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California...Here We Come!
Post Date: 2009-06-28 18:56:18 by Horse
PALM SPRINGS, Ca -- In just a few weeks time, California hits the wall. And Americans should take a good, long look at the fiscal and social wreck of the Golden Land, because California is at a place to which all of America is heading. In May, when five fund-raising proposals were put on the ballot, Gov. Schwarzenegger pleaded with the overtaxed Californians not to make their state "the poster child for dysfunction." As The Economist writes, "On May 18th, they did exactly that." Arnold went to the White House for U.S. loan guarantees for new state bonds. But with the president's approval rating wilting because of a belief he is spending too much, the Obama-ites ...

Feds arrest head of anti-gang group in LA
Post Date: 2009-06-25 18:32:48 by Horse
LOS ANGELES (AP) - A man who said he left a ruthless street gang in Central America and later won praise for his anti-gang work in Los Angeles was arrested Wednesday by authorities who allege he conspired to kill a rival even as he spoke out against gang life. Alex Sanchez, 37, who heads the local office of the nonprofit Homies Unidos anti-gang group, was taken into custody at his Bellflower home on federal racketeering charges, authorities said. The indictment names 24 leaders, members and associates of MS-13, part of the Mara Salvatrucha gang affiliated with the Mexican Mafia prison gang. It alleges crimes that include seven murders, eight conspiracies to commit murder, and gun and ...

Mexican Cartels Lure American Teens as Killers
Post Date: 2009-06-24 17:48:29 by Horse
LAREDO, Tex. — When he was finally caught, Rosalio Reta told detectives here that he had felt a thrill each time he killed. It was like being Superman or James Bond, he said. “I like what I do,” he told the police in a videotaped confession. “I don’t deny it.” Mr. Reta was 13 when he was recruited by the Zetas, the infamous assassins of the Gulf Cartel, law enforcement officials say. He was one of a group of American teenagers from the impoverished streets of Laredo who was lured into the drug wars across the Rio Grande in Mexico with promises of high pay, fancy cars and sexy women. After a short apprenticeship, the young men lived in an expensive house in ...

Gang Rape: Is It a Race Issue?
Post Date: 2009-06-24 12:24:17 by Prefrontal Vortex
Gang rape: Is it a race issue? A high proportion of such attacks appears to be carried out by young black men, according to Metropolitan Police statistics. Sorious Samura investigates this horrendous crime – and what it says about Britain today Sunday, 21 June 2009 In 1999 I witnessed a gang rape in Sierra Leone. I was forced to watch a group of rebel soldiers taking it in turns to rape a young girl in front of an audience of jeering men. It was the height of the civil conflict and rape had become a devastating weapon of war. When I moved to Britain I believed I had escaped such horrific sexual violence. As my Dispatches investigation tomorrow night shows, I was mistaken. Gang rape ...

Sharpton in Arizona unable to hold press conference
Post Date: 2009-06-23 15:18:42 by Jethro Tull
PHOENIX — The Rev. Al Sharpton on Friday called for opponents of an Arizona sheriff who has aggressively cracked down on illegal immigration to videotape alleged racial profiling by the sheriff’s office. The civil rights leader said the videos will help the U.S. Department of Justice in an investigation of alleged civil rights abuses by Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s office. “We’re gonna start some freedom rides around this county, to show how people of a certain color are treated different than other people,” Sharpton told a crowd of several hundred people at the Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church in Phoenix. Sharpton spoke with Arpaio later Friday in a ...

