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Will November Election Rigging Make Clinton President?
Post Date: 2016-06-12 09:05:04 by Stephen Lendman
Will November Election Rigging Make Clinton President? by Stephen Lendman America’s political process is notoriously corrupt, electoral fraud rife at the federal, state and local levels. Democracy is pure fantasy. Monied interests control everything. Back room deals decide things. Has the winner of November’s run for the White House already been decided? Clinton is the establishment favorite, Trump the outsider, reluctantly accepted at best by GOP power brokers after going all-out to undermine his campaign - media scoundrels largely in lockstep against him. Dubious primary and caucus practices suggest what’s perhaps coming. Clinton stole Iowa by rigged coin-flips, ...

UN List of Shame a Sham
Post Date: 2016-06-11 09:03:48 by Stephen Lendman
UN List of Shame a Sham by Stephen Lendman The UN’s annual List of Shame is supposed to blacklist countries and groups “engage(d) in the recruitment and use of children, sexual violence against children, the killing and maiming of children, attacks on schools and/or hospitals and attacks or threats of attacks against protected personnel, and the abduction of children." It consistently fails the test of fairness. Syria’s freedom-fighting military was disgracefully blacklisted - courageously combating US-supported terrorists, imported from scores of foreign countries. No nations more demand blacklisting than America, Israel, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, along with their ...

Trump v. Clinton: Both Widely Reviled, Unfit to Serve
Post Date: 2016-06-11 08:44:38 by Stephen Lendman
Trump v. Clinton: Both Widely Reviled, Unfit to Serve by Stephen Lendman Polls show most US voters want neither candidate elected president. One or the other will succeed Obama, continuing his deplorable agenda, likely exceeding his contempt for democratic values and rule of law principles - including four more years of endless imperial wars at home and abroad. Comments the presumptive candidates made in Friday speeches signaled what’s shaping up as likely the nastiest rough and tumble campaign in memory. They focused on pejoratives, each calling the other unfit to serve - likely a rare truthful comment either aspirant will make throughout the summer/fall campaign. “When ...

The Parties of Jefferson, Lincoln and FDR Are Dead [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2016-06-10 08:42:40 by Stephen Lendman
The Parties of Jefferson, Lincoln and FDR Are Dead by Stephen Lendman America was never beautiful. Today it’s unfit and unsafe to live in, a monster threatening humanity’s survival. US duopoly power replaced the eras of Jefferson, Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt. No JFKs exist, a peacemaker assassinated for opposing war, urging nuclear disarmament and rapprochement with Soviet Russia. New Deal, Fair Deal and Great Society programs are heading for history’s dust bin. Bipartisan neocons infesting Washington want social justice ended, neoliberal enslavement replacing it, fascist police state harshness enforcing it. America is a gangster state, criminals running it - ...

It is Written...
Post Date: 2016-06-09 07:26:48 by Ada
Do any of you believe that politicians write their own speeches? Their own books? Their own blogs? If so, please contact me if you’d like to buy the Golden Gate Bridge. I’ll sell it to you on a subprime mortgage or using Fannie Mac or Freddie Mae or whatever those places are with oatmeal-poundingly stupid names. I always thought Freddie Mac was a song from the early 1960s. And Fannie Mae sounds like that weird aunt that collects commemorative plates of United States presidents from late night TV infomercials. She says, “I’ll leave them to you in my will…” Thanks. I’ll serve pinto beans on them. We can break the wind to the tune of The Star Spangled ...

Sanders Edges Toward Clinton Endorsement
Post Date: 2016-06-09 07:11:48 by Stephen Lendman
Sanders Edges Toward Clinton Endorsement by Stephen Lendman Sanders claiming he intends continuing his nomination quest to the July Democrat convention is meaningless hyperbole. Expect no floor fight. Concession followed by endorsing Clinton could come any time. The same scenario repeats each electoral cycle. Party faithful rally behind presidential nominees, losing aspirants among them. Sanders/Clinton rapprochement is virtually certain. His phony rationale will likely be to keep Trump from succeeding Obama. He’ll choose his time and place to make a formal announcement - maybe in days. Thursday he’ll meet with Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D. NV) in ...

