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Historian Forrest McDonald : ' The Fourteenth Amendment was never constitutionally Ratified'.
Post Date: 2016-10-20 10:29:15 by Horse
Famous Constitutional Historian Tells The Truth In Georgia Journal of Southern Legal History. Georgia Journal of Southern Legal History has this article from celebrated American historian Forrest McDonald concerning the 14th Amendment: The numbers cited concerning the vote in the Senate mask some chicanery. One of the fifty non-southern senators was the newly elected John P. Stockton of New Jersey, an outspoken opponent of the Fourteenth Amendment, who took the oath of office and was formally seated when the Thirty-ninth Congress convened on December 5, 1865. Later, after informal polls revealed that only thirty-three senators favored it (one short of the necessary two-thirds) a motion ...

What if Liberty Is Attached to Humanity?
Post Date: 2016-10-20 08:59:09 by Ada
What if the Declaration of Independence states that the purpose of government is to protect our natural rights? What if natural rights are the freedoms we enjoy without neighbors or strangers or government interfering? What if those freedoms are listed in part in the Bill of Rights? What if the government is supposed to keep its hands off those freedoms because they are ours, we have not surrendered them and we have hired the government to protect them? What if the reason some of our rights are listed in the Bill of Rights was the fear the colonists had after the American Revolution that the new government here might become as destructive of freedom as the British king and Parliament ...

Trump v. Hillary: Sin City Spectacle
Post Date: 2016-10-20 07:52:18 by Stephen Lendman
Trump v. Hillary: Sin City Spectacle by Stephen Lendman According to Pew Research, the economy tops the list of most important issues for US voters - followed by terrorism, foreign policy (war and peace), healthcare, gun policy, immigration, Social Security, education, Supreme Court appointments, treatment of racial and ethnic minorities, trade, the environment, abortion, as well as treatment of gay, lesbian and transgender people. Neither presidential aspirant presented a clear agenda to deal with these and other important issues. Both focused more on personal attacks than problem-solving. Because of justifiable electoral-rigging concerns, Trump suggested possibly rejecting ...

Media Bias for Hillary
Post Date: 2016-10-19 12:36:12 by Stephen Lendman
Media Bias for Hillary by Stephen Lendman It’s old news supported by newly released Center for Public Integrity (CPI) information. More on this below. Campaigning yesterday in Colorado, Trump called media scoundrels “more crooked than crooked Hillary” - again saying November’s election is “rigged.” Ignore mainstream reports, he urged. “(R)ead the Internet” instead. In North Carolina, Trump running mate Mike Pence explained this year’s presidential election isn’t “a fair fight (because major) media (are) doing half of Hillary Clinton’s work for her every day.” A previous article explained Google support for Hillary. ...

Whacking Trump Ahead of Final "Debate" Spectacle
Post Date: 2016-10-19 12:28:10 by Stephen Lendman
Whacking Trump Ahead of Final “Debate” Spectacle by Stephen Lendman Since Trump announced his presidential candidacy last year, media scoundrels waged an unprecedented vilification campaign against him, intensified after he emerged last GOP aspirant standing. Ahead of Wednesday night’s last one-on-one hurrah, lead media scoundrel character assassins New York Times and Washington Post softened him up more for Hillary. The Times disgracefully headlined “Social Security at Stake on Nov. 8,” calling Hillary  its savior, Trump its destroyer, despite pledging not to cut benefits. Nor will she increase them, her promises otherwise made to be broken - her ...

Lord Protect Us From Another US Presidential "Debate" Spectacle
Post Date: 2016-10-19 08:09:12 by Stephen Lendman
Lord Protect Us From Another US Presidential “Debate” Spectacle by Stephen Lendman Thankfully Wednesday night ends them for this electoral cycle, their painful echoes lingering in deplorable scoundrel media reports - automatically saying Hillary won, Trump lost like two previous encounters. Should anyone care? This year’s staged spectacles won’t determine November’s outcome - not with things looking rigged for Hillary, Trump losing out before the first vote is cast, a clear example of fantasy US democracy. Postmortems are prepared before each staged event - pre-scripted made-for-television spectacles, not what debating is supposed to be all about. Commenting on ...

