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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Venice Italy is Full of Bangladesh and Other Immigrants
Post Date: 2018-02-07 12:05:00 by Horse
Poster Comment:American tourist can't find many Italians in Venice.

Why Build a Wall? Cartoon
Post Date: 2018-02-07 11:35:18 by Horse

The Cost Of Illegal Immigration
Post Date: 2018-02-07 11:32:56 by Horse
In his State of the Union address on January 30, US President Donald J. Trump referred to the brutal murder of two 16-year-old girls from Long Island in December 2016 by members of the "savage MS-13 gang," responsible for a spate of other gruesome killings in the area, as well. Many of these gang members, he explained, had entered the United States illegally. "For decades, open borders have allowed drugs and gangs to pour into our most vulnerable communities," he said. Calling on Congress "to finally close the deadly loopholes that have allowed... criminal gangs to break into our country," he listed the four pillars of his immigration-reform proposal: A ...

France: Migrant Crisis Spirals Out Of Control
Post Date: 2018-02-07 08:53:08 by Horse
Hundreds of Africans and Asians armed with knives and iron rods fought running street battles in the northern port city of Calais on February 1, less than two weeks after French President Emmanuel Macron visited the area and pledged to crack down on illegal immigration. The clashes plunged Calais — emblematic of Europe's failure to control mass migration — into a war zone and reinforced the perception that French authorities have lost control of the country's security situation. The mass brawls, fought in at least three different parts of Calais, erupted after a 37-year-old Afghan migrant running a human trafficking operation fired gunshots at a group of Africans who did ...

Police: Man tells undocumented immigrant to stop peeing at bus stop, gets stabbed in neck
Post Date: 2018-02-07 04:08:34 by Horse
Salvador Gomez-Lopez, 46. (Courtesy of Montgomery County Police Department) WHEATON, Md. (WJLA) - An undocumented immigrant urinating in public used a box cutter to repeatedly stab a man who had merely suggested he pull up his trousers and use a proper restroom, police say. On Nov. 30, around 11 p.m., Montgomery County Police were dispatched to the Wheaton Metro bus turnaround along Georgia Avenue. Upon stepping out of their cruisers, officers saw a man with stab wounds and bloody slashes to his neck, face and stomach. That victim, plus an uninjured eyewitness, pointed officers toward Salvador Gomez-Lopez, 46, who was allegedly drunk and belligerent. The two men explained that ...

Bombshell: UK Govt Review into Sharia Admits Systemic Discrimination Against Women, Unknown Number of ‘Councils’, Forced Marriage Victim Made to Appear with Abusers
Post Date: 2018-02-06 14:04:17 by Horse
A controversial review into the state of Sharia law in the United Kingdom and the bodies administering it has revealed the British government to be unaware of exactly how many of the Islamic law councils are operating in the country, an admission of systemic discrimination against women, including the victim of forced marriage being asked to appear alongside her family, with an “inappropriate” adoption of civil legal terms used. The document — entitled ‘The independent review into the application of sharia law in England and Wales’ — was criticised for taking a theological approach to the issue after Islamic theologian Mona Siddique OBE, as well as Imam Qari ...

Muslim Student Tries To Get Another Student Expelled For Refusing To Wear A Hijab…
Post Date: 2018-02-05 15:16:03 by Horse
A Muslim student tried to get another student expelled Thursday, which was World Hijab Day, after the second student refused to wear a hijab. A Muslim student at the University of Central Florida said that she invited fellow student Kathy Zhu to try on a hijab, reported Twitchy. After Zhu declined her offer, the Muslim student, identified by Zhu to The Daily Caller News Foundation as UCF health sciences student Rayyan Sukkarieh, took to Twitter, posting “let’s get this girl expelled.” Zhu showed pictures on Twitter of the UCF World Hijab Day booth, which displayed Sukkarieh, as well as signs reading “free headscarfs” and “my hijab is a symbol of ...

Post Date: 2018-02-05 14:44:19 by Horse
Media ignores Super Bowl slaughter of NFL linebacker by illegal immigrant A drunk-driving illegal immigrant from Guatemala hit and killed two men Sunday night, one of whom was identified as Indianapolis Colts linebacker Edwin Jackson. Manuel Orrego-Savala, 37, was driving around 4 a.m. when he veered onto the emergency shoulder of Highway I-70 just outside Indianapolis, Indiana, and struck Jackson and his Uber driver Jeffrey Monroe, who were both standing outside of Monroe’s vehicle. Indiana State Police Sgt. John Perrine said Savala gave them the alias Alex Cabrera Gonsales after the crash, but later detectives learned his real name and that he “is in the United States ...