Neocon Washington Post Editors Urge Get Tough on Russia and China Policy
Post Date: 2016-06-08 12:36:52 by Stephen Lendman
Neocon Washington Post Editors Urge Get Tough on Russia and China Policy by Stephen Lendman A previous article said US media scoundrels make street whores look good by comparison - featuring managed news misinformation and Big Lies, suppressing what’s most important to report, fully and accurately. WaPo editors rank with the worst. Their editorial policy long ago fell from grace - openly fronting for wealth, power and privilege, notoriously hawkish, militantly anti-Russia and China, most recently in their June 7 editorial, saying: “A different kind of (iron) curtain is descending, denying billions of people…basic…freedom. No longer is it about the rise of communism, ...

Trump v. Clinton in November
Post Date: 2016-06-08 08:22:43 by Stephen Lendman
Trump v. Clinton in November by Stephen Lendman It’s all over but the postmortems. Trump and Clinton are their parties’ presumptive nominees. Choice for voters in November amounts to death by hanging or firing squad. Democracy is pure fantasy. None whatever exists. Trump was the last GOP aspirant left standing after all others dropped out, an unlikely choice, a surprise winner, prevailing despite party bosses opposing him. Democrat power brokers chose Clinton before primary/caucus season began. The race was over before it started. Voters in November get to choose between a dirty business as usual billionaire racist, demagogue and a recklessly dangerous neocon racketeer, war ...

White Man Attacked by Illegal Immigrant/Racist Reporter
Post Date: 2016-06-07 12:45:23 by X-15
It's war, physical war, against Trump supporters wherever Donald Trump gives a speech:

Clinton Chosen Democrat Party Nominee Last Year
Post Date: 2016-06-07 09:12:41 by Stephen Lendman
Clinton Chosen Democrat Party Nominee Last Year by Stephen Lendman The Democrat party campaign was over before it began. On April 15, 2015, Clinton and Sanders both formally announced their candidacy to become party standard bearer this November. Primaries and caucuses since last winter were largely theatrical noise, the process rigged to anoint Clinton - an unindicted neocon war criminal, racketeer, Wall Street tool she devil, a menace threatening world peace, a perfect choice for US president, following in the despicable tradition of husband Bill, George W. Bush and Obama. The possibility of her becoming America’s 45th president should scare everyone. Her finger on the nuclear ...

US Falsely Calls Iran Leading State Sponsor of Terrorism
Post Date: 2016-06-07 08:52:19 by Stephen Lendman
US Falsely Calls Iran Leading State Sponsor of Terrorism by Stephen Lendman Propaganda works because when repeated enough most people believe it. The disturbing irony of the latest State Department annual report on terrorism finds the world’s leading state sponsor, America, accusing Iran, threatening no one, without just cause. The same false accusation repeats annually. The Islamic Republic hasn’t attacked another country throughout its history. It threatens none now. No evidence links it to terrorism. The State Department’s report was falsified rubbish, more proof of US hostility toward Iranian sovereign independence, wanting pro-Western tyranny replacing it, an ...

The Donald & The La Raza Judge
Post Date: 2016-06-07 08:13:48 by Ada
Before the lynching of The Donald proceeds, what exactly was it he said about that Hispanic judge? Stated succinctly, Donald Trump said U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is presiding over a class-action suit against Trump University, is sticking it to him. And the judge’s bias is likely rooted in the fact that he is of Mexican descent. Can there be any defense of a statement so horrific? Just this. First, Trump has a perfect right to be angry about the judge’s rulings and to question his motives. Second, there are grounds for believing Trump is right. On May 27, Curiel, at the request of The Washington Post, made public plaintiff accusations against Trump University ...

Former Secret Service Agent's Book Blasts Hillary Clinton
Post Date: 2016-06-06 08:37:10 by Stephen Lendman
Former Secret Service Agent’s Book Blasts Hillary Clinton by Stephen Lendman In the 1990s, former Secret Service agent Gary J. Byrne served in the White House, posted outside Bill Clinton’s Oval Office. His new book scheduled for release in late June is titled “Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses His Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate.” Details of the book are largely under wraps. A description posted on Amazon states the following: “Posted directly outside President Clinton’s Oval Office, Former Secret Service uniformed officer Gary Byrne reveals what he observed of Hillary Clinton’s ...

