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The Dark Heart of Progressivism
Post Date: 2016-10-01 08:13:39 by Ada
A conversation with Thomas C. Leonard, author of Illiberal Reformers. Thomas C. Leonard epitomizes Richard Hofstadter’s definition of intellectualism. The intellectual’s mind, wrote Hofstadter in Anti- Intellectualism in American Life, is “sensitive to nuances and sees things in degrees. It is essentially relativist and skeptical, but at the same time circumspect and humane.” Leonard, an economist and historian at Princeton University, seems to fit this description to a tee, which is why it’s nearly impossible to discern what ideological stream the professor swims in from his book, Illiberal Reformers. The book, a surprise hit for Princeton University Press, is ...

Trump Bashing on Steroids
Post Date: 2016-10-01 07:19:11 by Stephen Lendman
Trump Bashing on Steroids by Stephen Lendman With November 8 elections approaching, pro-Hillary media scoundrels are stepping up their one- sided coverage - deplorable rubbish not fit to print, featuring a torrent of press agent reporting, showing they’re more of a collective laughing stock than already. Why does anyone waste time following them along with round-the-clock cable news pro- Hillary/anti-Trump reporting? The latest New York Times edition has over a dozen anti-Trump reports, including its lead editorial - with nary a discouraging word on Hillary, one-sidedly denigrating one candidate while shamelessly promoting the other. Saturday’s Washington Post has more ...

Sanders Stumps for War Criminal, Racketeer, Perjurer Hillary
Post Date: 2016-09-30 07:32:15 by Stephen Lendman
Sanders Stumps for War Criminal, Racketeer, Perjurer Hillary by Stephen Lendman He’s on call for occasional cameo appearances for Hillary - mocking what he claimed to stand for while campaigning, proving his lofty rhetoric was phony. He’s like virtually all others in Washington, promising one thing, delivering another - once a con man, always one, Sanders a deplorable self-serving opportunist throughout his years of public disservice. He flouts the principles he claims to stand for, a Judas goat betraying his loyal followers, leading them to the slaughter Hillary assures if anointed Obama’s successor. On Wednesday, he appeared with her at the University of New Hampshire, ...

Latest NYT Ad Hominem Attack on Putin
Post Date: 2016-09-29 12:41:02 by Stephen Lendman
Latest NYT Ad Hominem Attack on Putin by Stephen Lendman Throughout his tenure as Russia’s president, he’s been viciously and unjustifiably denigrated by US- led Western officials and their media scoundrel echo chamber - making repeated false accusations. The NYT is especially outrageous, attacking him for responsibly challenging America’s hegemonic ambitions along with defending Russia’s sovereign rights. On the one hand, The Times cheerleads America’s ruthless imperial agenda, its endless wars of aggression, raping one nation after another, ignoring its highest of high crimes, its sham electoral system, a one-party state with two right wings, fantasy ...

Americans Can Sue Saudis for 9/11 Despite Its Noninvolvement
Post Date: 2016-09-29 07:20:36 by Stephen Lendman
Americans Can Sue Saudis for 9/11 Despite Its Noninvolvement by Stephen Lendman The Riyadh regime is one of the world’s most despicable, involved in regional wars, related violence and state terrorism against its own people. It’s partnered with Obama’s wars on Syria and Yemen, unaccountable for Nuremberg-level crimes. Its regime had nothing to do with 9/11 - US state-sponsored terrorism, perhaps complicit with Israel, the mother of all false flags, pretext for endless imperial wars, raping one country after another. Despite no evidence of Saudi involvement, Congress passed the Orwellian-named Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA) legislation - the Senate and ...

DEATH under Clinton, LIFE under Trump... which do you choose? (Free Download)
Post Date: 2016-09-27 18:35:25 by BTP Holdings
DEATH under Clinton, LIFE under Trump... which do you choose? Monday, September 26, 2016 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger (NaturalNews) Natural News readers have long known that my core mission in life is to protect and defend life. Hillary Clinton -- and every evil institution trying to push her into the White House -- means death to all the things that most Americans hold dear. In this article, I list some of the many things that will be put to death under a Hitlery Clinton administration. (H/T to Michael Savage for his must-read book, SCORCHED EARTH - Restoring the Country After Obama, in which he coined the phrase "death under Clinton, life under Trump." For those ...

