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Sheriff Arpaio Announced Guilty of Criminal Contempt in Unprecedented Move by Judge
Post Date: 2017-08-04 20:09:54 by BTP Holdings
Sheriff Arpaio Announced Guilty of Criminal Contempt in Unprecedented Move by Judge August 2, 2017 Staff Freedom, National News The non-jury trial of former Maricopa County “Sheriff Joe” Arpaio concluded with the judge announcing her guilty decision via electronic communication, rather than by reading the verdict aloud during a hearing with the defendant in attendance, and omitted significant portions of evidence in reaching her conclusion. One defense attorney says this unprecedented and unconstitutional action is grounds for an appeal. By Mark Anderson PHOENIX, Ariz.—Former Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio on July 31 was found guilty of misdemeanor ...

Graham: ‘Not Accurate’ That Foreign Workers Are Hurting American Wages, Job Opportunities
Post Date: 2017-08-04 09:54:02 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
by Pam Key 3 Aug 2017Graham: ‘Not Accurate’ That Foreign Workers Are Hurting American Wages, Job OpportunitiesThursday on MSNBC, when asked about the immigration plan President Donald Trump is supporting, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said he could not support the bill because it is based on an inaccurate argument that foreign workers are hurting American wages and job opportunities.Graham said, “The argument is that these foreign workers are hurting the American wages and job opportunities. I think that is not accurate. I think the truth is that employers can advertise until the cows come home. And there are certain areas like meat packing, and tourism, and agriculture that you ...

Why Trump Is Right about Immigration (RAISE ACT will END Chain Migration)
Post Date: 2017-08-03 07:11:29 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
For the past two years, ever since Donald Trump’s escalator ride, the immigration debate has focused on enforcement and illegality. The wall, criminal aliens, deportation, Obama’s lawless executive amnesty—it’s been all illegal immigration, all the time. And that’s as it should be, at first, because if the rules aren’t enforced, it doesn’t much matter what the rules are. But in the long run the more important questions are: What are the rules? How many people should the federal immigration program admit each year? How should they be selected? How can we minimize the harm from the program while maximizing the benefits? Senators Tom Cotton and David Perdue ...

Lindsey Graham and Ron Johnson Slam RAISE Act - "Would devastate agriculture"
Post Date: 2017-08-03 06:44:55 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
As President Trump announced his support for the Reforming American Immigration for a strong Economy Act (RAISE), proposed by Senators David Purdue (R-GA) and Tom Cotton (R-AR), fellow Republicans in the Senate blasted the bill for its provisions in cutting legal immigration by half. “Unfortunately, the other part of this proposal would reduce legal immigration by half, including many immigrants who work legally in our agriculture, tourism and service industries,” Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said in a statement. He continued, “South Carolina’s number one industry is agriculture, and tourism is number two. If this proposal were to become law, it would be devastating to ...

Senate Neocon Republicans not sure about Trump-backed immigration bill
Post Date: 2017-08-02 23:39:24 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
by Susan Ferrechio | Aug 2, 2017Senate Republicans not sure about Trump-backed immigration billA Senate Republican bill endorsed by President Trump that would drastically reduce legal immigration would have a tough time getting full GOP support, Republicans acknowledged on Wednesday."If we get on immigration, there will be a lot of different perspectives on that," Senate Republican Conference Committee John Thune, R-S.D., told the Washington Examiner. "We have workforce needs, and some of those are filled by the immigrant labor supply."http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/senate-republicans-not-sure-about-trump-backed-immigration-bill/article/2630484

Sanctuary Seattle DREAMER rapes two in same day, breaks jaw, rips ear almost off
Post Date: 2017-08-02 15:51:36 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Illegal Immigrant DREAMer Accused Of Brutal Rape, Molesting 14-Year-Old On The Same Day SEATTLE –  A 23-year-old DREAMer in Washington state is accused of brutally raping a 19-year-old woman in her apartment complex's gym and leaving her with severe facial injuries -- including a broken jaw and dangling ear.The woman ended up stumbling home with missing teeth, a bloody head and wearing only a black tank top, according to court documents obtained by Fox News. She was working out in the gym in Burien, a Seattle suburb, before the June 25 assault and did not know her attacker, police said.He also faces child molestation charges for allegedly assaulting a 14-year-old the same day ...

Oregon Dem Senator Refuses To Discuss 65-Year-Old Woman Raped By Illegal Immigrant
Post Date: 2017-08-02 11:40:14 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Oregon Dem Senator Refuses To Discuss 65-Year-Old Woman Raped By Illegal Immigrant That is a matter for another time. Update to this story. Via Daily Caller:Democratic Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden on Tuesday blew off wanting to talk about an elderly constituent in his state who was raped by an illegal immigrant that was previously deported 20 times. Wyden refused to answer The Daily Caller’s questions about the illegal immigrant accused of raping a 65-year-old woman at her Portland home and assaulting another female in the area. Portland is a sanctuary city. (RELATED: Man Who Allegedly Raped Oregon Woman Had Previous ICE Detainer, 13 Deportations) “We’ll have more to say about ...

