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Latest Articles: Dead Constitution

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Trump Wants Flag Burners Punished
Post Date: 2016-11-29 14:35:14 by Stephen Lendman
Trump Wants Flag Burners Punished by Stephen Lendman On November 29, he tweeted “(n)obody should be allowed to burn the American flag - if they do, there must be consequence - perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail.” The Constitution’s First Amendment “prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.” Flag burning is a legitimate form of speech. In Texas v. Johnson (1989), Justice William Brennan, ...

Gorge Soros Backing Stein's Recount Scam
Post Date: 2016-11-29 08:05:02 by Stephen Lendman
George Soros Backing Stein’s Recount Scam by Stephen Lendman International con man Soros-connected attorney Marc Alias represents Hillary and the DNC. Earlier The NYT reported “Soros…agree(ing) to put as much as $5 million into (lawsuits) which Democrats hope will erode restrictions on voter access…” Alias is leading the litigation. Soros said he’s “proud” to be part of it, according to The Times. Last summer, the Washington Post profiled Alias, calling him “a Democratic superlawyer with multimillion-dollar backing,” saying: “With a multimillion-dollar commitment from liberal mega-donor George Soros, Elias is challenging laws that, ...

Trump's Double U-Turn on Investigating the Clinton Foundation
Post Date: 2016-11-29 07:20:00 by Stephen Lendman
Trump’s Double U-Turn on Investigating the Clinton Foundation by Stephen Lendman Candidate Trump promised he’d appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the Clinton Foundation pay-to-play scam if elected president - my words, not his.   President-elect Trump then told CBS’ 60 Minutes he’s more focused on getting “the country straightened away.” When asked about his pledge to investigate “crooked Hillary,” he replied “I don’t want to hurt…They’re good people.” On November 27, the New York Post headlined “Trump administration will pressure foreign states to probe Clinton Foundation,” saying: “A source ...

Jill Stein Wouldn't Know Real Democracy If It Bit Her on the Rump
Post Date: 2016-11-28 13:36:21 by Stephen Lendman
Jill Stein Wouldn’t Know Real Democracy If It Bit Her on the Rump by Stephen Lendman Demanding meaningless recounts disruptively wastes time, money, achieving nothing - other than besmirching her already tarnished name and reputation. Her scheme shows she knows nothing about America’s political system - notably its history, its framers, and who they were. Today we’d call them a Wall Street bunch, the Constitution no masterpiece of political architecture. Jefferson believed it wouldn’t stand the test of time. He urged a new convention every 20 years to make it relevant to the times. It was the product of duplicitous framers and cronies, scheming to cut the best deals ...

Post-US Presidential Election Antics
Post Date: 2016-11-28 07:12:20 by Stephen Lendman
Post-US Presidential Election Antics by Stephen Lendman It’s all over but the endless postmortems, claims and counterclaims, cheering and jeering. Nothing going forward will change things, including deplorable recounts if completed, pursued for the wrong reasons, exposing Jill Stein’s phony progressivism, perhaps complicit with Hillary. Trump won. She lost, with an important reminder. Nearly half the electorate abstained, voting none of the above. No popular mandate exists, Trump getting around one-fourth of public support - millions against what I call a political system too debauched to fix, power brokers deciding things, voters with no say whatever. Trump tweeting ...

Police State Closure of DAPL Protest Camp Announced
Post Date: 2016-11-27 13:31:51 by Stephen Lendman
Police State Closure of DAPL Protest Camp Announced by Stephen Lendman Standing Rock Sioux Tribe members and supporters face forced eviction from their Oceti Sakowin protest encampment site, protecting sacred ancestral land, water and wildlife habitat from destructive DAPL construction. According to theindigenouspeoples.com, the US Army Corps of Engineers announced closure of long ago stolen Native American land, wrongfully called “federal property,” the portion north of the Cannonball River to be closed for public use and access, effective December 5, 2016. Protesters must leave or face arrest, likely involving police state violence like days earlier. In a letter to Standing ...

