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New York Dem congressman calls for Statue of Liberty to be built on southern border
Post Date: 2017-07-20 08:05:09 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
As Republicans make moves to protect the southern border from illegal immigration, a member of Congress has a different idea: build another Statue of Liberty, instead. During a U.S. House Homeland Security hearing on Tuesday, New York Democratic Rep. José Serrano said instead of building a wall, America should send a different signal: come as you are. “This country should never build a wall to keep people out,” Serrano said. Serrano said America should “deal with the immigration issue,” but a wall shouldn’t be included. “On the contrary, build another Statute of Liberty on the southern border. That’s our message to the world, that statute, not the ...

Female paramedic is doused in 'chemicals' by masked (Muslim) thugs who flagged her down pretending to need help as she rushed to a 999 call
Post Date: 2017-07-19 11:51:45 by Horse
Paramedic was on her way to help a man with chest pain in Tottenham this week But she was flagged down by three men, who threw liquid through the window She had to be treated at hospital for skin irritation but was later discharged Ambulance chief slams 'senseless attack' and vows to bring attackers to justice Three thugs squirted a noxious liquid at a paramedic after flagging her over as she drove to help a patient. The female ambulance worker saw three men apparently in need of help in Tottenham, north London this week and pulled over to see what was the matter. But the trio pulled bandanas over their faces before one of them, who was wearing latex gloves, threw liquid at ...

Post Date: 2017-07-18 08:45:01 by Horse
After a little over a year on the job, he decided to slit his female employer's throat Mohammad Hussain Rashwani was hailed in the media as the “paramount example of successful integration” after he got a job as a hairdresser at a salon in Herzberg, Germany in late 2015. After a little over a year on the job, he decided to slit his female employer’s throat. “For me there weren’t any signs that I could see” Herzberg’s hairdresser speaks about the knife attack by her Syrian employee Herzberg’s master hairdresser talks about what is motivating her these days since the attack by her Syrian employee two weeks ago. Should she have seen this attack ...

Post Date: 2017-07-18 08:36:54 by Horse
A German town’s summer fair turned violent over the weekend, with multiple sexual assaults reported. A group of youths also attacked visitors and officers, with police stating that many of the offenders were migrants. The violence occurred while residents of Schorndorf in the southern German state of Baden-Wuerttemberg celebrated the town’s weeklong fair, referred to as Volksfest (People’s Festival). However, while many were enjoying carnival rides and German beer on Friday – the first day of the fair – at least three sexual assaults occurred in the town, resulting in the detention of an Iraqi suspect. “On Friday evening, police reported three incidents of ...

Speaker Ryan Squeezes 15,000 Extra H-2B Workers From DHS Chief John Kelly
Post Date: 2017-07-17 18:16:39 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Homeland defense secretary John Kelly will print 15,000 additional H-2B visas for foreign blue-collar workers in 2017, according to a statement from the agency. The 11.00 a.m. announcement said: U.S. businesses in danger of suffering irreparable harm due to a lack of available temporary nonagricultural workers will be able to hire up to 15,000 additional temporary nonagricultural workers under the H-2B program … “Congress gave me the opportunity to provide temporary relief to American businesses in danger of suffering irreparable harm due to a lack of available temporary workers,” said DHS Secretary John Kelly. “As a demonstration of the Administration’s ...

U.S. Officials Withdraw From Australian Refugee Resettlement/Relocation Scheme…
Post Date: 2017-07-16 01:09:26 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Refugee activists are apoplectic because U.S. officials have withdrawn from interviewing economic migrants on the Australian island of Nauru.  The entire relocation and immigration scheme was  set into place by President Obama during his lame-duck period after the 2016 Presidential election. Incoming President Donald Trump was not happy when Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull informed him of the secret deal.  President Trump reluctantly agreed to consider the 1,250 asylum seekers and established conditions the refugees would have to pass rigorous checks. SYDNEY/WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. officials interviewing refugees held in an Australian-run offshore ...

