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Misnamed Free Trade Isn't Fair
Post Date: 2016-08-07 08:07:03 by Stephen Lendman
Misnamed Free Trade Isn’t Fair by Stephen Lendman Exploitive US-sponsored trade deals are huge job and labor rights destroyers. They circumvent national laws and sovereignty, exclusively serving investor interests at the expense of the public welfare. So-called free trade isn’t fair. It’s a license to steal, plunder, exploit, pollute, and operate unrestrained - solely for maximum profit-making. NAFTA became US law on New Year’s Day 1994. On its 20th anniversary, Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch Director Lori Wallach commented on its destructiveness. She explained its hollow promises became nightmares for millions in America, Canada and Mexico, the three ...

Clinton's Post-Convention Surge in Polls Shrinking
Post Date: 2016-08-07 07:55:30 by Stephen Lendman
Clinton’s Post-Convention Surge in Polls Shrinking by Stephen Lendman Following Clinton’s surge in polls after July’s Democrat convention, anti-Trump media scoundrels practically declared the race for the nation’s highest office over. They even suggested the unprecedented notion of a duopoly nominee dropping out of the race, his party dumping him for another choice. Trump entered the race to win. Succeeding is another matter entirely, given the ease and likelihood of rigging things for Clinton - the establishment’s choice. He’s the outlier, both candidates widely reviled, perhaps making polls less reliable than otherwise. On August 6, Reuters headlined ...

Protracted US Main Street Depression Ignored
Post Date: 2016-08-06 14:09:55 by Stephen Lendman
Protracted US Main Street Depression Ignored by Stephen Lendman Economic conditions for ordinary Americans are by far the worst in my lifetime since the Great Depression years of my early childhood when I was too young to understand what was happening. Government data are rigged like elections. The latest monthly jobs report out Friday hid the harsh reality of economic weakness - manufacturing nonexistent jobs out of thin air - the vast majority of them rotten part-time or temp ones with few or no benefits. The reported quarter million jobs created was phony - based on a “Birth-Death Model that new business ventures create more unreported new jobs than the unreported job losses ...

Rage in Rio
Post Date: 2016-08-06 08:53:02 by Stephen Lendman
Rage in Rio by Stephen Lendman Held during dire economic times amidst massive corruption scandals, the Rio 2016 XXXI Olympiad began with a bang, its flamboyant opening ceremony blackened by justifiable street rage. Sponsored by an illegitimate US-supported coup d’etat regime, the event’s dark side was exposed before competition began. Russia’s entire track and field team was unfairly banned. Washington’s failed attempt to have all its athletes excluded over doping allegations against some showed the politicization of Olympic competition. At its best, it’s more spectacle than sport. Police attacked hundreds of protesters near Maracana Stadium, site of Thursday ...

Don't Tread on This
Post Date: 2016-08-06 08:17:26 by Ada
Hey, did you know the federal government says that one of this nation’s own Revolutionary War flags is basically “hate speech”? That would be the Gadsden Flag, the familiar “Don’t Tread On Me” flag that is quite popular right now. See here. Ok, as I have said here before, I don’t like to get into “diversity” issues. I find most of them can be traced back to “activists” that have nothing better to do than find “hate” in everything from TV commercials to breakfast foods. But, look, people need to grow up and get over it. What, the Gadsden Flag is “hate speech” because people you don’t agree with fly it? I think ...

President-Elect Clinton: The Three Scariest Words You'll Ever Hear
Post Date: 2016-08-05 12:40:36 by Stephen Lendman
President-Elect Clinton: The Three Scariest Words You’ll Ever Hear by Stephen Lendman Disturbing signs point to a rigged November election to install Hillary as Obama’s successor - stealing the nation’s highest office, not winning it fair and square. Given the power of money, influence, and scandalous one-sided media reporting, it’s hard imagining how it can be stopped. It appears the fix was in from the onset of the political process last year. The train left the station with Hillary alone aboard - destination the White House, blackened with her in charge, along with husband Bill as co-president for a third term, a duo only Wall Street, war profiteers and other ...

