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US Hostility Toward Iran Persists
Post Date: 2016-07-11 08:56:16 by Stephen Lendman
US Hostility Toward Iran Persists by Stephen Lendman Since the Islamic Republic replaced US ally Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi’s despotic rule in 1979, unjustifiable hostility toward Iran persisted. Last year’s nuclear deal changed nothing. International sanctions ended. US ones largely remain in place, bipartisan congressional hardliners calling for more. Billions of dollars of Iranian assets remain frozen. Tehran is wrongfully blamed for regional terrorism and elsewhere. Congress earlier passed legislation authorizing Iranian assets be used to compensate victims of Israeli Mossad terrorism - wrongfully blamed on the Islamic Republic. In April 2016, the Supreme Court ...

How a $2 Roadside Drug Test Sends Innocent People to Jail
Post Date: 2016-07-10 10:00:30 by Ada
Widespread evidence shows that these tests routinely produce false positives. Why are police departments and prosecutors across the country still using them? Amy Albritton can’t remember if her boyfriend signaled when he changed lanes late that August afternoon in 2010. But suddenly the lights on the Houston Police patrol car were flashing behind them, and Anthony Wilson was navigating Albritton’s white Chrysler Concorde to a stop in a strip-mall parking lot. It was an especially unwelcome hassle. Wilson was in Houston to see about an oil-rig job; Albritton, volunteering her car, had come along for what she imagined would be a vacation of sorts. She managed an apartment ...

America's Next President to Be Its Most Widely Reviled on Entering Office
Post Date: 2016-07-10 08:22:31 by Stephen Lendman
America’s Next President to Be Its Most Widely Reviled on Entering Office by Stephen Lendman Demagogic billionaire racist Trump v. legally challenged neocon she devil, war criminal, racketeer Clinton in November exposes the illusion of democracy in America - in name only, mocking the real thing. Polls show most voters reject both duopoly power candidates, want an alternative choice, independent ones unable to unseat entrenched power -  money-controlled duopoly governance with two neocon infested right wings. A July Reuters/Ipsos poll showed “Americans demand for an alternative to the two main presidential candidates has surged since the last election, underscoring the ...

Legal Experts Raise Alarm over Shocking Use of 'Killer Robot' in Dallas
Post Date: 2016-07-09 22:29:30 by BTP Holdings
Legal Experts Raise Alarm over Shocking Use of 'Killer Robot' in Dallas 'The fact that the police have a weapon like this...is an example of the militarization of the police and law enforcement—and goes in the wrong direction' by Nadia Prupis, staff writer Dallas police officers respond to the ambush attack on July 7, 2016. (Photo: AP) As news emerges that police officers in Dallas, Texas used an armed robot to kill the suspected shooter in Thursday night's ambush, experts are warning that it represents a sea change in police militarization that only heightens risks to human and constitutional rights. Dallas Police Chief David Brown said Friday morning during a ...

Spare Me The Maudlin Theatrics, Please
Post Date: 2016-07-09 18:45:10 by Ada
So, what do you want me to say about this, then? Another “mass shooting event” and this time, it was the police targeted. Now, my first question is: Will the media be true to truth and call this a “hate crime” or will this be gussied up in some apologetic poppycock engineered to absolve the reality from being held accountable? Offhand, I think we’re going to miss a major point here in the rush to find fig leafs to cover up the truth and inanimate objects to assign blame to. I think we’re going to miss WHO trained the killer: The government. Yes, this man was a combat veteran. Therefore, as to who trained this guy to kill, that would be the government. As I ...

HillaryEd: Her Tuition Reform Scheme
Post Date: 2016-07-09 08:37:18 by Stephen Lendman
HillaryEd: Her Tuition Reform Scheme by Stephen Lendman Education is a fundamental human right. In America, it’s commodified for profit. Most college students become debt entrapped. For many it’s longterm or permanent, escape by default prohibited, a crushing burden to service and try repaying, state-approved usury by any standard. College was once affordable, many state ones tuition-free. In 1952, when I entered Harvard College, full-year tuition was $600 - with room, board and fees, around twice this amount. In 1956, I graduated debt free, later from graduate school owing around $200, easily repaid quickly once remuneratively employed. Today, Harvard’s tuition, room, ...

