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CIA Bi Lie Claims Russia Intervened to Get Trump Elected
Post Date: 2016-12-10 08:04:04 by Stephen Lendman
CIA Big Lie Claims Russia Intervened to Get Trump Elected by Stephen Lendman Utter rubbish! A same day article and earlier ones explained Russia didn’t hack DNC emails or interfere in any way with America’s election process. Not a shred of evidence suggests otherwise. Yet anti-Russia, anti-Trump bashing continues endlessly, likely with no letup once in office unless he pursues dirty business as usual like his predecessors, abandoning his positive geopolitical pledges. According to the neocon Washington Post, “a secret (obviously cooked CIA) assessment (claims) Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency, rather than just to undermine ...

Americans Should Follow South Koreans' Example
Post Date: 2016-12-09 14:04:31 by Stephen Lendman
Americans Should Follow South Koreans’ Example by Stephen Lendman Post WW II, when America and Soviet Russia divided Korea into north and south countries. Government in Seoul became a US vassal state, a fascist dictatorship. Initially it was headed by Washington’s installed puppet Syngman Rhee, a brutal despot. Other pro- Western leaders followed - political repression, corruption, and US subservience standard practice. For weeks, mass protests involving hundreds of thousands in Seoul and other cities demanded President Park Geun-hye resign for abusing her power, involving influencing-peddling, bribery and other offenses. She’s former general Park Chung-hee’s ...

She's Back: Hillary Hyping Fake News
Post Date: 2016-12-09 11:53:43 by Stephen Lendman
She’s Back: Hillary Hyping Fake News by Stephen Lendman People should only be concerned about government and media scoundrels’ news, information and opinion - all fake, all the time, Big Lies and deception, toxic stuff on issues mattering most. Reliable sources were denigrated on the PropOrNot hit list, considered fake news sites or Kremlin agents, disgracefully hyped by the neocon/CIA connected Washington Post, a leading proliferator of fake news, a disgrace to professional journalism - banned at WaPo, banned at the NYT, banned by other leading broadsheets and magazines, banned on mainstream TV and radio news. There’s a war on against the most fundamental of fundamental ...

In a POLITICO interview, the departing Democratic leader blamed his party’s 2016 debacle on Jim Comey and said no big changes are needed.
Post Date: 2016-12-09 03:52:56 by noone222
Harry Reid sits for his final interview with POLITICO in his Capitol office. | John Shinkle/POLITICO Senate Democrats are about to get rolled on Donald Trump’s Cabinet picks. They could spend years in the minority. And instead of the GOP collapse that many expected on Nov. 8, it’s now Democrats soul-searching about what went wrong. But as Harry Reid prepares to leave the Senate this month after 34 years in Washington, he says everything is just fine with his party, thank you. To hear Reid tell it, the party’s electoral collapse wasn’t a result of poor messaging or even a bad candidate. It stemmed from looser campaign finance rules, FBI Director James Comey and the ...

The Empire Strikes Back: The MSM’s 3-Point Plan to Recapture the Narrative
Post Date: 2016-12-08 19:21:52 by Ada
49352366-cachedTHE BLAZE TV host Tomi Lahren’s November 30 appearance on The Daily Show seemed like a flashback from a previous era. As in snarky liberalism’s golden days under Jon Stewart, the host, now Affirmative Action comedian Trevor Noah, attacked Lahren’s “I don’t see color, Democrats are the real racists”-style talking points. Noah batted aside these Beltway Right platitudes, Leftists rejoiced, and the clips were eagerly passed around by smug SWPLs. [Trevor Noah Expertly Skewers Conservative Tomi Lahren, by David Moye, Huffington Post, December 1, 2016] But in 2016 conservatives and nationalists triumphed because they stopped playing by the ...

Trump Debunks Notion of Russia Interfering in America's Political Process
Post Date: 2016-12-08 11:40:25 by Stephen Lendman
Trump Debunks Notion of Russia Interfering in America’s Electoral Process by Stephen Lendman Claiming it is utter nonsense. Not a shred of evidence suggests it. Irresponsibly blaming Moscow for hacking DNC emails or any other type interference in America’s electoral process reflects longstanding Russia bashing. In response to being named Time magazine’s person of the year, Trump told the publication that accusing Russia is politically motivated. “I don’t believe it. I don’t believe they interfered,” he said, adding: “I believe that it could have been…any one of many other people…It could have been some guy in his home in New ...