Monckton: It’s Time For ‘Texit’ — Texas Should Secede, Thatcher Advisor Says
Post Date: 2016-06-06 07:57:33 by Ada
AUSTIN, TX – Lord Christopher Monckton, 3rd Viscount of Brenchley, thinks Texas should secede from the United States. In his native Britain, voters are preparing to decide whether they will remain in the European Union. Here in the United States, Texas just last month considered putting secession on the ballot. The Republican Party of Texas killed the measure. This week, Monckton — former adviser to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher — pushed for Texas independence in an exclusive interview with The Daily Caller. Monckton is a prominent conservative voice on issues such as climate change and the possible collapse of the U.S. dollar. Why does a British political ...

FBI Wants No Privacy on Biometric Database
Post Date: 2016-06-06 00:28:50 by X-15
The FBI has a biometric database, and they don’t want there to be any privacy protections on it. We JUST posted about how this week the federal appeals court gave the feds carte blanche to pull your entire location history from your cell phone provider without a warrant. The other half of that very dangerous coin is this story, also at EFF. Since 2008, the FBI has been assembling a massive database of biometric information on Americans. This database, called Next Generation Identification (NGI), includes fingerprints, face recognition, iris scans and palm prints—collected not just during arrests, but also from millions of Americans for non-criminal reasons like immigration, ...

Clinton Won't Disavow Gun Tax Proposal
Post Date: 2016-06-05 16:02:17 by BTP Holdings
Clinton Won't Disavow Gun Tax Proposal Image: Clinton Won't Disavow Gun Tax Proposal By Cathy Burke | Sunday, 05 Jun 2016 11:17 AM Hillary Clinton on Sunday defended the idea of a gun tax, but stopped short of endorsing a proposal she first embraced in 1993. In an interview with ABC News' "This Week," the Democratic presidential front-runner, who has refuted GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump's claim that she wants to abolish the Second Amendment, declared she believes the right to bear arms is protected by the Constitution. "I have no objection to that, but the rest of the American public has a right to require certain kinds of regulatory responsible ...

Unrelenting NYT Anti-Trump Campaign
Post Date: 2016-06-05 08:59:19 by Stephen Lendman
Unrelenting NYT Anti-Trump Campaign by Stephen Lendman Make no mistake. A Trump presidency would be disastrous domestically and geopolitically. A previous article said his only redeeming quality is he’s not Hillary Clinton, The Times favorite, endorsing her candidacy, ignoring her criminal record as first lady partnered with husband Bill, US senator and secretary of state. She’s vulnerable to racketeering charges, the Clinton Foundation a covert criminal enterprise masquerading as a charitable NGO, selling influence for millions of dollars in contributions, the Clintons enriching themselves hugely while falsely claiming to do good. The latest Times anti-Trump rant claims he ...

Ukraine Putschists Like Chile's Pinochet Regime
Post Date: 2016-06-03 12:46:31 by Stephen Lendman
Ukraine Putschists Like Chile’s Pinochet Regime by Stephen Lendman According to Russia’s upper house Federation Council first deputy defense and security committee chairman, Franz Klintsevich, US-installed Kiev putschists are as ruthless as Chile under Pinochet - following the Nixon administration’s 9/11/73 coup, elevating him to power. Klintsevich called illegal arrests, torture, detentions in secret prisons and disappearances daily occurrences - Ukraine’s security service, its SBU national Gestapo, responsible for what’s happening. State terror overrides everything for full control, he explained. Comparison to 17 brutal years under Pinochet is chilling. A ...

Clinton's Anti-Trump Rant Ignored Her Own High Crimes
Post Date: 2016-06-03 09:08:41 by Stephen Lendman
Clinton’s Anti-Trump Rant Ignored Her Own High Crimes by Stephen Lendman On Thursday, touting her foreign policy record without explaining its lawlessness, Clinton delivered a 30-minute anti-Trump rant - a demagogic litany of misinformation and Big Lies, devoid of substance, more proof of the danger humanity faces if she succeeds Obama next year. “I’m proud to run on my record,” she said. As first lady, US senator and secretary of state, she was and continues to be militantly pro-war. In 1999, she urged husband Bill to bomb Belgrade, a flagrant violation of international and constitutional law. She lied about Slobodan Milosevic, saying “(y)ou cannot let this go ...

