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Hillary: The Most Evil Force America Ever Produced
Post Date: 2016-07-29 08:45:36 by Stephen Lendman
Hillary: The Most Evil Force America Ever Produced by Stephen Lendman Anointing her by electoral rigging to lead one wing of America’s duopoly system reveals the deplorable state of the nation - tyranny posing as democracy. A new low in presidential politics was reached with a candidate representing Washington’s lunatic fringe, a neocon war goddess drooling for endless conflicts, a legally challenged candidate yearning for more mass slaughter and destruction - a she-devil seeking world conquest and dominance no matter the human cost. From inception, America proved itself the cruelest, most ruthless nation in world history, harming more people over a longer duration than any ...

Hillary Front and Center Thursday Night
Post Date: 2016-07-28 13:37:18 by Stephen Lendman
Hillary Front and Center Thursday Night by Stephen Lendman Prepare for the onslaught, a carefully scripted recitation polar opposite her despicable record. It doesn’t get more politically over-the-top than a neocon lunatic fringe war criminal/racketeer representing one of America’s two right wings. Election-rigging perhaps is planned to assure she succeeds Obama, the same process used to steal enough delegates to anoint her party nominee. Winning fair and square isn’t the American way. Strategy focuses on raping, destroying and plundering independent nations, stealing from ordinary people for rich ones at home and abroad, police and other guardians of power used as ...

Undemocratic Dem Party Convention
Post Date: 2016-07-28 07:48:45 by Stephen Lendman
Undemocratic Dem Party Convention by Stephen Lendman Democracy in America isn’t “messy” the way some duopoly power insiders portray it. It’s nonexistent, policymakers ignoring the will of the people and their welfare entirely. Events in Philadelphia alone expose how America is run, for its privileged class alone - flagrant electoral rigging anointing a party standard bearer belonging in prison, not high office. Hillary is the most widely reviled Democrat in party history - beyond rehabilitation no matter how hard DNC handlers try reinventing her. “I just don’t see how her numbers at this late date are going to improve on the likability issue or the trust ...

New York Times: Press Agent for Wealth, Power and Privilege
Post Date: 2016-07-28 07:30:02 by Stephen Lendman
New York Times: Press Agent for Wealth, Power and Privilege by Stephen Lendman The Times consistently portrays a fantasy America, suppressing its pure evil dark side, harming countless millions worldwide. The United States is no wonderful Land of Oz. No Yellow Brick Road takes us there. Nothing Over the Rainbow affords opportunity for ordinary Americans. Neoserfdom awaits them when entering the workforce. New World Order harshness controls them. Subjugation resembles Orwell’s dystopian “1984.” Wicked Witches run things. Big Brother serves them. Ordinary people Munchkins have no say over policies controlling their lives, welfare and futures. Duopoly power governance ...

Trump Critics Enter the Twilight Zone, Claiming He's a Manchurian Candidate for Putin
Post Date: 2016-07-28 07:14:42 by Stephen Lendman
Trump Critics Enter the Twilight Zone, Claiming He’s a Manchurian Candidate for Putin by Stephen Lendman US establishment figures are so hellbent for Hillary, they’re reaching new lows to make her America’s 45th president - a legally challenged, trigger-happy Wall Street tool she-devil perhaps eager for global war. Trump is no solution to changing America’s deplorable state. Compared to Clinton, he’s the lesser of two malign forces. With no public track record, he’s judged by his rhetoric alone, along with knowing all politicians and wannabe ones lie. Nothing they say is credible. Judge them by their actions alone. Clinton’s notorious history is ...

Dubious History Made Tuesday Night
Post Date: 2016-07-27 13:48:43 by Stephen Lendman
Dubious History Made Tuesday Night by Stephen Lendman Tuesday night in America was unprecedented. For the first time, a known mentally unstable, neocon war criminal/racketeer was nominated by a duopoly power wing for president. In discussions with close family, friends and others, excluding colleagues as committed as myself for responsible change, I’m deeply disturbed by scandalous public ignorance about the deplorable state of America. Its undemocratic political process is misunderstood - a money-controlled one-party state with two right wings, a political process corrupted enough to make some despots blush, governing without regard to rule of law principles and democratic values, ...