Mexico finds 200 migrants hidden in lorry
Post Date: 2018-02-04 17:08:34 by BTP Holdings
Mexico finds 200 migrants hidden in lorry BBC News 10 hrs ago © EPA Men, women and children were freed from the cramped lorry Nearly 200 undocumented migrants from Central America have been found hidden in a lorry without food or water in north-eastern Mexico. The men, women and children were found crammed into the bottom of the lorry in Tamaulipas state just south of the Texas border, officials said. They had travelled from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador and were bound for the US. Three people have been arrested on suspicion of human trafficking. © BBC Map locator Mexican police said the lorry was stopped at a checkpoint and scanners detected the people hidden ...

Border Patrol arrests ASU instructor who gave food, water to immigrants
Post Date: 2018-02-04 15:09:52 by hondo68
The arrest came hours after the group released videos showing some Border Patrol agents kicking over water bottles left for immigrants. PHOENIX (AP) - A volunteer for group that offers aid to immigrants crossing the desert has been arrested in southern Arizona. He is also an instructor at Arizona State University, the school confirmed to 12 News.The arrest of Scott Daniel Warren on a federal harboring charge came several hours after the group No More Deaths released videos last week showing some Border Patrol agents kicking over water bottles left for immigrants. READ: The attorney representing Warren says the timing of the arrest is suspiciousWarren is an ASU instructor currently ...

Trump Can Enact His MAGA Agenda Anytime He Wants
Post Date: 2018-02-02 20:07:23 by Ada
All Trump needs to do is be a little bit...meaner.148 On recent editions of Alt Right Politics, Richard Spencer and Evan McLaren have developed a “realistic” view on Trump’s immigration deal negotiations, emphasizing the idea that there are practical limitations to what can be accomplished by the current government and admiring the boldness of the Stephen-Miller-led effort to sacrificially accept a DACA amnesty in exchange for ending chain migration. But, before we accept the notion that Trump is hemmed in by practical limitations, let’s consider what he would be able to accomplish right now, for the most part unilaterally, if he had the necessary will. Trump must ...

Couched in anti-immigration language, one of the most Orwellian bills
Post Date: 2018-02-01 20:08:54 by bush_is_a_moonie
Couched in anti-immigration language, one of the most Orwellian bills to be proposed in Congress in a long time has been introduced by several Republican House members. The main sponsor of the bill is Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA-6). The bill already has 70 co-sponsors. The bill was introduced on January 10. H.R. 4760 forces a new biometric National ID on every American citizen. One would not be able to get a job, get a loan, open a bank account, or board a plane without this National ID. And as is always the case, there is a total blackout in reporting on this bill by the mainstream media. Dr. Ron Paul summarizes this draconian bill as follows: ◾Allow federal bureaucrats to include ...

Post Date: 2018-02-01 08:03:02 by Horse
Google searches for the deadly Latin gang “MS-13” spiked by over 4,500% Tuesday as President Donald Trump warned about the threat of unsecured borders. 4,650% spike in searches for #MS13 during #SOTU,” the official GoogleTrends Twitter account notes. The spike correlated with President Trump’s mention of the violent international crime gang four times during his first State of the Union address. Trump called out the gang, and honored the parents of two teenage girls, 15- year-old Nisa Mickens and 16-year-old Kalya Cuevas, who were murdered at the hands of six MS-13 gang members in September 2016.

'Angel Mom': Dems Must Stop Protecting DREAMers & Stand Up for the American People
Post Date: 2018-01-31 19:52:42 by Horse

To Protect Illegals from Deportation, Denver Decriminalizes Pooping on the Pavement
Post Date: 2018-01-31 16:03:20 by Horse
Poster Comment:Headline says it all. I assume the Denver City Council is run by Democrats.

To Protect Illegals from Deportation, Denver Decriminalizes Pooping on the Pavement Folow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker
Post Date: 2018-01-31 16:02:33 by Horse
Poster Comment: Headline says it all. I assume the Denver City Council is run by Democrats.