A Snapshot of Deplorable NYT Misreporting on Syria
Post Date: 2016-10-19 07:38:20 by Stephen Lendman
A Snapshot of Deplorable NYT Misreporting on Syria by Stephen Lendman Daily Times reports on Syria and other US war theaters reveal its role as an imperial mouthpiece - Pentagon and administration handouts substituting for truth and full disclosure. On October 18, it headlined “How the Battle for Aleppo Is Taking Syria’s War to a New Low.” Misinformation followed, including claiming 275,000 civilians are trapped in “rebel-held” parts of the city. Fact: No “rebel(s)” exist. All anti-government forces are US-supported terrorists, largely imported from scores of countries. Fact: At most, little more than around 10% of Times-claimed 275,000 civilians ...

Here’s How PM Trudeau Cured Canada’s Economic Slump
Post Date: 2016-10-18 20:48:08 by BTP Holdings
Here’s How PM Trudeau Cured Canada’s Economic Slump Boris Schlossberg | Tuesday, October 18, 2016 at 4:00 pm Is there a cooler leader in the world right now than Justin Trudeau? At a time when the U.S. elections look like an episode of The Real Housewives of New Jersey, Canada’s prime minister shines like an elegant movie star, emanating both charm and intelligence to a world in desperate need of both. Trudeau can break your nose with a vicious right hook that he developed as an amateur boxer. And he can do a perfect yoga pose on a Parliament desk. But he still comes off as a remarkably well-adjusted, normal man with a beautiful, loving family. Since taking office in ...

Rep. Duncan: Thank God for WikiLeaks
Post Date: 2016-10-18 19:25:31 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
By Louis Nelson10/17/16 “Let me be clear: Thank God for Wikileaks,” Duncan wrote on Twitter Monday morning. “Doing the job that MSM WON'T! #ASSANGE #wikileaks.”“Not praise for Assange. Thankful info is out there for sure, but never have condoned illegal activity. Maybe if HRC hadn't destroyed emails,” Duncan wrote on Twitter, finishing his thought with a second tweet. “And if FBI had not destroyed evidence & ALL emails turned over — we would have a clear picture without Wiki.”“And - MSM Major Networks seem to be in collusion with HRC camp - failing to report on the whole story. But quick to jump on a tweet for sure,” Duncan ...

US and UK Want RT International Silenced
Post Date: 2016-10-18 12:26:07 by Stephen Lendman
US and UK Want RT International Silenced by Stephen Lendman America, Britain and their rogue partners want total control over information dissemination, alternative voices silenced - things headed incrementally in this direction. A major false flag ahead may rip the mask off their Machiavellian intentions entirely, a death blow for fundamental freedoms following - most people none the wiser, foolishly believing rights lost are a small sacrifice for greater security, not realizing both are lost once the trap is sprung. UK-controlled NatWest Bank didn’t close RT’s accounts of its own volition. It obeyed government orders, likely a joint US/British decision. Sergey Lavrov ...

Imperial Tool NYT Calls RT International "a Snarky Anti-West" Kremlin Mouthpiece
Post Date: 2016-10-18 09:02:05 by Stephen Lendman
Imperial Tool NYT Calls RT International “a Snarky Anti-West” Kremlin Mouthpiece by Stephen Lendman The NYT long ago lost credibility, deplorably serving as a press agent for wealth, power and privilege - publishing virtual state-sponsored propaganda on major world and national issues, especially when America goes to war. In contrast, RT International broadcasts real news, information and analysis, especially on major geopolitical issues - why it attracts a large, growing worldwide audience, wanting journalism the way it’s supposed to be, not state-sponsored propaganda Western media scoundrels feature. On Monday, RT’s editor-in-chief  Margarita Simonyan tweeted ...

