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The NYT War on Truth
Post Date: 2017-03-04 07:50:57 by Stephen Lendman
The NYT War on Truth by Stephen Lendman On issues mattering most, The Times features fake news, not the real thing. On March 1, its editors lied headlining “Russia Sides With Chemical Weapons,” saying: “Russia proved again on Tuesday that there is no crime heinous enough to make it turn against Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad. It vetoed a resolution before the United Nations Security Council that would have punished Syria for using chemical weapons.” Fact: Throughout six years of Obama’s war, now Trump’s, using terrorists as imperial foot soldiers against a sovereign independent state threatening no one, claims about Assad using chemical weapons ...

America's Major Media: A Cesspool of Misinformation
Post Date: 2017-03-04 07:36:08 by Stephen Lendman
America’s Major Media: A Cesspool of Misinformation by Stephen Lendman The late actor/writer/comedian Ernie Kovacs once said he knew why television is called a medium - “because it’s neither rare nor well done.” The same applies to so-called print journalism - like television, featuring fake news, not the real thing. The deplorable state of America’s media keeps reaching for new lows of misreporting, manipulating readers and viewers, suppressing hard truths, spreading misinformation on vital world and national issues. At her weekly press briefing, Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova blasted CNN in response to its irresponsibly calling ...

Trump to Appoint Russophobe as White House Director of Europe and Russia
Post Date: 2017-03-03 13:09:47 by Stephen Lendman
Trump to Appoint Russophobe as White House Director for Europe and Russia by Stephen Lendman Improving ties with Russia was lost when Trump chose Mattis for defense, replaced National Security Advisor Michael Flynn with HR McMaster - perhaps the coup de grace with the expected announcement of Russophobe Fiona Hill as White House Director for Europe and Russia. She heads the hawkish Brookings Institution’s Center for the United States and Europe. From 2006 - 2009, she served as National Intelligence Council’s national intelligence officer for Russia and Eurasia. In her book, titled “Mr. Putin: Operative in the Kremlin (published by Brookings),” she called him a ...

Will Trump Try Ousting Venezuelan President Maduro?
Post Date: 2017-03-03 12:52:54 by Stephen Lendman
Will Trump Try Ousting Venezuelan President Maduro? by Stephen Lendman Previous Bush/Cheney and Obama administration regime change efforts failed. Washington considered Hugo Chavez a regional enemy. The same goes for current President Nicolas Maduro. It wants him toppled, a US-installed puppet replacing him, Bolivarian fairness ended, state-owned enterprises privatized, and control gained over Venezuelan enormous oil reserves, the world’s largest, including heavy and extra-heavy oil. Since Maduro became president in 2013, Washington waged economic war, wanting Venezuela destabilized, causing shortages of basic goods, harming ordinary people most, high inflation exacerbating ...

Wanting Improved Ties with Russia Considered Heresy
Post Date: 2017-03-03 08:29:47 by Stephen Lendman
Wanting Improved Ties with Russia Considered Heresy by Stephen Lendman Anti-Russia sentiment in Washington matches McCarthy era witch-hunt hysteria. It’s more dangerous because of bipartisan hawks infesting Congress and the administration in key defense, national security and intelligence positions. Instead of Dwight Eisenhower warning of the dangers of the military/industrial complex in his farewell address, chicken hawks Bill and Hillary Clinton, Bush/Cheney, Obama, and now Trump consider muscular militarism a good thing, enormous risks ignored. Trump is in trouble anyway. Deep state Hillary supporters want him delegitimized, undermined and removed from office - aiming at key ...

The NYT Wants Trump Delegitimized and Ousted from Office
Post Date: 2017-03-03 08:18:40 by Stephen Lendman
The NYT Wants Trump Delegitimized and Ousted from Office by Stephen Lendman He won. Hillary lost. It should have ended there. Yet nearly four months post-election, rage against him continues - for the wrong reasons, not the right ones. Legitimate criticism is warranted, gratuitous bashing despicable. He’s targeted for defeating media darling Hillary and rhetorically wanting improved relations with Russia, along with being an outsider elevated to the nation’s highest office, an unexpected winner last November. The deplorable NYT is one of his leading bashers. Its editors lied, saying Session had to recuse himself - an act of cowardice when he should have held firm. Trump should ...