VIDEO: Luis Gutierrez triggered by ‘USA!’ chants, flees House chamber
Post Date: 2018-01-31 02:55:59 by Horse
Luis Gutierrez, the illegal alien-loving congressman from Illinois, appeared to be triggered during President Trump’s soaring rhetoric during the State of the Union address and fled the House chamber. Trump praised the Capitol building, calling it a monument to the American people. As applause broke out, so did chants of “USA! USA! USA!” Gutierrez left his seat as several Democrats patted him on the arm as he retreated to a safe space. Watch: Poster Comment:Video at source.

Travis Allen Destroys Jorge Ramos in Debate (GOP Candidate)
Post Date: 2018-01-29 15:55:50 by Horse

85 Percent of Black Americans Want Less Immigration, 79 Percent of Whites Agree
Post Date: 2018-01-29 15:03:32 by Horse
A new Harvard-Harris poll shows that 85 percent of black Americans want a reduction in immigration levels to 1 million or lower. Also interesting: more Americans favored zero immigration, than wanted to increase immigration levels. For context, in 2017 over 1.4 million legal immigrants arrived in America, while the number of illegals is unknown. This means that black Americans—not white as is commonly stated—are the racial group most opposed to immigration. The Washington Free Beaconsummarizes the report’s findings nicely: Americans prefer a system of prioritizing would-be legal immigrants based on their ability to contribute, based on their education and skills, over one ...

Dem Party has gone insane. Their new position is that it’s immoral to restrict any kind of immigration, from any country, in any amount, for any reason.ress, is tantamount to a hate crime. #Tucker
Post Date: 2018-01-28 13:44:21 by Horse
Enforcing our existing laws, the ones they voted for & passed in Congress, is tantamount to a hate crime. #Tucker

Meet Europe's Latest Threat: She Is A Blue-Eyed Blonde Who Wants "Finland First"
Post Date: 2018-01-28 13:34:47 by Horse
Laura Huhtasaari, a 38-year-old former teacher, is trying to bring anti- immigration, populist ideas back to mainstream Finnish politics and her campaign for the country's presidency has seen her reputation soar ahead of the first round of voting on Sunday. In brief: she hates the European Union, cheered Brexit and supports Donald Trump — and believes Finland is more than ready for her brand of populism. And, according to Politico, of the eight contenders to be Finland’s next president, "none stand out quite like Huhtasaari." The candidate of the far-right Finns Party is an outlier in both style and substance. She won’t win Sunday’s presidential ...

Israel will pay civilians $9,000 to capture African migrants
Post Date: 2018-01-27 16:48:31 by Horse
Israel is hiring civilian “immigration inspectors” to crack down on “illegal aliens and their employers,” marking a turning point in the Middle Eastern nation’s relationship with migrants and refugees. In an advertisement this month, the Population and Immigration Authority said it would pay up to 30,000 Israeli shekels ($8,845) for civilians to carry out an “enterprise of national importance.” That included undertaking “enforcement tasks” against migrants that involved detecting, investigating, and arresting them. Candidates are expected to start in March 2018, a month before the country starts its designated “voluntary” process to ...

‘Tens of thousands of crimes committed in U.S. that wouldn’t have happened if immigration laws enforced and respected like they should be,’ says AG Sessions
Post Date: 2018-01-27 16:09:48 by Horse
Study: Illegals Commit Crimes At Double Rate Of Native-Born 55 0 The crime rate among illegal immigrants in Arizona is twice that of other residents, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Friday, citing a new report based on conviction data. The report, from the Crime Prevention Research Center, used a previously untapped set of data from Arizona that detailed criminal convictions and found that illegal immigrants between 15 and 35 are less than 3 percent of the state’s population, but nearly 8 percent of its prison population. And the crimes they were convicted of were, on the whole, more serious, said John R. Lott Jr., the report’s author and president of the research center. ...

The TRUTH about Muslim immigration in England
Post Date: 2018-01-26 21:27:20 by Horse
Poster Comment:BBC tried to cover up Muslim immigration. But this Red Pilled white Britons.

Sweden Hell: Armed Migrant Teens Roaming With Kalashnikovs; Military May Be Deployed
Post Date: 2018-01-25 13:05:21 by Horse
As we reported last week, Sweden may or may not be preparing for civil conflict - as Prime Minister Stefan Lofven said that the government would do whatever it takes - including deploying the military - to end the wave of gang violence coming primarily from young migrants in the country's "no-go" zones. "It’s not my first action to put in a military, but I’m prepared to do what it takes to ensure that the seriously organized crime goes away," Lofven said after the party leadership discussion in parliament, adding “it is also obvious that there are social problems... ...We see criminals with total lack of respect for human life, it’s a terrible ...

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