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UK Think Tank Bashes Russia, Vilifies Putin
Post Date: 2016-11-22 08:10:47 by Stephen Lendman
UK Think Tank Bashes Russia, Vilifies Putin by Stephen Lendman The London-based, right wing, militantly anti-Russia Henry Jackson Society issued a disgraceful report, titled “Putin’s  Useful Idiots: Britain’s Left, Right and Russia.” It challenges the credibility of guests appearing on Russian media, claiming some support his “standing up to the European Union and/or defending ‘traditional values’ from the corrupting influence of liberalism.” Others admire Russia “in part out of ideological folly: they see anybody who opposes Western imperialism as a strategic bedfellow.” The report ignores deplorable BBC and other Western ...

Police State Tactics Against DAPL Protesters
Post Date: 2016-11-21 13:04:23 by Stephen Lendman
Police State Tactics Against DAPL Protesters by Stephen Lendman Democracy in America serves its privileged few alone, public needs and welfare largely ignored, entirely when conflicting with powerful monied interests. They win every time at the expense of peace, equity and justice - imperial wars, corporate favoritism and police state viciousness assuring it. Oil pipelines notoriously leak, polluting the landscape and drinking water, harming public health and well-being. Just societies would prohibit them, renouncing fossil fuels and hugely dangerous nuclear power altogether, substituting clean, green, renewable energy. Last spring, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe members and supporters ...

NYT Opposes Abandoning TPP
Post Date: 2016-11-21 08:22:22 by Stephen Lendman
NYT Opposes Abandoning TPP by Stephen Lendman TPP is NAFTA on steroids if enacted - an anti-consumer, jobs-destroying corporate coup d’etat, a freedom and ecosystem-wrecking nightmare. The New York Times supports it. One-sided editorials, commentaries and articles promote what demands denunciation and abandonment. It’s not about so-called “free trade.” Enactment would mean greater corporate control of our lives and welfare than already, profiting at the public’s expense. An earlier article explained it would: • offshore millions of US  jobs;
 • free banksters and other corporate predators from oversight;
 • ban buy America ...

Obama Promotes His Deplorable Legacy
Post Date: 2016-11-21 08:10:30 by Stephen Lendman
Obama Promotes His Deplorable Legacy by Stephen Lendman Speaking from Lima, Peru after attending the APEC summit, he recited his customary litany of lies to a Pontifical Catholic University of Peru audience. Ignoring America’s rape and destruction of one country after another, notably on his watch, he turned truth on its head claiming “(p)eople across the world are securing their human rights,” then asked: “(H)ow can we make sure that in this rapidly changing world, nobody is left behind and that all of us are stronger and more prosperous?” “So over the last eight years as President, I’ve worked to strengthen our relationship with the Americas.” ...

Energized By Trump's Win, White Nationalists Gather To 'Change The World'
Post Date: 2016-11-20 13:33:18 by Ada
Richard Spencer addresses a room of press and conference attendees at a news conference held by the National Policy Institute during its "Become Who We Are" event in Washington, D.C. Prior to the news conference, which was held in the same room as the broader NPI event, Spencer told journalists they could not take photos of the room because attendees could be identified without their permission. Loyalists of the self-described white nationalist, alt-right movement from around the country gathered in D.C. Saturday afternoon, enthused by the election of Donald Trump and optimistic that their controversial, offensive views such as calling for a white, ethnocentric state were on the ...

Obama Rejects Snowden Pardon
Post Date: 2016-11-20 08:42:00 by Stephen Lendman
Obama Rejects Snowden Pardon by Stephen Lendman NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden is heroic for millions of Americans, along with many others worldwide. A Nobel Peace Prize nominee, he deserves high praise for exposing illegal NSA spying - not forced exile to avoid certain prosecution and imprisonment if he returned home. He jeopardized his own safety and well-being by doing the right thing. What the world needs is many thousands more like him, challenging ruthless power. Pardonsnowden.org circulated a letter online on his behalf, praising his heroic actions - despite “great personal risk…” It urged Obama to pardon an American hero, “let(ting) him come home with ...