Fake News Calls Russia's Envoy to Washington a Spy
Post Date: 2017-03-02 13:21:35 by Stephen Lendman
Fake News Calls Russia’s Envoy to Washington a Spy by Stephen Lendman Reckless US Russia bashing is reminiscent of US propaganda preceding all its wars, vilifying targeted countries and their leaders before attacking them. The possibility of the world’s dominant nuclear powers clashing militarily should terrify everyone. Nuclear armageddon could follow. Permanent wars reflect longstanding US policy. The Russian Federation never attacked another nation, fostering world peace and stability instead, threatening no other countries, despite Big Lies claiming otherwise. Russia’s ambassador to Washington, Sergey Kislyak, is a distinguished diplomat, not an intelligence agent. ...

Shadow Cabinet to Challenge Trump
Post Date: 2017-03-02 13:10:05 by Stephen Lendman
Shadow Cabinet to Challenge Trump by Stephen Lendman It’s standard practice in Britain, not in America, a shadow cabinet never before formed to challenge a US administration. In the UK, it’s done nothing to change irresponsible governance, at least not in recent decades. Expect nothing positive from the US initiative. Why now? Why Trump? Why weren’t the deplorable Clintons, Bush/Cheney and Obama challenged? Why weren’t they impeached and removed from office? Why were they allowed to govern unaccountably for 24 long, painful years? Why have their high crimes gone unpunished? Former New York City public advocate Mark Green assembled a group of former undemocratic ...

AG Sessions on the Carpet Over Nothing
Post Date: 2017-03-02 08:39:44 by Stephen Lendman
AG Jeff Sessions on the Carpet Over Nothing by Stephen Lendman It’s hard feeling sympathy for a man with a history of racist opposition to equal rights and protections under the law for all Americans. Still, vilifying him for conversations he apparently had with Russia’s ambassador to America, Sergey Kislyak, during the presidential campaign when he was a US senator is way over-the-top and unjustified. He shouldn’t have been asked about it during confirmation hearings or other times. Targeting him is part of endless Trump bashing for the wrong reasons, not the right ones. On March 1, the neocon, CIA-connected Washington Post published a hatchet job article, criticizing ...

NYT Editors Bash Trump's Foreign Policy for the Wrong Reasons
Post Date: 2017-03-02 08:09:09 by Stephen Lendman
NYT Editors Bash Trump’s Foreign Policy for the Wrong Reasons by Stephen Lendman His domestic and foreign policies warrant serious criticism this early in his tenure. Times editors prefer gratuitous bashing, continuing efforts to delegitimize him pre-and-post-election - vilification substituting for truth and full disclosure, typical of their deplorable misreporting. Focusing on Trump’s Tuesday congressional address, they correctly said it was short on explaining administration foreign policy - wrongheaded claiming “threats” America faces, none except invented ones as justification for endless imperial wars, raping one country after another. Times editors: Trump said ...

Trump Before Congress
Post Date: 2017-03-01 08:34:33 by Stephen Lendman
Trump Before Congress by Stephen Lendman His Tuesday address was long on making America safe for Wall Street, war profiteers and other corporate predators, short on what’s most needed to serve all Americans equitably and promote world peace. He focused on increased military spending at a time major cuts are needed, combating terrorism without explaining ISIS and likeminded groups are US creations, used as imperial foot soldiers. He called for repealing and replacing Obamacare, omitting what he and GOP lawmakers want is something worse, maybe devastating for the nation’s most vulnerable. “We will soon begin the construction of a great wall along our southern border,” ...

Obama, Hillary and GW Bush on Trump
Post Date: 2017-02-28 13:05:37 by Stephen Lendman
Obama, Hillary and GW Bush on Trump by Stephen Lendman His deplorable record so far aside, Obama and GW Bush aren’t allies - for sure not Hillary, still seething from her electoral loss, likely plotting revenge, maybe involved in anti-Trump protests behind the scenes. On Tuesday, Trump accused Obama of possibly being behind protests against him and White House leaks - “because his people are certainly behind it,” he said, referring to holdovers in his administration until they can be replaced. Campaigning last year, he called Hillary a “world class liar,” using the State Department as her “own personal hedge fund,” lacking “the temperament (and) ...

