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Watch out: Florida residents being fined for growing vegetables on their own property
Post Date: 2016-09-04 17:12:23 by BTP Holdings
Watch out: Florida residents being fined for growing vegetables on their own property Sunday, September 04, 2016 by: Samantha Debbie (NaturalNews) Florida may be known for its tropical climate and spicy Latin-American culture, but what it's not known for is the freedom to garden. The southeastern state continues to make headlines over the state government's contempt for front yard gardens. Tom Carroll and Hermine Ricketts had been cultivating their garden for 17 years when their hometown, Miami Shores, passed a new ordinance restricting vegetable growing to the backyard. The couple begrudgingly dug up their lush garden in August 2013, after local officials threatened them with a ...

Hillary Clinton’s American Legion Speech Deconstructed
Post Date: 2016-09-04 13:41:06 by Ada
I am the world’s law. I judge every country on earth. America is the greatest country on Earth. The rest of you are beneath us, and I am us. I know what’s good for you. You don’t. I carry the biggest stick in the world, and I don’t walk softly. You are benighted morally. I am exceptional. I am indispensable. I am your global leader. I am judge, jury and executioner. What I say goes, and it’s right. Gaddafi, die. Assad, resign or I will rain thousands of missiles on your country. I killed Osama bin Laden. I will kill more. More must be killed. Putin, you are in my crosshairs. Ali Khamenei, I’m ready to bomb your country. My killing expresses my values, ...

Neocon Washington Post Calls War Goddess, Racketeer Hillary "Exceptional"
Post Date: 2016-09-04 11:12:04 by Stephen Lendman
Neocon Washington Post Calls War Goddess, Racketeer Hillary “Exceptional” by Stephen Lendman I’ve written much about I call America’s scoundrel media - especially for supporting privilege over populism, US imperial wars, and deplorable one-sided coverage of this year’s presidential election, sacrificing even-handedness for blatant partisanship. With few exceptions, media scoundrels support the most recklessly dangerous presidential aspirant in US history, acting as a collective press agent for what demands resounding opposition - waging a war of words on Trump, a daily pejorative blizzard, unparalleled in memory. Given how viciously he’s attacked without ...

NYT Whitewashes Clinton Foundation Wrongdoing
Post Date: 2016-09-04 07:33:43 by Stephen Lendman
NYT Whitewashes Clinton Foundation Wrongdoing by Stephen Lendman Hard evidence shows the Clinton Foundation is a Bill and Hillary money-laundering, influence- selling, self-enrichment racket masquerading as a charitable NGO. Not according The New York Times, operating as her virtual press agent, promoting her candidacy for the nation’s highest office, suppressing her deplorable public record since the 1990s. Richard Painter is a University of Minnesota law professor. From 2005 - 2007, he was Obama’s chief White House ethics lawyer. The Times gave him feature op-ed space to whitewash Clinton Foundation wrongdoing - serious stuff enough to land ordinary people in prison if they ...

Straussism: The Philosophy Directing The Age Of Tyranny
Post Date: 2016-09-04 01:00:11 by Tatarewicz
PMF... 05/22/06 "Information Clearing House" -- -- Straussism is the philosophy of the obscure University Of Chicago philosophy instructor Leo Strauss. The students of Leo Strauss left the University in search of political power; these took root in the Republican party, formed neo-conservatism and became known as Neocons Straussism calls for tyranny -- rule from those above. The purpose of this document is to present the principles of Straussism as a rosetta stone tinyurl.com/qo7yc to give one the knowledge to decipher and translate the rhetoric and behavior of the George Bush neocon administration into some degree of coherent meaning. Introduction: 1) A Straussian: a disciple ...

The Alternative to Presidential Politics
Post Date: 2016-09-03 12:36:20 by Ada
In his new book Nullification: Reclaiming Consent of the Governed, Clyde Wilson pinpoints the folly and futility of “presidential politics” – of hoping against hope that some Great Savior will somehow restore American liberty. Only those who are almost completely ignorant of American history could be fooled by such a farce. Unfortunately, that seems to include most Americans. Early Americans were never so naïve as to believe that national politicians could preserve their freedom; that was their job. They are the ones who, acting through their state-level political societies, created and gave authority to the Constitution. The government was to act as their agent and was ...