The New York Times v. Trump
Post Date: 2016-08-05 10:47:53 by Stephen Lendman
The New York Times v. Trump by Stephen Lendman The Times one-sidedly supports Hillary, a virtual monster I’ve described in the most unflattering, honest, no-holds-barred terms. At the same time, it’s leading an anti-Trump jihad, its front page a daily blizzard of disparaging articles - blasting whatever he does or doesn’t do, blowing things way out of proportion to denigrate him while ignoring Hillary’s high crimes. It wants him defeated, Hillary elevated to the nation’s highest office by hook or crook, as they say. Trump is right fearing election rigging, a longstanding US tradition. Things look arranged to quash his chance to become president - even current ...

Madame President Clinton’s Coming War on the Blogosphere, and Your Countermeasures
Post Date: 2016-08-05 01:27:07 by Horse
Now that Hillary (“Hitlery”) Rodham Clinton (HRC) has received the Democratic Party nomination for president, there is a strong likelihood that she will win the election in November and then be enthroned as president in January of 2017. I predict that she will waste no time in launching an onslaught of punitive new policies via executive orders, presidential memoranda, and policy directives promulgated through her cabinet and Federal agencies to eviscerate our Constitutional rights (most notably the 1st and 2nd Amendments). A key goal this campaign will be silencing dissent in the alternative press and the American blogosphere. Given HRC’s history in government ...

Chelsea Manning: Victim of US Viciousness
Post Date: 2016-08-04 14:19:40 by Stephen Lendman
Chelsea Manning: Victim of US Viciousness by Stephen Lendman Just societies honor heroic figures like Chelsea (formerly Bradley) Manning for exposing US crimes of war and against humanity - victims of US imperial ruthlessness. I’ve written numerous times about her ordeal before. America punishes its best, honors its worst, mocks peace, equity and justice. I dislike petitions because they’re ineffective. Still, I sign some, including one for Chelsea and urge readers to do the same thing: https://www.freechelsea.com/?source=direct_link&. It takes signers to freechelsea.com. Having endured years of torture, other forms of abuse and wrongful imprisonment (a 35-year sentence ...

What Countries Will Hillary Attack if Anointed US President?
Post Date: 2016-08-04 12:11:00 by Stephen Lendman
What Countries Will Hillary Attack if Anointed US President? by Stephen Lendman It’s terrifying to consider what actions an emotionally unstable neocon leader may do as US president, a notorious war hawk, a Wall Street tool beholden solely to powerful monied interests controlling her and husband Bill. She’s militantly anti-Russia, anti-China, anti-Iran, anti-peace and stability. Ignore her gender and duplicitous rhetoric. A 2nd Clinton co-presidency would be disastrous - perhaps homeland tyranny and global war with nuclear weapons threatening everyone. Nothing qualifies her for leadership, no redeeming features, plenty since the 1990s revealing her despicable record, pure evil ...

Hillary: Humanity's Greatest Threat
Post Date: 2016-08-04 09:05:50 by Stephen Lendman
Hillary: Humanity’s Greatest Scourge by Stephen Lendman If she were male and grew a funny-looking mustache to go with her scowl when cameras aren’t running, resembling that other guy with delusions of grandeur way back, the whole world would rally to combat the menace she represents. At times, I feel like a lonely warrior for peace, equity and justice, trying to help heal a sick world without success. On reflection, I know doing the right thing is its own reward. Reader support energizes and drives me, some comments truly remarkable, crediting me in ways I don’t deserve - days earlier, red roses twittered, an accompanying comment saying “Get Well Soon, Stephen.” ...

Trump Is Right: Media Scoundrels His Biggest Problem
Post Date: 2016-08-04 08:46:12 by Stephen Lendman
Trump Is Right: Media Scoundrels His Biggest Problem by Stephen Lendman The race for the White House this year is more about anointing Hillary and stopping Trump, notably by foul means. It has the deplorable odor of likely election rigging to assure it. Scoundrel media propaganda assaults him relentlessly, manipulating public sentiment against him - at the same time, largely ignoring Hillary’s deplorable record, her high crimes, showing she belongs in prison, not high office. Wednesday on the stump, Trump addressed supporters in Daytona Beach, FL, downplaying media- proliferated notions of party disunity as a way to discredit him. Some high-profile Republicans deserted him for ...

Neocon Washington Post Editors Anti-Putin Rant
Post Date: 2016-08-03 12:18:52 by Stephen Lendman
Neocon Washington Post Editors Anti-Putin Rant by Stephen Lendman Irresponsible US media scoundrels bash Putin relentlessly - hounding him no matter how noble his efforts. War criminal Obama and chief accomplice Hillary Clinton as secretary of state are praised effusively - the more heinous their crimes, the more supportive the cheers. Putin is the world’s preeminent world leader, a peace and stability champion, a human rights supporter, a defender of right over wrong - an honorable head of state, commenting on major issues forthrightly - polar opposite Obama and Hillary et al in all respects. You’d never know it the way Western media scoundrels, notably American ones, attack ...

