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Hillary Clinton Vulnerable to Indictment on Federal Racketeering Charges
Post Date: 2016-05-30 08:37:34 by Stephen Lendman
Hillary Clinton Vulnerable to Indictment on Federal Racketeering Charges? by Stephen Lendman The Bill and Hillary crime family long ago should have been held accountable for high crimes against peace and numerous others. Hillary is the most recklessly dangerous presidential aspirant in US history, supporting endless imperial wars and state terror, once saying “(w)hat do we have NATO for if not to defend our way of life.” She endorses first-strike nuclear weapons use, calling them peacekeeping deterrents, mindless of their power to destroy life on earth. She’s militantly anti-Russia, earlier compared the nation to Nazi Germany, Putin to Hitler, claiming “he ...

The UNITED STATES is a Federal Corporation
Post Date: 2016-05-29 17:36:27 by Rotara
Title 28 - JUDICIARY AND JUDICIAL PROCEDURE Part VI - PARTICULAR PROCEEDINGS Chapter 176 - FEDERAL DEBT COLLECTION PROCEDURE Subchapter A - DEFINITIONS AND GENERAL PROVISIONS § 3002 - Definitions(15) (15) “United States” means— (A) a Federal corporation; (B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or (C) an instrumentality of the United States. Poster Comment:Good slave, Bad slave, None of the above ?

Why You Should NEVER Talk To Police
Post Date: 2016-05-29 13:34:04 by BTP Holdings
Why You Should NEVER Talk To Police Survival & Prepping May 24, 2016 If you were raised, like I was, with the idea that the police exist to “serve & protect” then you might be surprised by what I’m sharing today … But if you’ve been paying attention over the last few decades then what I’m about to talk about should really come as no surprise. Even so, most people don’t know this critically important information. A Dangerous Trend in America Today … These days, believe it or not, it’s hard to not break a law. Yes, even if you’re a “good guy” and you think you’re not breaking any laws. We all unknowingly commit ...

Memorial Day
Post Date: 2016-05-27 22:47:36 by Luke The Spook
MEMORIAL DAY ------------ Memorial Day is their day, isn't it? It is supposed to be the day a grateful nation pauses to quietly thank the more than one million men and women who have died in military service to their country since the Revolutionary War. Or is it the day the beach resorts kick into high gear for the summer season, the day the strand is covered by fish-belly white people basting themselves in coconut oil, the day the off-season rates end and the weekend you can't get in a seaside seafood restaurant with anything less than a one hour wait. Or is is one of the biggest shopping center sales days of the year, a day when hunting for a parking space is the prime sport ...

Unaffordable Housing in America
Post Date: 2016-05-26 11:42:33 by Stephen Lendman
Unaffordable Housing in America by Stephen Lendman According to the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) report, titled “Out of Reach 2015,” income inequality in America makes housing increasingly unaffordable. “(I)n no state, metropolitan area, or county can a full-time worker earning the prevailing minimum wage afford a modest two-bedroom apartment,” it said. At $7.25 an hour, the federal minimum wage, it would take 112 hours a week, 52 weeks a year, meaning all work and sleep with no time for anything else. Stagnant wages, declining benefits, high inflation (8.8% according to economist John Williams, not the phony 1.1% CPI), and protracted Main Street ...

Chelsea Manning Seeks Overturn of Wrongful Conviction
Post Date: 2016-05-25 08:11:47 by Stephen Lendman
Chelsea Manning Seeks Overturn of Wrongful Conviction by Stephen Lendman Manning was wrongfully imprisoned for courageously revealing US war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan Pentagon officials want suppressed. Responsible parties got medals and promotions. Manning got prison. Show trial proceedings sentenced her to 35 years behind bars. Rogue states honor their worst, persecute their best, Manning one of thousands of US political prisoners. Lawyers representing her filed a motion before the US Army Court of Criminal Appeals, calling her 2013 conviction unconstitutional, arguing it should be overturned. One count was based on allegedly violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA), ...

Russia DID NOT Down MH 17, Sued Anyway
Post Date: 2016-05-25 07:44:59 by Stephen Lendman
Russia DID NOT Down MH17, Sued Anyway by Stephen Lendman On July 14, 2014, a Ukrainian warplane downed Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 (MH17) with an air-to- air missile. All 283 passengers and 15 crew members on board perished. Russia and Vladimir Putin remain wrongfully blamed for what they had nothing to do with. What happened was a classic false flag - likely cooked up in Washington, using US installed Kiev putschists to do its dirty work. No credible evidence suggests Russian responsibility. The obvious question remains unanswered. What could Moscow possibly gain from downing a commercial airliner, unrelated to combat in Donbass or its interests anywhere? Washington, NATO and Kiev ...