Yankee Go Home: Obama Unwelcome in Peru
Post Date: 2016-11-20 08:22:04 by Stephen Lendman
Yankee Go Home: Obama Unwelcome in Peru by Stephen Lendman His last foreign trip is ending on a sour note. Peruvians are smarter than most Americans, largely uninformed and indifferent about vital issues affecting their lives and welfare. Most still support Obama after nearly eight years of endless imperial wars, neoliberal harshness, corporate interests served over popular ones, and police state ruthlessness. In Lima, Peru for the APEC summit, hundreds of angry protesters greeted his arrival, demonstrating against him and TPP in the city’s financial district. Clashes with police erupted. One sign said Salga de Obama, La Bestia Capitalista (Get Out Obama, The Capitalist Beast). ...

In Politics, Innovation Isn’t Always Progress
Post Date: 2016-11-19 14:26:54 by Ada
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton called for innovative solutions for what ails America. For the former it was a new fence on our southern border that will supposedly be funded by Mexico; for the latter it was free (i.e., taxpayer subsidized) college tuition. Fresh ideas, they told us, could “make America great again” and render us “stronger together.” Neither campaign stopped to consider that it was an innovation that led to our current woes, one that most Americans view as their country’s greatest contribution to political science: the U.S. Constitution. Undoubtedly, blaming America’s “paramount law,” as Chief Justice John Marshall called the ...

Will Trump End 56 Years of US Embargo on Cuba?
Post Date: 2016-11-19 14:08:36 by Stephen Lendman
Will Trump End 56 Years of US Embargo on Cuba? by Stephen Lendman Will Trump seek more cooperative relations with other countries, prioritizing diplomacy over confrontation? Promised outreach to Russia is encouraging. Days earlier, he and Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke by phone - Xi telling him cooperation is the only choice between both countries. He responded saying he’s willing to work with Beijing cooperatively, believing bilateral relations can “definitely achieve greater development.” Both leaders agreed to meet soon. Trump’s intended relations with Cuba remain to be seen. Campaigning in September, he said he’d reverse Obama’s (dubious) ...

Trump Inauguration Day Protests Planned
Post Date: 2016-11-19 13:47:08 by Stephen Lendman
Trump Inauguration Day Protests Planned by Stephen Lendman Protesting Trump’s inauguration misses the point. I’ve explained many times. America’s criminal class is bipartisan, democracy pure fantasy. Deep state duopoly power runs things - one-party state governance with two right wings, independents entirely shut out. Media scoundrels are press agents for wealth, power and privilege exclusively. Election-rigging made Trump president. Power brokers decided Hillary was too scandal-ridden to serve effectively. Her deplorable public record defeated her. Will Trump continue dirty business as usual or go his own way? Likely more of the former, less of the latter - with at ...

Will Trump Drain the Swamp As Promised?
Post Date: 2016-11-19 08:35:15 by Stephen Lendman
Will Trump Drain the Swamp As Promised? by Stephen Lendman Promises are easy to make, fulfilling them another matter entirely. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Trump has lots of proving to do. I intend cutting him some slack, withholding criticism like media scoundrels and many others until he starts governing - then holding his feet to the fire if he fails to deliver, commending him for what’s praiseworthy. That’s what fair and unbiased journalism should be all about - available through alternative media sources only, mainstream ones entirely lacking credibility. They disgracefully denigrated Trump throughout his campaign (while one-sidedly exalting war ...

Will Trump End Illegal US Sanctions on Russia?
Post Date: 2016-11-19 08:07:03 by Stephen Lendman
Will Trump End Illegal US Sanctions on Russia? by Stephen Lendman He praised Putin as a good leader, doing a great job, wanting to get along with him. Straightaway he should end US sanctions by executive order, influencing EU leaders to follow suit. Imposed without Security Council authorization, they’re illegal under international law - based on phony “Russian aggression” claims, nonexistent intervention in Ukraine, and accommodating overwhelming Crimean sentiment to return the territory to Russia, correcting a historic mistake. On his final foreign tour before leaving office in January, Obama met in Berlin with Germany’s Angela Merkel, Britain’s Theresa May, ...