Trump and Hillary Fiddle While Planet Earth Burns
Post Date: 2016-09-27 13:42:15 by Stephen Lendman
Trump and Hillary Fiddle While Planet Earth Burns by Stephen Lendman Monday night was more evasion, distraction, and political fraud than anything resembling real debating - like all previous encounters of the same kind preceding them, demagoguery and bad theater instead of substance, failing to give voters real information on where candidates stand on major issues of our time. Monday and two upcoming spectacles conceal America’s imperial madness, its endless war on humanity at home and abroad, its neoliberal harshness, neocon lunacy and police state viciousness - its fantasy democracy serving its privileged few alone at the expense of most others, millions most in need treated like ...

Jill Stein's Response to Farcical Trump/Hillary Face-Off
Post Date: 2016-09-27 11:48:47 by Stephen Lendman
Jill Stein’s Response to Farcical Trump/Hillary Face-Off by Stephen Lendman Stein’s campaign, straight talk, progressive agenda and comportment are what real democracy looks like - polar opposite one-party state duopoly rule, representing plutocracy and tyranny, not governance of, by and for everyone equitably. She’s a physician wanting her medical skills used to help heal a sick nation. Barred from participating in Monday’s Trump/Hillary face-off, it proceeded as pre-scripted theater, viewers learning nothing about how either aspirant would govern. Stein’s involvement would have turned farcical proceedings into meaningful debate, discussing real issues, ...

NYT Praises Hillary's Monday Night Demagoguery
Post Date: 2016-09-27 09:07:34 by Stephen Lendman
NYT Praises Hillary’s Monday Night Demagoguery by Stephen Lendman Monday’s event mocked what real debates are supposed to be all about, delivering tragedy and farce instead, 90 ranting demagogic minutes without substance, replete with unchallenged Big Lies - symbolic of America’s fantasy democracy. Times editors commented as expected, one-sidedly for Hillary, delivering a campaign commercial, not serious analysis, praising her duplicitous performance, maintaining a relentless anti-Trump tirade - a clear example of press agent journalism, mocking the real thing. “(J)ust one candidate is serious and the other is a vacuous bully,” Times editors blustered. ...

Monday's Trump/Hillary Travesty: All Rant, No Substance
Post Date: 2016-09-27 03:10:13 by Stephen Lendman
Monday’s Trump/Hillary Travesty: All Rant, No Substance by Stephen Lendman Who won? Who lost? Who cares? What matters is who really lost - millions of ordinary Americans, betrayed again, doomed to suffer under continued duopoly power control over their lives, serving privileged interests exclusively, harming their well-being and futures - waging endless wars of aggression at the expense of world peace, stability, equity and justice. That’s the message of the entire campaign, including Monday night theatrics, an exercise in demagoguery, bluster, and avoidance of substantive discussion, interchanges and debate on the vital issues of our time with clear policies laid out for real ...

Political Correctness is a Threat to More than Just Free Speech
Post Date: 2016-09-26 17:27:37 by BTP Holdings
Political Correctness is a Threat to More than Just Free Speech 35 5 1 18 65 1 Political correctness word cloud Most of us agree that we are defined by what we do, and to a much lesser extent- what we say. The phenomenon known as political correctness, is a reflection of societal behavior, the ways in which our culture has transformed. It also has a great influence on behavior, reinforcing the arc of that transformation. PC culture has become a useful way to understand our current condition, and the direction the nation is headed in as a people, and as an economy. It shows the effect words have on how we work, and how we live. How the movement toward political correctness came to be is ...

Vicious Trump Bashing Ahead of Monday's Presidential Debate
Post Date: 2016-09-26 13:47:08 by Stephen Lendman
Vicious Trump Bashing Ahead of Monday’s Presidential Debate by Stephen Lendman Continuing their dual role as Hillary’s lead press agents, abandoning fair and balanced reporting entirely, neoliberal NYT editors and their neocon Washington Post counterparts unleashed an anti- Trump blitzkrieg ahead of Monday’s “debate.” What’s coming is far from what debating is supposed to be all about. An earlier article discussed the Socratic method, involving opposing sides asking and answering questions. Ideas are freely aired. Beliefs are challenged. Truths are sought. Critical thinking is stimulated. Opinions are formed. Conclusions are reached through free and open ...

