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Rand Paul's Squirrely Answer On Removing Obamacare Mandate & Penalties: "SOME Of The Penalties Are Going To Be Gotten Rid Of... There Are Two Steps To This... It's Kinda Complicated."
Post Date: 2017-01-17 21:34:00 by Artisan
Rand Finally Asked About GOP Obamacare 'Replacement' & Mandate: Will Insurance Still Be Compulsory Or Not? Related: How compulsory auto insurance rode the slippery slope to "government health care" 'Nobody considers Obamacare a tax increase?' Just Ask the Justice Dept. and joint commitee on taxation' I've been following Rand Paul's statements on "repealing and replacing Obamacare" for some time. Several of those earlier videos are below. But one fundamental point that none of the politicians or pundits had directly answered: I would like to know whether or not Trump and these republicans who keep saying "replace" ...

Putin Blasts Anti-Trump Prostitutes
Post Date: 2017-01-17 13:45:11 by Stephen Lendman
Putin Blasts Anti-Trump Prostitutes by Stephen Lendman Putin diverged from his usual measured diplomatic rhetoric to blast what he called anti-Trump prostitution. Washington’s criminal class and supportive media scoundrels are worse than street whores, without moral scruples, Putin stressed. He spoke candidly and straightforwardly after remaining largely silent during months of groundless accusations of Russian US election hacking - absurd and hugely offensive charges only brainwashed or dim-witted people believe. “I don’t know Mr. Trump personally. I have never met him and don’t know what he will do on the international arena. So I have no grounds to attack him or ...

A Deep State Orchestrated Storm Awaits Trump in Office
Post Date: 2017-01-17 11:38:23 by Stephen Lendman
A Deep State Orchestrated Storm Awaits Trump in Office by Stephen Lendman After the most unprecedented denigration of a presidential candidate in US history, the worst may be yet to come, beginning Friday with Trump’s inauguration as America’s 45th president. Pro-Hillary dark forces call him illegitimate. Media scoundrels beat on him relentlessly. Whatever he does or says or doesn’t do or doesn’t say is criticized. Nothing in memory resembles what’s gone on since mid-2015. The problem isn’t Trump. It’s America’s debauched system - fantasy democracy, not the real thing. Leaders like Obama govern by the script handed them, doing the bidding of ...

Outgoing CIA Director Hypes Nonexistent Russian Threat
Post Date: 2017-01-17 07:59:21 by Stephen Lendman
Outgoing CIA Director Hypes Nonexistent Russian Threat by Stephen Lendman America needs enemies to advance its imperial agenda. None exist so they’re invented - a pretext for current wars, future ones, color revolutions, old-fashioned coups and assassinations. It’s been the American way from the republic’s inception, a culture of violence persisting at home and abroad since the 18th century, far more dangerous with today’s super-weapons able to kill us all. Neocon lunatics infest Washington, Trump’s tenure perhaps destined to be the most turbulent in US history since the Civil War, how he’ll fare yet to be determined. Dark forces far more powerful than the ...

Kerry Faults Trump for Candid Geopolitical Comments
Post Date: 2017-01-17 07:40:53 by Stephen Lendman
Kerry Faults Trump for Candid Geopolitical Comments by Stephen Lendman Interviewed by CNN, Kerry ignored longstanding US global meddling, saying it’s “inappropriate for a president-elect of the United States to be stepping in to the politics of other countries in a quite direct manner…” He referred to Trump criticizing Germany’s immigration policy, saying Brexit is “a great thing…the UK…so smart in getting out,” predicting other countries will leave the EU sinking ship (my words, not his), and calling the European Union “a vehicle for Germany.” Agree or disagree with him, he says what he believes, unlike typical forked tongue ...

Obscene Wealth of Eight Mega-Billionaires
Post Date: 2017-01-17 07:27:54 by Stephen Lendman
Obscene Wealth of Eight Mega-Billionaires by Stephen Lendman The super-wealth of an elite eight equals a staggering $427 billion - as much as humanity’s 3.6 billion poorest, struggling daily to survive, many not making it. Oxfam highlighted unprecedented global inequality, threatening social stability. The chasm between super-rich and desperate poor is obscene. Instead of abating, wealth disparity is increasing, Oxfam explaining: Since 2015, the richest 1% owns more than the rest of humanity. Eight mega-billionaires are as wealthy as humanity’s 3.6 poorest. “Over the next 20 years, 500 people will hand over $2.1 trillion to their heirs - a sum larger than the GDP of ...