Obama Blames ‘Right-Wing’ Media for Angering ’White People’
Post Date: 2016-06-02 08:00:41 by Ada
President Barack Obama accused “right wing” talk radio and cable channels like Fox News of angering white people in America about the economy, arguing that it was actually doing really well under his administration. During his speech, Obama decried Republicans who campaigned on stopping “welfare queens” complaining about “makers and takers” and even referred to Mitt Romney’s 47 percent comment. “Their basic message is anti-government, anti-immigrant, anti-trade, and let’s face it — it’s anti-change,” Obama said, accusing them of lying just to oppose him. “What they are saying just isn’t true,” he said, before ...

Clinton and Sanders Camps in Talks for Party Unity
Post Date: 2016-06-01 08:31:19 by Stephen Lendman
Clinton and Sanders Camps in Talks for Party Unity by Stephen Lendman A previous article called Clinton the most recklessly dangerous president aspirant in US history. Humanity’s fate is up for grabs with her finger on the nuclear trigger. She’s also damaged goods, vulnerable to indictment on federal racketeering charges, her Clinton Foundation a suspected criminal enterprise masquerading as a charitable NGO. She’ll likely escape federal prosecution because of longstanding close ties to Attorney General Loretta Lynch and become Democrat party nominee in July. Her delegate lead is too great to overcome. Next Tuesday’s California primary should put her way over the ...

Is Hugelkultur Gardening Right For You?
Post Date: 2016-05-30 14:18:25 by BTP Holdings
Is Hugelkultur Gardening Right For You? RILEY E. CARLSON , APRIL 2, 2016 Ever heard of Hugelkultur? It’s an Eastern European gardening solution that is self-fertilizing, good for the earth, and works for just about any kind of soil! Learn more below, and see if hugelkultur is right for you. Hugelkultur mound gardening is an easy way to self-fertilize your garden. Keep reading to learn more and see if it's right for you. I love experimenting in my garden. That’s why when I heard about hugelkultur, a composting process originally practiced in Eastern Europe societies, I couldn’t wait to try it out. The forest floor has its own natural composting system, and this ...

Horrific EU Mistreatment of Refugees
Post Date: 2016-05-30 12:35:57 by Stephen Lendman
Horrific EU Mistreatment of Refugees by Stephen Lendman Desperate people fleeing US war zones, state terror and persecution are some of the world’s least welcome - denigrated for seeking safe havens, wanting life, not death. European refugee camp conditions are deplorable, below minimum standards for human habitation, warehouses for unwanted people, concentration camps in Turkey. Greece is no better, new Thessaloniki camps way overcrowded, vital humanitarian aid lacking, thousands transferred from now cleared Idomeni because of its deplorable conditions. Greece’s Interior Minister Panagiotis Kouroumplis called it a “modern (day) Dachau.” Human rights activists ...

Fear-Mongering Preceding UEFA Euro 2016
Post Date: 2016-05-30 11:30:19 by Stephen Lendman
Fear-Mongering Preceding UEFA Euro 2016 by Stephen Lendman From June 10 - July 10, European football championship matches will be held in France - fear- mongering in high gear, hyping a suspected ISIS sleeper cell terrorist attack. The Islamic State is US-created, Western-supported. Any attack during upcoming games will be another in a series of false flag incidents, hyping fear to justify endless aggression and tougher police state harshness - Western societies increasingly unfit and unsafe to live in. Evidence strongly indicates false flag responsibility for last November’s well-coordinated, strategically timed, multiple attacks in Paris. Salah Abdeslam became the target of one ...

MSM Trying To Smear Trump With Anonymous Anti-Semitic Tweets, But Ignored Obama’s Rev. Wright Connection
Post Date: 2016-05-30 11:26:29 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
The Reverend Jeremiah Wright: Obama refused to denounce this man, but denounced his own white grandmother instead. In 1992, Bill Clinton famously denounced Sister Souljah, a rapper/activist who endorsed the anti-white violence in the LA Riots on the grounds that “if black people kill black people every day, why not have a week and kill white people?” Clinton retorted, “If you took the words ‘white’ and ‘black,’ and you reversed them, you might think David Duke was giving that speech.” Of course, this is unfair to Duke. David Duke never suggested that whites go out and kill blacks. Still, Clinton’s disavowal of Sistah Souljah now represents the ...

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