US Election Recount Follies
Post Date: 2016-12-08 07:24:09 by Stephen Lendman
US Election Recount Follies by Stephen Lendman Each passing day brings things closer to ending Stein’s scam, her credibility tarnished beyond redemption - the recount having no effect on Trump’s triumph, just wasting time and money. After seven days of recounting in Wisconsin, Hillary gained a mere few dozen votes. Trump is ahead by over 22,000. In Pennsylvania, US District Judge Paul Diamond ordered a Friday hearing on Stein’s federal injunction for a state-wide recount, still unresolved as of this writing. The clock keeps ticking toward a December 13 deadline for completion. The Electoral College votes six days later on the 19th. A partial recount so far in ...

Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter and You Tube Conspire to Censor Online Content
Post Date: 2016-12-07 13:57:09 by Stephen Lendman
Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter and You Tube Conspire to Censor Online Content by Stephen Lendman Powerful interests in America threaten alternative sources of news, information and opinion. Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter and You Tube announced plans for a joint Internet censorship database on the phony pretext of eliminating “extremist content.” Their scheme threatens media and speech freedom, likely aiming for sanitized online content only, independent views censored, threatening writers like myself and many others. Reporting and opinions diverging from mainstream views risk being labeled “fake news” or “extremist content,” a slippery slope toward undermining ...

Obama's Criminal Legacy
Post Date: 2016-12-07 07:48:27 by Stephen Lendman
Obama’s Criminal Legacy by Stephen Lendman America and humanity are far worse off after nearly eight years of Obama’s high crimes. Long ago, he should have been impeached, removed from office, prosecuted, sentenced and imprisoned long-term - his domestic and foreign partners in crime along with him. He waged war OF terror on Americans and millions worldwide, countless numbers grievously harmed, many massacred by US wars of aggression, raping and destroying one country after another, peace and stability considered anathema. He addressed national security and counterterrorism to a Tampa, FL military audience at MacDill Air Force Base, home to CENTCOM and US Special Operations ...

NYT and WaPo Promote Ways to Dump Trump
Post Date: 2016-12-07 07:28:29 by Stephen Lendman
NYT and WaPo Promote Ways to Dump Trump by Stephen Lendman Scoundrel media anti-Trump bias was scandalous throughout the 2015-16 political season -  unprecedented support for one candidate, Hillary, while inventing reasons to bash him. Nothing in my memory since the 1940s approaches the disgraceful coverage during this political season’s race for the White House, concluded with Trump’s surprise November triumph few expected. It’s over. He won. Hillary lost. Let it rest. Results won’t change. He’ll succeed Obama on January 20. Yet media scoundrels won’t quit - nor Hillary supporter Jill Stein, continuing her futile recount scam going nowhere, on the ...

Stein's Recount Scam Wastes Time and Money
Post Date: 2016-12-06 11:16:06 by Stephen Lendman
Stein’s Recount Scam Wastes Time and Money by Stephen Lendman Earlier vote recounts in US presidential elections switched too few votes from one candidate to another to matter. Stein’s recount scam is almost certain to turn out the same way. After four days of Wisconsin’s recount, Trump gained 39 votes. Around midday on Monday, recounting Michigan’s votes began. It’s too early to know where it stands, likely to be much like Wisconsin, few votes shifting from one candidate to the other. Pennsylvania’s Philadelphia and Allegheny counties, the state’s two largest, completed their recounts. Hillary gained five votes. Outcomes in all three states ...

Obama Urged to Grant Chelsea Manning Clemency
Post Date: 2016-12-06 11:08:28 by Stephen Lendman
Obama Urged to Grant Chelsea Manning Clemency by Stephen Lendman Manning is a political prisoner, one of countless numbers in US gulag confinement at home and abroad, victims of imperial injustice - testimony to longstanding US viciousness, its contempt for fundamental rights. On December 5, the ACLU and 16 other civil rights groups wrote Obama, saying in part: “Re: Support for Clemency Application for Ms. Chelsea Manning Dear Mr. President: As organizations dedicated to working for the full equality of LGBTQ people, we write in support of the clemency petition of Ms. Chelsea Manning. We support commuting her court-martial sentence to time served. Ms. Manning is currently in ...