Western War on Truth-Telling Intensifying
Post Date: 2016-10-17 12:16:08 by Stephen Lendman
Western War on Truth-Telling Intensifying by Stephen Lendman Media freedom on air, online and in print is too vital to lose. Without it, all other fundamental rights are endangered. In America and EU countries, tyranny is fast replacing free societies, heading toward becoming full- blown - WikiLeaks and RT International the latest targets. On October 17, WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange tweeted his “internet link has been intentionally severed by a state party. We have activated the appropriate contingency plans.” Dark forces headquartered in Washington want him silenced, arrested on fabricated rape charges, extradited to America, unjustly prosecuted, convicted and ...

Drudge Warns: Impending Hillary Sex Scandal
Post Date: 2016-10-17 08:33:31 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Matt Drudge of the Drudge Report has warned Hillary Clinton that he’s about to drop a bombshell about her “sex stuff” Saturday morning. “Oh, on the sex stuff. Hillary is about to get hers…,” Drudge said in a tweet.ttp://media.breitbart.com/media/2016/10/drudge-hillary-abt-to-get-hers-tweet.jpg"> alt="drudge hillary abt to get hers tweet" width="594" height="387"> Drudge tweeted a picture of Clinton on the Ellen DeGeneres Show, where she appeared Friday in her first interview following the second presidential debate with Donald Trump. The “sex stuff” Drudge is referring to concerns Clinton’s sexuality, ...

Kerry Signals New Illegal Sanction Ahead on Russia and Syria
Post Date: 2016-10-17 08:00:16 by Stephen Lendman
Kerry Signals New Illegal Sanctions Ahead on Russia and Syria by Stephen Lendman Sanctions on Russia and Syria were illegally imposed without Security Council authorization - rogue state actions initiated by Washington. John Kerry indicated more are coming - achieving nothing but blackening the names of countries supporting them, along with inflicting pain and suffering on beleaguered Syrians, victims of US imperial viciousness. Commenting on possible imposition of new sanctions, Vladimir Putin said their “goal…is not in solving anything but to contain Russia’s strengthening as a full-fledged participant of international activity.” “This goal won’t be ...

The Crony Economy
Post Date: 2016-10-17 06:50:10 by Ada
Bipartisan outrage doesn’t stop government picking winners and losers The story of crony capitalism—where success in business depends on government favoritism, not competitive products—is often told in anecdotes. Anyone who follows policy debates can rattle off a list: the Solyndra loan-guarantee fiasco; the Utah woman who couldn’t braid hair for a living without undergoing 2,000 hours of formal training, a regulation designed to shield established salons from upstart competition. But while such stories serve as excellent examples of the phenomenon, they can’t reveal its true depth and breadth. Crony capitalism isn’t just a collection of individual ...

WikiLeaks Releases Texts of 3 Hillary Goldman Sachs Speeches
Post Date: 2016-10-16 11:54:00 by Stephen Lendman
WikiLeaks Releases Texts of 3 Hillary Goldman Sachs Speeches by Stephen Lendman Earlier WikiLeaks releases showed Hillary’s public and private positions on major issues greatly diverge. Her highly-paid private addresses reveal an entirely different agenda on how she’ll govern than views expressed on the stump, assuring same old dirty business as usual continuing under her leadership. She lied claiming “(y)ou will not find that I ever changed a view or a vote because of any donation I ever received.” What rubbish! She earned millions of dollars in highly-paid speeches to Wall Street firms and other interests, wanting to buy influence she remains eager to sell - ...

Putin Blasts US Cyberthreats
Post Date: 2016-10-16 11:41:56 by Stephen Lendman
Putin Blasts US Cyberthreats by Stephen Lendman Maybe he’ll stop calling America Russia’s “partner,” knowing relations are increasingly adversarial and hostile. US bipartisan policymakers bear full responsibility, despite good faith Moscow efforts for normal relations and mutual cooperation. Putin commented following Joe Biden’s unprecedented threat, after NBC News reported “(t)he Obama administration is contemplating an unprecedented cyber covert action against Russia in retaliation for alleged Russian interference in the American presidential election…” He showed he’s as dangerously neocon as Hillary, saying we’re sending a message to ...

