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Trump's Disturbing First Week in Office
Post Date: 2017-01-27 07:52:01 by Stephen Lendman
Trump’s Disturbing First Week in Office by Stephen Lendman After responsibly pulling America out of the TPP, it’s been all down hill. His top priority should be do no harm, not America first. Disturbing anti-China, anti-Iran saber rattling by him and key administration officials bodes ill if not curbed. Promising to cut regulations by 75% or more means eliminating vital public protections, freeing business to do what it pleases with little or no oversight. Authorizing construction of Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipeline virtually assures major environmental damage to land, waterways and human health - based on the disastrous past history of these projects. His war on Islam ...

Trump Considering 20% Import Tax on Mexican Products
Post Date: 2017-01-27 07:35:35 by Stephen Lendman
Trump Considering 20% Import Tax on Mexican Products by Stephen Lendman He may have the same idea in mind for China, perhaps other countries, risking a potentially devastating trade war - the last thing America’s fragile economy needs. Taxing Mexican imports appears to be Trump’s way of paying for his ill-conceived great wall. According to White House press secretary Sean Spicer, “(w)hen you look at the plan that’s taking shape now, using comprehensive tax reform as a means to tax imports from countries that we have a trade deficit (with) like Mexico.” “If you tax that $50 billion at 20% of imports - which is by the way a practice that 160 other countries ...

Mixed Signals from Washington on Torture
Post Date: 2017-01-27 07:27:06 by Stephen Lendman
Mixed Signals from Washington on Torture by Stephen Lendman Trump’s Secretary of Defense James (“mad dog”) Mattis said it doesn’t work. His CIA director Mike Pompeo believes it does. Trump said he’s OK with whatever they want, earlier indicating support for waterboarding (torture by any standard) and much worse - believing torture works despite clear evidence otherwise. It’s used for control and punishment, not as an information obtaining practice. According to Politico, Mattis and Pompeo were “blindsided” by a draft executive order, calling for use of torture. Bipartisan lawmakers expressed concern, failing to denounce torture and other forms of ...

Trump at War with Islam
Post Date: 2017-01-26 08:00:32 by Stephen Lendman
Trump at War with Islam by Stephen Lendman On Tuesday, Trump tweeted “(b)ig day planned on NATIONAL SECURITY tomorrow. Among other things, we will build the wall.” He also temporarily (likely indefinitely) banned Muslim immigration from seven countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen on the phony pretext of preventing Islamic terrorist attacks - Judeo/Christian immigration from these countries permitted, clear state-sponsored racism. No terrorist attacks occurred on US soil in modern memory. Ones attributed to Muslims were state- sponsored false flags, including 9/11. America needs enemies to justify its imperial agenda. None exist, so they’re ...

Trump's Ill-Conceived Great Wall
Post Date: 2017-01-26 07:46:06 by Stephen Lendman
Trump’s Ill-Conceived Great Wall by Stephen Lendman Fortress Israel reveals the delusion and folly of great wall protection, encircling the country irresponsibly, spending billions of dollars, escalating apartheid ruthlessness, accomplishing nothing except greater hostility between Arabs and Jews. Trump’s proposed great wall along America’s southern border is ill-conceived. It risks harming relations with Mexico. It’s counterproductive, unlikely to stem the immigration tide. Desperate people, harmed by the ravages of NAFTA and other issues, will continue heading north. They’ll breach the great wall, tunnel under it, or travel by water to reach America’s ...

Google Permanently Bans 200 "Fake News" Sites
Post Date: 2017-01-25 11:58:47 by Horse
The crackdown has begun. In a blog post by Scott Spencer, director of product management for sustainable ads, posted on Wednesday, Google said it has banned 200 publishers from accessing its Adsense advertising service for posting fake news stories. Google said it had cracked down on sites which contained 1) Ads for illegal products; 2) Misleading ads; 3) Bad ads on mobile; 4) Ads trying to game the system and, 5) Promoting and profiting from bad sites. But the emphasis was on the so-called "fake news" category which has dominated media buzz for the past two months. This is how Spencer explained his action: In 2016, we saw the rise of tabloid cloakers, a new type of scammer ...

