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Trump Moves to Deregulate Wall Street
Post Date: 2017-02-04 08:19:15 by Stephen Lendman
Trump Moves to Deregulate Wall Street by Stephen Lendman His February 3 executive order addressed deregulation of America’s financial system, largely operating ad libitum already - a symbolic action on his part. Congressional legislation is required to repeal or change so-called Dodd-Frank financial reform. Obama’s measure was a scam, doing far more harm than good, virtually nothing to curb abusive practices. Lobbyists and lawyers representing Wall Street wrote the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, assuring dirty business as usual. The measure capitulated to Wall Street, empowering the Street’s owned and operated Fed to enforce oversight, instead ...

Temporary Restraining Order Blocks Trump's Travel Ban on Designated Muslims Nationwide
Post Date: 2017-02-04 08:07:44 by Stephen Lendman
Temporary Restraining Order Blocks Trump’s Travel Ban on Designated Muslims Nationwide by Stephen Lendman Affecting Muslims from seven countries, a previous article explained Trump’s entry into America and extreme vetting order is unrelated to border and national security protection. It’s all about politics, a racist unconstitutional order, largely targeting Muslims from nations where America’s imperial wars rage, or in the case of Iran, its longstanding hostility toward a nation for its sovereign independence and to please Israel. The best way to protect America is by ending its imperial madness, its raping and destroying one country after another, its ruthless ...

WaPo Urges Piling on Iran
Post Date: 2017-02-04 07:46:59 by Stephen Lendman
WaPo Urges Piling on Iran by Stephen Lendman Longstanding US hostility toward Iran is all about its sovereign independence in a region where Washington and Israel want all rivals to their hegemony eliminated. It has nothing to do with Iranian policies, except ones countering US, NATO and Israeli support for terrorism, Tehran allied with Russia an effective countering force. The neocon, CIA-connected Washington Post praised Trump National Security Advisor Michael Flynn for putting Iran on notice, as well as new US sanctions imposed - illegal like earlier ones other than by the Security Council. WaPo: Iran “continues to seek hegemony in the Middle East at American expense.” ...

"Armed" is Same as "Armed and Dangerous" When it Comes to Police Searches, 4th Circuit Concludes
Post Date: 2017-02-04 00:03:08 by hondo68
Opinion from 4th Circuit Court of Appeals implies that exercising your Second Amendment rights means you inherently lose some of your Fourth and First Amendment rights. A decision last week in U.S. v. Robinson from the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals declared that being armed, even legally, is the same as being "armed and dangerous" and leaves you open to police search. It also implies, according to a concurring opinion, that gun carriers lose significant First Amendment as well as Fourth Amendment rights. John Biehler/Foter Shaquille Robinson in March 2014 was a passenger in a car pulled over by police in Ranson, West Virginia. It was pulled over, ostensibly, because driver and ...

Judge Neil Gorsuch: Some Cause for Concern (Gun Owners of America - Larry Pratt)
Post Date: 2017-02-03 15:48:22 by hondo68
In recent days, news outlets have been reporting that 10th Circuit judge Neil Gorsuch has now risen to the top of President Trump's list of potential Supreme Court nominees. He apparently replaces Judge William Pryor, who was widely reported as previously leading the pack of potential nominees. Judge Pryor faced significant backlash from many on the right, including Evangelical Christians, criticizing Pryor's apparent support of the radical homosexual and transgender agenda. The danger in being the front runner for a spot on the High Court is that you receive intense scrutiny, and, as with most candidates, Judge Gorsuch is difficult to evaluate fully. Having spent some time digging ...

Torture Prison Head Named Deputy CIA Director
Post Date: 2017-02-03 13:16:07 by Stephen Lendman
Torture Prison Head Named Deputy CIA Director by Stephen Lendman On Thursday, Trump named Gina Haspel his deputy CIA director, agency head Mike Pompeo, saying: “Gina is an exemplary intelligence officer and a devoted patriot who brings more than 30 years of Agency experience to the job. She is also a proven leader with an uncanny ability to get things done and to inspire those around her.” “We are fortunate that someone of her intellect, skill, and experience will be our Deputy Director. I know she will do an outstanding job, and I look forward to working with her closely in the years ahead.” She’s a modern-day Ilse Koch, wife of Karl Koch, Buchenwald ...