Media Scoundrels Denigrate Fidel
Post Date: 2016-11-27 13:22:10 by Stephen Lendman
Media Scoundrels Denigrate Fidel by Stephen Lendman Media scoundrels are masters of fake news, serving as press agents for wealth, power and privilege, including denigrating independent leaders, unwilling to bow to Washington’s will. Fidel was heroic, a revolutionary giant, beloved by most Cubans, his agenda an antidote to governance of, by and for the privileged few alone, the way things are in America and most other societies. When he ended tyrannical Batista rule, Cuba was “a country where there was (mass) unemployment, (mass impoverishment), (mass) illiteracy, (deplorable repression and human misery), and where one had to beg to get into a hospital,” he said in a ...

Hillary's Dirty Hands Involved in Stein's Recount Scam?
Post Date: 2016-11-27 07:29:17 by Stephen Lendman
Hillary’s Dirty Hands Involved in Stein’s Recount Scam? by Stephen Lendman According to attorney Marc Elias, Hillary’s campaign “quietly t(ook) a number of steps in the last two weeks to rule in or out any possibility of outside interference in the vote tally in these critical battleground states” - referring to Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. They “uncovered (no) actionable evidence of hacking or outside attempts to alter the voting technology.” Yet Elias repeated the Big Lie, claiming Russian hacking of DNC emails and interfering in America’s electoral process, despite no credible evidence suggesting it, just baseless accusations - part ...

WSJ: GOP, NRA Preparing Slate of Pro-Gun Bills for President-elect Donald
Post Date: 2016-11-26 08:33:14 by Ada
The Republican-controlled Congress and the National Rifle Association (NRA) are preparing to pursue a slate of pro-gun bills once President-Elect Donald Trump is inaugurated. One such bill would be national reciprocity for concealed carry permit holders. The Wall Street Journal quotes the NRA’s Jennifer Baker, who said, “People are turned into criminals because of the confusing patchwork of laws around this country. Law-abiding citizens should be able to exercise their constitutional right regardless of what state they’re sitting in.” The NRA’s push for national reciprocity is complimented by Gun Owners of America’s pursuit of the same goal, which means the ...

Jill Stein's Post-Election Fundraising May Not Go for Recounts
Post Date: 2016-11-26 08:05:51 by Stephen Lendman
Jill Stein’s Post-Election Fundraising May Not Go for Recounts by Stephen Lendman She’s raised millions of dollars from naive donors, most of it likely dirty money from anti-Trump dark forces, her goal $7 million for recounts in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Her scheme is a ruse, a cruel hoax to undermine Trump’s election, steal it for Hillary, wanting her as America’s 45th president, not him - underhanded tactics OK, under the phony guise of assuring “election integrity.” Individuals duped to donating should demand their money back. Dark forces have plenty to spread around for toxic purposes. A scheme to install Hillary as president instead of ...

Judas Goat Jill Stein, Following in Sanders' Footsteps
Post Date: 2016-11-25 12:37:49 by Stephen Lendman
Judas Goat Jill Stein, Following in Sanders’ Footsteps by Stephen Lendman Her campaign to recount votes in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin exposed her phony progressive credentials - showing she’s for Hillary, not peace, equity and justice. Who ever heard of a progressive supporting a war goddess, Wall Street tool, racketeer, perjurer - dirty business as usual, not beneficial social change? She’s Sanders with a gender difference, otherwise just the same - a con artist, Hillary supporter, indifferent about using her medical skills to help heal a sick nation, how I mistakenly described her political mission. She double-crossed me, fooled me, suckered me, betrayed me ...

Tulsi Gabbard: Possible Trump Cabinet Pick?
Post Date: 2016-11-25 12:15:03 by Stephen Lendman
Tulsi Gabbard: Possible Trump Cabinet Pick? by Stephen Lendman Her web site says she’s “focused on building bipartisan solutions that can actually be passed into law, rather than using the issue as a partisan political football.” It should say she supports progressive laws exclusively, benefitting all Americans equitably, rejecting all the rest, especially related to imperial wars and regime change schemes. Representing Hawaii’s 2nd congressional district, she formerly served as DNC vice-chair, resigning in February to support Bernie Sanders, a longtime con man/phony progressive claiming otherwise. She’s the first Native American Samoan member of Congress, a ...