France: Muslim migrants dig, camouflage holes with sharp metal objects to TRAP POLICE at night
Post Date: 2017-07-15 19:20:13 by Horse
Make no mistake, this is warfare. French reader Alexandre writes me, “French suburbs, new gaza tunnel ? Holes dug and camouflaged to trap police at night during pursuit races. Several testimonies and photographs have been received from the residents of the district of Trois Ponts in Roubaix. A group of young individuals dug holes 60 cm (23.6 inches)deep on average and covered them to camouflage them. Their goal ? Attract police officers in pursuit races at night to trap them. According to several consistent testimonies, these traps worthy of North American trappers contain sharp metal objects to injure police officers. Police officers alerted by the residents were sent to the scene to ...

Mexico's Gasoline Thieves Go Full Mad Max As Competing Cartels Declare War On Each Other And The Army
Post Date: 2017-07-15 11:42:06 by Horse
Fuel theft in Mexico used to consist of a few villagers drilling holes in Pemex pipelines and carrying away just enough gasoline to fill their vehicles and maybe a couple extra gallons to sell on the side of the freeway. But as The Columbian notes, illegally tapping into pipelines and stealing gas from Mexico's state-owned oil company has morphed into a very well organized criminal enterprise, run by well-armed regional cartels and supported by distribution on a commercial scale to factories and petrol stations. Heavy arms and violence seen in Tuesday’s confrontation in Puebla state reflect its growth into a billion-dollar business that supplies not just the people selling gas on ...

President Trump Planning New Policy To FAST TRACK Deportations Of Illegals
Post Date: 2017-07-14 20:39:17 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
AMAZING: President Trump Planning New Policy To FAST TRACK Deportations Of Illegals Joshua Caplan Jul 14th, 2017 7:21 pm Leave a Comment One of Donald Trump’s core campaign promises was to solve the United States’ illegal immigration problem. In addition to building a ‘big, beautiful wall’, Trump promised to deport those who were in America illegally. A breaking Washington Post report says the President is weighing a new policy to fast track the deportation of illegal aliens. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1493995449995-0'); }); The Washington Post reports: The Trump administration is weighing a new policy to dramatically expand ...

SNAP Still Gives Preference to Illegals over Citizens
Post Date: 2017-07-14 17:57:37 by Horse
It's been nearly six months since Donald Trump took office, and some families with illegal aliens get food stamps (the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP) while identical all-citizen families of the same size and with the same income do not receive them. This is not a question of treating illegal aliens like other residents of this country, it is clear-cut discrimination against citizens and in favor of illegals. This long-standing (and peculiar) arrangement is the sort of thing that one would expect to be corrected by the third, if not the first, month of a new get- tough-on-illegal-immigration administration, such as that of the campaigning Donald Trump. I checked ...

5 MILLION immigrants granted US citizenship can't speak English
Post Date: 2017-07-13 09:54:48 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
In a stunning indictment of the system that tests immigrants on their eligibility to become "naturalized citizens," a new report finds that a third are functionally illiterate, unable to speak and understand enough English to get that status. Some 32 percent of naturalized citizens, about 5 million, fall below "basic" skills in English, the equivalent of being functionally illiterate, according to a new report from the Center for Immigration Studies. The report is a follow on to one that found 67 percent of immigrants in the United States for 15 years or more can't speak much English. According to the U.S. Customs and Immigration Services, those hopeful of becoming ...

House Spending Bill Funds All Of Trump’s Initial $1.6 Billion Border Wall Plan
Post Date: 2017-07-12 09:56:53 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
House Spending Bill Funds All Of Trump’s Initial $1.6 Billion Border Wall Plan Democrats will counter with a government shutdown. Via Washington Examiner:A must-pass Homeland Security funding bill proposed by House Republicans on Tuesday includes $1.6 billion to fund the beginning of a border wall along the Mexican border that President Trump promised voters in 2016. The money in included in the fiscal 2018 Department of Homeland Security appropriations bill, which is up for a subcommittee vote on Wednesday. The $44.3 billion measure pays for a broad array of federal security programs, including aviation security, border and immigration enforcement, customs, cyberterrorism ...