Mnuchin Backs Fed Independence and Signals Reform Isn’t Priority
Post Date: 2017-01-25 10:50:40 by noone222
Treasury nominee says he supports recent moves on transparency House Republicans seek closer scrutiny of Fed policy actions U.S. Treasury Secretary nominee Steven Mnuchin isn’t jumping on the Republican bandwagon to audit the Fed. In written questions by senators following his confirmation hearing on Thursday, Mnuchin was asked about his thoughts on “politicizing decisions made by the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and the benefits of an independent central bank.” Mnuchin’s answer was crafted carefully. “The Federal Reserve is organized with sufficient independence to conduct monetary policy and open market operations,” Mnuchin responded to Senator ...

Police State Tactics Target Independent Journalists Covering Anti-Trump Protests
Post Date: 2017-01-25 10:27:23 by Stephen Lendman
Police State Tactics Target Independent Journalists Covering Anti-Trump Protests by Stephen Lendman First Amendment rights are too precious to lose. Without them, all others are at risk. On January 20, six independent journalists were arrested in Washington for doing their jobs - covering protests during Trump’s inauguration. They committed no crimes, yet face possible prosecution and imprisonment. The affected journalists include documentary producer Jack Keller, independent photojournalist Shay Horse, independent journalist Matt Hopard, free lance reporter Aaron Cantu, Vocativ journalist Evan Enger, and RT America’s Alexander Rubinstein. RT International reported the story, ...

Disturbing US Anti-China Saber Rattling
Post Date: 2017-01-25 07:56:31 by Stephen Lendman
Disturbing US Anti-China Saber Rattling by Stephen Lendman Saber rattling by Trump administration officials on China give pause for concern, continuing Obama’s hostile approach, risking direct confrontation if not curbed. At his Senate confirmation hearing, Secretary of State designee Rex Tillerson recklessly said “(w)e are going to have to send China a clear signal that, first, the island-building stops and second, your access to those islands also is not going to be allowed.” He belligerently accused China of “declaring control of territories…not rightfully” its own. Secretary of Defense James (“mad dog”) Mattis defiantly said Beijing’s ...

Trump's Election Hasn't Stopped Anti-Russia Propaganda
Post Date: 2017-01-25 07:19:04 by Stephen Lendman
Trump’s Election Hasn’t Stopped Anti-Russia Propaganda by Stephen Lendman Trump wants better relations with Russia, believing he and Vladimir Putin can get along. So far, his rhetorical shift in US policy hasn’t stopped state-sponsored anti-Russia propaganda. Brian Whitmore is a US Radio Free Liberty/Radio Liberty Russophobic propagandist. In response to Russian ambassador to Turkey Andrey Karlov’s assassination, he danced on his grave, saying in less than so many words he got what he deserved. He puts out militantly anti-Russia rubbish on a site called the Daily Vertical - featured by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, part of America’s global propaganda ...

Brexit On a Slow Track to Oblivion?
Post Date: 2017-01-24 13:43:51 by Stephen Lendman
Brexit On a Slow Track to Oblivion? by Stephen Lendman Prime Minister Theresa May’s support for Brexit is more rhetorical than real. An audio recording leaked to London’s Guardian last May caught her as home secretary, saying “I think the economic arguments are clear. I think being part of a 500-million trading bloc is significant for us.” “I think, as I was saying to you a little earlier, that one of the issues is that a lot of people will invest here in the UK because it is the UK in Europe.” “If we were not in Europe, I think there would be firms and companies who would be looking to say, do they need to develop a mainland Europe presence rather ...

Trump Authorizes Construction of Controversial Pipelines
Post Date: 2017-01-24 13:31:05 by Stephen Lendman
Trump Authorizes Construction of Controversial Pipelines by Stephen Lendman Authorizing construction of Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipeline fulfills a campaign promise - to the chagrin of environmentalists and residents along the routes of both projects. Trump told reporters “(w)e are going to renegotiate some of the terms. We will build our own pipelines (and) pipes. We’re going to make the process much more simple for the oil companies and everybody else that wants to do business in the United States.” On Monday, White House press secretary Sean Spicer said both projects will “increase jobs, increase economic growth, and tap into America’s energy supply ...