FBI Source: Clinton Foundation Can Bring Down Entire Government
Post Date: 2016-07-08 21:17:31 by X-15
The real point of interest is the Clinton Foundation, not the email servers, source reveals The Clinton Foundation is a “massive spider web of connections and money laundering implicating hundreds of high-level people,” according to an anonymous insider who revealed why the FBI stopped short of indicting Hillary Clinton. Before FBI Director James Comey announced the FBI wouldn’t recommend pressing charges against Clinton, an insider with “intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the Clinton case” hosted an little-publicized AMA session on 4Chan, and the statements he made on July 2 corroborate with later developments of the scandal. “There is enough for ...

Obama and Media React Deplorably to Black Killings
Post Date: 2016-07-08 13:05:56 by Stephen Lendman
Obama and Media React Deplorably to Black Killings by Stephen Lendman America from inception was viciously racist - from chattel to wage slavery, Jim Crow to its modern- day version, freedom to mass incarceration, cops nationwide killing Blacks unaccountably more than ever, despite so-called reforms achieving nothing. Obama expressing sorrow for Black lives lost and condolences to affected families belies his war on humanity at home and abroad, continuing since day one in office, responsible for millions of nameless, faceless deaths, horrific injustice and unspeakable human misery. Saying he’s “encouraged (by) the (Justice Department) open(ing)  civil rights ...

State Department Intends Second Hillary Whitewash
Post Date: 2016-07-08 12:38:29 by Stephen Lendman
State Department Intends Second Hillary Whitewash by Stephen Lendman Hillary is criminally culpable for violating State Department rules and US statute laws, prohibiting documents and other information pertaining to national security and defense from being moved or removed from their “proper place of custody.” FBI director James Comey obstructed justice, dismissively calling her criminality “extreme carelessness,” making him complicit in serious wrongdoing. Ordinary Americans are held to one standard, privileged ones another, justice whatever powerful figures want it to be. Rule of law principles don’t matter. On Thursday, the State Department said it’s ...

Police Who Murdered Concealed Carry Driver For Busted Taillight Were trained by DHS, FBI, U.S. Secret Service, & National Guard
Post Date: 2016-07-08 11:15:24 by Artisan
Officers Jeronimo Yanez and Joseph Kauser have both been on the St. Anthony Police force for four years, and have been put on 'administrative leave.' A statement from the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension names officer Jeronimo Yanez as the shooter. The St. Anthony Police Department has been a part a Hennepin County Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Tactical Team since 2004. The team falls under the authority of the Hennepin County Sheriff's Office. Official police archives reveal that the St. Anthony police dept. has received funding and training from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, U.S. Secret Service, and the National Guard. A St. Anthony P.D. ...

From Cops to Clinton: Impunity Corrupts
Post Date: 2016-07-08 09:17:37 by Ada
Wednesday, two shocking videos of police officers fatally shooting civilians (Alton Sterling and Philando Castile) surfaced. The day before, many were appalled to hear the Director of the FBI announce that Hillary Clinton would not be charged for mishandling classified information. The two events may seem unrelated, but at bottom, they concern the same fundamental problem: impunity. Impunity is the essence of power. What, after all, is power? Is it simply the capacity to exert unjust force? The ability to impress one’s will upon the flesh or belongings of another? No, it’s more than that. Most anyone can wield unjust force. Anyone could walk out onto the street right now and ...

Dallas Cops Lethally Shot Because Black Lives Don't Matter
Post Date: 2016-07-08 07:35:34 by Stephen Lendman
Dallas Cops Lethally Shot Because Black Lives Don’t Matter by Stephen Lendman Unaccountable killer cops turning Black communities into battlegrounds made overnight Thursday’s incident inevitable. It was just a matter of time - nor likely the last instance of justifiable public outrage exploding. People and communities take so much before reacting. Until killer cops are held accountable for false arrests, extreme brutality, other forms of abuse and murdering Black youths, Dallas may prove a shot across the bow for what’s to come - a declaration of war against longstanding injustice. This week’s headline-making police executions of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile ...