The Latest NYT Fake News on Russia
Post Date: 2017-02-28 07:37:08 by Stephen Lendman
The Latest NYT Fake News on Russia by Stephen Lendman An easy way to be misinformed and stay that way is by following Times reports - all fake news all the time on issues mattering most, especially geopolitical ones. Many of its reports read like Pentagon handouts, especially ones related to US imperial wars and Russia bashing. According to The Times, “(t)he Kremlin (believing Trump won’t change US policy toward Russia) seek(s) to bolster its global influence by exploiting what it considers weakness in Washington…” The Times called Putin “a champion of an alternative, illiberal model,” whatever that means. Claiming he aided Trump’s election is utter ...

Hillary Planning a 2020 White House Run?
Post Date: 2017-02-27 06:06:07 by Stephen Lendman
Hillary Planning a 2020 White House Run? by Stephen Lendman She tried and failed twice. Does she have another run in mind? Reports suggest she may launch a TV talk show, featuring her as host, perhaps intending it to be platform for a third presidential campaign. She considers herself party leader in exile, likely seeks revenge for losing to Trump. A TV show would be a way to bash him and serve as a self-promotion vehicle. She no doubt thinks she can beat Trump in 2020. Will she again seek her party’s nomination? It’s too early to know, but at this stage no other Democrat has popular support for the nation’s highest office. One thing seems sure. She’s not going ...

Venezuelan VP Refutes Spurious US Charges Against Him
Post Date: 2017-02-26 08:52:43 by Stephen Lendman
Venezuelan VP Refutes Spurious US Charges Against Him by Stephen Lendman A previous article discussed outrageous US sanctions imposed on Venezuelan Executive Vice President Tareck El Aissami over fabricated drugs trafficking allegations. Assets, if any, held in America were frozen under the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act.  A Treasury Department statement lied, saying Aissami allegedly “facilitated shipments of narcotics from Venezuela, to include control over planes that leave from a Venezuelan air base, as well as control of drug routes through the ports in Venezuela.” Pure rubbish! A malicious Big Lie, part of Washington’s continued war on Venezuelan ...

Washington Gov. Signs Executive Order Barring State Officials From Complying With ICE
Post Date: 2017-02-25 21:19:45 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Washington Gov. Signs Executive Order Barring State Officials From Complying With ICE  Washington Gov. Jay Inslee signed an executive order Thursday that would bar state and local law enforcement officials from arresting illegal immigrants at the request of federal officials.The order comes after Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly signed an executive order Monday calling for an expansion of the 287(g) program in which state and local law enforcement officials enforce federal immigration law.“The Washington State Patrol or Department of Corrections, or other executive or small cabinet agency with arrest powers, will act consistently with current federal law and shall not arrest ...

The Right Way to Challenge Fake News
Post Date: 2017-02-25 08:51:52 by Stephen Lendman
The Right Way to Challenge Fake News by Stephen Lendman Trump is right challenging fake news. It’s about time someone in high office did it. He’s going about it the wrong way. Without speech, media and academic freedoms, all other rights are threatened. Barring certain media outlets from attending Friday’s White House press briefing while letting others in was wrongheaded and counterproductive. The NYT falsely called the move unprecedented, “something no administration of either party has ever done.” Not quite. In 2009, the Obama White House said it would no longer conduct interviews with Fox News as a member of the press pool, an unprecedented act at the ...

Police State Viciousness Against Native American Water Protectors
Post Date: 2017-02-24 07:34:49 by Stephen Lendman
Police State Viciousness Against Native American Water Protectors by Stephen Lendman On Thursday, militarized police, National Park Service Rangers, Bureau of Indian Affairs law enforcers, and National Guard troops using armored vehicles removed remaining Standing Rock Sioux Tribe members and supporters from their Oceti Sakowin encampment. Dozens of arrests were made, the operation an example of police state viciousness. Indigenous Environmental Network executive director Tom Goldtooth issued a statement, saying: “We are appalled by today’s forced evacuations of indigenous people at the Camp at Standing Rock, they are a violent and unnecessary infringement on the ...

John McCain Again Meets with Terrorists in Syria
Post Date: 2017-02-23 13:40:05 by Stephen Lendman
John McCain Again Meets with Terrorists in Syria by Stephen Lendman In May 2013, ISIS elements posted photos they took with neocon John McCain, during his Syria visit to meet with anti-government terrorists. On return, he said “it was a very moving experience to meet these fighters who have been struggling now for over two years.” He called cutthroat killers moderate rebels. “I know who they are. I was in Syria and I met with them,” he said - explaining nothing about America’s war of aggression against a sovereign independent country threatening no one, using imported terrorists as imperial foot soldiers. Last weekend, McCain returned to Syria, showing support ...