Part I: Undercover investigation exposes groups plotting criminal activity at Trump inauguration
Post Date: 2017-01-16 14:38:21 by EoghanG

Deep State Ultimatum to Trump: Play Ball or Else
Post Date: 2017-01-16 05:54:21 by Stephen Lendman
Deep State Ultimatum to Trump: Play Ball or Else by Stephen Lendman Since announcing his presidential bid in mid-June 2015, Trump prevailed over long odds, overcoming huge obstacles to reach the brink of becoming America’s 45th president on January 20 - an astonishing story, where it goes from here yet to be determined. With no public record on which to judge him, his agenda is as much guesswork as likely expectations - with one thing known for certain. US presidents are fronts for powerful interests running America, intolerant of anyone changing longstanding policy. Trump is under enormous pressure and threats to continue dirty business as usual or else. Defiance could get him ...

America is No. 1 in All the Wrong Things
Post Date: 2017-01-16 05:31:17 by Stephen Lendman
America Is No. 1 in All the Wrong Things by Stephen Lendman American exceptionalism is a great deception - except in negative terms. No nation in world history caused more harm to more people over a longer duration. None more maniacally pursues unchallenged world dominance at the expense of raping and destroying one country after another, murdering millions, responsible for unspeakable human misery. None have more lunatics with fingers on the nuclear trigger. None more threaten humanity’s survival. None among developed nations have a greater wealth disparity. None a more corrupt electoral system - money controlled, rigged to assure business as usual always prevails. None with a ...

America: World's Leading Hacker
Post Date: 2017-01-16 04:57:57 by Stephen Lendman
America: World’s Leading Hacker buy Stephen Lendman Washington recklessly accuses Russia and China of hacking while providing no evidence backing its claims. At the same time, it’s silent about most Internet servers located in America, facilitating its espionage, including hacking to obtain unauthorized data. Washington rules mandate doing what “we” say, not what “we” do. Russian Security Council secretary Nikolai Patrushev explained the problem, saying “(w)e have been fixing growing attempts from external forces to damage Russian information systems. Those are cases of hacking, and also unauthorized collection of data.” “This is done with ...

NYT Reinvents Obama's Disgraceful Legacy
Post Date: 2017-01-15 08:48:24 by Stephen Lendman
NYT Reinvents Obama’s Disgraceful Legacy by Stephen Lendman No US president promised more and delivered less. None did more harm to more people at home and abroad. None more disgraced his high office. None more warrant prosecution and imprisonment for high crimes of war and against humanity. Not according to NYT editors, reinventing Obama’s legacy, praising instead of condemning him. The Times: He “pull(ed) the nation back from the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression…” Fact: He created a protracted Main Street Depression by serving Wall Street, war-profiteers and other corporate predators exclusively while letting essential homeland needs go ...

Why Did George Bush Buy Nearly 300,000 acres in Paraguay?
Post Date: 2017-01-15 08:15:25 by Ada
Posted On Apr 24, 2015 By Brian Maher Haven’t you always dreamed of owning 298,840 acres of land in… Paraguay? We haven’t either, to be honest. But former president George W. Bush apparently had. Maybe you missed it, but he purchased all that land back in the glory days of 2005 and 2006. Maybe he thought he was investing in the next great retirement destination… We can see it now… strip malls in their dozens, tracts of identical houses from horizon to horizon, fleets of Buicks and Cadillacs doing 22 in a 30. Paraguay Land Can’t you see the potential? Or maybe the Bush clan had something else in mind when they purchased all that acreage in the remote ...

Declaring Trump Illegitimate Part of a Coup Plot
Post Date: 2017-01-15 07:41:13 by Stephen Lendman
Declaring Trump Illegitimate Part of a Coup Plot by Stephen Lendman Whatever his intended domestic and geopolitical agenda, he’s America’s legitimately elected president. That won’t change once in office and begins serving. Calling him illegitimate is contemptuous and extremely dangerous. Rep. John Lewis (D. GA) disgraced himself, destroying his credibility, saying “I don’t see the president-elect as a legitimate president.” “I think there was a conspiracy on the part of the Russians, and others, that helped him get elected.” Lewis and everyone in Washington knows, or should know, there was no conspiracy, no Russian hacking, no attempt on the ...