Sanders to Endorse Clinton, Betraying Loyal Supporters
Post Date: 2016-07-08 07:23:41 by Stephen Lendman
Sanders to Endorse Clinton, Betraying Loyal Supporters by Stephen Lendman Sanders earlier said he’ll support Clinton if she’s nominated, a de facto endorsement by any standard. Unnamed party insiders now say on July 12, at a New Hampshire campaign event, he’ll make it official - according to Reuters, The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, CBS News, CNN and other media sources. He almost did Thursday, saying “(w)e have got to do everything that we can to defeat Donald Trump and elect Hillary Clinton. I don’t honestly know how we would survive four years of a Donald Trump as president.” Endorsing her shows contempt for loyal supporters, naively expecting ...

“Partially Deaf, Blind in One Eye, Paralyzed, and Easily Confused”: So Of Course The TSA Beat Her Up
Post Date: 2016-07-07 09:16:47 by Ada
What crushing irony: over the weekend of July 4, as Americans celebrated their alleged freedom, the TSA graphically proved yet again our total enslavement. The outrage in question actually dates to June 30, 2015; it’s only now hitting the headlines thanks to Hannah Cohen’s lawsuit. But last year, when she was 18, Hannah tried to fly with her mother to their home in Chattanooga from Memphis, TN. The duo were pros at this route, having traveled it “hundreds of times” over the last 17 years, “without incident ever,” to treat Hannah at St Jude’s Medical Center. This particular trip was special since it was the final one. Hannah probably inspires everyone ...

Lessons from Hillarygate
Post Date: 2016-07-07 07:59:32 by Stephen Lendman
Lessons from Hillarygate by Stephen Lendman On July 6, longtime Clinton crime family ally Attorney General Loretta Lynch unsurprisingly made if official. Following FBI director James Comey’s failure to acknowledge Hillary’s email criminality serious enough to send ordinary people to prison, she issued a statement, saying: “I received and accepted their unanimous recommendation that the thorough, year-long investigation be closed and that no charges be brought against any individuals within the scope of the investigation.” Hillary is home free - except in the court of public opinion and to what extent Trump and other Republicans intend making her criminality and ...

Putin: America Is Not A Democracy
Post Date: 2016-07-07 02:24:43 by Tatarewicz
PMF...USC Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared that America is not really a democracy, arguing that a shadowy elite secretly run the country behind the scenes. In the video [below] Putin asks “do you really think the United States is a democracy?” Collective-evolution.com reports: It has become almost commonplace to say that we live in a corporatocracy, not a democracy, and more people are coming to understand that whoever is ‘elected’ to be president will have been selected to be there by those who control the seat of the presidency, the financial elite. There are countless examples of corporations dictating government policy. This leads one to wonder, is ...

Media React to Comey on Clinton
Post Date: 2016-07-06 08:22:14 by Stephen Lendman
Media React to Comey on Clinton by Stephen Lendman Justice isn’t blind. It works one way for privileged figures like Clinton, entirely another way for ordinary people. Media reaction was mixed - despite clear criminality demanding indictment, prosecution and stopping her nomination as Democrat party standard bearer. US law requires documents and other information pertaining to national security and defense not be removed from their “proper place of custody.” Nor may they be tampered with, altered, destroyed, concealed, stolen or improperly transmitted. Pro-Clinton New York Times editors reacted as expected to Comey’s announcement, saying his refusal to recommend ...

FBI Whitewashes Serious Hillary Criminality
Post Date: 2016-07-06 08:12:38 by Stephen Lendman
FBI Whitewashes Serious Hillary Criminality by Stephen Lendman Reacting to FBI director James Comey whitewashing Hillary’s criminality serious enough to send ordinary people to prison, Trump was right calling the system “rigged.” In a Tuesday afternoon statement, he said she “compromised the safety of the American people by storing highly classified information on a private email server with no security.” “Our adversaries almost certainly have a blackmail file on (her), and this fact alone disqualified her from service.” She lied saying she didn’t use her home server to maintain or send classified information. Comey confirmed over 100 emails ...

SCOTUS Sets Terrifying New Precedent on Gun Rights
Post Date: 2016-07-06 07:08:06 by BTP Holdings
SCOTUS Sets Terrifying New Precedent on Gun Rights By: Nate Madden | June 27, 2016 A family enjoys the outdoors and practices their aim. Loren Kerns | Flickr The Supreme Court passed some potentially sweeping gun control legislation Monday (misnomer intended), and carelessness could now cost you your Second Amendment rights, according to the ruling. In a 6-2 decision in the case of Voisine v. United States, the court ruled that crimes of recklessness rise to the same level as “misdemeanor crimes of domestic violence” which preclude individuals convicted of such a crime from firearm ownership by federal law. The Second Amendment is under assault on all fronts. Both ...

