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Changes to Rule 41 Could Allow FBI to Hack Anyone
Post Date: 2016-09-17 19:48:41 by BTP Holdings
Changes to Rule 41 Could Allow FBI to Hack Anyone September 15, 2016Kayla Thrailkill A major change to Rule 41 could be passed that allows for the FBI to use malware as a “search” tool… Malware, a malicious software, could be placed on thousands of computers with a single warrant, if Congress does not block the changes made to Rule 41 by December 1, 2016. To be honest, when I initially read this I had two thoughts. First, I am not doing anything wrong so if the government wants to “search” my computer they can. Second, if the government really wanted to “search” something, they would find a way. Digging Deeper However, after I think about this a bit ...

Sanders Stumps for War Criminal, Racketeer, Perjurer Hillary
Post Date: 2016-09-17 06:57:31 by Stephen Lendman
Sanders Stumps for War Criminal, Racketeer, Perjurer Hillary by Stephen Lendman Sanders revealed his alliance with imperial lawlessness by endorsing the most recklessly dangerous presidential candidate in US history. Hillary represents pure evil - morally, ethically, emotionally, physically and legally unfit to serve, humanity’s greatest menace if elevated to the nation’s highest office. Yet he backs her instead of forthrightly denouncing what she stands for. On Friday, he urged supporters to “think hard” about voting against her. He lied, calling himself “the longest serving independent in the history of the US Congress.” He’s more self-serving ...

Leaked Colin Powell Emails
Post Date: 2016-09-16 12:03:52 by Stephen Lendman
Leaked Colin Powell Emails by Stephen Lendman Reading them is a rare chance to be a so-called fly on the wall to remarks not meant for public airing. Below are a few Powell gems: In 2015, in less than so many words, he explained Israel is nuclear armed and dangerous, saying it has 200 nuclear weapons “all targeted on Tehran.” He commented after Netanyahu broke traditional protocol, addressing a joint session of Congress in March 2015 despite no Obama administration invitation to visit Washington. He denigrated the Iran nuclear deal with a litany of Big Lies, maintaining silence on Israeli’s enormous threat to the region and humanity. Iran’s nuclear program has no ...

Hillary v. Trump: Who's Least Candid?
Post Date: 2016-09-16 07:22:27 by Stephen Lendman
Hillary v. Trump: Who’s Least Candid? by Stephen Lendman No contest! Hillary’s entire public career is based on serial lying. She’s unindicted for perjury. Nothing she says campaigning is credible - nothing earlier as the most wicked ever first lady, then deplorable US senator and secretary of state. Her despicable public record is polar opposite her stump promises, willful deception, likely dirtier than ever business as usual if she succeeds Obama - notably subservience to Wall Street, war profiteers, Big Pharma and Monsanto. The New York Times operates as her virtual press agent, shamelessly promoting her candidacy, inventing stuff to bash Trump, saying she ...

Reinventing Trump
Post Date: 2016-09-14 12:04:20 by Stephen Lendman
Reinventing Trump by Stephen Lendman How do you reinvent a billionaire tycoon, driven by money-making, using it to make more of it in business dealings, a wannabe president, displaying more bombast than charisma and forthrightness? Though lately, he’s more focused than histrionic. More on this below. How does he explain calling Bush’s Iraq war “a disaster,” Obama’s Middle East policy “a catastrophe,” saying as president he’ll improve US/Russia ties, then naming uber-hawk neocon, former CIA head James Woolsey as senior national security advisor? How do you create a recast Trump persona, making him look more presidential late in the campaign, ...

Putin Spokesman on US Russophobia
Post Date: 2016-09-14 11:53:18 by Stephen Lendman
Putin Spokesman on US Russophobia by Stephen Lendman Longstanding US relations toward Russia are hostile, regime change Washington’s ultimate goal by color revolution or war. Russian officials referring to America as Moscow’s partner belies adversarial reality - evident in numerous provocative ways, heading inevitably toward eventual confrontation. Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov commented, expressing concern about how US officials play the “Russian card” disparagingly, notably during this year’s political season. “Unfortunately, we see the continuing manifestation of such a blatant Russophobia. We can only express regret here,” said Peskov. Moscow ...