The truth behind the surge in conservative ‘extremism’
Post Date: 2016-05-25 07:18:23 by BTP Holdings
The truth behind the surge in conservative ‘extremism’ Posted on May 24, 2016 by Brandon Smith mobviolence The definition of “extremist” is a rather ambiguous issue primarily dependent on opinion rather than fact. That is to say, it is generally the people in power and their propaganda mouthpieces that determine who is an extremist and who is not. There is no set standard. Generally, if you are a quiet and passive sort of citizen with no political deviations and no thoughts outside of what is considered “mainstream,” then you are probably considered a non-threat to the establishment. If, however, you promote an ideal that is opposed to the establishment ...

New Turkish Prime Minister: Longtime Erdogan Crony
Post Date: 2016-05-24 13:07:49 by Stephen Lendman
New Turkish Prime Minister: Longtime Erdogan Crony by Stephen Lendman In early May, former Justice and Development Party (AKP) prime minister Ahmet Davugtolu was ousted in a palace coup, Erdogan removing him to solidify power. On May 22, his tenure ended. Longtime Erdogan ally Binali Yildirim succeeds him. Previously he served as Transport, Maritime and Communication minister. In 2014 and 2015, he was a senior Erdogan advisor. Earlier, he was Istanbul Fast Ferries Company chairman when Erdogan was city mayor - before elected to parliament in 2002. On May 19, Erdogan’s controlled AKP Central Executive Committee and all 1,405 members of its second Extraordinary Congress unanimously ...

Turkish Refugee Camps: Unsafe Havens, Children Raped, Organs Sold
Post Date: 2016-05-24 11:41:22 by Stephen Lendman
Turkish Refugee Camps: Unsafe Havens, Children Raped, Organs Sold by Stephen Lendman Last month, Germany’s Angela Merkel urged EU support for Turkish refugee camps, saying her country intends providing its own. She praised Turkey for “not only…provid(ing) a safe haven for millions of refugees, but also… provid(ing) them with opportunities and perspectives” - an outrageous perversion of truth. Her photo-op with former Turkish prime minister Ahmet Davutoglu was willful staged deception, covering up regime crimes against humanity against defenseless, largely Syrian, refugees. European Council president Donald Tusk called “Turkey…the best example for the ...

Brazil's Coup Plotters Aimed to Block Corruption Investigation
Post Date: 2016-05-24 07:38:16 by Stephen Lendman
Brazil’s Coup Plotters Aimed to Block Corruption Investigation by Stephen Lendman US-supported coup plotters had multiple aims in mind - replacing democracy with tyranny, weakening or ending social justice programs, instituting neoliberal harshness, and undermining corruption investigations involving 303 of Brazil’s lower house members, 49 of 81 senators, and 37 of the 65-member impeachment commission. Specifically, Brazil’s largest newspaper, Folha de Sao Paulo, obtained a taped phone conversation between Senator Romero Juca, now planning minister, and former Petrobras Transporte SA (Transperto, Brazil’s largest oil and gas transportation company) president Sergio ...

US Judge Exonerates Killer Cop
Post Date: 2016-05-24 07:27:08 by Stephen Lendman
US Judge Exonerates Killer Cop by Stephen Lendman Unaccountable killer cops nationwide turn US streets and minority communities into battlegrounds - killing 1,000 or more largely innocent victims annually, brutalizing and injuring many thousands more. On April 12, 2015, six Baltimore cops were involved in Freddie Gray’s murder. He committed no crimes, was arrested on bogus charges, brutalized too severely in custody to save him. His spine was 80% severed at his neck. He suffered three fractured vertebrae. His larynx was injured. He lapsed into a coma. On April 19, 2015, he died - a week after his arrest. Street protests followed. Authorities and militarized cops responded ...