Trump on Israeli Settlements
Post Date: 2017-02-03 13:04:28 by Stephen Lendman
Trump on Israeli Settlements by Stephen Lendman Under international law, Israeli settlements are flagrantly illegal. Fourth Geneva prohibits “(i)ndividual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive.” Numerous UN resolutions affirmed the illegality of Israeli settlements. There’s no ambiguity on this issue, nor about how Palestinians are ruthlessly persecuted. Occupied Palestine belongs to the Palestinians, not Israel. Not according to Trump, pre-election saying “I don’t think ...

Post Date: 2017-02-03 10:03:49 by Ada
Alongside of Catholicism and Protestantism, the primary religion in the United States is not Islam or Judaism but the American civic religion. The Pledge of Allegiance is the creed of this religion and the American flag is its chief symbol. In the American civic religion, the worst sin that an American can commit is to refuse to pledge allegiance to the flag or to desecrate it. Federal law contains numerous provisions regarding the use, handling, display, and disposal of the flag. After some college students recently burned American flags on their campuses, President-elect Donald Trump tweeted, “Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag — if they do, there must be ...

Post Date: 2017-02-03 08:46:31 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
The Holy Grail-advance to 11 min mark

Trump Administration's Policy on Ukraine?
Post Date: 2017-02-03 08:02:26 by Stephen Lendman
Trump Administration’s Policy on Ukraine? by Stephen Lendman It’s not encouraging based on Nikki Haley’s Thursday UN Security Council remarks - sounding like neocon Samantha Power never left. Her maiden voyage appearance as US envoy outrageously “condemn(ed) Russian actions” in Ukraine - ignoring flagrant Kiev aggression, including willful shelling of Donetsk civilian areas. “The United States stands with the people of Ukraine, who have suffered for nearly three years under Russian occupation and military intervention,” Haley ranted. “Until Russia and the separatists (sic) it supports respect Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, ...

Iran Puts US on Notice, Trump Administration Intends New Sanctions
Post Date: 2017-02-03 07:49:18 by Stephen Lendman
Iran Puts US on Notice, Trump Administration Intends New Sanctions by Stephen Lendman US-instituted adversarial relations with Iran are longer than with any other nation except Russia - since the Carter administration, continuing extremely hostile straightaway under Trump. After his National Security Advisor Michael Flynn provocatively put Tehran on notice following its legitimate ballistic missile testing, along with the Trump administration suspending access to America for residents of seven Muslim countries (including Iran), its government countered with its own actions. It’ll stop issuing visas to Americans wishing to enter the country. It intends replacing the US dollar with a ...

Trump v. Iran
Post Date: 2017-02-03 07:36:40 by Stephen Lendman
Trump v. Iran by Stephen Lendman Iran hasn’t attacked another country in centuries. It threatens none now. It’s vilified for its sovereign independence. It values cooperative relations with all nations - urging world peace and stability, an end to aggressive wars. White House National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, saying its legitimate ballistic missile program “undermine(s)” regional security and threatens American lives indicates continuation of irresponsible longstanding US hostility toward Tehran - risking unthinkable war if things get out of hand. Trump’s antipathy toward the Islamic Republic is no surprise, likely highly influenced by Israel and its ...

Trump Threatens Palestinians
Post Date: 2017-02-02 12:40:55 by Stephen Lendman
Trump Threatens Palestinians by Stephen Lendman Trump has a blind spot when it comes to China, Iran and long-suffering Palestinians, apparently bent on continuing hostile policies - not a good thing. There’s no good ending to this scenario of it persists. He warned Palestinians against suing Israel in the International Criminal Court (ICC) or International Court of Justice (ICJ) - threatening severe steps, including cutting off aid, closing PLO offices in Washington, even restoring the organization to terrorist group status, contemptuous of their fundamental rights, one-sidedly supporting Israeli state terror. He’s using the power of his presidency to cow Palestinians into ...