NYT Endorses War Criminal, Racketeer, Perjurer Hillary for President
Post Date: 2016-09-25 12:51:12 by Stephen Lendman
NYT Endorses War Criminal, Racketeer, Perjurer Hillary for President by Stephen Lendman Consistently on the wrong side of history, Times editors again showed it’s exclusively a mouthpiece for wealth, power and privilege. In January, it endorsed Hillary for Democrat party nomination, disgracefully calling her “one of the most deeply qualified presidential candidates in modern memory” - polar opposite cold, hard facts, ignoring her longstanding criminal rap sheet, making her unfit for any public office. On September 24, its editors acted again as expected, endorsing Hillary for president, the most ruthlessly dangerous aspirant in US history - calling Trump “the worst ...

Brazil's Illegitimate President: Tainted by Corruption, Scorned at the UN, Praised by Joe Biden
Post Date: 2016-09-25 08:18:44 by Stephen Lendman
Brazil’s Illegitimate President: Tainted by Corruption, Scorned at the UN, Praised by Joe Biden Michel Temer heads Brazil’s illegitimately installed coup d’etat regime, a deplorable figure, widely reviled at home, scorned by six Latin and Central American nations at the UN’s 71st General Assembly session. Delegations from Bolivia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua and Venezuela boycotted proceedings when it was his turn to speak, remarks delivered ignoring his illegitimacy to serve. On September 24, the Wall Street Journal said Brazil’s Supreme Court authorized “prosecutors to open a probe into corruption allegations,” involving Temer and members of ...

Former NBA Star Stoops to Bashing Trump for Hillary
Post Date: 2016-09-24 12:12:55 by Stephen Lendman
Former NBA Star Stoops to Bashing Trump for Hillary by Stephen Lendman Was Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s op-ed headlined “Trump Is So Scared That He Wants Us to Dismantle the Constitution” his own idea, or was he put up to it - published in the viciously anti-Trump neocon Washington Post? He seems clueless about the deplorable state of America - bipartisan established tyranny, headed for full-blown, presidents Bush, Obama and whoever becomes next US president operating under a post-9/11 police state apparatus, notably Patriot Act and Homeland Security Act constitution- violating principles, along with flagrantly breaching international law on issues of human rights and what ...

Not Yours To Give
Post Date: 2016-09-24 09:48:50 by Southern Style
Not Yours to Give [The following story about the famed American icon Davy Crockett was published in Harper's Magazine in 1867, as written by James J. Bethune, a pseudonym used by Edward S. Ellis. The events that are recounted here are true, including Crockett's opposition to the bill in question, though the precise rendering and some of the detail are fictional.] One day in the House of Representatives, a bill was taken up appropriating money for the benefit of a widow of a distinguished naval officer. Several beautiful speeches had been made in its support. The Speaker was just about to put the question when Davy Crockett arose: “Mr. Speaker–I have as much respect for ...

State Department Stonewalling Release of Hillary's Emails
Post Date: 2016-09-24 08:30:41 by Stephen Lendman
State Department Stonewalling Release of Hillary’s Emails by Stephen Lendman In response to US District Court Judge James Boasberg ordering the State Department to reveal the contents of around 1,050 pages of recovered Hillary emails, setting a time-schedule of 350 pages by October 7, another 350 by October 21 and the remainder by November 4, most potentially incriminating documents remain withheld with no indication of if or when they’ll be released. The State Department said 5,600 of 15,100 FBI-recovered Hillary emails were government documents, including classified material, not personal communications as Hillary falsely claimed. Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton issued a ...

Farcical US Presidential Debates
Post Date: 2016-09-23 13:01:44 by Stephen Lendman
Farcical US Presidential Debates by Stephen Lendman On September 26, the first of three farcical presidential “debates” will be held, Independent candidates Jill Stein and Gary Johnson excluded, American-style “democracy,” assuring duopoly power stays unopposed. So-called debates are political theater, nothing else, featuring pre-arranged questions, excluding ones most important to ask and demanding answers, not evasiveness. Trump and Clinton alone will deliver pre-packaged, pre-scripted, well-rehearsed statements devoid of substance, excluding what voters most need to hear, leaving them uninformed, in the dark on where both candidates stand on vital domestic and ...

This Rapper Has A Solution To Police Shootings And Gun Violence
Post Date: 2016-09-22 15:42:29 by hondo68
21 Savage has an idea about how to solve America’s gun violence and police brutality issues: Get rid of guns. “It’s one simple thing that would get rid of all the problems in the world,” the 21-year-old rapper said in a July interview with FADER. “If no Americans had no guns, there wouldn’t be no police killing people. That’s the easiest and simplest way to solve it. To take everybody’s guns, not just the civilians. Take the police’s guns too.” Police have killed 633 people in the U.S. this year and 156 of them were black, according to a tracker from The Guardian. Many politicians and gun owners have voiced similar sentiments, calling for a ...