Obama: Demagogue-in-Chief
Post Date: 2016-09-14 07:30:37 by Stephen Lendman
Obama: Demagogue-in-Chief by Stephen Lendman His remarks make painful listening, misinformation and Big Lies substituting for hard truths, all demagoguery all the time, mocking legitimate leadership. On 9/11, he failed to explain America murdered its own, state terror bearing full responsibility. Parties blamed for that fateful day’s high crime had nothing to do with what happened - convenient patsies to divert attention from the mother of all false flags. Addressing a memorial service at the Pentagon, Obama disgracefully reinvented history. He mocked and denigrated millions America killed by naked aggression, related violence, preventable diseases, starvation and overall ...

Will Power Brokers Running America Stick with Hillary?
Post Date: 2016-09-13 07:39:02 by Stephen Lendman
Will Power Brokers Running America Stick with Hillary? by Stephen Lendman A separate article called her unfit to serve. Aside from moral, ethical and legal issues surrounding her, she’s clearly ill, maybe seriously enough to cause collapse and disability, rendering her unable to serve. Her illness may be life-threatening. It’s unclear because she won’t release full information on her health status. Federal legislation is needed requiring presidential candidates to undergo thorough independent physical and emotional examinations to determine their ability to handle the rigors of the nation’s highest office. It requires stamina, endurance and sound judgment to handle. ...

America's Real "Deplorables"
Post Date: 2016-09-13 07:19:17 by Stephen Lendman
America’s Real “Deplorables” by Stephen Lendman Hillary calling half of Trump’s supporters a “basket of deplorables…racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it” way overstepped the bounds of one political candidate hurling pejoratives at another, insulting millions of Americans in the process, hopefully enough to arouse greater numbers against her. Her “deplorable” remarks describe America’s political class, a money-controlled criminal cabal running things, a one-party state with two right wings, neocons infesting Washington making policy, a nation addicted to permanent war on humanity. Hillary symbolizes ...

Google for Hillary
Post Date: 2016-09-12 13:47:57 by Stephen Lendman
Google for Hillary by Stephen Lendman America’s electoral process is too debauched to fix. Trump is right believing things are rigged for “crooked Hillary” in November. Media scoundrels one-sidedly support her, praising her obsessively, suppressing her deplorable public record - notably whitewashing her war crimes, racketeering and perjury. Even Google searches are rigged for her, according to a Sputnik News report, saying its Internet search engine “manipulates millions to favor Clinton.” An American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology study conducted by Robert Epstein and Ronald Robertson concluded “search rankings favoring one candidate ...

Political Prisoner Chelsea Manning Begins Hunger Strike
Post Date: 2016-09-10 07:56:55 by Stephen Lendman
Political Prisoner Chelsea Manning Begins Hunger Strike by Stephen Lendman Wrongfully imprisoned for exposing US war crimes, Manning has been tortured, abused, isolated and denied vital care she needs for gender dysphoria and other medical issues. Only after filing a lawsuit in September 2014 did hormone therapy begin in February 2015. It’s unclear what’s she’s given. Her comments below indicate it’s woefully inadequate. She continues being horrifically abused, issuing a statement, saying: “I need help. I am not getting any. I have asked for help time and time again for six years and through five separate confinement locations.” “My request has only ...

How Fantasy Democracy Works in America
Post Date: 2016-09-09 06:59:21 by Stephen Lendman
How Fantasy Democracy Works in America by Stephen Lendman America is a one-party state with two right wings. Fantasy democracy substitutes for the real thing, tyranny by any standard, might over right, equity and justice be damned. Independent candidates are shunned - at times grievously abused. More on this below. Governance at the federal, state and local levels exclusively serves wealth, power and privileged interests, no others. Elections when held are farcical - easily and often rigged with electronic ease and by other devious means, most people none the wiser. Power brokers run things. Ordinary people have no say whatever. Voting is a waste of time. Why bother when your choice ...

Farcical NBC News Commander-in-Chief Presidential Forum
Post Date: 2016-09-08 07:31:03 by Stephen Lendman
Farcical NBC News Commander-in-Chief Presidential Forum by Stephen Lendman On Wednesday evening, NBC News held what it called “a presidential forum featuring Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump” - both candidates appearing separately, “answering questions related to the military and national security.” Promoted as a preview of upcoming so-called presidential debates on September 26, October 4 and 9 (undemocratically prohibiting independent candidates from participating), it was more farcical than factual, notably during Hillary’s segment. She lied vowing not to send US combat troops to Iraq “ever again.” Thousands are already there, likely more coming, ...

