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On Verge of Civil War : Thanks To Bush, The Catholic Church, Southern Poverty Law Center, And ADL
Post Date: 2006-04-11 22:19:22 by Mind_Virus
On Verge of Civil War Henrietta Bowman Insurrection n : organized opposition to authority; a conflict in which one faction tries to wrest control from another On Verge of Civil War Thanks to President Bush, the Los Angeles Times, the Ford Foundation, the Catholic Church, Citicorp, Sears, The Southern Poverty Law Center, the Anti-Defamation League and and a variety of others groups and individuals, the United States of America is on the verge of a civil war. The House of Representatives will never agree to an amnesty bill. (Watch Meet the Press). And, millions of militant illegal aliens will not stop protesting until they get it. As we have warned for years, we are going to have a war ...

A blast from the past: Mexican President Salinas says NAFTA would slow illegal immigration
Post Date: 2006-04-11 21:22:16 by Jethro Tull
Mexican President Salinas says NAFTA would slow illegal immigration Knight Ridder/Tribune News Service; 9/21/1993; Schrader, Esther SAN FRANCISCO _ Acknowledging that the fate of the free trade pact between Mexico and its northern neighbors is imperiled, Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari argued here Monday that approving the treaty would slow illegal immigration into California. During an unabashed sales trip to promote the trade deal on which he has staked his country's economic future, Salinas argued that ``migration to the United States will be drastically reduced with more free trade between the U.S., Mexico and Canada.'' Speaking to a conference of international ...

Md. students to get service credits for immigration rally
Post Date: 2006-04-11 20:00:43 by Tauzero
Md. students to get service credits for immigration rally By The Associated Press 04.10.06 WASHINGTON — Montgomery County high school students who attend today's immigration rights protest on the National Mall will receive credit toward Maryland's community-service graduation requirement. Montgomery is the only Washington-area school system offering students credit for taking part in the event. Superintendent Jerry D. Weast said the decision was consistent with the system's previous policy. But it did not sit well with some parents and activists who said education, not political advocacy, should be the schools' main focus. School system offices were flooded with angry phone calls ...

he unstoppable surge of illegal aliens. (immigration-reform bill fails)
Post Date: 2006-04-11 19:24:09 by Jethro Tull
p>The unstoppable surge of illegal aliens. (immigration-reform bill fails) U.S. News & World Report; 6/6/1988; Whitman, David The immigration-reform bill was supposed to seal the border by denying jobs to undocumented workers. It hasn't delivered It was hailed as the antidote for illegal immigration: A bipartisan plan that would finally halt the flood of undocumented aliens across U.S. borders by eliminating the biggest lure-plentiful jobs. Yet now, after only 18 months, critics are calling the heralded Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 the biggest flop since Prohibition. That may be premature, but it's clear the law is floundering. In the first four months of ...

Kennedy urges: 'Never give up'
Post Date: 2006-04-11 17:31:15 by Tauzero
Kennedy urges: 'Never give up' By EVAN LEHMANN, Sun Washington Bureau WASHINGTON -- Addressing thousands of immigrants gathered on the National Mall yesterday, Sen. Edward Kennedy vowed to continue fighting for their citizenship, saying he would "never give up." The surging crowd, consuming a half-mile of the Mall and waving a sea of American flags, chanted: "Kennedy! Kennedy! Kennedy!" "Today we stand together as brothers and sisters to shape America's destiny," the Massachusetts Democrat told the crowd, a translator repeating him in Spanish. "It's time for Americans to lift their voices now in pride for their immigrant past, and in pride for their ...

Americans back chance at status, poll shows
Post Date: 2006-04-11 17:15:34 by Tauzero
Americans back chance at status, poll shows By JONATHAN WEISMAN Washington Post WASHINGTON - A new Washington Post-ABC News poll found 63 percent of those surveyed backed letting immigrants who have lived in the country a certain number of years apply for legal status and eventually become permanent citizens. In contrast, only 14 percent favored a plan to let illegal immigrants stay and work for a limited number of years before having to return to their home countries — an alternative pushed by Sens. John Cornyn, R-Texas, and Jon Kyl, R-Ariz. Another 20 percent said illegal immigrants should be declared felons and offered no temporary work program, a stand that corresponds with the ...