America Wants a World of Vassal States
Post Date: 2016-05-23 06:19:50 by Stephen Lendman
America Wants a World of Vassal States by Stephen Lendman America’s deplorable dark side reflects pure evil, an agenda, including: • endless wars on humanity, raping one country after another, murdering millions of helpless victims, creating nightmarish dystopian conditions everywhere it shows up;
 • supporting monied interests exclusively at the expense of beneficial social change, transforming America into a nation of paupers, run by super-rich elites;
 • criminalizing whistleblowers and activists for justice, systematically destroying fundamental freedoms at home and abroad, tolerating nothing interfering with its hegemonic agenda.
 Lunatics ...

Near-End to Another Dreadful US Primary Season
Post Date: 2016-05-23 05:56:25 by Stephen Lendman
Near-End to Another Dreadful US Primary Season by Stephen Lendman Each electoral cycle, theater and deception triumph over straight talk and substance. Duopoly power candidates are virtual cookie cutouts of each other, rhetoric alone differentiating them. Believing any Republican or Democrat candidate offers responsible change is pure fantasy. Obama’s successor will likely accelerate policies causing so much harm to so many at home and abroad. It’s been this way since Jack Kennedy’s state-sponsored assassination. Primary Tuesday this week is quiet, a Republican one alone in Washington signifying nothing - Trump already the presumptive party nominee. Including her ...

Parents: Administrator ruined 2016 Hallsville (TX) High School prom
Post Date: 2016-05-22 13:27:04 by X-15
Get a load of this bullshit: HALLSVILLE - Some Hallsville High School parents demanded an apology and investigation from administration at Monday's board of trustees meeting after they said an assistant principal's actions "ruined" their daughters' high school prom experience on April 30. Six Hallsville High School female students, some of whom are graduating seniors, were told they must submit to Breathalyzer testing at the school's junior/senior prom after an administrator said she received a "tip" that the group had been drinking before their arrival. "We want the district to know, we aren't against Breathalyzer testing," Parent Scott ...

America Should Rule the World, Says Neocon Infested Think Tank Report
Post Date: 2016-05-22 08:20:37 by Stephen Lendman
America Should Rule the World, Says Neocon Infested Think Tank Report by Stephen Lendman The neocon infested Center for a New American Security (CNAS) promotes endless wars on the phony pretext of protecting US security at a time America’s only enemies are ones it invents. Its aim is solidifying US global dominance by eliminating all sovereign independent states. Several CNAS members hold or previously held key Obama administration posts. The organization and likeminded ones threaten world peace. They publish reports on militarism, terrorism, irregular warfare and national security challenges. Its conferences feature top US military and government officials as speakers, promoting ...

US Investigating Alleged Doping of Russian Athletes - Thinly Veiled Russia Bashing
Post Date: 2016-05-22 07:51:41 by Stephen Lendman
US Investigating Alleged Doping of Russian Athletes - Thinly Veiled Russia Bashing by Stephen Lendman Last week, Russian sports minister Vitaly Mutko fired back against reports indicating US Justice Department officials launched an investigation into alleged doping of Russian athletes, saying: “There are enough violations of anti-doping rules round the world, and they can all be probed. We would like to see the United States probing its own national team. The atmosphere there is far from being cloudless.” Late last year, Putin ordered a thorough investigation into alleged doping of Russian athletes, saying offenders alone should be punished, not an entire country. ...

Extrajudicially Held Guantanamo Detainee to be Released
Post Date: 2016-05-21 12:31:03 by Stephen Lendman
Extrajudicially Held Guantanamo Detainee to be Released by Stephen Lendman Guantanamo remains a black hole of US extrajudicial viciousness, hundreds of innocent men and boys (all Muslims, most sold for bounty) held lawlessly since January 2002 - denied due process and judicial fairness. Obama’s pledge to close the prison camp before end of 2009 was willful deception. An executive order alone is needed, not congressional authorization as he maintains. Today, 80 men remain indefinitely detained, most uncharged and untried - perhaps all innocent victims. Nine perished in captivity, murdered in cold blood. Over two dozen recommended for release remain imprisoned. US forces kidnapped ...

Death Threats on Woman Wearing America Was Never Great Hat
Post Date: 2016-05-21 12:17:47 by Stephen Lendman
Death Threats on Woman Wearing America Was Never Great Hat by Stephen Lendman American exceptionalism, the “indispensable nation,” an “empire of liberty,” the “leader of the free world,” a “shining city on a hill,” and other patriotic slogans mask hard truths about the most ruthlessly dangerous regime in world history. America is only beautiful for its privileged few alone. For most others it’s hell, increasingly getting worse, fundamental freedoms disappearing. A scoundrel media supported permanent state of war exists. Trump’s phony campaign slogan about making America great again inspired 22-year-old Krystal Lake to order and wear a ...