Can Bergdahl Get a Fair Trial?
Post Date: 2017-01-24 06:50:12 by Ada
His commander-in-chief has repeatedly said he should be executed. WASHINGTON—Can a soldier get a fair trial if the man who is his commander- in-chief today has repeatedly condemned him as a traitor and a deserter and publicly suggested he be executed? The defense team of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who is awaiting a February 5 court martial on charges that he deserted his Afghanistan post before he was kidnapped and spent five years in brutal Taliban captivity, has moved to dismiss the charges against him. They say their client couldn’t possibly get a fair trial with Donald Trump in the White House. The videographic evidence is hard to ignore. The team has assembled a YouTube video ...

Goldman Sachs Jew Treasury Secretary Mnuchin: Trump IRS Will Collect 100'$ of Million$$$ In Tax Revenue From Tax Evaders
Post Date: 2017-01-23 10:47:36 by Artisan
The Senate hearings on Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin are very revealing. In the first video, Mnuchin, who previously worked for Goldman Sachs, says he's concerned and "particularly surprised that the IRS headcount has gone down quite dramatically, almost 30% over the last number of years" amd vows to remedy that problem. In the second video, Munchin says he wants private IRS debt collectors to be more effective. "We can collect tens of millions, or hundreds of millions of dollars, for the American public...particularly in an environment where we are looking for money for so many programs, this to me, seems like a very obvious thing to do." He continues "the ...

Hacked NYT Tweet Warns of Russian Attack on America
Post Date: 2017-01-23 07:50:39 by Stephen Lendman
Hacked NYT Tweet Warns of Russian Attack on America by Stephen Lendman Various media reports, including by RT, reported the hacked Times Video Twitter account tweeting: “BREAKING: leaked statement from Vladimir Putin says: Russia will attack the United States with Missiles.” Sunday morning, a series of related tweets, including the above one, were removed, replaced with a hacker group OurMine statement, claiming it co-opted The Times’ Twitter page, saying the above tweet was posted by a different hacker. The Times is militantly anti-Russia, anti-Putin, publishing fake news about nonexistent “Russian aggression” and other disgraceful misinformation about its ...

Manipulated Anti-Trump Protests
Post Date: 2017-01-22 13:24:59 by Stephen Lendman
Manipulated Anti-Trump Protests by Stephen Lendman Americans need shoving to take to the streets and protest for or against anything or anyone. It doesn’t happen spontaneously. With few exceptions at most, various groups from activists to anarchists aren’t behind anti-Trump protests. Nor were women turning out in large numbers nationwide and abroad. Dark forces in Washington, corporate boardrooms and other centers of power manipulated Americans to turn out in large numbers, before, during and after Trump’s inauguration - part of a plot to delegitimize and undermine him. It began to prevent his nomination, later based on the phony pretext of Russian US election hacking, ...

Relentless Media War on Trump
Post Date: 2017-01-22 07:31:35 by Stephen Lendman
Relentless Media War on Trump by Stephen Lendman Throughout his campaign and post-election triumph, media scoundrels bashed him relentlessly - an unprecedented war, aimed at delegitimizing and undermining him, continuing post-inauguration. Earlier The New York Times claimed his candidacy caused “serious damage…to the country (and) its reputation overseas” - ignoring 24 horrific Clinton co-presidency, Bush/Cheney and Obama years, their relentless war on humanity at home and abroad harming millions. Trump antagonists aren’t about to go quietly and gently into the good night. Rage against him is unrelenting, uncompromising, hugely emotional, furious over Hillary’s ...

Israel Intends Large-Scale Palestinian Land Theft
Post Date: 2017-01-21 12:40:23 by Stephen Lendman
Israel Intends Large-Scale Palestinian Land Theft by Stephen Lendman Israeli settlements flagrantly violate international law. Over 600,000 settlers occupy stolen Palestinian land. Fourth Geneva prohibits an occupying power from transferring its citizens to the territory it occupies, as well as displacing people from their land to permit it.  Israel wants historic Palestine exclusively for Jews, Palestinians denied their fundamental rights - terrorized for decades with no international support. Ma’aleh Adumim is Israel’s third largest settlement, home to over 37,500 residents. Extremist settlers and Knesset hardliners want it annexed. On January 22, Knesset Ministerial ...