White House Puts Iran on Notice Over Its Legitimate Missile Tests
Post Date: 2017-02-02 07:37:44 by Stephen Lendman
White House Puts Iran on Notice Over Its Legitimate Missile Tests by Stephen Lendman On Wednesday, Trump’s National Security Advisor Michael Flynn irresponsibly lashed out against Iran’s recent legitimate ballistic missile tests. Without justification, he claimed they “undermine security, prosperity and stability throughout and beyond the Middle East that puts American lives at risk.” He cited Security Council Resolution 2231, making the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA nuclear deal) binding international law. It called on Iran “not to undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including ...

Glaring NYT Hypocrisy
Post Date: 2017-02-02 07:29:28 by Stephen Lendman
Glaring NYT Hypocrisy by Stephen Lendman The self-styled newspaper of record notoriously features biased reporting and fake news, not the real thing on virtually all issues mattering most. It’s one-sided anti-Trumpism is disgraceful, abandoning a fair and balanced assessment of his campaign rhetoric, pledges and agenda so far in office. There’s plenty to criticize if done accurately and responsibly. There’s also room for praising what he gets right. He’s only been in office two weeks, his full agenda yet to unfold. His executive order suspending entry into America was deplorable, targeting six Muslim nations, banning entry from a seventh, Syria, indefinitely on the ...

Trump Nominates Judge Neil Gorsuch to Supreme Court
Post Date: 2017-02-01 08:04:12 by Ada
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump nominated Judge Neil Gorsuch on Tuesday evening to fill the seat on the U.S. Supreme Court left open by the sudden death of Justice Antonin Scalia in February 2016. President George W. Bush appointed Gorsuch to the federal bench in 2006, after he worked in the Bush administration for two years as a deputy associate attorney general at the U.S. Department of Justice. Gorsuch currently serves as a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, which has jurisdiction over Wyoming, Kansas, Oklahoma, Utah, New Mexico, and his native Colorado. Gorsuch is considered one of the most intellectual jurists on the federal bench, evinced by his ...

Anti-Trumpism Still Raging
Post Date: 2017-01-31 07:38:49 by Stephen Lendman
Anti-Trumpism Still Raging by Stephen Lendman Nationwide street protests following Trump’s entry into America order are more about him than his EO. Are pro-Hillary dark forces behind them? Was Obama appointee, acting Attorney General Sally Yates, part of it. Agree or disagree with his action, she refused to enforce it, a legitimate cause for dismissal, a White House statement saying: She “betrayed the Department of Justice by refusing to enforce a legal order designed to protect the citizens of the United States. This order was approved as to form and legality by the Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel.” “Tonight, President Trump relieved Ms. Yates of her ...

Anti-Trump State Department Staff Opposition to His Entry Into America EO
Post Date: 2017-01-31 07:16:21 by Stephen Lendman
Anti-Trump State Department Staff Oppose His Entry Into America EO by Stephen Lendman It’s more about politics as usual than “protecting the nation from foreign terrorist entry into the United States.” On January 30, a draft letter supported by over 100 career foreign service officers and other diplomats expressed opposition to Trump’s action - headlined “SENSITIVE BUT UNCLASSIFIED (SBU).” “(I)t runs counter to core American values of nondiscrimination, fair play, and extending a warm welcome to foreign visitors and immigrants,” it said. Fact: These and similar values are important, ones America consistently spurns at home and abroad, waging ...

Trump's Immigration Order Unrelated to Border and National Security Protection
Post Date: 2017-01-30 07:32:18 by Stephen Lendman
Trump’s Immigration Order Unrelated to Border and National Security Protection by Stephen Lendman The best way to protect America is by no longer attacking other countries, massacring their people, looting their resources, ruthlessly seeking unchallenged global dominance - along with harming its most vulnerable citizens and residents. Decision-making in Washington is all about politics, unrelated to officially stated reasons. The only terrorist threat Americans face is from their own government - at the federal, state and local levels, no others. The notion of gun-toting Muslim terrorists threatening US communities is utter nonsense. It’s racist. Freedom-destroying policies, ...