Group Burns Mexican Flag In Front of Tucson's Mexican Consulate
Post Date: 2006-04-11 10:03:34 by Mind_Virus
Paul Cicala Reports Group Burns Mexican Flag In Front of Consulate Posted April 9, 2006 at 7:10PM MST Updated April 10, 2006 at 9:13AM MST Dozens of protestors and counter protestors showed up in front of Tucson's Mexican Consulate as a Mexican flag was burned in a heated debate that saw tempers flare. Border Guardians, a group formed along the Arizona border to speak out against the estimated thousands of illegal immigrants that enter the U.S. every day through the Tucson sector, led the protest. "Flags are symbols of government, not of people," shouted Roy Warden, as a member of his group, Border Guardians, set fire to the Mexican Flag. One woman speaking out against the ...

Post Date: 2006-04-11 02:08:08 by Uncle Bill
FORGET ABOUT CIVIL WAR IN IRAQ, ONE IS COMING TO AMERICA NewsWithViews By Pastor Chuck Baldwin April 11, 2006 While American troops are hunkered down in "safe zones" in Iraq trying to stay out of an escalating civil war, our government seems oblivious to a growing threat of civil war right here in the United States. As anyone can see, millions of illegal aliens living here are becoming more vocal, more demonstrative, more belligerent, and more violence-prone by the day. Unless our government takes deliberate and significant action immediately, America could be in for serious civil unrest real soon. It is absolutely incredible that our government would tolerate people who are ...

Post Date: 2006-04-11 01:48:31 by Uncle Bill
America the infiltrated Worldnetdaily By Joseph Farah April 11, 2006 You've got to hand it to Americans. If ever there was a group of people more patient, more willing to turn the other cheek, more forgiving and tolerant – I just don't know who it would be. Every day now, it seems, hundreds of thousands of ungrateful human parasites rally in American cities condemning their host country's lack of hospitality. Think about this. Somewhere around 20 million foreigners have entered this country illegally and stayed here – taking advantage of America's health-care system, educational system, welfare system, taxing its criminal justice system and competing for jobs with those at ...

Former Mexican President Zedillo Speech In Chicago Declared War On The US In 1997 - America Shrugged
Post Date: 2006-04-10 21:48:38 by Uncle Bill
VIDEO - Broadband VIDEO - Dialup "I have proudly proclaimed that the Mexican nation extends beyond the territory enclosed by its borders. And that Mexican migrants are an important, a very important part of it...."For that reason, my government proposed a constitutional amendment to allow any Mexican, with the right and the desire to acquire another nationality, without being forced to first give up his or her Mexican nationality. (Cheering and applause) Fortunately, the amendment was passed almost unanimously by our federal congress and is now part of our constitution."Former Mexican President Zedillo Villaraigosa praises former Mexican President Zedillo for helping to kill ...

Protests Draw Thousands for Immigrant Rights
Post Date: 2006-04-10 21:43:51 by robin
Click for mas fotos Protests Draw Thousands for Immigrant Rights By Michael Muskal and Robert Salladay Times Staff Writers 5:59 PM PDT, April 10, 2006 WASHINGTON — Legal and illegal, carrying signs in English and Spanish, hundreds of thousands of immigrants and their supporters took to the streets Monday in the nation's capital and in dozens of cities around the country, spreading a sea of white T-shirts and American flags across city parks and TV screens in an effort to persuade lawmakers to grant foreign-born workers more rights. Chanting "Si, se puede" — "Yes, we can" — and carrying signs declaring "We are America," marchers at the ...

Line In The Sand
Post Date: 2006-04-10 19:17:00 by Zipporah
FREE MOVIE DOWNLOADS Instructions: Download the high quality 381 mb Windows Media file of "The Line in the Sand" directly from this site. If you use Firefox or Mozilla, hold down the "shift" key and click the left mouse button on the "Windows Media file" download link below. Those of you with Internet Explorer should click on the "Windows Media file" link with the right mouse button and then click "save target as" on the menu that appears and select the download directory on your computer. The file looks very good when viewed in the "full screen" mode at a distance of 5 feet from the computer screen. You will need a high ...