Arizona Bill Threatens Protesters
Post Date: 2017-02-23 13:31:05 by Stephen Lendman
Arizona Bill Threatens Protesters by Stephen Lendman Tyranny stalks Americans at the federal, state and local levels - fundamental freedoms fast disappearing. On Wednesday, Arizona’s Senate passed legislation targeting anyone orchestrating or participating in legitimate protests turned violent, even if through no fault of their own. The measure expands state racketeering laws to including rioting - defining it as actions resulting in damage or destruction of property. The measure authorizes RICO criminal prosecution and asset seizures from anyone involved, including peaceful protestors. Police may arrest protest organizers even if they didn’t commit violence. According to ...

War on Digital Democracy
Post Date: 2017-02-23 08:52:06 by Stephen Lendman
War on Digital Democracy by Stephen Lendman Powerful interests are waging war to control our minds. Online freedom is threatened. I’ve been hacked and banished from Facebook for truth-telling. Google is suppressing content - removing sites from its search engine, censoring others, actions violating First Amendment rights. Google and Facebook changed their advertising policy to counter what they call “fake news.” They’re at war with digital democracy, increasingly wanting media scoundrel managed news misinformation and Big Lies featured over alternative content. During the US presidential election campaign, Google supported Hillary, rigged searches for her with ...

US Hostility Toward China
Post Date: 2017-02-22 13:44:39 by Stephen Lendman
US Hostility Toward China by Stephen Lendman America is hostile toward all sovereign independent states, especially Russia, China and all resource rich ones. On Wednesday, Reuters reported information provided by two unnamed US officials, saying Beijing nearly finished building “almost two dozen structures” on islands on man-made islands in its own waters. Trump officials believe they may be for long-range surface-to-air missiles. Reuters failed to explain China threatens no one. International law affirms its right of self-defense on its islands or mainland territory. Obama and Trump administration officials unjustifiably consider its island development illegal. According to ...

Standing Rock Water Protectors Face Eviction
Post Date: 2017-02-22 09:00:09 by Stephen Lendman
Standing Rock Water Protectors Face Eviction by Stephen Lendman Courageous Standing Rock Sioux tribe members and supporters face eviction, along with possible police brutality and arrest for defending sacred ancestral land from environmentally destructive pipeline construction. They’ve struggled for justice since last April, not about to quit now. The stakes are too high. Surrounded by police and Bureau of Indian Affairs agents, a video they produced on Monday said “(w)e have 48 hours before militarized law enforcement raid Oceti Sakowin camp. Elders and children need protection.” “After the deadline for February 22 at 2PM, we are all at risk of facing arrest, ...

Trump Plans Mass Deportations
Post Date: 2017-02-21 13:25:37 by Stephen Lendman
Trump Plans Mass Deportations by Stephen Lendman Obama was notoriously called America’s “deporter-in-chief” for conducting sweeping Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids nationwide - expelling record numbers, more than all his predecessors combined. He largely targeted undocumented Mexicans and Central Americans, averaging over 1,000 deportations daily - people in the United States because destructive NAFTA and DR-CAFTA trade deals destroyed their jobs at home, or sought asylum from domestic violence and chaos. Trump appears bent on exceeding Obama’s viciousness. Thousands of new ICE and border patrol agents are being hired. Stepped up sweeping raids will ...

Western Russophobia
Post Date: 2017-02-20 08:47:48 by Stephen Lendman
Western Russophobia by Stephen Lendman Russia is stereotypically portrayed in the West as the world’s leading bad guy. Along with Islamic terrorists, it’s Hollywood’s favorite villain. Czarism, Bolshevism, Stalinism and Communism are long gone. Western-style capitalism replaced them. Yet Cold War mentality persists in America and Europe because of Russia’s sovereign independence, a nation state able to match America’s nuclear capability. Its overall military might is impressive, evident in Syria with a token force. Putin’s opposition to US imperial madness is cause for bashing him. America’s hegemonic ambitions tolerate no challengers to its ...

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