Fox News Host Chris Wallace Interviews Jill Stein
Post Date: 2016-12-05 05:34:45 by Stephen Lendman
Fox News Host Chris Wallace Interviews Jill Stein by Stephen Lendman My comments follow at the end. WALLACE: A look outside the beltway at Des Moines, Iowa, where President-elect Trump is set to take his thank you tour next Thursday. Well, the election cycle that seemed like it would never end technically still hasn't. A recount is currently underway in Wisconsin, with additional challenges in Michigan and Pennsylvania. Joining us now to discuss her push for the recounts is Green Party presidential nominee Dr. Jill Stein. Dr. Stein, you say that your goal here is not to change the results of the election, but to ensure the accuracy of the count. My question is, why then did you ...

Disgraceful US Anti-Semitism Awareness Act
Post Date: 2016-12-04 11:17:05 by Stephen Lendman
When Truth-Telling Becomes Russian Propaganda by Stephen Lendman Fake news is a US government, scoundrel media specialty - proliferating managed news misinformation agitprop, truth-telling suppressed on issues mattering most. Propaganda wars precede hot ones. Deception, popular fiction and Big Lies launch them. Intense Russia bashing risks world peace, stability and security. Washington’s imperial war machine is humanity’s greatest threat. Is Trump up to taming it? Will he try once in office? Or were his campaign pledges just bluster? World peace and stability depends on which way he goes - along with whether he’ll defend waning freedoms or eliminate ones left, making ...

When Truth-Telling Becomes Russian Propaganda
Post Date: 2016-12-04 08:50:37 by Stephen Lendman
When Truth-Telling Becomes Russian Propaganda by Stephen Lendman Fake news is a US government, scoundrel media specialty - proliferating managed news misinformation agitprop, truth-telling suppressed on issues mattering most. Propaganda wars precede hot ones. Deception, popular fiction and Big Lies launch them. Intense Russia bashing risks world peace, stability and security. Washington’s imperial war machine is humanity’s greatest threat. Is Trump up to taming it? Will he try once in office? Or were his campaign pledges just bluster? World peace and stability depends on which way he goes - along with whether he’ll defend waning freedoms or eliminate ones left, making ...

Hillary Supporter Stein Abandons Statewide PA Recount Scam
Post Date: 2016-12-04 07:58:49 by Stephen Lendman
Hillary Supporter Stein Abandons Statewide PA Recount Scam by Stephen Lendman One almost down. Two states to go. Stein’s recount scam is all about trying to change electoral results for Hillary - a disgraceful coup d’etat attempt, destroying her credibility, rendering her politically dead, harming the Green Party and what it stands for, perhaps irreparably. She should be expelled, thoroughly denounced and barred from future party participation in any capacity. Betrayal is unforgivable. Claiming to seek “electoral integrity,” she failed to provide evidence of hacking or other irregularities. She only sought recounts in states Trump narrowly won, excluding others he ...

Washington Heads Toward Permitting Cooperation with Russia Only on US Terms
Post Date: 2016-12-03 07:16:10 by Stephen Lendman
Washington Heads Toward Permitting Military Cooperation with Russia Only on US Terms by Stephen Lendman During months of US/Russia talks on conflict resolution in Syria, Washington consistently undermined Moscow’s good faith efforts, breaching promises made, violating SC Res. 2254 terms - unanimously adopted in December 2015, calling for ceasefire and diplomatic conflict resolution. In October 2016, the Defense Department ceased military contacts with Russia in Syria. Information exchanges stopped. State Department spokesman admiral John Kirby said “(t)he United States is suspending its participation in bilateral channels with Russia that were established to sustain the ...

Challenging Stein's Michigan Recount Scam
Post Date: 2016-12-02 13:28:28 by Stephen Lendman
Challenging Stein’s Michigan Recount Scam by Stephen Lendman Her recount scam is all about handing Trump’s triumph to Hillary, nothing about “electoral integrity,” as she claimed. Judicial rulings foiled her scheme for hand recounts in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania - based on phony allegations of voting machine hacking. Now she may go down in Michigan. According to the Detroit Free Press, state Attorney General Bill Schuette asked Michigan’s Supreme Court justices to halt her scheme before it begins. In petitioning the court, he said Stein isn’t an “aggrieved” candidate entitled to a recount - and there’s no time to complete one. “If ...

Draconian US Intelligence Authorization Act
Post Date: 2016-12-02 08:12:02 by Stephen Lendman
Draconian US Intelligence Authorization Act by Stephen Lendman Congress annually passes intelligence policy authorization bills. The measure for FY 2017 represents a huge leap backwards, reminiscent of the 1950 Internal Security (McCarran) Act - enacted over Harry Truman’s veto. It required communist organizations to register with the attorney general. A Subversive Activities Control Board was established to investigate alleged subversive activities. An emergency detention provision authorized the president to arrest and detain “each person as to whom there is a reasonable ground to believe that such person probably will engage in, or probably will conspire with others to ...