HRW Praises Obama, Denigrates Trump, Putin and Assad
Post Date: 2017-01-14 12:15:19 by Stephen Lendman
HRW Praises Obama, Denigrates Trump, Putin and Assad by Stephen Lendman Human Rights Watch (HRW) and likeminded groups get Soros, Ford, Rockefeller, Carnegie and other dirty corporate money. It comes with strings to serve powerful Western interests. HRW director Kenneth Roth is a former federal prosecutor. Former HRW head Aryeh Neier left to become Soros’ Open Society Institute president. In his lengthy introduction to HRW’s 2017 World Report, Roth addressed what he called a new generation of authoritarian populists, saying they pose “a profound threat to human rights.” “Trump and various politicians in Europe seek power through appeals to racism, xenophobia, ...

Do Not Trust Governments or Their Employees
Post Date: 2017-01-14 08:40:37 by Ada
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in California has upheld the criminal conviction of Robert Kahre, the man who tried to circumvent the IRS by paying his employees in gold coin. He relied on the face value of the gold coins being below the legal threshold that triggers withholding taxes. A $20 gold coin is legal tender for only $20 — not its gold value. Gold was never demonetized. From a strict construction perspective, Kahre was correct and should not have been charged legally. However, the IRS interprets the value of the gold, not the legal tender value. The Court held that Kahre didn’t do his duty to serve as a tax collector for the United States, for which you, as an ...

Patterns of Abuse by Chicago Cops
Post Date: 2017-01-14 07:30:21 by Stephen Lendman
Patterns of Abuse by Chicago Cops by Stephen Lendman Chicago notoriously is called America’s police repression capital - Black and Latino male youths most affected. They’re harassed, abused, beaten, arrested, detained and often murdered unaccountably. An earlier article discussed Gitmo in Chicago, an off-the-books, anything goes interrogation compound - the equivalent of a CIA black site. Mostly Black youths are sent there - lawlessly arrested, detained, denied access to attorneys for a day or longer, and brutally tortured during secret interrogations. Fractured skulls, broken bones, and teeth knocked out are common practices. Rogue cops get away with virtually anything, ...

Disturbing Tillerson and Mattis Rhetoric on Russia and China
Post Date: 2017-01-13 13:12:10 by Stephen Lendman
Disturbing Tillerson and Mattis Rhetoric on Russia and China by Stephen Lendman In his confirmation hearing, secretary of state designee Rex Tillerson provocatively told Senate Foreign Relations Committee members “(w)e are going to have to send China a clear signal that, first, the island-building stops and second, your access to those islands also is not going to be allowed.” He unjustifiably accused China of “declaring control of territories …not rightfully” its own. He called Russia “danger(ous),” saying “(o)ur allies are right to be alarmed at a resurgent Russia.” Asked if he thinks Putin is a war criminal, he said “(t)hose are very ...

Presidential Medal of Freedom Replicates Nobel Hypocrisy
Post Date: 2017-01-13 12:55:40 by Stephen Lendman
Presidential Medal of Freedom Replicates Nobel Hypocrisy by Stephen Lendman America honors its worst, punishes its best - the way all rogue states operate. Joe Biden is part of America’s criminal class, complicit in its high crimes of war and against humanity. Yet Obama awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor - mocking what it claims to represent. One war criminal honored another. An earlier article explained the award’s origination. On July 6, 1945, Harry Truman authorized awarding the Medal of Freedom “to any person.who, or on after December 7, 1941, has performed a meritorious act or service which has aided the United ...

Disgraceful NYT Praise for Obama
Post Date: 2017-01-13 07:44:52 by Stephen Lendman
Disgraceful NYT Praise for Obama by Stephen Lendman Just societies would have held him accountable long ago for high crimes too egregious to ignore. The NYT offered high praise for a war criminal multiple times over, a front man for monied interests over popular ones, a serial liar, a moral coward, a disgrace to his race and high office he’s held. The Times: “The atmosphere at his self-styled farewell address reflected “calm in the midst of the storm, a rock of familiarity and stability and strength,” the handpicked audience “forlorn…realizing the magnitude of the moment, realizing the profundity of its loss.” Fact: What utter rubbish, a disgusting ...