Jill Stein for Hillary
Post Date: 2016-11-25 08:40:10 by Stephen Lendman
Jill Stein for Hillary by Stephen Lendman Shameful! What’s going on? Why did her campaign announce its “intent to file for a recount of votes in the battleground states of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, leading a multi-partisan effort to check the accuracy of the machine-counted vote tallies in these states in order to ensure the integrity of our election?” Did she forget Hillary criticizing Trump’s possible refusal to accept electoral results when asked, calling it “a direct threat to our democracy?” Does she support what war goddess, racketeer, perjurer Hillary stands for? Does she oppose Trump wanting normalized relations with Russia - crucial to ...

Standing Rock Sioux Resistance: Wounded Knee Redux
Post Date: 2016-11-25 08:29:18 by Stephen Lendman
Standing Rock Sioux Resistance: Wounded Knee Redux by Stephen Lendman Redoubtable Sioux resistance continues heroically against construction of Energy Transfer Partners’ Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), endangering their sacred ancestral land, water and wildlife habitat, along with communities, farmland and other sensitive areas. “(U)nder serious consideration” for various Trump administration posts, according to a senior level transition team member, Native American Samoan Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D. Hawaii) addressed Obama in a mid-September statement along with 18 other House Democrats, saying in part: “The federal government has a moral and legal trust responsibility to ...

Will Trump Honor the Iran Nuclear Deal?
Post Date: 2016-11-25 07:55:19 by Stephen Lendman
Will Trump Honor the Iran Nuclear Deal? by Stephen Lendman The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is an international agreement involving the five permanent Security Council members plus Germany. Completing it successfully required many months of hard bargaining, Iran giving more than it got in return - to free itself from sanctions imposed solely for political reasons, serving US and Israeli interests mainly. Its nuclear program has no military component, not now or earlier, claims otherwise falsified. Since ending a generation of US-installed Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi rule in 1979, Washington treated the Islamic Republic deplorably. It’s not at war with its neighbors, ...

NYT Disinformation on Syria
Post Date: 2016-11-25 07:48:51 by Stephen Lendman
NYT Disinformation on Syria by Stephen Lendman Scoundrel media misreporting on Obama’s war has been some of the most scandalous in memory, turning truth on its head, a shameless perversion of what’s going on - truth-telling entirely absent, disinformation and Big Lies featured. Few, if any, Western reporters are in Syrian combat theaters. On November 24, The New York Times reported from Beirut, Lebanon, mindless of reality on the ground, publishing Pentagon press release handouts, journalism the way it’s supposed to be entirely absent - like all its reporting on major domestic and geopolitical issues. The Times: “The United States military suffered its first combat ...

European Parliament Passes Anti-Russia Resolution
Post Date: 2016-11-24 13:09:04 by Stephen Lendman
European Parliament Passes Anti-Russia Resolution by Stephen Lendman EU leaders and legislators disgracefully bow to Washington’s will, harming their own self-interest and citizens they represent in the process. On Wednesday, European parliamentarian passed an anti-Russia resolution (304 in favor, 179 against, 208 abstaining), discussed in a Tuesday article. It urges EU nations “respond to (nonexistent) information warfare by Russia,” RT and Sputnik News called “tools (of) hostile propaganda,” equating it to what ISIS puts out. Russia threatens no one. No “Russian aggression” exists, no revanchist aims, no disruptive ones. Instead of pursuing ...

NYT Editors Bash Russia on Thanksgiving Day
Post Date: 2016-11-24 08:46:29 by Stephen Lendman
NYT Editors Bash Russia on Thanksgiving Day by Stephen Lendman The Times operates as a press agent for wealth, power and privilege, a lying machine using journalism as advocacy for deplorable policies, disgracefully betraying readers deserving better. Shameless Russia bashing persists - even on Thanksgiving Day, Times editors headlining “Warning Russia on Hacking Isn’t Enough,” saying: Obama “hinted at some kind of retaliation…Because Donald Trump, an outspoken admirer of Vladimir Putin, is unlikely to act, it is up to Mr. Obama to hold the Russian president to account.” Fact: Russia had nothing to do with hacking DNC emails. It didn’t interfere with ...