Kremlin Responds to Blaming Russia Irresponsibly for Hacking DNC Emails
Post Date: 2016-07-27 13:24:46 by Stephen Lendman
Kremlin Responds to Blaming Russia Irresponsibly for Hacking DNC Emails by Stephen Lendman America’s national pastime isn’t baseball. It’s not other bread and circuses distractions. It’s nothing positive benefitting everyone equitably. It’s waging war on humanity at home and abroad, meddling illegally in the internal affairs of other countries, wanting independent leaders replaced by subservient US puppets, along with using every opportunity to bash Russia irresponsibly without just cause. Since WikiLeads published hacked DNC emails, showing electoral fraud favoring Clinton over Sanders, Washington and supportive media scoundrels disgracefully blamed Russia for ...

Democrats Nominate Clinton Crime Family for a 2nd Co-Presidency
Post Date: 2016-07-27 08:07:24 by Stephen Lendman
Democrats Nominate Clinton Crime Family for a 2nd Co-Presidency by Stephen Lendman Bill Clinton once bragged about electing him president meant getting “two for the price of one.” Here we go again. Exposed electoral rigging along with unelected party insider super-delegates handed the Clinton crime family another chance for the nation’s highest office. Will November electoral rigging assure it, letting both legally challenged Clintons lead America - perhaps into the abyss if occurs? Sanders capped his sellout to everything he campaigned against, urging Hillary be nominated by acclamation. In disgust, over 500 of his delegates walked out. He transformed himself into ...

NYT Calls Nominating Killary What Democracy Looks Like
Post Date: 2016-07-27 07:15:15 by Stephen Lendman
NYT Calls Nominating Killary What Democracy Looks Like by Stephen Lendman From inception, the New York Times was always an establishment broadsheet. Now it’s more a laughing stock. It’s an unabashed agent for wealth, power and privilege, a supporter of imperial wars killing millions, a Wall street tool - now acting as Killary’s press agent, entirely abandoning journalistic ethics and professional integrity Democracy in America is pure fantasy. None whatever exists. Voters have no say over who’ll lead them. Not according to The Times, disgracefully calling a rigged electoral process for Killary “what democracy looks like.” Can anyone ever again take ...

Democrats Try Changing the Subject to Distract from Internal Dissension
Post Date: 2016-07-26 13:58:52 by Stephen Lendman
Democrats Try Changing the Subject to Distract from Internal Dissension by Stephen Lendman Republicans were touted as the divided party this year. It looks almost unified compared to dissension in Democrat ranks. Hillary’s impending Tuesday night nomination created a firestorm of anger among Sanders’ delegates, along with rage over his sellout to what he campaigned against - proving he’s as dirty as all the rest. Monday inside and outside Philadelphia’s Wells Fargo Center was raucous and unruly - anti-Clinton delegates and tens of thousands in the streets protesting against her. If this keep up throughout the convention, she’ll be greater damaged goods than ...

Mass DNC Anti-Clinton Protests
Post Date: 2016-07-26 08:05:02 by Stephen Lendman
Mass DNC Anti-Clinton Protests by Stephen Lendman She’s called America’s most powerful woman. She’s also the most reviled, an unparalleled threat to world peace and fundamental freedoms. The possibility of her succeeding Obama should terrify everyone. Establishment circles love her. Progressive ones in Philadelphia streets Monday demanded “Never Hillary.” “Hill No.” “Lock her up.” Tens of thousands rallied against her outside the Wells Fargo Center convention site in sweltering Philadelphia heat. From firsthand experience long ago as an MBA student followed by employment in the city, I know how hard it is to bear on many summer days and ...

The Spectacle of Sanders in Philadelphia As Clinton Puppet
Post Date: 2016-07-26 07:54:46 by Stephen Lendman
The Spectacle of Sanders in Philadelphia As Hillary Puppet by Stephen Lendman Sanders didn’t just fall from grace. He crashed, burned and resoundingly proved politicians can never be trusted. Nothing they say is credible. For months, supporters believed he was the anti-Clinton, campaigning against what she represents - an agenda of endless wars of aggression, world peace at risk, neoliberal harshness, police state terror, the worst of all possible worlds. She’s the most recklessly dangerous choice for president in US history, the most wicked, the most legally, ethically and morally challenged. In mid-July, Sanders sold out, betrayed his loyal supporters, proved himself just ...