Calexit Leader: Replace Fleeing Middle Class With Immigrants
Post Date: 2017-08-02 09:31:17 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
A leader of the movement for California to secede from the U.S. claimed on Tuesday that the middle class leaving California is a “good thing” because it makes room for a “new wave of immigrants.” Fox News’ Tucker Carlson asked “Calexit” leader Shankar Singam how California could stand as its own nation given their current mismanagement has caused the middle class to move to other states. Singam, who believes the Golden State is “not the U.S.,” argued that it is a “good thing” that the middle class is leaving California because it makes room for new immigrants. “We need to open up for the new wave of immigrants to come ...

Texas Judge Placed On Unpaid Leave Because She's Not A US Citizen
Post Date: 2017-08-01 11:19:29 by Horse
A Texas municipal court judge has been placed on unpaid leave because it was discovered that she is not a US citizen. Judge Young Min Burkett was hired in March 2015. It was recently discovered that she does not have citizenship in the united States of America. Chairman of the Municipal Court Committee, Councilwoman Lucy Rubio, said that Ms. Burkett's rulings will still stand. What? Her rulings still stand? I have a simple question, would Mr. Burkett not have had to lie in order to obtain the job? Is there no question on her application that would ask if she were a US citizen? If so, why is she not being prosecuted? Instead of prosecution, Rubio says that Burkett has 90 days to ...

ICE not alerted when sex assault suspect released from jail. attacker deported 20 times
Post Date: 2017-07-30 05:34:11 by Horse
PORTLAND, Ore. -- A man accused of breaking into a 65-year-old woman's home, sexually assaulting her and stealing her car was arrested after allegedly assaulting another woman and running from police. Sergio Jose Martinez, 31, was caught July 24 after officers chased him through a neighborhood. According to court documents filed in March 2017, Martinez has a history of illegal entry into the United States. He has been a transient in the Portland area for more than a year and has been deported 20 times. Martinez has at least five probation violations for re-entering the United States. His most recent removal was in November 2016, according to the March court documents. Immigration ...

Most Violent Gang In The World - THIS IS CNN: MS-13 gang members attack Trump immigration policy
Post Date: 2017-07-29 14:12:16 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
The Clinton News Network is apparently opposed to President Trump’s war on MS-13, the vicious Latin American gang that infiltrated the United States during Barack Obama’s time in office. CNN featured two allegedly members of the gang, and they used their time on screen to attack Trump, and claim his efforts are actually helping MS-13. In a video posted by the network on Friday, the gang members, who had their voices digitally altered and their identities concealed, criticized the president’s efforts to rid America of the murderous thugs. They contend because the Trump administration is increasing its efforts to crack down on illegal immigration, the gang is seizing on the ...

DOJ Pulls Federal Grant Money from Sanctuary Jurisdictions
Post Date: 2017-07-29 03:13:32 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Published:  Wed, Jul 26th 2017 @ 9:16 am EDTThe Department of Justice announced that any jurisdiction who refuses to cooperate with federal immigration enforcement efforts will no longer be eligible to receive money from the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Programs (“Byrne JAG”). Congress can allocate up to $1.095 billion a year on the Byrne JAG program making it one of the DOJ’s largest federal grant programs for state and local jurisdictions. In order for Byrne JAG recipients to receive the funds they will be required to: Certify compliance with section 1373, a federal statute applicable to state and local governments that generally bars ...

House approves spending bill with $1.6 billion to start Trump’s border wall
Post Date: 2017-07-28 21:04:53 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Thursday, July 27, 2017 The House approved $1.6 billion Thursday to fund the first installment of President Trump’s border wall, surmounting Democrats’ unanimous opposition and giving the White House a significant though potentially short-lived victory.The money was attached to a massive security spending bill designed to fund the Pentagon and veterans’ needs, but the legislation now heads to the Senate, where Democrats have signaled that they will resist any money for the border wall. If they mount a filibuster, it would once again leave Mr. Trump and fellow Republicans facing the choice of removing money for the wall or careening ...

Muslim gang rampaged through Liverpool attacking strangers because they were white “non-Muslims”
Post Date: 2017-07-27 14:17:19 by Horse
One witness feared the men were ISIS extremists and counter-terrorism officers later raided the three men’s homes A gang of Muslim men rampaged through Liverpool city centre attacking strangers because they were white “non-Muslims”. One witness feared Amin Mohmed, Mohammed Patel and Faruq Patel were ISIS terrorists. The drunken yobs targeted three unknown men before Mohmed, 24, and Mohammed, 20, set upon Gary Bohanna when he revealed he was Christian. Laughing Faruq, 19, who was not convicted of a racial or religious motive, then filmed Mohmed punching St Helens councillor Paul Lynch to the ground, as his terrified girlfriend tried to protect him. UPDATE: Meet the hero ...