Prominent Analyst Calls Clinton Foundation a Rogue Charity Fraud Network
Post Date: 2016-09-08 07:16:11 by Stephen Lendman
Prominent Analyst Calls Clinton Foundation a Rogue Charity Fraud Network by Stephen Lendman I’ve written numerous times about the Clinton Foundation money-laundering, pay-to-play, self- enrichment racket masquerading as a charitable NGO. Wall Street analyst, whistleblower, financial advisor Charles Ortel investigated Clinton Foundation shenanigans for months, saying information it releases publicly in “legally mandated filings do not add up, are frequently incorrect, and appear to be misleading.” Based on his extensive investigative work, he calls the foundation “a rogue charity” operating fraudulently - “neither…organized nor operating lawfully from ...

The Protected Classes Must Not Hear Harambe Jokes—Or Anything Else ‘Offensive’
Post Date: 2016-09-08 06:04:27 by BTP Holdings
The Protected Classes Must Not Hear Harambe Jokes—Or Anything Else ‘Offensive’ by Ben Shapiro September 7, 2016 12:39 PM UMass–Amherst thinks black students need to be shielded from memes about a dead gorilla. I’m a sucker for Harambe jokes. Given the media’s insanely myopic focus on the sad death of a gorilla at the Cincinnati Zoo, the Internet’s hysterical memeing surrounding Harambe appeals to both my absurdist and dark-humor sides (see, for example, the inclusion of Harambe on a list of celebrities tragically lost in 2016, alongside Prince and David Bowie). So imagine my dismay when I learned this week that UMass–Amherst would be depriving its ...

Big Lie Claiming Russia Undermines International Order
Post Date: 2016-09-07 11:54:48 by Stephen Lendman
Big Lie Claiming Russia Undermines International Order by Stephen Lendman Relentless Russia bashing, supported by irresponsible media scoundrels, sets the stage for inevitable confrontation - the unthinkable possibility of nuclear war if Hillary succeeds Obama. Since becoming US Secretary of War, succeeding Chuck Hagel in February 2015, Ashton Carter waged a relentless war of words on Russia, despite it threatening no one. Under Putin, it’s the world’s leading peace and stability champion. Its sovereign independence Washington wants eliminated makes if a prime US target. So far misinformation and Big Lies are America’s main weapons, along with ineffective sanctions and ...

A 20th Century History of Infringement
Post Date: 2016-09-07 09:28:34 by Ada
Last week, I was chatting contentedly with my friends on Facebook (who would ever have thought I’d say that?) about gun politics, when I was interrupted by (ostensibly) a young woman (everybody’s young compared to me these days) who denied that anyone in politics was out to take my guns away and asserted, in essence, that I am some kind of paranoid crank. I resent that. I do not deny it, but I resent it. But I have my reasons. I responded that I have been fighting this fight for some 48 years and knew better than she did what was going on. It may be longer than that; I forget how gradual the build-up was to the 1968 Gun Control Act, which inspired my first high-quality gun ...

The Tyranny of 9/11: The Building Blocks of the American Police State from A-Z
Post Date: 2016-09-07 08:48:14 by Ada
“No one man can terrorize a whole nation unless we are all his accomplices.” ― Edward R. Murrow We’ve walked a strange and harrowing road since September 11, 2001, littered with the debris of our once-vaunted liberties. We have gone from a nation that took great pride in being a model of a representative democracy to being a model of how to persuade the citizenry to march in lockstep with a police state. In doing so, we have proven Osama Bin Laden right. He warned that “freedom and human rights in America are doomed. The U.S. government will lead the American people in — and the West in general — into an unbearable hell and a choking life.” ...

Bahrain: As Contemptuous of Human Rights As America
Post Date: 2016-09-07 07:57:38 by Stephen Lendman
Bahrain: As Contemptuous of Human Rights As America by Stephen Lendman The despotic monarchy is a US client state, home to its Fifth Fleet, supplying its regime with weapons of repression - used against anyone freely expressing views authorities want suppressed. It’s a fascist police state by any standard, run by a criminal cabal. Yet John Kerry shamelessly praised its authorities for making “meaningful progress on human rights and reconciliation” despite its ruthless crackdown on dissent, filling its gulag prison system without thousands on trumped up charges, murdering others to silence them. A September 6 article discussed political prisoner Nabeel Rajab, a world ...