Obama Urging Republicans to Oppose Trump Way Oversteps
Post Date: 2016-08-03 08:01:14 by Stephen Lendman
Obama Urging Republicans to Oppose Trump Way Oversteps by Stephen Lendman On the same day he began terror-bombing Libya, naked aggression a second time with no legal authority, he was way out-of-bounds urging Republicans to oppose their party standard bearer in November. Calling him “unfit to serve,” he said “(t)he question (they) have to ask themselves is: If you are repeatedly having to say in very strong terms that what he has said (in criticizing the family of a US soldier killed in Iraq) is unacceptable, why are you still endorsing him?” His remarks were virtually unprecedented, showing the deplorable state of US politics. Both party standard bearers are ...

Green Party v. Either War Party Wing in November: An Easy Choice
Post Date: 2016-08-02 08:29:17 by Stephen Lendman
Green Party v. Either War Party Wing in November: An Easy Choice by Stephen Lendman America’s debauched political system is rigged to assure one of its two neocon-infested duopoly wings wins every time. The choice each “election” is between the lesser of two abominable evils no sensible person should support. Dirty business as usual wins every time. This year, Hillary is by far the most recklessly dangerous of two unacceptable options. Subservience to Wall Street and escalated war on humanity is certain if she succeeds Obama - maybe the unthinkable horror of WW III with nuclear weapons threatening the end of us all. Who can support such madness! Is Trump any better? At ...

Justifiable Trump Concerns About Election Rigging
Post Date: 2016-08-02 08:12:12 by Stephen Lendman
Justifiable Trump Concerns About Election Rigging by Stephen Lendman He’s the unexpected GOP nominee, an outlier, Hillary the establishment candidate. She’s Wall Street’s favorite, paid millions of dollars in speaking fees in return for serving the interests of banking giants and other major financial interests if “elected” - bribes by any standard. She’s an anti-populist, war goddess, she devil beholden to what makes America the most reviled, feared nation on earth. At a Monday Columbus, Ohio rally, Trump said “I’m afraid the election is going to be rigged. I have to be honest.” Later Monday evening on Fox News, he repeated the charge, ...

DHS grants Syrians temporary amnesty
Post Date: 2016-08-01 15:38:08 by noone222
Homeland Security granted a new temporary amnesty Monday to more than 8,000 Syrians living in the U.S. right now, saying they can remain for up to 18 months longer no matter what their legal status. Secretary Jeh Johnson issued “temporary protected status” to Syrians, saying that if they are in the U.S. as of Monday and continue to reside here permanently, they can apply for work permits and other documents to remain and live in the U.S. without fear of being ousted. His order applies to some 5,800 Syrians who were granted status under a 2012 TPS program, and 2,500 new arrivals who don’t have a more permanent status here. “Syria’s lengthy civil conflict has ...

Doug Casey on “The Deep State”
Post Date: 2016-08-01 08:56:53 by Ada
I’d like to address some aspects of the Greater Depression in this essay. I’m here to tell you that the inevitable became a reality in 2008. We’ve had an interlude over the last few years financed by trillions of new currency units. However, the economic clock on the wall is reading the same time as it was in 2007, and the Black Horsemen of your worst financial nightmares are about to again crash through the doors and end the party. And this time, they won’t be riding children’s ponies, but armored Percherons. To refresh your memory, let me recount what a depression is. The best general definition is: A period of time when most people’s standard of living ...

Hillary Lies on Fox News Sunday
Post Date: 2016-07-31 13:55:30 by Stephen Lendman
Hillary Lies on Fox News Sunday by Stephen Lendman On Fox News Sunday, July 31, Hillary willfully and maliciously lied, claiming she knows Russia hacked DNC emails - despite no evidence suggesting it, plenty indicating otherwise. “We know that Russian intelligence services hacked into the DNC, and we know that they arranged for a lot of those emails to be released, and we know that Donald Trump has shown a very troubling willingness to back up Putin, to support Putin,” she blustered. All of the above is false. A same day article explained Israeli military intelligence/Mossad connected DEBKAfile (DF) said “an analysis by (its) intelligence and cyber defense sources has ...