US Court Illegally Fines Iran and Syria for Death of an Israeli Infant
Post Date: 2017-01-12 12:46:20 by Stephen Lendman
US Court Illegally Fines Iran and Syria for Death of an Israeli Infant by Stephen Lendman The anti-Iran, anti-Syria US Washington, DC district court of the absurd illegally ordered both countries to pay $178.5 million in damages to the family of an Israeli infant killed in a 2014 vehicular incident. Israel calls wars of aggression, lethal shootings of Palestinians, and other barbarous acts self- defense. It considers legitimate resistance against brutal occupation harshness terrorism - a knee- jerk response to all incidents, Palestinians automatically guilty by accusation. The family in question has dual Israeli-American citizenship. Their three-month-old infant was killed when ...

Source for Fake News Report Claiming Russia Has Compromising Material on Trump Identified
Post Date: 2017-01-12 07:44:40 by Stephen Lendman
Source for Fake News Report Claiming Russia Has Compromising Material on Trump Identified by Stephen Lendman According to the Wall Street Journal, former UK MI6 officer Christopher Steele prepared the fake news report. In the 1990s, he was based in Russia at Britain’s Moscow embassy. “Intelligence officers often use diplomatic postings as cover for their espionage activities,” the Journal explained. Steele co-founded the London-based Orbis Business Intelligence. Still unexplained is who put him up to the dirty work? Who ordered it? Who hired him? Outgoing DNI head James Clapper denied involvement by US intelligence agencies. On Wednesday, he issued a statement, saying: ...

Proposed Israeli Law Gives Security Forces Immunity from Murder
Post Date: 2017-01-12 07:30:18 by Stephen Lendman
Proposed Israeli Law Gives Security Forces Immunity from Murder by Stephen Lendman Days after IDF soldier Elor Azariya was convicted of manslaughter, not cold-blooded murder he deserved, for lethally shooting Palestinian Abd al-Fatah al-Sharif as he lay helpless, severely wounded on the ground, deputy Israeli defense minister Eli Ben-Dahan proposed new legislation. It grants security forces immunity before, during and after battlefield and security operations - in other words, at all times under all circumstances whether justified or not. Cold-blooded murder of Palestinians is longstanding Israeli practice. If enacted, the new law will authorize it as official policy, giving soldiers ...

Trump Calling CNN Fake News a Good Start
Post Date: 2017-01-12 07:11:53 by Stephen Lendman
Trump Calling CNN Fake News a Good Start by Stephen Lendman CNN operated as the Clinton News Network throughout the political season, delivering disgraceful one-sided election coverage, press agent journalism, not the real thing. At his Wednesday news conference, Trump justifiably blasted the network as “fake news,” a “terrible” organization, refusing to take a question from its reporter-impersonator Jim Acosta. His incoming press secretary Sean Spicer criticized Acosta for his offensive conduct, tweeting “(r)egardless of party,@acosta behavior was rude, inappropriate and disrespectful. He owes @realDonaldTrump and his colleagues an apology.” Senior Trump ...

Obama's Deplorable Last Hurrah
Post Date: 2017-01-11 07:51:16 by Stephen Lendman
Obama’s Deplorable Last Hurrah by Stephen Lendman On Tuesday evening, Obama delivered his self-styled farewell address - as demagogic and duplicitous as all his others. A separate article discussed what he left unexplained - the enormous harm he inflicted on humanity at home and abroad throughout his tenure. His farewell address included a recitation of democratic rights he abhors - “among them life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” freedoms he spent eight years destroying at home and abroad. “(S)triv(ing) together (for) a common good, a greater good” was polar opposite his ruthless agenda - raping, destroying and pillaging one country after another, ...

Bipartisan Neocon Senators Introduce New Sanctions on Russia
Post Date: 2017-01-11 07:30:35 by Stephen Lendman
Bipartisan Neocon Senators Introduce New Illegal Sanctions on Russia by Stephen Lendman Vicious US policies give wickedness new meaning, a rogue state exceeding the worst of earlier ones, doing more harm to more people over a longer duration than any other nation in history - a ruthless record only tyrannical regimes would admire and envy. Irresponsible Russia bashing continues at a fever pitch. On January 10, a bipartisan criminal gang of rogue neocon senators introduced what they called “comprehensive sanctions legislation on Russia for their cyber intrusions, aggression, and destabilizing activities here in the United States and around the world.” Co-sponsors of the ...

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