NYT Editors Continue Bashing Trump
Post Date: 2016-11-23 13:26:19 by Stephen Lendman
NYT Editors Continue Bashing Trump by Stephen Lendman Despite meeting with perhaps his leading media critic (in its headquarters, not Trump Tower), one- sidedly supporting Hillary, acting as her press agent, denigrating him relentlessly and unfairly throughout the campaign, Times editors barely softened their hostility, suggesting likely endless bashing to come. They said “it was good to hear him even call The New York Times a ‘great, great American jewel” after justifiably trashing its deplorable coverage of his campaign - publishing daily advocacy journalism, not the real thing. The Times makes conventional yellow journalism look good by comparison. All the news it ...

Sanders: Con Man, Hillary Supporter, Rabble Rouser
Post Date: 2016-11-23 13:14:32 by Stephen Lendman
Sanders: Con Man, Hillary Supporter, Rabble Rouser by Stephen Lendman Throughout his political career, his revolutionary, man-of-the-people rhetoric was empty - exposed by his disgraceful public record, supporting policies he railed against. His soul was for sale all along, remaining so, a disgrace to the office he holds. He’s just another self-serving politician, saying one thing, doing another - notably backing imperial wars, Israeli rights over Palestinian ones, ignoring US human rights violations, and betraying supporters by selling out to Hillary and her ruthless agenda. Now he’s in league with media scoundrels, relentlessly bashing Trump before he’s inaugurated and ...

US Pressured EU Hostility Toward Russia
Post Date: 2016-11-23 08:13:50 by Stephen Lendman
US Pressured EU Hostility Toward Russia by Stephen Lendman It’s too early to know if Trump will diverge from longstanding US policy toward Russia, wanting regime change - pro-Western puppet governance replacing its sovereign independence. EU leaders and parliamentarians bow to US pressure, time and again absurdly calling Russia a threat, harming their own self-interest in the process. Sanctions were imposed and renewed. EU leaders and European parliamentarians said they’ll remain in place as long as (nonexistent) “Russian aggression” continues, and the overwhelming will of Crimeans to rejoin the Russian Federation is reversed. The European Parliament, Council of the ...

Thoughts on 11/22/63: JFK's State-Sponsored Assassination
Post Date: 2016-11-22 12:04:33 by Stephen Lendman
Thoughts on 11/22/63: JFK’s State-Sponsored Assassination by Stephen Lendman I won’t ever forget hearing the news - working in Pittsburgh as a marketing analyst, returning from lunch with colleagues when we it was announced. November 22, 1963 was a Friday. The working day ended once the news broke, everyone in my department stunned, unable to focus on anything else. It was too early to know what evidence later revealed. Lee Harvey Oswald was a convenient patsy, uninvolved in what happened, a state-sponsored assassination, CIA and secret service dirty hands likely responsible. Killing him mattered. Things might have been different had he lived, at least for a time. November ...

Trey Gowdy's Fierce Warning To Obama About Threatening The Constitution
Post Date: 2016-11-22 09:27:16 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Published on Nov 19, 2016trey gowdy shreds obama for weakening the constitutionhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgKl0LzKqTY

NYT Urges Internet Censorship
Post Date: 2016-11-22 08:47:21 by Stephen Lendman
NYT Urges Internet Censorship by Stephen Lendman On issues mattering most, The Times shamelessly publishes state and corporate propaganda, pretending it’s all the news fit to print. Along with other media scoundrels, it long ago lost credibility, why alternative sources of news, information and analysis are growing at their expense. Following reliable ones exclusively is the only way to stay informed - essential in today’s dangerous world. The Times and other media scoundrels misinform, distort, distract and lie, vital hard truths banished from their reporting - fake news their specialty. A previous article discussed Google and Facebook intentions to halt what they call ...

Trump Unloads on Media Scoundrels
Post Date: 2016-11-22 08:26:40 by Stephen Lendman
Trump Unloads on Media Scoundrels by Stephen Lendman Throughout America’s just concluded political season, major media reporting was scandalous, near-entirely one-sided for Hillary, shamelessly anti-Trump, inventing reasons to denigrate him. It’s why I call the lot of them scoundrels. In his day, famed journalist George Seldes (1890 - 1995) railed against “prostitution of the press.” He called fourth estate presstitutes “the most powerful force against the general welfare of the majority of the people.” For Gerald Celente, they’re “shills, sellouts and media whores.” Paul Craig Roberts calls them “presstitutes.” So do I, explaining ...

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