Neocons McCain and Graham v. Trump on Muslim Immigration Suspension
Post Date: 2017-01-30 06:49:24 by Stephen Lendman
Neocons McCain and Graham v. Trump on Muslim Immigration Suspension by Stephen Lendman In office barely over a week, Trump’s full domestic and geopolitical agenda remains to unfold, despite a disturbing first few days warranting criticism. Russophobe, neocon, uber-hawk Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham have been around forever - in Congress since 1987 and 1995 respectively, urging one war of aggression after another. Both represent a clear and present danger to freedom. Below is their statement in response to Trump’s suspension of Muslim immigration from seven designated countries. Here’s what Trump said first: “America is a proud nation of immigrants and we ...

Green Card Holders Safe From Trump's Immigration Order?
Post Date: 2017-01-29 12:50:47 by Stephen Lendman
Green Card Holders Safe From Trump’s Immigration Ban? by Stephen Lendman His anti-Muslim order caused a firestorm of outrage nationwide, from relatives of affected individuals, activists, human rights groups, as well as state and local officials. Appearing on NBC’s Meet the Press, White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus said Trump’s order “doesn’t include green card holders going forward,” then reversed himself, saying “of course it does.” “If you’re traveling back and forth, you’re going to be subjected to further screening. I would suspect that if you’re an American citizen traveling back and forth to Libya, you’re ...

New US/Russia Partnership? Hold the Cheers!
Post Date: 2017-01-29 08:14:37 by Stephen Lendman
New US/Russia Partnership? Hold the Cheers! by Stephen Lendman Except for cooperating during WW II to defeat Nazism, America has been largely adversarial toward Russia for the past century. On Saturday, Trump and Putin spoke by phone. Discussion lasted nearly an hour. Both leaders agreed to continue “regular personal contacts.” They’ll meet later in the year for face-to-face talks on an unspecified date at a mutually acceptable venue. A White House statement said the following: “The positive call was a significant start to improving the relationship between the United States and Russia that is in need of repair.” “Both President Trump and President Putin ...

Federal Judge Stays Trump Order Temporarily Banning Muslim Immigration
Post Date: 2017-01-29 07:51:16 by Stephen Lendman
Federal Judge Stays Trump Order Temporarily Banning Muslim Immigration by Stephen Lendman Trump’s anti-Muslim executive order was politically motivated, unrelated to protecting national security or preventing terrorist threats to America. The only ones Americans face are state-sponsored. Death or injury from ISIS or other terrorists domestically is virtually nil. On Saturday, US District Court Judge for the Eastern District of New York Anne M. Donnelly halted the deportation of refugees and others holding valid visas permitting legal entry to America. Arrivals from seven predominantly Muslims countries targeted by Trump’s executive order can remain for now. She didn’t ...

World Reaction to Trump's Muslim Ban
Post Date: 2017-01-29 07:38:29 by Stephen Lendman
World Reaction to Trump’s Muslim Ban by Stephen Lendman Temporarily banning immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers from seven predominantly Muslim countries, Syria targeted indefinitely, drew harsh responses from world leaders and others. A statement from Angela Merkel’s spokesman Steffen Seibert said “(t)he chancellor regrets the entry ban imposed by the US government against refugees and nationals from certain countries.” “She is convinced that even in the necessarily resolute battle against terrorism it is not justified to place people from a certain origin or belief under general suspicion.” The German government “will now examine the ...

Trump's Anti-Muslim Executive Order
Post Date: 2017-01-28 07:35:49 by Stephen Lendman
Trump’s Anti-Muslim Executive Order by Stephen Lendman His executive order titled “Protecting the Nation From Terrorist Attacks From Foreign Nationals” suspends immigration from targeted Muslim countries. It reflects racist discrimination, not protecting the country from Islamic extremists. It’s about fear- mongering, equating Muslims with terrorism, hyping nonexistent threats to justify America’s imperial agenda and contempt for people in need. Chances of being struck by lightning are greater than becoming a terrorist attack victim in America. Death by auto accident, preventable diseases, domestic violence, alcoholism and use of harmful drugs is infinitely ...

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