Lou Dobbs Reports on 287-G Immigration Enforcement Program
Post Date: 2009-06-21 16:47:35 by Horse

Illegal Immigrant Accused of Sexually Assaulting At Least 9 Girls Under 8 in New Jersey
Post Date: 2009-06-19 21:36:29 by freepatriot32
An illegal immigrant in New Jersey reportedly has been charged with sexually assaulting nine girls under the age of 8 — and prosecutors fear there could be more victims. Cirilo Cholula, 18, faces nine counts of child endangerment and aggravated sexual assault against girls ranging in age from 4 to 7 years old, The Star-Ledger reported. Ocean County Prosecutor Marlene Lynch Ford told The Star-Ledger that authorities began investigating Cholula after parents of one alleged victim told police they suspected he had molested the young girl. The illegal Mexican immigrant, who the prosecutor’s office said knew all the alleged victims, was arrested Tuesday night and was being held on ...

Schwarzenegger: Don't blame state budget deficit on illegal immigrants
Post Date: 2009-06-17 09:21:10 by Disgusted
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Friday disputed claims that illegal immigrants caused California's $24.3 billion deficit, while he praised their economic contributions and said he is "happy" they have access to services. The Republican governor, answering wide-ranging questions from The Bee's editorial board and its readers, also vented about roadblocks to his authority posed by political foes and warned that government can't sustain the current level of "unbelievable benefits" for public-sector workers. In response to dozens of questions from readers who say the state ought to wipe out the deficit by eliminating services for illegal immigrants, the governor ...

County bracing for flood of uninsured patients
Post Date: 2009-06-16 17:28:18 by Prefrontal Vortex
County bracing for flood of uninsured patients By Tom Kisken (Contact) Tuesday, June 16, 2009 Ventura County health leaders are gearing up for continued increases in uninsured patients who show up in clinics, urgent care centers and emergency rooms as a result of state budget cuts that could take away as much as $22 million from public healthcare in the area beginning next month. At a county budget hearing Monday evening, Ventura County Health Care Agency Director Mike Powers said the state’s approved health cuts will take away about $9 million from the county. Additional cuts proposed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger but not yet approved could take away $13 million more from a county ...

(white) Governor vetoes move to make driver's test English-only (Kentucky)
Post Date: 2009-06-11 00:52:02 by X-15
Governor Steve Beshear Wednesday reversed a decision by Kentucky State Police to start offering the written drivers license test only in English. Kentucky had previously offered the test in 22 different languages. KSP officials say to grade the old tests given in foreign languages, answer keys provided by translators had to be used, and the costs really added up. But even in these times of severe budget cuts, the governor couldn't justify an English only test. Jay Blanton, a spokesman for the state's chief executive, tells 27 NEWSFIRST, "The governor just learned about this Tuesday night, and when he did, he believed it was simply the wrong thing to do, a mistake as a matter ...

Post Date: 2009-06-11 00:08:20 by X-15
If you vote as a democrat, you try to aid the poor in order to uplift them to a better life. If you vote as a republican, you call on citizens to take personal responsibility and accountability. It’s been said that when you’re young, you vote democratic from your idealistic zeal because you possess a heart, but no brain. You want to help everybody with taxpayers’ money. When you’re older, if you vote republican, it means you lack a heart but you utilize your brain. You think citizens need to take personal responsibility for their lives. Since 1965, our U.S. Government, led by forever Senator Teddy Kennedy, passed the Immigration Reform Act, which bumped annual ...

Airyn Bell, wife of radio talk show legend Art Bell, has been denied a U.S. Visa.
Post Date: 2009-06-08 00:00:55 by TwentyTwelve
Art Bell's Wife Denied U.S. Visa June 06, 2009 Airyn Bell, wife of radio talk show legend Art Bell, has been denied a U.S. Visa. Read about their incredible struggle against the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). [Click the image on the left for proof the USCIS received the necessary documents from the Bells.] Please also help Art plead his wife's case. Contact the President and his staff at whitehouse.gov. Here's the letter Art Bell wrote to Senator Harry Reid on behalf of his wife Airyn Bell: My name is Arthur W. Bell. My Wife is Airyn R. Bell. We have been Married over (3) Years now and have a (2) Year old Daughter who was born in Las Vegas, Nevada. My ...