Chelsea Manning Ends Hunger Strike, Faces Indefinite Solitary Confinement
Post Date: 2016-09-22 07:54:23 by Stephen Lendman
Chelsea Manning Ends Hunger Strike, Faces Indefinite Solitary Confinement by Stephen Lendman Solitary confinement isolation is torture by any standard - a flagrant international law, constitutional violation, its 8th Amendment prohibiting “cruel and unusual punishment” - standard practice in America, rendering rule of law governance null and void. Longterm isolation crushes the human spirit, causing panic attacks, nightmares, dizziness, irrational anger, confusion, social withdrawal, memory and appetite loss, delusions and hallucinations, profound despair and hopelessness, suicidal thoughts, and paranoia, among other symptoms. It’s like being buried alive, at times ...

Hillary's Duplicitous Op-Ed on Helping America's Poor
Post Date: 2016-09-21 06:57:36 by Stephen Lendman
Hillary’s Duplicitous Op-Ed on Helping America’s Poor by Stephen Lendman New York Times editors serve as her press agent, shamelessly calling an unindicted war criminal, racketeer, perjurer, Wall Street tool “one of the most broadly and deeply qualified presidential candidates in modern history” - a deplorable perversion of truth. They gave her feature op-ed space to claim she intends helping America’s poor as president she harmed consistently throughout her public life. She’s no progressive and never was - destructively neoliberal, certain to stay that way. As virtual co-president with husband Bill for eight years, she was instrumental in getting jobs- ...

Obama's Last General Assembly Address As Duplicitous As His First
Post Date: 2016-09-21 06:45:57 by Stephen Lendman
Obama’s Last General Assembly Address As Duplicitous As His First by Stephen Lendman His legacy is deplorable, serving wealth, power and privileged interests at the expense of most others. Independent historians will remember him as an unindicted war criminal, Wall Street tool, demagogic serial liar, along with wrecker of hopes and dreams of millions of Americans enduring mass unemployment, underemployment, poverty and deprivation under protracted Main Street Depression conditions he did nothing to alleviate. He lied during his first General Assembly address, claiming “determin(ation) to act boldly and collectively on behalf of justice and prosperity at home and abroad.” ...

GHW Bush for Clinton
Post Date: 2016-09-20 08:02:05 by Stephen Lendman
GHW Bush For Clinton by Stephen Lendman Readers and friends at times ask who I support for US president. Anyone following my articles knows my view about America’s political process too debauched to fix. Monied interests and power brokers decide things. Voters have no say whatever. Democracy is pure fantasy, America’s privileged class alone served. Republicans and Democrats are largely indistinguishable, in lock step on all issues mattering most, though this year it’s not so simple. Trump and Clinton both assure endless imperial wars against invented enemies. She risks nuclear war on Russia, China and Iran. He won’t likely go that far. Both candidates are ...

Why Does Anyone Still Read the NYT?
Post Date: 2016-09-19 09:12:22 by Stephen Lendman
Why Does Anyone Still Read the NYT? by Stephen Lendman I have to for media critiques, exposing its misinformation, distortions and Big Lies. It’s painful reading. The Times is a mouthpiece for wealth, power and privilege - despicably against all independent nations Washington doesn’t control, wanting them toppled and replaced by pro-Western puppet regimes. It mocks fair and balanced election coverage, one-sidedly supporting Hillary, ignoring her high crimes, her unfitness to serve. It’s an administration and Pentagon press agent when America goes to war. It lied calling US warplanes willfully massacring Syrian forces last Saturday a “mistaken bombing.” It lied ...

Neocon Infested Washington Hands Israel's Killing Machine $38 Billion
Post Date: 2016-09-18 11:03:17 by Stephen Lendman
Neocon Infested Washington Hands Israel’s Killing Machine $38 Billion by Stephen Lendman Israel far and away is the largest recipient of US geopolitical handouts - a new $38 billion package agreed to over the next decade, $3.8 billion annually, up from $3.1 billion currently, beginning in 2018 after the current agreement expires. Netanyahu wanted $4.5 billion. He’ll likely get it. See below. The announced deal is just for starters. Over the next decade, additional amounts will be forthcoming on request. What Israel wants it gets - besides various other special benefits Washington affords no other country on its handout list. The least deserving is the most rewarded, but ...

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