Russia's Eastern Economic Forum: Symbol of US Failure to Isolate Its Main Adversary
Post Date: 2016-09-03 12:17:37 by Stephen Lendman
Russia’s Eastern Economic Forum: Symbol of US Failure to Isolate Its Main Adversary by Stephen Lendman Like its counterpart St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), held annually since 1997, each year attended by thousands from over 60 countries, Russia’s 2nd Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) is proving very popular. Held on September 2 and 3 in Vladivostok, Russia’s largest Pacific port city, Vladimir Putin “extend(ed) warmest greeting” to attending participants and guests. They included over 3,000 prominent politicians, business officials and representatives of public associations, including large Japanese, Chinese and South Korea delegations - ...

FBI Continues Suppressing Hilllary's Crimes
Post Date: 2016-09-03 08:53:54 by Stephen Lendman
FBI Continues Suppressing Hillary’s Crimes by Stephen Lendman Hillary’s longstanding criminal record since the 1990s would be more than enough to imprison ordinary people longterm - likely for life without parole or capital punishment for her involvement in mass murder. Extraordinary lengths are made to keep indictable evidence from being revealed - the Justice Department and its FBI investigative agency complicit for failing to do their jobs. On Friday afternoon, at the start of America’s three-day Labor Day holiday weekend, with no fanfare and too little media attention, an FBI press release said it “releas(ed) a summary of former Secretary of State Hillary ...

Brazil's Coup d'Etat President More Widely Reviled Than Hillary or Trump
Post Date: 2016-09-03 08:40:20 by Stephen Lendman
Brazil’s Coup d’Etat President More Widely Reviled Than Hillary or Trump by Stephen Lendman Late August polls show 59% of registered voters view Hillary unfavorably - compared to Trump’s 60% disapproval rating. In November, Americans get to choose between the two most widely reviled aspirants for the nation’s highest office in US history - a testimony to a political system too debauched to fix. Things are worse for Brazilians. Dark forces in America and their country conspired to replace democracy with tyranny - the majority will of 54 million voters erased. Newly anointed Brazilian president Michel Temer is widely reviled, one poll showing over two-thirds of ...

New Poll Shows Trump and Hillary Virtually Tied
Post Date: 2016-09-03 08:27:01 by Stephen Lendman
New Poll Shows Trump and Hillary Virtually Tied by Stephen Lendman Trump is right believing November’s “election” is rigged for Hillary - likely chosen last year or earlier to succeed Obama. Back room deals decide who’ll hold high office in America. Voters have no say whatever. Hillary is an establishment candidate, a deplorable choice for any public office. Her history of high crimes should automatically disqualify her. Instead it’s helping her become America’s next president. She’s a Wall Street, war profiteers, scoundrel media favorite - Trump an outlier, an unlikely choice to emerge last man standing in the GOP race this year. Monied interests and ...

US Sentences Hacker Who Started Clinton Email Probe to 52 Months in Prison
Post Date: 2016-09-02 20:02:46 by Ada
Romanian Hacker Also Accused of Targeting Other US Politicians Marcel Lazar, the 44-year-old Romanian hacker known as Guccifer, was sentenced to 52 months in prison today by a US federal court for a string of hacking incidents which centered around high-profile US political figures, including former President George W. Bush and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Lazar’s primary claim to fame was unveiling Clinton’s use of a poorly-secured private email server for official business while Secretary of State, a fact which sparked a protracted FBI investigation and considerable criticism of Clinton for security lapses, though she was ultimately not charged with any crimes for ...

Hillary Supports Illegal Sanctions on Iran
Post Date: 2016-09-02 12:35:16 by Stephen Lendman
Hillary Supports Illegal Sanctions on Iran by Stephen Lendman In January, Security Council sanctions on Iran were lifted. America still maintains some of its illegally imposed ones, despite promises of relief following implementation of last year’s Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) nuclear deal - once again showing its word isn’t its bond. Bipartisan US policymakers can’t be trusted, saying one thing, doing another. Hillary is militantly anti-Russia, anti-China, anti-Iran, anti-peace. According to her spokesman Jesse Lehrich, she “supports a clean reauthorization of the Iran Sanctions Act,” imposed solely for political reasons, along with numerous other ...