Mr. President: If Minutemen Are Vigilantes, What Do You Call 500,000 Illegal Aliens Demanding Rights?
Post Date: 2006-04-10 18:13:32 by Mind_Virus
Mr. President: If Minutemen Are Vigilantes, What Do You Call 500,000 Illegal Aliens Demanding Rights? By: Citizen Conservative: on Apr 10, 2006 When the Minutemen set up shop at the Arizona border last year to call attention to the illegal alien loophole in US Homeland Security, President Bush foolishly chided these brave patriots by calling them vigilantes. Although chagrined at being deserted by the man who has the constitutional responsibility and authority to defend our borders, the Minutemen dug in their heels and persisted. And persisted. Their Yankee determination to do the right thing was rewarded when President Bush finally sent additional border patrol agents to Arizona. Even ...

Leading 'La Marcha'
Post Date: 2006-04-10 17:12:20 by Tauzero
Leading 'La Marcha' Rinku Sen April 10, 2006 Rinku Sen is the publisher of ColorLines magazine and communications director of the Applied Research Center (ARC). Last month, hundreds of thousands of immigrants marched to protest Rep. James F. Sensenbrenner’s, R-Wis., punitive immigration bill. Five hundred thousand marched in Los Angeles, 100,000 in Chicago, and 50,000 in Denver. Similar numbers are expected today . The protests have touched many more than even those numbers imply. Millions of people—at kitchen tables, in bars, at the bowling alley—are now debating the rights of immigrants, particularly Latinos, to assert themselves as Americans while holding to their ...

Move against Russian rabbi blasted
Post Date: 2006-04-10 11:50:20 by bluegrass
Russian Jewish leaders criticized a lawmaker’s motion to check how one of Russia’s chief rabbis received Russian citizenship. The development concerns Berel Lazar, chief Lubavitch emissary in the former Soviet Union and head of the Chabad-led Federation of Jewish Communities, the region’s largest Jewish group. Last Friday, the Duma, Russia’s lower house of Parliament, authorized a committee to file an inquiry with the authorities to clarify why Lazar, an Italian-born U.S. citizen, was made a Russian citizen without undergoing required naturalization procedures. The motion was proposed by Boris Vinogradov, a member of the nationalist Motherland Party. On Monday, the ...

Gasoline Nears $3 in U.S., Hurting Bush, GM, Helping Refiners
Post Date: 2006-04-10 11:06:43 by Brian S
April 10 (Bloomberg) -- Gasoline is climbing toward the U.S. record of $3.07 a gallon, and the damage is piling up for President George W. Bush and General Motors Corp. Higher fuel prices may deepen losses for makers of gas- guzzling sport utility vehicles and trim sales for Wal-Mart Stores Inc., the world's largest retailer. Oil refiners such as Tesoro Corp. and Japanese makers of higher-mileage hybrid cars are likely to benefit. Hurricane Katrina in August pushed the U.S. average gasoline price above $3 for the first time. Since then, the percentage of Americans who don't like Bush's energy policies has jumped to 58 percent, according to a Newsweek poll last month. Now prices at the ...

AFP Editorial: Immigration Consternation
Post Date: 2006-04-10 11:06:11 by BTP Holdings
AFP Editorial: Immigration Consternation For the past several weeks, the mainstream media has made much ado about pro-immigration rallies that have been popping up around the country. But despite the fact that a clear majority of Americans believe that our porous borders and illegal immigration are serious problems, which should be addressed, lawmakers have been doing their best to avoid doing what’s best for the country. A number of prominent legislators have been insisting that new measures dealing with our borders include amnesty for those who are here illegally. They have also argued against punishing companies that skirt U.S. law by offering jobs to illegal aliens. Meanwhile, ...

A Warning for Americans: A Message from a South African [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2006-04-10 07:00:52 by robnoel
People used to say that South Africa was 20 years behind the rest of the Western world. Television, for example, came late to South Africa (but so did pornography and the gay* rights movement). Today, however, South Africa may be the grim model of the future Western world, for events in America reveals trends chillingly similar to those that destroyed our country. America's structures are Western. Your Congress, your lobbying groups, your free speech, and the way ordinary Americans either get involved or ignore politics are peculiarly Western, not the way most of the world operates. But the fact that only about a third of Americans deem it important to vote is horrifying in light of how ...