Keith Ellison Next DNC Chairman?
Post Date: 2016-11-18 12:23:01 by Stephen Lendman
Keith Ellison Next DNC Chairman? by Stephen Lendman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s pro-Hillary bias ended her tenure as DNC chairman. Donna Brazile replaced her in an interim capacity. The subject of her WikiLeaks email sent to Hillary’s communications director Jennifer Palmieri was “(f)rom time to time I get (debate) questions in advance.” Sharing them with Hillary (through campaign chairman John Podesta) ahead of a primary debate with Sanders made her damaged goods. Employed as a commentator for CNN, the news organization said “(w)e are completely uncomfortable with what we have learned about her interactions with the Clinton campaign while she was a CNN ...

NYT Suggests Trump May Treat Muslims Like FDR Persecuted Japanese Americans During WW II
Post Date: 2016-11-18 08:01:01 by Stephen Lendman
NYT Suggests Trump May Treat Muslims Like FDR Persecuted Japanese Americans During WW II by Stephen Lendman Ten days post-election, NYT Trump bashing persists. Expect no letup ahead, perhaps intensifying once he’s inaugurated - an unprecedented vilification of a presidential aspirant, now president- elect. His domestic agenda will largely replicate previous Republican administrations. Hopefully he’ll be less aggressive abroad and follow through on promising better relations with Russia. He’s no peacenik, wanting a more robust military than already, so it’s foolhardy to expect too much. Times and other scoundrel media editors supported past Republican and Democrat ...

Google and Facebook Targeting Growing Influence of Alternative Media?
Post Date: 2016-11-17 12:57:30 by Stephen Lendman
Google and Facebook Targeting Growing Influence of Alternative Media? by Stephen Lendman Alternative online media sites are gaining popularity at the expense of unreliable mainstream sources of news, information and analysis - notably during the disgraceful US presidential election coverage, concluded last week, along with every time America goes to war. Media scoundrels suppress what everyone needs to know, lies, damn lies and Big Lies substituting - propaganda, not reliable journalism, why their readership and viewership are declining, maybe disappearing altogether one day if the current trend continues. Google and Facebook intend halting what they call “fake news” - without ...

Obama and Merkel on Transatlantic Relations
Post Date: 2016-11-17 12:41:50 by Stephen Lendman
Obama and Merkel on Transatlantic Relations by Stephen Lendman Obama’s likely last overseas trip to Greece, Germany and Peru was supposed to be a victory lap. Instead, it comes after Hillary’s defeat - the aspirant he called “unfit to serve” succeeding him in January. Coincidental with his arrival in Berlin on Thursday, the German broadsheet Wirtschaftswoche published an op-ed by him and Angela Merkel on “The Future of Transatlantic Relations” - a likely message to Trump (without mentioning his name) to stay the course. Obama and Merkel (O&M): America and Germany share a “commitment to personal freedom and dignity, which only a vibrant democracy ...

Could Sanders Have Beaten Trump?
Post Date: 2016-11-17 08:07:06 by Stephen Lendman
Could Sanders Have Beaten Trump? by Stephen Lendman We’ll never know despite lots of guesswork suggesting it. He’s a footnote in the sordid history of US presidential politics - part of the dirty system like all other duopoly power candidates. In return for disgracefully supporting Hillary after campaigning against what she represents, Democrats rewarded him with a low-ranking leadership position, choosing him as outreach chairman in charge of winning over blue-collar Trump supporters. He lied calling it a “heavy responsibility to help shape the priorities of the United States government.” He lied again, saying he’ll do “everything (he) can to make sure ...

Hillary's Emotional Instability Erupts Election Night
Post Date: 2016-11-17 07:55:36 by Stephen Lendman
Hillary’s Emotional Instability Erupts Election Night by Stephen Lendman Trump’s triumph let humanity dodge a bullet - possible nuclear war on Russia had Hillary defeated him. He saved America from an emotionally unstable aspirant’s ascension to power - evident from her electoral loss behavior. She erupted election night after hearing she lost, Gateway Pundit saying she “became physically violent,” citing radio host Todd Kincannon, saying: “CNN reporter t(old) me Hillary became physically violent towards Robby Mook and John Podesta around midnight; had to be briefly restrained.” “She was (drunk). She was in a ‘psychotic drunken rage,’ ...