US Expands Illegal Sanctions on Russia
Post Date: 2016-09-02 07:30:01 by Stephen Lendman
US Expands Illegal Sanctions on Russia by Stephen Lendman Security Council members alone may impose sanctions on countries, not individual nations unilaterally or together with others against states they wish to harm economically, politically and/or militarily. US sanctions on Russia are illegal. So are EU ones and what other countries imposed because of heavy pressure from Washington. On Wednesday, America announced new sanctions on Russian companies and individuals, heightening bilateral hostility instead of curbing it. More on this below. On Thursday, Sergey Lavrov addressed the deplorable state of US/Russia relations, saying Moscow’s foreign policy is being adjusted ...

NYT Editors Support Brazil's Coup d'Etat Regime
Post Date: 2016-09-02 07:18:22 by Stephen Lendman
NYT Editors Support Brazil’s Coup d’Etat Regime by Stephen Lendman The Times is an enemy of peace, equity, justice, rule of law principles and democratic values - an instrument of state propaganda, exclusively serving wealth, power and privilege. US and Brazilian dark forces conspired to oust democratically elected President Dilma Rousseff - tyranny triumphing over fundamental freedoms, Latin America’s largest country now run by a criminal cabal similar to fascist duopoly power in America. State Department spokesman admiral John Kirby expressed support for coup plotters now in charge, shamelessly calling fascist-run America and Brazil the hemisphere’s “two ...

Amazing Media Self-Indictment
Post Date: 2016-09-01 13:51:42 by Stephen Lendman
Amazing Media Self-Indictment by Stephen Lendman Rupert Murdoch’s New Corp-owned New York Post calls itself “America’s oldest continuously published newspaper,” founded in 1801 by Alexander Hamilton, today a far cry from its roots. The Columbia Journalism Review earlier called it “no longer merely a journalistic problem. It is a social problem - a force for evil.” It should have described all major US print and electronic media the same way - providing all propaganda rubbish all the time on issues mattering most, especially geopolitical ones and electoral politics. They represent a collective shame of the nation, deplorable scoundrels, substituting ...

Anti-Coup Rage in Brazil
Post Date: 2016-09-01 13:36:41 by Stephen Lendman
Anti-Coup Rage in Brazil by Stephen Lendman America’s rage for global dominance puts democracy where still existing at risk. US imperial policy wants tyranny replacing it everywhere - institutionalized at home, spreading increasingly abroad, Brazil the latest domino to fall. Telesur reported anti-coup protests in dozens of Brazilian cities. Fascists in charge unleashed police state violence against them. The hashtag #ForaTemer is circulating widely via Twitter - one tweet saying “Sao Paulo burns as police water-cannon shuts down #ForaTemer demo against” him. Another said “#Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff impeached. Devastating news for democracy in Brazil & Latin ...

Trump on Immigration
Post Date: 2016-09-01 08:17:48 by Stephen Lendman
Trump on Immigration by Stephen Lendman Hillary-supporting media scoundrels blast whatever he says or doesn’t say, his August 31 immigration speech no exception. More below on this. It’s important for all nations to have responsible immigration policies. Trump’s ideas are hardline - following in the tradition of predecessors like Obama, America’s deporter-in-chief, treating immigrants of color like enemy aliens, removing them in unprecedented numbers. Trump’s plan omits why millions of Mexicans and Central Americans risk their lives, leaving their homelands for the unknown, leaving loved ones behind, trying to get to the United States. They need jobs to support ...

Brazil Rousseff Impeachment Vote: Fascists 61, Democrats 20
Post Date: 2016-08-31 13:50:31 by Stephen Lendman
Brazil Rousseff Impeachment Vote: Fascists 61, Democrats 20 by Stephen Lendman President Dilma Rousseff’s ouster was orchestrated in Washington, complicit with corrupted Brazilian fascists - usurping power by removing her. Her impeachment was certain once the nation’s corruption-ridden Senate suspended her in May on trumped up budget-manipulation charges. On August 31, it became official. Tyranny replaced Brazilian democracy. Telesur reported 49 senators voting for Rousseff’s impeachment “are themselves targets of criminal inquiries.” She committed no crimes. Nothing justified her removal. Allegations against her were fabricated. Wednesday’s vote combined ...

Trump in Mexico, Obama Stumps for Hillary
Post Date: 2016-08-31 08:10:22 by Stephen Lendman
Trump in Mexico, Obama Stumps for Hillary by Stephen Lendman This year’s presidential race represents duopoly governance at its worst, two aspirants vying for the nation’s highest office, both unfit to serve, voters given no choice. The election was hacked, says Rutherford Institute’s John Whitehead. “The outcome is a foregone conclusion: the police state will win and ‘we the people’ will lose” - with no say whatever on who’ll lead them or how their country will be run. It’s all over but the postmortems. A criminal cabal of scoundrels decides things, this year apparently before voters go the polls - lot of evidence suggesting things rigged ...