Mexican illegal immigrant who has been removed from the US SEVEN times had 'drunk 12 beers and was driving at 100mph' when he crashed his van and killed a father-of-three
Post Date: 2017-07-11 20:59:54 by Horse
Nemias Garcia-Velasco, 32, was charged with motor vehicle homicide He reportedly told officers he had '12 beers' before getting behind wheel Prsosecutors say he was going over 100mph when he lost control of van The crash killed Silvano Torres, 58, who was riding in the cargo area of the van Prosecutors said Garcia-Velasco has been removed from US total of seven times Nemias Garcia-Velasco (pictured), 32, was allegedly going over 100mph when he lost control of his 2001 Dodge Ram work van and crashed, killing 58-year-old Silvano Torres An illegal immigrant, who has been removed from the United States seven times, had consumed '12 beers and was driving at 100mph' when he ...

Mo Brooks in Senate Ad: Fund President Trump’s Border Wall or Face Government Shutdown
Post Date: 2017-07-10 11:18:35 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL), a Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Alabama, is threatening to shut the government down in the U.S. Senate if his colleagues do not fund President Donald J. Trump’s planned border wall along the U.S. border with Mexico. Mo Brooks, one of three major candidates in the race to succeed now Attorney General Jeff Sessions for Sessions’ seat, made the threat in a new ad set to air statewide in Alabama on television soon. “Hi, I’m Mo Brooks, candidate for the Senate, and I approved this message,” Brooks opens the ad, titled “Build The Wall.” The ad was provided exclusively by Brooks’ campaign to Breitbart News ahead of its ...

Merkel Migrant Blowback Begins: "Chechen Sharia Police Terrorize Berlin"
Post Date: 2017-07-10 10:18:49 by Horse
Threats of violence against "errant" women are viewed as "acts of patriotism." "They have come to Germany because they wanted to live in Germany, but they keep trying to turn it into Chechnya with its medieval ways." — Social worker interviewed by Meduza. "Everyone's attention is fixed on the Syrians, but the Chechens are the most dangerous group. We are not paying sufficient attention to this." — Police in Frankfurt (Oder). A hundred Islamists are now openly enforcing Sharia law on the streets of Berlin, according to local police who are investigating a recent string of violent assaults in the German capital. The self-appointed ...

Italy’s Backlash to Soaring Invasion,
Post Date: 2017-07-10 02:08:02 by Horse
Synopsis: With the closing of the overland routes between Turkey and Western Europe, the primary route for the Soros-sponsored invasion is now Italy. Poster Comment:STARTS AT 1:17

Sweden’s Islamic Rape Epidemic: Almost Half of Victims are CHILDREN..."92 percent of all severe rapes (violent rapes) are committed by migrants
Post Date: 2017-07-09 13:48:14 by Horse
Rapes are rampant in Sweden, following years of Muslim immigration. An alarmingly high percentage of the victims are children. 10News Update Rapes in Sweden has been soaring since the country started to take in large numbers of Muslim migrants and refugees. According to statistics, 92 percent of all severe rapes (violent rapes) are committed by migrants and refugees. 100 percent of all attack rapes (where victim and attacker had no previous contact) are committed by that same group. The top-10 list of rapists’ national background shows only one non-Islamic country (Chile). Most rapists have Iraqi background, followed by refugees and migrants from Afghanistan, Somalia, Eritrea, ...

ALL newborns will be given a hepatitis B jab after health watchdog says 96% of cases are among immigrants
Post Date: 2017-07-09 13:31:26 by Horse
Babies born from August 1 will receive doses of 'Hexa' jab at 4, 8 and 16 weeks Comes after health watchdog warns immigration in UK is causing hepatitis spike Historically blood-borne virus in UK has been low but now cases are on the rise All babies are to be vaccinated against a deadly cancer-causing virus which experts fear is becoming increasingly common due to immigration. They will be inoculated against hepatitis B, which can trigger liver cancer, in a new jab that will also protect against five other diseases. Every baby born from August 1 will receive doses of the ‘Hexa’ jab at four, eight and 16 weeks. All babies are to be vaccinated against a deadly ...