The Immigration Act of 1924 (The Johnson-Reed Act)
Post Date: 2009-06-07 08:30:52 by Deasy
The Immigration Act of 1924 limited the number of immigrants allowed entry into the United States through a national origins quota. The quota provided immigration visas to two percent of the total number of people of each nationality in the United States as of the 1890 national census. It completely excluded immigrants from Asia. In 1917, the U.S. Congress enacted the first widely restrictive immigration law. The uncertainty generated over national security during World War I made it possible for Congress to pass this Act, and it included several important provisions that paved the way for the 1924 Act. The 1917 Act implemented a literacy test that required immigrants over 16 years old to ...

Mexico’s Take Over Of California: Complete By 2014?
Post Date: 2009-06-06 21:00:43 by Jethro Tull
 By Joe Guzzardi In March, April and May, I wrote a series of columns about the sorry condition of California’s GOP (here, here and here). I also handicapped the party’s dismal prospects for winning any of the three most critical elections—either of the two U.S. Senate seats currently held by Democrats Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein or the 2010 governor’s race to replace termed-out Republican incumbent Arnold Schwarzenegger. Although Boxer will also run in 2010 for re-election, California is in such dire straits that all eyes will be on the governor’s contest. That shapes up as a probable match between Republican political novice Meg Whitman versus either ...

The Great U-Turn
Post Date: 2009-06-06 13:16:10 by Flintlock
The Great U-Turn Global Migration Flows Reverse for the First Time Since the Depression as Work in the Rich World Dries Up By PATRICK BARTA and JOEL MILLMAN Brígido de Jesús González lived in Queens, N.Y., for the past 20 years, working as a landscaper to support his wife and kids back in El Salvador. But with the recession clobbering his business, the illegal immigrant decided to pack up and return to his native country -- for good. "I was thinking [of opening] a mechanic's shop for cars, or maybe a gas place, where my neighbors can come and fill up their propane tanks," says Mr. González, 50. The new businesses could be a good way to help his ...

Drug gang allegedly runs Mexican state
Post Date: 2009-06-05 23:28:20 by Horse
LAZARO CARDNEAS, Mexico, May 31 (UPI) -- A new, violent and cult-like drug trafficking group has taken over the day-to-day political life of the Mexican state of Michoacan, residents allege. Called La Familia Michoacana, the drug cartel can, at times, dictate who will run for office and frequently puts its own people up for election, which critics say is a perversion of democracy, the Los Angeles Times reported Sunday. The newspaper said Mexican federal authorities last week arrested 10 Michoacan mayors and 20 other local officials as part of a drug probe, alleging La Familia has infiltrated many city halls as the state and country prepares for national contests on July 5. Police say ...

Deasy's 30 Second Analysis of the Obama "Islam" Speech
Post Date: 2009-06-05 23:12:13 by Deasy
This is important because no development strategy can be based only upon what comes out of the ground, nor can it be sustained while young people are out of work. Many Gulf States have enjoyed great wealth as a consequence of oil, and some are beginning to focus it on broader development. But all of us must recognize that education and innovation will be the currency of the 21st century, and in too many Muslim communities there remains underinvestment in these areas. I am emphasizing such investments within my country. And while America in the past has focused on oil and gas in this part of the world, we now seek a broader engagement. On education, we will expand exchange programs, and ...

Racial hatred runs African American family out of dream home
Post Date: 2009-06-05 11:58:48 by Prefrontal Vortex
Racial hatred runs African American family out of dream home By Corina Knoll June 4, 2009 The house, a three-bedroom cream-colored residence on a peaceful street, even had yellow and red roses waving merrily from the front lawn. And while the backyard was cramped, there was a nectarine tree, a red swing set and a small gazebo. This is it, Channise Davy thought. Home. Happy to have found a place near her salon in Altadena and close to her fiance in Pasadena, the 31-year-old hairdresser moved her four children from North Hollywood into the one-story charmer on Broach Avenue in Duarte last fall. Davy never thought about the fact that they would be the only black family on the mostly ...

