations, ignoring America’s high crimes at home and abroad. Examining its 2016 domestic and foreign record, China again exposed the myth of America’s claim about being a human rights defender. Using data from the US Justice Department, FBI, other US agencies, state ones, think tanks, the UN, international and US media, China reported what America wants concealed. Its incarceration rate is the world’s highest by far. In 2016, 58,125 gun violence incidents occurred, “including 385 mass ...

WikiLeaks Releases Documents on CIA Hacking Tools
Post Date: 2017-03-09 08:55:18 by Stephen Lendman
WikiLeaks Releases Documents on CIA Hacking Tools by Stephen Lendman On March 7, WikiLeaks published 8,761 documents, revealing secret CIA spying and hacking tools, saying: The dump represents “the majority of (Langely’s) hacking arsenal including malware, viruses, trojans, weaponized ‘zero day’ exploits, malware remote control systems and associated documentation.” The documents, called Vault 7, came from the CIA’s Center for Cyber Intelligence. Edward Snowden tweeted “(s)till working through the publication, but what @Wikileaks has here is genuinely a big deal. Looks authentic.” Separately, he tweeted “first public evidence USG secretly ...

Obama Monitoring Trump
Post Date: 2017-03-08 13:50:17 by Stephen Lendman
Obama Monitoring Trump by Stephen Lendman Former presidents usually respect the right of their successors to govern without interference. Obama changed the rules, maybe supported by big money backers like George Soros and likeminded international con men. Perhaps he’s involved in staging anti-Trump protests, challenging him in underhanded ways instead sticking to justifiable criticism. Reportedly his close aide Valerie Jarrett moved into his luxury new Washington home, two miles from the White House - intended as a nerve center to undermine Trump, ultimately aiming to oust him from office. In late January, Obama expressed support for anti-Trump protests, saying “citizens ...

Big Brother Spying by America
Post Date: 2017-03-08 07:37:40 by Stephen Lendman
Big Brother Spying by America by Stephen Lendman US spy agencies trample on Bill of Rights protections. Their spying domestically and abroad is pervasive. Anything goes is official policy, rule of law principles circumvented. Edward Snowden earlier said he hoped his revelations would make people worldwide aware of how their freedoms and protections are compromised. Mass surveillance goes on in ways few people realize. Numerous techniques are used - metadata collected unrelated to national security without court authorized warrants. Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, Skype, YouTube, Apple, and major telecommunications companies are complicit in spying on their customers. Phone ...

Hawaii Challenges Trump's Travel Ban
Post Date: 2017-03-08 07:26:50 by Stephen Lendman
Hawaii Challenges Trump’s Travel Ban by Stephen Lendman It’s the first state to file suit, challenging Trump’s revised travel ban. The new version resembles the old one with a face lift. State attorneys said court filings coming Wednesday request a federal judge to issue a temporary restraining order, blocking Trump’s executive order. Law Professor Neal Katyal representing Hawaii said while “the new executive order covers fewer people than the old one,” it still “suffers from the same constitutional and statutory defects.” Hawaii earlier asked a federal judge to lift the stay so it could file an amended lawsuit. In February, US District Court ...

Bahrain Regime Moves to Eliminate Opposition
Post Date: 2017-03-07 13:37:55 by Stephen Lendman
Bahrain Regime Moves to Eliminate Opposition by Stephen Lendman Al-Wefaq was Bahrain’s largest political society, its most popular. Last July, it was suspended and dissolved. The National Democratic Action Society (Wa’ad) is the country’s leading secular opposition. On Monday, the ruling al-Khalifa regime began legal proceedings to dissolve it over fabricated claims about “incit(ing) acts of terrorism and promoting violent and forceful overthrow of the political regime” - no evidence presented, nothing suggesting accusations are credible. The despotic al-Khalifa monarchy wants all challenges to its ruthless rule eliminated. Groups and individuals critical of the ...

Trump Co-opted to Stay Hardline on Russis
Post Date: 2017-03-07 08:25:19 by Stephen Lendman
Trump Co-opted to Stay Hardline on Russia by Stephen Lendman After a few weeks in office, Trump abandoned notions of improved ties with Russia. Putting Russophobes in charge of defense, national and homeland security dashed hopes for better relations. The reported upcoming appointment of Russophobe Fiona Hill as White House Director for Europe and Russia provides more evidence. American geopolitical policy seems like Obama never left. Endless imperial wars rage. The risk of US confrontation with Russia and China remains - by design or accident, nuclear war not off the table as hoped for with Hillary’s defeat. A ray of good news came from Trump’s mid-February press ...

Trump's New Travel Ban
Post Date: 2017-03-06 13:38:06 by Stephen Lendman
Trump’s New Travel Ban by Stephen Lendman His new executive order, issued Monday, reworked his earlier one - rejected at the federal district and appeals court levels. How this one fares remains to be seen. It’ll likely be challenged. Like the earlier one, it’s all about politics, unrelated to border control and keeping the nation safe from foreign terrorists - ISIS and others Washington created and supports. It calls for improved “screening and vetting protocols associated with the visa-issuance process and the” US Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP). It suspends for 90 days entry of certain (undefined) aliens from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and ...

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