Clintons' Body Count Mounts
Post Date: 2016-08-30 12:43:13 by Stephen Lendman
Clintons’ Body Count Mounts by Stephen Lendman A previous article discussed mysterious deaths associated with the Clintons, dating from when Bill was Arkansas attorney general in the 1970s. Were they suicides as reported or murders? Cover-ups and lack of proper media investigative work conceal full knowledge of what happened. Yet one thing seems clear. Anyone able to expose Clinton crime family wrongdoing not already made public runs the risk of dying under mysterious circumstances, indicating possible foul play. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is at risk, especially  after saying he’ll release thousands of “significant” documents on Hillary before ...

Impeaching Dilma Rousseff Democracy's Death Blow in Brazil
Post Date: 2016-08-30 07:22:14 by Stephen Lendman
Impeaching Dilma Rousseff Democracy’s Death Blow in Brazil by Stephen Lendman It’s all over but the vote-counting, scheduled for Tuesday or Wednesday. Washington conspired with fascists in Brazil at a time its economy is mired in Depression, using Rousseff’s low approval rating during hard times to falsely accuse her of budget-manipulating crimes she didn’t commit. Impeachment is certain, pre-scripted, a coup d’etat by any standard. Enough Senate votes exist to oust her, a scandalous exercise in tyranny triumphing over democratic governance - ordinary Brazilians to be harmed most by punishing neoliberal harshness when vital aid is most needed. Rousseff is ...

NYT Editors Ignore Clinton Foundation Racketeering Practices
Post Date: 2016-08-30 07:08:51 by Stephen Lendman
NYT Editors Ignore Clinton Foundation Racketeering Practices by Stephen Lendman More than any previous time in US history, America seems poised to anoint a known legally, ethically and morally tainted candidate to the nation’s highest office - testimony to its unprecedented evil, its threat to world peace and what remains of fundamental freedoms. Hillary more than any previous presidential aspirant is unfit to serve - belonging in prison, not high office, racketeering one of her many high crimes. Trump was right saying it’s hard knowing where the Clinton Foundation ended and the State Department began. As America’s chief foreign policy official, Hillary focused mainly on ...

Getting the Alt-Right Wrong
Post Date: 2016-08-29 13:24:22 by Ada
Last Thursday in Reno, presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton took a brief break from coughing up lesbian fur balls and practicing urban dance moves in order to introduce an unsuspecting American populace to the Alt-Right. In what may very well be a desperately flailing attempt to distract the public’s attention from the possibility that she wears scented adult diapers, Clinton has lately gone Full Godwin on Trump, unleashing a shamelessly sensational fear-mongering one-minute ad linking him to the KKK and David Duke. The ad also features the perennially erudite Jared Taylor being horrifyingly sensible. It also notes that Trump recently hired Breitbart.com head honcho Stephen ...

America the Epicenter of Pure Evil
Post Date: 2016-08-29 10:47:11 by Stephen Lendman
America the Epicenter of Pure Evil by Stephen Lendman No nation in world history harmed more people grievously over a longer duration than America - never beautiful, no bastion of democratic values, no advocate of world peace and stability. Bipartisan lunatics run things, a criminal cabal, humanity’s greatest threat. The domestic and geopolitical agendas of each new administration is worse than its predecessors. Elections when held are farcical. Duopoly power always wins, monied interests alone served, ordinary people increasingly harmed - full-blown tyranny and nuclear war perhaps following the next major state-sponsored false flag. Americans have no say on how they’re ...

Republicans for Hillary
Post Date: 2016-08-29 10:38:26 by Stephen Lendman
Republicans for Hillary by Stephen Lendman As part of its daily Trump bashing ritual, The New York Times published a list of scores of Republicans for Hillary, citing fabricated reasons for switching allegiance. It’s not about Trump wanting a wall built on Mexico’s border, wanting Muslim immigration halted “until we can figure out what is going on,” saying he’ll keep Guantanamo open and “bring back a helluva lot worse than waterboarding,” demeaning Ted Cruz’s wife, or any of the other reasons listed. GOP turncoats saying they’re “unable to support a party ticket with Mr.Trump at its head” reflect concern about his anti-establishment ...

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