Trump and Clinton Tied in Polls?
Post Date: 2016-09-07 07:42:21 by Stephen Lendman
Trump and Clinton Tied in Polls? by Stephen Lendman Some new polls show both candidates virtually tied. Others still show Clinton ahead. With two months to go before the November 8 elections, momentum may swing back and forth several times or more. Poll results depend on their sponsors and how they’re conducted. Most important is America’s debauched political system, giving voters no say on how they’re governed or by whom. Power brokers decide everything. Things looked rigged for Hillary. The most scandalous media reporting in US history one-sidedly backs her, turning “press freedom” into a disgraceful laughing stock on its electoral coverage and virtually ...

Handpicked Reporters Lob Softballs at Hillary
Post Date: 2016-09-07 07:31:31 by Stephen Lendman
Handpicked Reporters Lob Softballs at Hillary by Stephen Lendman Hillary hasn’t had a press conference in 277 days through September 7, not wanting to risk discussion of her deplorable record, including racketeering related to her foundation, along with perjury in testimony before Congress and to FBI investigators. She’s now letting handpicked supportive reporters travel aboard her campaign plane. Flying from one Labor Day picnic to another, she held an informal Q&A session, a friendly chat, far short of a traditional news conference open to all members of the press wishing to attend. The Trump campaign responded to her stunt, saying “Hiding Hillary: Day ...

Bahraini Political Prisoner Nabeel Rajab Speaks Out
Post Date: 2016-09-06 12:23:23 by Stephen Lendman
Bahraini Political Prisoner Nabeel Rajab Speaks Out by Stephen Lendman The US-supported despotic Bahraini regime repeatedly targeted Rajab and other human rights defenders for their redoubtable activism - murdering some, mass imprisoning others on trumped up charges no legitimate tribunal would uphold. Rajab is unjustly detained under harsh conditions, facing longterm imprisonment on fabricated charges of spreading “false or malicious news, offending a foreign country (meaning Saudi Arabia for criticizing its genocidal war on Yemen), and offending a statutory body.” He’s been confined in isolation for the past three months. Surprisingly he got New York Times op- ed space ...

Manipulating the American Mind
Post Date: 2016-09-06 07:42:38 by Stephen Lendman
Manipulating the American Mind by Stephen Lendman In today’s information age, so different from my early years and young adulthood, it’s simple to stay well informed. Yet too few people bother, relying instead on media propaganda, especially so-called television “news,” brainwashing them, assuring they’re good citizens and stay that way, suppressing what everyone most needs to know. My own brother believes The New York Times and other media like it are reliable sources of news, information and opinion. I haven’t convinced him otherwise, nor gotten him to follow my writing - done pro bono. No one directs what I say or pays me a dime. It’s my way late ...

Neocon Washington Post Anti-Trump Jihad
Post Date: 2016-09-05 07:33:31 by Stephen Lendman
Neocon Washington Post Anti-Trump Jihad by Stephen Lendman By now, Americans should be numb from outrageously one-sided anti-Trumpism compared to suppressing Hillary’s deplorable public record. With two months before November’s election, things may get even uglier, media scoundrels perhaps intending an even greater push to get her anointed America’s next president. The possibility should terrify everyone. Paul Craig Roberts calls her “certifiably insane.” For sure, she’s megalomaniacally driven, Roberts saying “she will take America to war with Russia - which means also China - and Iran.” I share his justifiable fear, the risk of ...

The Libertarianism Antithesis: War
Post Date: 2016-09-05 07:27:48 by Ada
Until the longest war in U.S. history ends, substantive liberty will not return to American soil. Nothing is more important to freedom than to oppose the militarization of society because the two social models cannot coexist. Inevitably, one will overthrow the other. What Is War? What Is Libertarianism? The root of the conflict is expressed in the definitions of "war" and "libertarianism." War is traditionally defined as the situation in which one state officially declares open hostility against the territory and people of another. Sometimes the word "war" is replaced by euphemistic terms such as "police action" but this is sophistry. The purpose ...

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