WaPo Rains on Trump's Inaugural Parade
Post Date: 2017-01-21 07:46:40 by Stephen Lendman
WaPo Rains on Trump’s Inaugural Parade by Stephen Lendman The neocon, CIA house organ Washington Post called Trump’s inaugural address “a sharp disappointment” - no surprise from a broadsheet maliciously denigrating him throughout the political season and post-election period. Instead of praising an admirable straight talk address, omitting phony rosy scenario hyperbole, WaPo lied, claiming he “painted a false picture of an impoverished, crime-ridden country that has been cheated and victimized by Washington elites and grasping interests abroad.” Fact: In his 16-minute address, Trump only touched on how bad things really are for most Americans, punished by ...

NYT Editors Bash Trump's Inaugural Address
Post Date: 2017-01-21 07:38:06 by Stephen Lendman
NYT Editors Bash Trump’s Inaugural Address by Stephen Lendman In contrast to Obama’s consistent demagogic doubletalk, painful to hear, Trump delivered an admirable inaugural address, abstaining from rosy scenario hyperbole, historic if able to follow through on pledges made - no easy task given enormous obstacles he’ll face. He repudiated America’s interventionist agenda, while vowing to put the nation’s interests first. His tone was polar opposite longstanding policies pursued by bipartisan neocons infesting Washington. Confrontation between the executive and congressional branches seems likely if he tries fulfilling pledges made. After 24 deplorable Clinton ...

Russia's Premier Blasts Obama
Post Date: 2017-01-20 11:42:32 by Stephen Lendman
Russia’s Premier Blasts Obama by Stephen Lendman Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev used Facebook to blast Obama’s duplicity, braking his promise like virtually all others of importance. Russia’s then president was assured of US nuclear missile defense flexibility in bilateral talks. It wasn’t to be, or phony reset in US/Russia relations. They’ve been more adversarial under Obama than perhaps any time during the Cold War years - one of numerous despicable acts on his watch. His agenda reflected pure evil, including making it hard for Trump to repair things - his top geopolitical priority if he’s up to the challenge, a key test of whether he’ll ...

Changing of the Guard in Washington
Post Date: 2017-01-20 07:48:49 by Stephen Lendman
Changing of the Guard in Washington by Stephen Lendman It happens every four or eight years. America’s 22nd Amendment states: “No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once.” “But this article shall not apply to any person holding the office of President when this article was proposed by the Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of President, or acting as President, during the term ...

CNN Sinks to New Low
Post Date: 2017-01-20 07:40:05 by Stephen Lendman
CNN Sinks to New Low by Stephen Lendman Trump accurately called it “fake news,” a label describing all media scoundrels - substituting managed news misinformation and Big Lies for hard truths and full disclosure, especially on issues mattering most. Laughably calling itself “the most trusted name in news,” CNN president Jeff Zucker shamelessly said its “credibility is higher than ever.” It didn’t earn the nickname Clinton News Network for fair and balanced political reporting. Its consistent fake news is a national disgrace. On Wednesday, it sunk to a new low, provocatively imagining inaugural day disaster - Trump’s assassination along with the ...

Anarchist Group Calls for Inauguration Day Disruption
Post Date: 2017-01-20 07:30:21 by Stephen Lendman
Anarchist Group Calls for Inauguration Day Disruption by Stephen Lendman Inauguration day 2017 may resemble a Hollywood thriller or horror film, depending on how things turn out. Nationwide protests are planned, especially in Washington, aiming for more than raining on Trump’s inaugural parade. Crimethinc.com calls itself an “anonymous collective action…everything that evades control… renegade(s) breaking ranks…the spirit of rebellion…a secret society pledged to…producing inflammatory ideas and actions…” Ahead of Trump’s inauguration, it urged mass disruption, a checklist of provocative actions - expressing outrage “at the prospect ...

Bashing Trump on His Day of Days
Post Date: 2017-01-20 07:21:41 by Stephen Lendman
Bashing Trump on His Day of Days by Stephen Lendman Media scoundrels never quit, or apologize for rubbish they print and air - propaganda and other forms of fake news, not reliable reporting. Given its global reach and influence, The New York Times is especially reprehensible, the self- styled newspaper of record mocks legitimate journalism. Its press agent Hillary reporting and vicious anti-Trumpism throughout the political season and aftermath made it a laughing stock - continuing on Trump’s inaugural day, traditionally a window without criticism for America’s new president. Once in office, he’s fair game, assessing his policies when known. Published on his inaugural ...

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