Man fathers 21 children by 11 different women... and he's only 29
Post Date: 2009-05-29 13:00:29 by Jethro Tull
Man fathers 21 children by 11 different women... and he's only 29 By Paul Thompson Last updated at 3:04 AM on 29th May 2009 Comments (21) Add to My Stories A man aged 29 has fathered 21 children with 11 different women, it emerged yesterday. Desmond Hatchett's brood came to light after authorities in Tennessee in the U.S. took him to court for non-payment of child support. He has apparently set a U.S. record but said: 'It just happened.' He's the daddy: Desmond Hatchett speaks to reporters about his prolific brood He added that he would not have any more children. 'I'm done. I'll say I'm done,' he said. Hatchett, who earns a minimal wage, told ...

British Protest Muslims
Post Date: 2009-05-28 07:00:17 by Turtle
Poster Comment:Anyone who thinks Europeans won't rise up and expell and slaughter Muslims knows zero about the history of Europe.

Critics focus on Sotomayor speech in La Raza journal
Post Date: 2009-05-28 05:59:02 by Deasy
Leading The News Critics focus on Sotomayor speech in La Raza journal By Alexander Bolton Posted: 05/27/09 01:36 PM [ET] Senate Republicans investigating Sonia Sotomayor’s record are zeroing in on a speech she delivered in 2001 in which she stated her hope that a “wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences,” including appreciation for Latin-American cuisine, “would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.” They are also taking a close look at the Supreme Court nominee's skepticism, expressed in the same speech, about whether it is possible for judges to “transcend their personal ...

Troops Clain "Supernatural " Powers After Pygmy Sodomy
Post Date: 2009-05-27 06:09:07 by Turtle
GOVERNMENT troops sodomised pygmies in March in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, believing they would gain supernatural powers, a regional rights group said. “Some soldiers from the 85th Brigade sodomised three male pygmies to gain supernatural powers and protection in Kisa village in Walikale territory,” the Human Rights League of the Great Lakes said. “The village chief was stripped and (sodomised) in the presence of his wife, his children and daughter in-law. “The children in turn were stripped and raped in front of their father.” It said armed groups in the region also abused the pygmies. Elderly citizens and children were also being raped by the ...

Video shows 53 dangerous inmates escaping Mexican prison
Post Date: 2009-05-23 18:07:39 by Horse
Security camera footage released in Mexico shows 53 dangerous inmates escaping from a prison in the capital while guards are said to have stood by.

$1.6 mil OK'd for Arpaio's illegal-immigrant program
Post Date: 2009-05-21 21:11:04 by X-15
The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors on Wednesday voted to accept $1.6 million from the state to help pay for illegal-immigration enforcement by Sheriff Joe Arpaio. The money will supplement the enforcement through an agreement with the state Department of Public Safety. The vote was controversial because of the sheriff's adversarial relationship with the board, budget fights and investigations. Also, the program that allows the Sheriff's Office to enforce federal immigration laws, known as 287(g,) is under review by the federal government after a report found the program lacks clear goals about what kinds of criminals should be targeted. Separately, the U.S. Justice ...

U.S. to Expand Immigration Checks to All Local Jails - Could lead to spike in deportation cases
Post Date: 2009-05-20 11:54:32 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
WASHINGTON - The Obama administration is expanding a program initiated by President George W. Bush aimed at checking the immigration status of virtually every person booked into local jails. In four years, the measure could result in a tenfold increase in illegal immigrants who have been convicted of crimes and identified for deportation, current and former U.S. officials said. By matching inmates' fingerprints to federal immigration databases, authorities hope to pinpoint deportable illegal immigrants before they are released from custody. Inmates in federal and state prisons already are screened. But authorities generally lack the time and staff to do the same at local jails, which ...

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