Federal Government Says a Farmer Broke the Law by Plowing His Land
Post Date: 2016-07-05 16:06:10 by Horse
Earlier this month a federal court in California ruled that a farmer plowing his land without a permit from the federal government is breaking the law. In 2013, the Army Corps of Engineers, without any notice or due process, ordered the owners of Duarte Nursery to cease use of their land for allegedly violating the Clean Water Act (CWA). The violation: plowing. The California court agreed with the federal government’s action, despite the fact the CWA specifically exempts normal agricultural activities like plowing from regulation. This overreaching assertion of federal power is not an isolated incident. For decades, the EPA and the Army Corps have aggressively sought to stretch the ...

Found Guilty For "Removal And Retention Of Classified Materials
Post Date: 2016-07-05 14:14:31 by randge
Peak FBI Corruption? Meet Bryan Nishimura, Found Guilty For "Removal And Retention Of Classified Materials" by Tyler Durden Jul 5, 2016 12:51 PM In a scandalous announcement, FBI director James Comey moments ago said that "although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information" and he gave extensive evidence of just that, "our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case." He added that "prosecutors necessarily weigh a number of factors before bringing charges. There are obvious considerations, like the strength of the evidence, especially regarding intent. Responsible ...

No Charges Against Hillary for Serious Email Security Breaches
Post Date: 2016-07-05 12:32:21 by Stephen Lendman
No Charges Against Hillary for Serious Email Security Breaches by Stephen Lendman No aspirant for high public office in US history is more despicably unworthy and dangerous - scandal-ridden, irreparably tainted, criminally culpable, a global menace if she succeeds Obama. Ahead of America’s Independence Day weekend, FBI officials interviewed her over use of her private email server for official State Department business - storing easily hacked classified material. According to her spokesman Nick Merrill, she “gave a voluntary interview…about her email arrangement while she was Secretary. She is pleased to have had the opportunity to assist the Department of Justice in ...

Deplorable Scoundrel Media War on Putin
Post Date: 2016-07-05 09:37:53 by Stephen Lendman
Deplorable Scoundrel Media War on Putin by Stephen Lendman Western, mainly US, media scoundrels jump on any chance to bash him, inventing reasons because none exist. More on two deplorable broadsides below. Putin and Obama are polar opposites - Russia’s leader a man of peace, seeking mutual cooperation among all nations v. Obama’s rage for endless wars, seeking unchallenged global dominance. Putin’s refreshing straight talk candidness and honesty contrast sharply with Obama’s double-talk demagoguery. On the occasion of America’s Independence Day, Russia’s leader graciously reached out to his US counterpart, saying: “The history of Russian-American ...

North Georgia newspaper publisher jailed over open records request
Post Date: 2016-07-04 22:40:02 by Horse
‘Retaliation for use of the Open Records Act will inhibit every citizen from using it.’ A North Georgia newspaper publisher was indicted on a felony charge and jailed overnight last week – for filing an open-records request. Fannin Focus publisher Mark Thomason, along with his attorney Russell Stookey, were arrested on Friday and charged with attempted identity fraud and identity fraud. Thomason was also accused of making a false statement in his records request. » READ THE INDICTMENT Thomason’s relentless pursuit of public records relating to the local Superior Court has incensed the court’s chief judge, Brenda Weaver, who also chairs the state Judicial ...

Genesis of Current Mass Shootings, Blasts and Suicide Bombings
Post Date: 2016-07-04 09:13:11 by Stephen Lendman
Genesis of Current Mass Shootings, Blasts and Suicide Bombings by Stephen Lendman They’re coming in rapid fashion - in late June/early July alone: • Istanbul blasts inflicting mass casualties; 
 • Dhaka, Bangladesh shootings and hostage takings; 
 • slaughter in Baghdad, killing over 200 and wounding hundreds more - the latest of numerous violent incidents since GW Bush’s 2003 naked aggression; and
 • on America’s Independence Day, an apparent suicide bombing meters from its Jeddah, Saudi Arabia consulate, followed by multiple blasts rocking the area.
 Whether these and similar attacks are terrorism, false flags, lone ...

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