Stein's Recount Scam Imploding
Post Date: 2016-12-02 07:36:15 by Stephen Lendman
Stein’s Recount Scam Imploding by Stephen Lendman Her largely Soros funded ill-conceived scheme to undermine Trump’s triumph for Hillary is heading toward failure as expected. Days earlier, a Wisconsin judge ruled against her hand recount request. She alleged state voting machines may have been hacked, despite no evidence suggesting it. Her lawsuit to force a hand recount fell flat. Wisconsin Elections Commission administrator Mike Haas said state voting machines are federally certified and field tested for accuracy. On December 1, Pennsylvania Judge Bernard A. Moore dismissed recount petitions of voters in 78 precincts because no evidence suggests they’re warranted. ...

Veterans in Solidarity with DAPL Protestors
Post Date: 2016-12-01 08:08:18 by Stephen Lendman
Veterans in Solidarity with DAPL Protestors by Stephen Lendman From December 4 - 7, perhaps longer, over 2,000 veterans, an initiative called Veterans Stand for Standing Rock, intend serving as nonviolent human shields for Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) protestors - Sioux Tribe members and supporters calling themselves water protectors. Participating veterans resolved to defend them from “assault an intimidation at the hands of the militarized police force,” they said. On Monday, North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple ordered immediate evacuation of the Oceti Sacowan camp - on the pretext of “anticipated harsh weather conditions.” Protesters remain steadfast. Dalrymple ...

Trump Says Will Focus Solely on Presidency, Not Business
Post Date: 2016-11-30 13:18:58 by Stephen Lendman
Trump Says Will Focus Solely on Presidency, Not Business by Stephen Lendman In multiple tweets I’m combining, he said: “I will be holding a major news conference in New York City with my children on December 15 to discuss the fact that I will be leaving my…great business in total in order to fully focus on running the country to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” “While I am not mandated to do this under the law, I feel it is visually important, as President, to in no way have a conflict of interest with my various businesses..” “Hence, legal documents are being crafted which take me completely out of business operations. The Presidency is a far more ...

Green Party Disavows Turncoat Stein
Post Date: 2016-11-30 08:22:39 by Stephen Lendman
Green Party Disavows Turncoat Stein by Stephen Lendman Her lofty campaign rhetoric was hollow, her progressivism phony. Her recount scam shows support for war goddess, racketeer, perjurer Hillary, financed with Soros money. In bed with the devil revealed her true persona - not a physician wanting to use her professional skills to help heal a sick nation, as I regretfully said earlier, to my shame and embarrassment. Claiming “we deserve some confidence in the outcome of this election” misses the key point, I said in an earlier article. Hillary as president and commander-in-chief of America’s military risks possible cataclysmic nuclear war with Russia. Trump’s ...

NYT Anti-Trump This Week in Hate Series
Post Date: 2016-11-30 07:47:03 by Stephen Lendman
NYT Anti-Trump This Week in Hate Series by Stephen Lendman In response to Trump’s triumph over Hillary, The Times launched the series, an editorial note saying: “This Week in Hate tracks hate crimes and harassment around the country since the election of Donald Trump. The Southern Poverty Law Center and other groups are keeping detailed counts of harassment and abuse.” “We will regularly present a selection of incidents to show the scope of the problem. This article, the first in the series, includes incidents reported in the last two weeks.” Blaming incidents nationwide on Trump is part of Times bashing since announcing his candidacy last year, continuing as ...

NYT Reinvents Syria's Liberating Struggle
Post Date: 2016-11-29 14:42:51 by Stephen Lendman
NYT Reinvents Syria’s Liberating Struggle by Stephen Lendman Throughout Obama’s genocidal war on Syria, orchestrated by Hillary Clinton as secretary of state, The Times exclusively reported administration and Pentagon propaganda, hard truths suppressed - the same way it covers all major issues, especially geopolitical ones. Courageous Syrian and allied forces are winning the battle for Aleppo, heading toward liberating it entirely from US-supported terrorists - cutthroat killers media scoundrels like The Times call “rebels.” They’re death squads imported from scores of countries, responsible for gruesome atrocities, including use of chemical and other banned ...

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