Hillary Emails Reveal US Efforts to Destabilize Venezuela
Post Date: 2016-07-31 12:40:46 by Stephen Lendman
Hillary Emails Reveal US Efforts to Destabilize Venezuela by Stephen Lendman Since Hugo Chavez’s democratic ascension to power in February 1999, Washington tried assorted dirty tricks to topple him unsuccessfully, including an aborted April 2002 two-day coup. In March 2013, it succeeded, after multiple operations to save him failed. At the time, acting Venezuelan President Nicholas Maduro said he “was poisoned by dark forces in order to hit at the Venezuelan people and Latin America.” Obama killed Chavez. Did Hillary Clinton order his death? During his tenure, he received numerous death threats. Fidel Castro once cautioned him to be careful what he ate or drank. Fidel ...

Huge Stakes in the US Presidential Race
Post Date: 2016-07-31 08:48:00 by Stephen Lendman
Huge Stakes in the US Presidential Race by Stephen Lendman US elections matter, notably with such hugely important domestic and geopolitical issues at stake. No matter who wins in November, ordinary people worldwide lose - especially if Hillary succeeds Obama next year. Never before in US history has a more reviled and recklessly dangerous aspirant sought the nation’s highest office - a shocking indictment of a political system too debauched to fix. It’s crucial to defeat a candidate whose public record exposes an unprecedented menace - combined with unacceptable incompetence and emotional instability to handle the nation’s domestic and foreign affairs. Bill and Hillary ...

Judas Goat Sanders Still Hanging Around
Post Date: 2016-07-31 08:24:04 by Stephen Lendman
Judas Goat Sanders Still Hanging Around by Stephen Lendman Con man/Judas goat Sanders will be remembered for disgracefully leading his followers astray, betraying them by endorsing what he campaigned against. He’s a footnote in the dark history of US politics, his self-styled political revolution smoke and mirrors deception. Never a serious contender against Clinton chosen by party bosses to be Democrat nominee last year, his mission involves deceptively attempting to shift independent and disaffected voters to Democrat party ranks - based on false promises, misinformation and Big Lies. He represents what’s rotten about US politics - actively working against what he claims to ...

Fascist Tyranny Runs America
Post Date: 2016-07-30 12:42:17 by Stephen Lendman
Fascist Tyranny Runs America by Stephen Lendman From the neoliberal 90s through near-16 painful Bush/Obama neocon years, tyranny became hard- wired in America - a hair’s breadth from full-blown. It’s virtually sure to emerge this way if Hillary becomes America’s 45th president - a mentally unstable neocon lunatic, itching for imperial world conquest and dominance, perhaps willing to wage global war with nuclear weapons to achieve her megalomaniacal aims. Media scoundrels suppress her dark side, the immense danger she represents, the urgency of preventing her ascendency to power. Instead they try reinventing her into something she’s not, downplaying or ignoring mass ...

Hillary's Computer System Hacked, NYT Blames Russia
Post Date: 2016-07-30 08:02:45 by Stephen Lendman
Hillary’s Computer System Hacked, NYT Blames Russia by Stephen Lendman When in doubt, it’s Russia’s fault, Vladimir Putin designated the West’s No. 1 bad guy. He’s blamed for virtually anything Washington and NATO contrive. A longterm adversarial relationship persists, risking potentially devastating consequences. Facts never interfere with Western propaganda, outrageous accusations featured with no corroborating proof. The New York Times is the lead disseminator, mouthpiece for Washington and Hillary’s campaign, journalistic ethics and principles discarded entirely - neocon/neoliberal credentials replacing them. Citing an unnamed “federal law ...

Media React to Hillary's Nomination
Post Date: 2016-07-29 08:57:50 by Stephen Lendman
Media React to Hillary’s Nomination by Stephen Lendman Almost in unison, media scoundrels support Clinton to succeed Obama - without explaining the grave threat to world peace and fundamental freedoms she represents. The New York Times is typical - virtually serving as her press agent, abandoning journalistic ethics and principles entirely - oozing support for a ruthlessly dangerous presidential aspirant. Saying she “sacrificed personal ambition for her husband’s political career” ignored the nation’s first ever husband/wife co-presidency, seeking a third term - a rogue partnership, serving monied interests over popular ones for eight painful years. Every ...

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