Neocon Washington Post Endorses War Goddess/She Devil Hillary for President
Post Date: 2016-10-16 08:44:24 by Stephen Lendman
Neocon Washington Post Endorses War Goddess/She Devil Hillary for President by Stephen Lendman WaPo editors and commentators endorsed her all along. Now it’s official - while continuing relentless war on Trump, matching NYT viciousness, at times exceeding it. Calling him “bigoted, ignorant, deceitful, narcissistic, vengeful, petty, misogynistic, fiscally reckless, intellectually lazy, contemptuous of democracy, enamored of America’s enemies…uniquely unqualified to serve as president in experience and temperament,” WaPo said elect(ing) (him would threaten America’s) democratic system (sic).” Sounds like they’re talking about neocons infesting ...

Monday Intro Call_10-3-16 Part_I
Post Date: 2016-10-16 06:42:51 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou

Trump's First 100 Days 8-Point Plan As President
Post Date: 2016-10-15 13:00:54 by Stephen Lendman
Trump’s First 100 Days 8-Point Plan As President by Stephen Lendman Trump and Clinton represent dirty business as usual. She’s far more ruthless and dangerous, world peace threatened under her leadership, an emotionally unstable war goddess/she devil. Jill Stein is the only people’s candidate, a true anti-war progressive, supporting democratic governance of, by and for everyone equitably - entirely absent under duopoly rule, serving privileged interests exclusively. Hillary is ruthlessly pro-war, pro-Wall Street, pro-corporate predation, anti-democratic, anti-rule of law principles, anti-labor, anti-fundamental freedoms. Her deplorable public record speaks for itself. ...

Pathological Liar Hillary's Convenient Memory Lapses
Post Date: 2016-10-15 07:52:53 by Stephen Lendman
Pathological Liar Hillary’s Convenient Memory Lapses by Stephen Lendman On Thursday, Judicial Watch released responses Hillary gave to 25 JW questions - asked under oath about her email practices, submitted on August 30, her written answers ordered by US District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan. She took great pains to obstruct justice without crossing the line, lodging numerous objections to questions asked: “on the grounds that any discovery…is unwarranted…” claiming information requested falls “outside the scope of permitted discovery…’ saying questions related to after her tenure as secretary of state claiming “personal in nature” ...

Trump Destroys the Clintons
Post Date: 2016-10-14 17:54:21 by Lod
Poster Comment:Best election, ever. We finally have a choice.

BREAKING! Wikileaks exposes the Assassination of Scalia and it could bring down the Clintons and the Democratic Party!
Post Date: 2016-10-14 12:08:42 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
BREAKING! Wikileaks exposes the Assassination of Scalia and it could bring down the Clintons and the Democratic Party!RedStateWatcherFor Trump's sake, please share this to get the word out. The corruption is immense! We need Trump elected to save our country! According to new WikiLeaks emails, three days before Justice Scalia died this email was sent, using the term "wetworks" - exclusively used in Military meaning "assassination".images1-focus-opensocial....77%2Ejpg&container=focus" alt="" class="bbc_img resized" st*l*="cursor: pointer;" width="566" ...

HIDDEN CAM: Russ Feingold Says Hillary Might Issue Executive Order on Guns
Post Date: 2016-10-13 21:41:01 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Published on Oct 13, 2016 In this video released by Project Veritas Action, James O’Keefe exposes Hillary Clinton’s plan to ban all guns through an executive order. In the video, James O’Keefe attends a private top donor campaign fundraiser for Democratic Senate candidate Russ Feingold. He attended the fundraiser the same day that a Project Veritas journalist was burned in the Feingold campaign. While at the fundraiser, which was hosted by Clinton friend and donor Amy Rao, a Project Veritas journalist spoke with former Senator Feingold and his donors about gun control. When asked what Hillary Clinton would do about the Second Amendment, Feingold said without hesitation, ...

How Soon Before Armed Drones Are Overhead in America? Time Now.
Post Date: 2016-10-13 17:56:50 by ghostdogtxn

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