Wooed by a Democrat's promise of 'sanctuary'
Post Date: 2017-07-26 07:49:25 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Wooed by a Democrat's promise of 'sanctuary'TTX tractor trailer w/ illegalshe ghastly deaths of 10 illegal aliens in Texas are shining a light on "sanctuary cities" that encourage illegals to take life-threatening risks. Authorities have said the death toll climbed to 10 victims who died in the sweltering heat of a tractor trailer parked at a Walmart in San Antonio.All totaled, authorities discovered 39 Mexican and Guatemalan nationals July 23 who were smuggled into the United States destined for Houston.One reason those illegals risked their lives is the sanctuary cities that "entice" them with a promise to protect them from deportation, Texas Lt. Gov. Dan ...

State revolts against feds: No more refugees!
Post Date: 2017-07-25 09:37:19 by Ada
Claims U.S. giving 'preferential' status to U.N.-backed migrants Leo Hohmann is a news editor for WND. He has been a reporter and editor at several suburban newspapers in the Atlanta and Charlotte, North Carolina, areas and also served as managing editor of Triangle Business Journal in Raleigh, North Carolina. His latest book is "Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest Through Immigration And Resettlement Jihad." The U.N.'s massive Dadaab camp in Kenya sends a steady stream of Somali refugees to the United States. More than 200 Somalis have entered the U.S. as refugees since Trump's first full day in office on Jan. 21. The U.N.’s massive Dadaab camp in Kenya ...

Acid Attacks Plague London, What’s Really Happening
Post Date: 2017-07-24 20:29:56 by Horse
Poster Comment:Paul Joseph Watson starts at 1:11.

Eight Dead Bodies found in trailer in San Antonio Wal Mart Parking Lot
Post Date: 2017-07-23 07:12:10 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Eight people were found dead Sunday morning inside an 18-wheeler in the parking lot of a Walmart store in San Antonio, city police and fire officials said.  A total of 38 people had been inside the tractor-trailer, including two school-age children, authorities said. Twenty people were taken to area hospitals in critical condition, and another eight had “less critical” injuries. The vehicle did not have a working air conditioning system, authorities said. Authorities were first alerted by a store employee who called the police after being approached by someone from the truck who was asking for water.  “Late last night we ...

Texas is the next California : Tara McCarthy
Post Date: 2017-07-21 19:32:41 by Horse

US Launching Sunday Raids To Arrest Illegal Immigrant Gang Members
Post Date: 2017-07-21 19:13:53 by Horse
With Trump desperate for a distraction from the daily Russian collusion media onslaught, and perhaps under the advice of his brand new counsel, Reuters reports that U.S. immigration agents are set to launch nationwide raids next week to arrest teenagers who entered the country without guardians and are suspected gang members, as part of President Donald Trump's crackdown on illegal immigrants. The raids, targeting teenagers 16 and 17-years-old, will begin on Sunday and continue through Wednesday. Trump, who campaigned on the promise of tough immigration enforcement, has made deporting gang members, especially those belonging to the El Salvador-based Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13, a top ...

The Asian Crime Gangs In California - Full Documentary
Post Date: 2017-07-21 16:02:08 by Horse

LA Gangs Documentary 2017 : Los Angeles Is Being TERRORIZED By RUTHLESS Gangs
Post Date: 2017-07-21 14:30:01 by Horse
Poster Comment:MS-13 documentary. They started with immigrants in LA.

MS 13 Is Being Eviscerated On The East Coast & Here's Why .
Post Date: 2017-07-21 13:56:01 by Horse
Poster Comment:170 MS-13 gang members arrested. Targeting MS-13 gang members for immigration.

California College Chancellor Wants To Abolish Algebra Requirement, Calls It A ‘Civil Rights Issue’
Post Date: 2017-07-21 13:50:40 by Horse
The chancellor of California’s community college system said he wants to abolish the college algebra requirement and called it a “civil rights issue” in a Wednesday interview. Eloy Ortiz Oakley, chancellor of California Community Colleges, made the argument while speaking with NPR. He pegged algebraas overly burdensome due to the disproportionate rate at which it prevents students from graduating from community colleges; nearly 50 percent of community college students do not complete their math requirement. “This is a civil rights issue, but this is also something that plagues all Americans — particularly low-income Americans,” said Oakley. “If you think ...

California judge refuses to bring back Trump's sanctuary cities ban
Post Date: 2017-07-21 07:45:12 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
July 21, 2017In a seeming act of defiance toward the Trump administration, a federal judge in San Francisco has refused to reinstate the president’s sanctuary cities order.  The bold move to not reinstate President Donald Trump's executive order -- which sought to slash funding to cities that limit cooperation with federal immigration authorities -- comes amid a battle between the State Department and local governments across the country over the edict from Washington.http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/07/21/california-judge-refuses-to-bring-back-trumps-sanctuary-cities-ban.html

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