Criticizing Stephen Bannon's Appointment Continues Trump Bashing
Post Date: 2016-11-17 07:44:14 by Stephen Lendman
Criticizing Stephen Bannon’s Appointment Continues Trump Bashing by Stephen Lendman Rewarded for aiding Trump’s electoral triumph, Bannon was named chief administration strategist and senior counselor. He’s not my kind of guy, especially serving close to the levers of power: an influential alt-right figure, former Goldman Sachs investment banker, and executive chairman of politically hard-right Breitbart News - earlier calling it a “platform for the alt-right,” rejecting mainstream conservatism. Despite no formal ideology, it’s accused, true or false, of being racist/white supremacist, Islamophobic, homophobic, anti-Semitic, anti-feminist, and xenophobic. ...

Despicable State Department Russia Bashing
Post Date: 2016-11-17 07:30:05 by Stephen Lendman
Despicable State Department Russia Bashing by Stephen Lendman On Tuesday, State Department press operations director Elizabeth Trudeau willfully lied to reporters, unjustifiably claiming Russian and Syrian warplanes bombed “five hospitals and one mobile clinic in Syria,” adding: “We believe it’s a violation of international law…(O)ur focus has been on the delivery of aid…Russia allowed no aid or food into east Aleppo.” “They let eastern Aleppo residents starve while seeking praise from the international community for halting indiscriminate strikes for three weeks.” “We have consistently tried to work to de-escalate the violence in ...

What Communism Looks Like Today
Post Date: 2016-11-17 07:17:13 by HAPPY2BME-4UM

Disgraceful WaPo anti-Putin Editorial
Post Date: 2016-11-16 13:49:48 by Stephen Lendman
Disgraceful WaPo Anti-Putin Editorial by Stephen Lendman Russian and Syrian forces are valiantly combating US-supported terrorists, aiming to free the country from its scourge. They deserve universal support. On November 15, Russia’s Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu announced the beginning of a large- scale operation against ISIS and al-Nusra fighters in Idlib and Homs provinces - its Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier, other warships and submarines off Syria’s coast involved. Syrian forces are preparing a major offensive to liberate eastern Aleppo. Since October 18, its warplanes and Russia’s refrained from bombing US-supported terrorist-infested parts of the city. That ...

US House Extends Illegal Iran Sanctions Another 10 Years
Post Date: 2016-11-16 11:11:47 by Stephen Lendman
US House Extends Illegal Iran Sanctions Another 10 Years by Stephen Lendman Candidate Trump was vocally anti-Iran while campaigning, disgracefully saying Tehran “suckered us,” vowing to “renegotiate” the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) or “worse.” It’s an international agreement involving all five permanent Security Council member plus Germany. Trump is unlikely to begin his tenure by challenging them. I suspect he’ll leave JCPOA little or unchanged, while ignoring or not complying with provisions he opposes. Iran threatens no one, hasn’t attacked another country in centuries, favors cooperative relations with all countries, along ...

Trump v. Congress on Foreign Policy
Post Date: 2016-11-16 11:04:06 by Stephen Lendman
Trump v. Congress on Foreign Policy by Stephen Lendman It’s unclear if Trump wants better foreign relations - more diplomacy, less war, or continuity, geopolitically staying the course. We don’t know because campaign promises often vanish in the mist of realpolitik, incumbency much different from candidacy. If more non-confrontational than belligerent, he’ll face stiff congressional opposition, perhaps transforming him a warrior president like his predecessors, going along to get along. We’ll know more when top administration officials are announced and policies he favors are implemented in office. Transition team member Gov. Chris Christie, Rep. Mike Rogers and ...

Trump's Executive Powers
Post Date: 2016-11-16 08:11:32 by Stephen Lendman
Trump’s Executive Powers by Stephen Lendman Civil libertarian/Constitutional Law Professor Bruce Ackerman earlier expressed concern about presidential power grabs. They’re able to make policy through executive orders, military orders, national security and homeland security presidential directives, along with other ways of circumventing Congress and the courts. They wage illegal wars without Security Council and congressional authorization, imperial overreach endangering everyone. White House lawyers justify the unjustifiable. According to Ackerman, “they serve as authoritative judges for the executive branch, providing a legal framework for millions of civilian and ...

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