Distorted Pope Francis Says America Has ‘a Distorted Vision of the World’
Post Date: 2017-07-09 13:06:14 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
As transclated into English by Agence France Presse, which picked up the story, Pope Francis told La Repubblica: “I worry about very dangerous alliances between powers which have a distorted vision of the world: America and Russia, China and North Korea, (Russian President Vladimir) Putin and (Syria’s Bashar al-) Assad over the war in Syria.”Quote“The danger concerns immigration,” the pope continued to La Repubblica, as translated by AFP. “Our main and unfortunately growing problem in the world today is that of the poor, the weak, the excluded, which includes migrants.”“This is why the G20 worries me: It mainly hits immigrants,” Pope Francis ...

Mexican Anchor Baby Mamma Kills Four Of Her Children, Then Murders Husband
Post Date: 2017-07-08 10:09:43 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Illegal Alien Accused of Stabbing Her Four Children, Husband to DeathAn illegal alien has been arrested after being accused of killing four of her five children and her husband in a brutal stabbing.Isabel Martinez, an illegal alien with an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainer, is accused of stabbing to death four of her children, including 2-year-old Axel, 4-year-old Dillan, 7-year-old Dacota and 10-year-old Isabela Martinez, and her husband, 33-year-old Martin Romero, according to the Atlanta-Journal Constitution.Martinez also allegedly stabbed her fifth child, 9-year-old Diana Romero, but after being airlifted to the hospital following the stabbing incident, she is expected ...

HIDDEN CAM: 'Stealing' Illegal Immigrant's Jobs!
Post Date: 2017-07-07 12:45:30 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Published on Jul 3, 2017 Steven Crowder goes undercover to "steal" work from illegal immigrants by underbidding them for their jobs. Hilarity ensues as we quickly learn these Mexicans don't have a great affinity for white people or competition!

Federal Judge Denies Hawaii’s Challenge To President Trump Travel Ban
Post Date: 2017-07-07 12:44:46 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
More Winning – A federal judge in Hawaii has rejected a motion filed by that state seeking to limit the scope of President Donald Trump’s so-called travel ban, parts of which were cleared to be implemented by the U.S. Supreme Court. “Because Plaintiffs seek clarification of the June 26, 2017 injunction modifications authored by the Supreme Court, clarification should be sought there, not here.” U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson said in a ruling Thursday in Honolulu that the Supreme Court is the proper venue to deal with the issue.

Trump says Mexico 'absolutely' should pay for border wall after meeting Pena Nieto
Post Date: 2017-07-07 12:07:12 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Trump says Mexico 'absolutely' should pay for border wall after meeting Pena NietoPresident Trump said Friday he still believes Mexico should pay for a wall along the southern border between the U.S. and Mexico, reaffirming his commitment to the idea shortly after meeting with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto in Germany."Absolutely," Trump said when asked if he expects Mexico to fund construction of the wall."We're negotiating NAFTA and some other things with Mexico and we'll see how it all turns out, but I think we've made very good progress," Trump told reporters after the meeting with Pena Nieto.Mexican officials have said repeatedly that they ...

Austria to send troops and armoured vehicles to border with Italy to block migrants
Post Date: 2017-07-04 16:56:27 by Horse
Austria has deployed armoured vehicles close to its border with Italy and will send up to 750 soldiers to block any migrants trying to head north, the government announced. The move reflects deep concern in Vienna and elsewhere in Europe over the huge number of asylum seekers who continue to cross the Mediterranean from Libya – so far this year more than 85,000 have been rescued and brought to Italy. But it prompted a rebuke from Rome, with the Italian foreign ministry summoning Austria’s ambassador to explain the beefing up of border security. Italy has warned in the past that such measures would contravene EU rules on free movement. Austria said it would ramp up border ...

Illegal Alien Allegedly Tazes, Scalds, Rapes Mom in Front of Children
Post Date: 2017-07-01 22:04:06 by Horse
An illegal alien is one of three teenagers who are accused of scalding a Georgia woman with hot water and raping her in her home near her children. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials confirmed in a statement to the Dustin Inman Society, an anti-illegal immigration organization, that Josue Ramirez is an illegal alien. Ramirez, 19-years-old, along with 17-year-old Francisco Palencia and an unidentified 15-year-old girl have been arrested after they allegedly broke into a woman’s home and raped her, as FOX 5 Atlanta reported. According to the victim, Ramirez and Palencia broke into her home and shot her with Tasers, forcing her to her bedroom. When the woman fought the ...

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