The New York Times: Hillary's Press Agent
Post Date: 2016-07-26 07:36:25 by Stephen Lendman
The New York Times: Hillary’s Press Agent by Stephen Lendman The Times mocks legitimate journalism. All the news it claims fit to print isn’t fit to read. It never lets facts interfere with its worldview, consistently misinforming readers, willfully lying, substituting fiction for hard truths. Throughout the political season, it’s represented the Clinton campaign, shamelessly acting as a pseudo-official mouthpiece, turning journalism into PR promotion for villainy. Branding four days exclusively representing America’s privileged class as “Hillary’s Convention,” The Times continues promoting an agenda threatening world peace, supporting monied ...

Hillary Clinton Complicit in DNC Electoral Rigging
Post Date: 2016-07-25 14:48:42 by Stephen Lendman
Hillary Clinton Complicit in DNC Electoral Rigging by Stephen Lendman Clinton had to know and be actively complicit with former DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, along with other top party officials, in rigging the electoral process in her favor - handing her the nomination Tuesday night. The traditional roll call of state delegates is pro forma pomp and circumstance, a tedious exercise, boring to watch, the outcome predetermined last year. Hillary is called the most powerful woman in America, selected last year before announcing her candidacy to be Democrat party standard bearer. It’s inconceivable for massive fraud on her behalf to have happened without her full ...

DNC Chairwoman Resignation Not Good Enough
Post Date: 2016-07-25 06:24:16 by Stephen Lendman
DNC Chairwoman Resignation Not Good Enough by Stephen Lendman Double standard US justice throws the book at ordinary Americans for infractions too minor to matter. Harsh gulag imprisonment awaits them. Government, business and other privileged individuals are more fortunate - accountability not demanded, their lawbreaking when occurring ignored. Most often they’re rewarded. Wall Street and other corporate crooks get bonuses and promotions. Crooked politicians get top government posts. Military criminals get medals, generals more stars. DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz was caught red-handed, rigging the electoral process for Clinton, assuring she’ll be party standard ...

Dems Convention Off to Rocky Start
Post Date: 2016-07-25 06:06:47 by Stephen Lendman
Dems Convention Off to Rocky Start by Stephen Lendman Democrats mock the term’s meaning. Exposed electoral rigging anointed Clinton party standard bearer honors - an unindicted war criminal/racketeer belonging in prison, not high office. DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigned on the convention’s eve - guilty of racketeering for stealing primary and caucuses to assure Clinton’s nomination - yet remaining unaccountable, staying on through the November elections as honorary chairwoman. Had things been open, free and fair, Sanders would likely be Dem nominee, not Clinton. Despite flagrant fraud depriving him of the chance to face Trump in November, he shockingly ...

Scott Adams (Dilbert): Martial Law Coming?
Post Date: 2016-07-24 17:49:44 by Horse
Let’s say Donald Trump wins the election. And let’s say Democrats believe everything they say about him – that he’s the next Hitler. Wouldn’t President Obama be obligated to declare martial law and remain in power? I realize this question sounds silly when you first hear it. But keep in mind that Democrats have successfully sold the “racist strongman” narrative about Trump to their own ranks. If they’re right about Trump, we need to start getting serious about planning for martial law, for the good of the country and the world. No one wants another Hitler. And if they’re wrong, we still need to plan for martial law because Democrats think they ...

Putin Bashing Comes Full Circle
Post Date: 2016-07-24 13:42:38 by Stephen Lendman
Putin Bashing Comes Full Circle by Stephen Lendman He’s the preeminent world leader, its foremost peace and stability champion, saying what he means and meaning what he says forthrightly - polar opposite how Obama and other US officials operate. You’d never know it from relentless bashing he takes - shamelessly blaming him for nonexistent “Russia aggression,” fantasy revanchist aims, imaginary super-wealth stashed in tax havens, Hillary comparing him to Hitler - to accusing him of helping Trump by hacking DNC emails and handing them to WikiLeaks for publication. Romanian Guccifer 2.0 was responsible. Russia had nothing to do with it. Putin is automatically blamed ...

Democrat War Party Convention Kicks Off Monday
Post Date: 2016-07-24 08:36:43 by Stephen Lendman
Democrat War Party Convention Kicks Off Monday by Stephen Lendman Both wings of America’s duopoly system support endless wars on humanity. They’ll rage under Trump if elected in November. The difference between him and Clinton is he’s less likely to start WW III. Hillary succeeding Obama is too great an unthinkable risk - a Wall Street tool, a war-profiteer’s dream, a ruthless rogue actor, the greatest threat to world peace of any presidential aspirant in US history. Don’t let her gender fool you. She’s more demon than Democrat, more war goddess than peace advocate. Humanity’s fate hangs in the balance if she’s commander-in-chief of America’s ...