Turkish MPs Stripped of Immunity
Post Date: 2016-05-21 08:25:52 by Stephen Lendman
Turkish MPs Stripped of Immunity by Stephen Lendman In three separate Friday votes on portions of Erdogan’s controversial measure, his ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) members along with pressured or bribed Republican People’s Party (CHP) lawmakers approved a constitutional amendment stripping immunity from MPs. The measure targets pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party of Turkey (HDP) MPs and others expressing opposition to Erdogan’s agenda. Around 138 lawmakers are vulnerable to expulsion from parliament, arrest, prosecution, conviction and imprisonment on charges of criticizing the president, terrorism and/or treason. US and other Western criticism ...

US OAS Representative Calls Coup in Brazil an Exercise in Democracy
Post Date: 2016-05-20 07:54:03 by Stephen Lendman
US OAS Representative Calls Coup in Brazil an Exercise in Democracy Illegitimate US-supported putschists replaced democrats in Brazil. Legitimate governance in Latin America’s most important country sustained a major made- in-the-USA body blow. Obama’s rap sheet added another high crime, part of longstanding US policy to replace all sovereign independent governments with puppet ones Washington controls. The whole world knows America’s dirty hands orchestrated what happened - illegitimately impeaching a democratically elected president, replacing her with a former, likely current, CIA asset with virtually no popular support. US orchestrated economic war and violent street ...

Turkey's Parliament Set to Strip Members of Immunity
Post Date: 2016-05-20 07:31:26 by Stephen Lendman
Turkey’s Parliament Set to Strip Members of Immunity by Stephen Lendman Erdogan repudiates democracy, freedom and rule of law principles, his ruthlessness ignored by Washington and other Western allies. He wants opposition parliament members stripped of their immunity, leaving them vulnerable to prosecution and imprisonment for criticizing his policies. He has two goals in mind, usurping dictatorial power and eliminating pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party of Turkey (HDP) MPs. Earlier he said “I no longer see as legitimate political actors the members of a party which is operating as a branch of a terrorist organization.” Freedom fighting Kurds want fundamental ...

Obsessive NYT Anti-Putin Propaganda
Post Date: 2016-05-19 12:50:29 by Stephen Lendman
Obsessive NYT Anti-Putin Propaganda by Stephen Lendman The Times’ consistent misreporting on Russia and its president makes yellow journalism look good by comparison. On the one hand, its editors, correspondents and contributors support America’s imperial agenda, its endless wars of aggression, its partnership with the world’s most egregious rogue states - while ignoring their highest high crimes. On the other, it bashes Putin’s forthright efforts for world peace and stability, his respect for international law, his wanting the made-in-the-USA scourge of terrorism eliminated. His agenda deserves high praise. Times reporting substitutes malicious misinformation and ...

Trump and Kissinger Discuss Realpolitik
Post Date: 2016-05-19 08:37:03 by Stephen Lendman
Trump and Kissinger Discuss Realpolitik by Stephen Lendman In November, US voters get to choose between two deplorable business as usual presidential aspirants - a billionaire demagogue v. a war criminal/Wall Street tool, both hugely anti-populist. There’s no hope for responsible change under Trump or Clinton after 16 devastating Bush/Obama years - the most ruthless administrations in US history, responsible for endless wars of aggression and creeping homeland tyranny, heading toward becoming full-blown. On Wednesday, Trump met privately with Henry Kissinger in New York, a longtime unindicted war criminal as national security advisor, then secretary of state during the Nixon/Ford ...

Tuesday's Split Decision Puts Clinton Close to Clinching Party Nomination
Post Date: 2016-05-18 08:41:37 by Stephen Lendman
Tuesday’s Split Decision Puts Clinton Close to Clinching Party Nomination by Stephen Lendman Farcical primary season thankfully ends in June. As expected, Sanders took Oregon on Tuesday. Clinton won Kentucky by a margin so thin it’s fair to suggest another primary theft. Earlier she stole Iowa, Nevada and Arizona. The system was rigged for her long before the first caucus and primary votes were cast, Sanders going along for the ride, more opportunist than populist, a con man enjoying an extended 15 minutes of fame. Clinton is the presumptive Democrat nominee, around 100 delegates short of clinching it, most unelected super-delegate party insiders pledged to support her. ...

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