Post Date: 2006-04-10 06:05:29 by Uncle Bill
Dual citizenship explodes in U.S. SPECIAL REPORT THE WASHINGTON TIMES By August Gribbin November 15, 1999 Martin Ford is a third generation Irish-American. But he wants to be a first generation Irishman -- a dual citizen. Patricia Campos, a first generation Salvadoran-American, has dual citizenship. And she's quite content with that. Trouble is, a lot of others aren't. And therein lies an ongoing dispute. Like thousands in the 40 million-strong Irish-American community, Mr. Ford is asking Ireland to make him a naturalized citizen so he'll simultaneously be Irish and American. Yet the trend Mr. Ford is following and the dual citizenship of Americans like Miss Compos trouble many of ...

Free Republic's Think Tank
Post Date: 2006-04-10 05:49:23 by Uncle Bill
Ok, here on FoxNews we have, oh abut 1000K people gathering in white t-shirts in Dallas. If you aren’t paying attention to this, you should be. I am going to propose a heretical idea. We have 11 MILLION or so of these people who are HERE, and they are NOT going to be leaving soon. If even a third of those 11 million get even slightly militant, we have one VERY serious problem. VERY, VERY serious. Here is the idea: Against the strident advise of the all the lawmakers in Washington, we just give them all amnesty. Then the GOP leads the drive to register and assimilate these under grounders, get them English language, insurance, paying taxes, and all the legitimate trappings of being a ...

Aztlan Rising: Will America Die?
Post Date: 2006-04-10 04:22:58 by Zoroaster
Aztlan Rising: Will America Die? Radio/Audio; Posted on: 2006-04-09 15:25:55 As the Mestizo invaders become a nation within a nation, will the American nation reassert itself -- or perish? American Dissident Voices broadcast for April 9, 2006 listen to the broadcast (mp3) download the broadcast (mp3) by Kevin Alfred Strom ILLUSTRATION: Mestizos demand the right to form their own nation within the borders of the United States. Who is to blame for this escalating conflict? SOME OF YOU may have heard the story of how some Eskimo tribes take the life of the dreaded wolf with little or no risk to themselves. The wolf -- who is out to take a life himself, if he can -- is very dangerous, but ...

GEORGE H. W. BUSH - Speech To The National Council of La Raza
Post Date: 2006-04-10 00:11:20 by Uncle Bill
Remarks to the National Council of La Raza July 18, 1990 Thank you all very much. Well, thank you so much for that welcome. I'm delighted to be here, and I had a little visit in the hall with the jefes [chiefs], Raul and Tony -- [laughter] -- and Rita, Patricia -- gave me the warm welcome. And I rode over here with Dr. Cavazos, our Secretary of Education, who is with us and of whom I'm very, very proud. And, of course, I'm delighted to see Lou Sullivan, who's doing a superb job over at HHS, a major position in our administration. I shouldn't quote Larry Cavazos, but he says, ``You know, it's a strange world.'' He says, ``Here I am Secretary of Education for the United States, and I ...

Thousands flood Dallas streets (and were addressed by George P. Bush!)
Post Date: 2006-04-09 23:15:45 by Arator
Thousands flood Dallas streets 06:03 PM CDT on Sunday, April 9, 2006 WFAA-TV Staff WFAA-TV 'They're Coming to America' played as the front line of the march reached Dallas City Hall. Also Online Map of Dallas protest route En español por Al Día More stories on this topic Immigrants and supporters flooded the streets of downtown Dallas Sunday afternoon for the immigration rally many called the Great Awakening. People began lining up as early as 7:00 a.m. in the front of the Cathedral Shrine of the Virgin Guadalupe waving American flags, dressed in white as a sign of peace and ready to send a message. As the throng of people grew larger, police opened the gates early ...

Drudge Playing Tapes of Dallas Illegal Alien March
Post Date: 2006-04-09 22:19:36 by Horse
Matt Drudge is live on the radio right now. He is playing tapes from the Dallas illegal alien demonstration. His tape has the local reporter describing the demonstrators as throwing things past the police line. Still the mainstream press says the illegal aliens are demonstrating peacefully. Go to Drudge's website above to find a list of radio stations playing his show. He is talking now about the April 10th demonstrations but I know him and he will replay the tape again and again. Not that it matters, but Matt Drudge is gay and Jewish. I just added that to show that the memers of this forum are not homophobic and anti-semitic.

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