NYT Obscene Pro-Clintonism, Anti-Trumpism
Post Date: 2016-07-24 08:24:47 by Stephen Lendman
NYT Obscene Pro-Clintonism, Anti-Trumpism by Stephen Lendman Times editors reinvented war goddess/Wall Street tool Clinton into a mythical US presidential candidate of unparalleled stature, ignoring her high crimes - while bashing Trump relentlessly. He’s a billionaire tycoon businessman with no public service record. As me-first lady, US senator and secretary of state, Clinton’s rap sheet warrants condemnation, not praise, prosecution and imprisonment, not high office. Times editors papered it over, saying she supports “America’s (important) role in the world…hewed to (Obama’s) policies (while being) somewhat more willing to intervene militarily.” ...

WikiLeaks Exposes DNC's Rigged Process for Clinton
Post Date: 2016-07-24 08:07:20 by Stephen Lendman
WikiLeaks Exposes DNC’s Rigged Process for Clinton by Stephen Lendman A race to be Democrat nominee never existed, things rigged from the start last year to select Clinton party standard bearer. The process was like holding a world series or super bowl with only one team represented. Sanders never had a chance and knew it, enjoying his extended 15 minutes of fame while it lasted - caving in the end as expected, endorsing what he campaigned against, betraying supporters, proving he’s just another dirty self-serving politician. Last week’s WikiLeaks revelations of thousands of DNC emails showed party support for Clinton, plotting against Sanders, rigging things to make her ...

WikiLeaks Exposes DNC's Rigged Process
Post Date: 2016-07-24 08:05:59 by Stephen Lendman
WikiLeaks Exposes DNC’s Rigged Process for Clinton by Stephen Lendman A race to be Democrat nominee never existed, things rigged from the start last year to select Clinton party standard bearer. The process was like holding a world series or super bowl with only one team represented. Sanders never had a chance and knew it, enjoying his extended 15 minutes of fame while it lasted - caving in the end as expected, endorsing what he campaigned against, betraying supporters, proving he’s just another dirty self-serving politician. Last week’s WikiLeaks revelations of thousands of DNC emails showed party support for Clinton, plotting against Sanders, rigging things to make her ...

Turkey's Erdogan Running Wild, Geopolitics in Play
Post Date: 2016-07-23 13:00:29 by Stephen Lendman
Turkey’s Erdogan Running Wild, Geopolitics in Play by Stephen Lendman Wannabe sultan Erdogan’s policies aren’t pretty. His reign of terror continues into its eighth day, likely lots more purging ahead. What’s unfolding followed what looked like a stage-managed sham military uprising - sloppy, inept and stillborn when initiated, Erdogan never in danger of being toppled. Citing “Turkish and foreign intelligence sources inside Turkey,” investigative journalist Wayne Madsen called the July 15 uprising a “ ‘false flag’ coup…limited by Erdogan’s design from the start.” “The coup attempt was a standard ‘fly paper’ ...

Suspicious Munich Shootings
Post Date: 2016-07-23 08:10:59 by Stephen Lendman
Suspicious Munich Shootings by Stephen Lendman Munich’s history includes earlier notorious events. In November 1923, Hitler’s putsch attempt failed. Imprisonment, Mein Kampf, his rise to power and WW II followed, changing the course of world history. During the 1972 Olympic games, Black September figures killed 11 Israeli athletes and coaches, along with a police officer. Five perpetrators were killed, three others arrested, later released, then tracked down and assassinated by Mossad agents. Friday was the scene of another Munich massacre, killing a reported 10, wounding nearly two dozen others. Police claimed a lone gunman identified as 18-year-old Ali David Sonboly of ...

Hillary's Deplorable VP Choice
Post Date: 2016-07-23 07:57:35 by Stephen Lendman
Hillary’s Deplorable VP Choice by Stephen Lendman Neither wing of America’s duopoly system has acceptable choices for any public office. The horror of Clinton and Trump as standard bearers for their parties shows a debauched system too irreparable to fix. Their VP choices provide further evidence. Trump running mate Mike Pence is a neocon Tea Party hardliner, an imperial war cheerleader, an evangelical supporter of Israel’s worst crimes, an anti-progressive. Clinton’s VP choice, Virginia Senator Tim Kaine, is cut from the same mold - pro-war, pro-Wall Street, pro-corporate favoritism, pro-neoliberal harshness, pro-regressive trade deals like TPP, anti- labor rights, ...

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