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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Nearly 5 Million Illegal Immigrants Crossed Border During Biden Administration
Post Date: 2022-08-22 18:24:42 by Horse
A whopping 4.9 million illegal immigrants have crossed our border since Biden has taken office, a report from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) found. The president of FAIR Dan Stein discussed the report, stating that ​​“Roughly the equivalent of the entire population of Ireland has illegally entered the United States in the 18 months President Biden has been in office, with many being released into American communities.” He continued, saying “In that time, the Biden administration has blamed an unprecedented surge of illegal immigration on all sorts of external factors, except their own sabotage of our nation’s immigration ...

Inside the $700-a-night Manhattan hotel that'll be home to migrants bussed from the Texas border
Post Date: 2022-08-22 18:20:23 by Horse
Migrants arriving in New York City from the border will be housed temporarily in this luxury Manhattan hotel - the $700-a-night The Row in the tourist hotspot of Times Square, but they'll be assigned to ring-fenced floors and will be told to use a separate entrance to the tourists being charged top dollar to stay there. Popular with people traveling for business and pleasure, The Row - described on travel review sites as 'merging NYC's grit with grandeur' - will become a hub for housing migrants on the taxpayers' dime in the coming weeks. The four-star Row, on 8th Avenue between 44th and 45th streets, is in the heart of Manhattan's Broadway Theater District and ...

Germany is Committing Ritual Suicide
Post Date: 2022-08-22 15:57:52 by X-15
22 August 2022 Luxembourg City, Luxembourg Mind Dump, Germans shutting nuclear plants during a life-threatening energy, food, economic, and demographic crisis. Germans are predictable. Germans live their myths in the play. The inter-generational dance of life. A main German current is Götterdämmerung. Germany will be destroyed, taking Europe with it. Eagles eagle. Squirrels squirrel. Germans Götterdämmerung. That is their way. Globalists have little problem persuading Germany to dance to its own mythological resonance. Bottom line: Europe will soon be stocked with cold, hungry, angry people. Many speak languages most Europeans never heard before. From cultures, they ...

Crazy Sighting In Mexico Canal - Not For The Faint Of Heart (18+)
Post Date: 2022-08-21 14:11:09 by Horse

I will send Bidens Illegal Immigrants to Rehoboth, Delaware!
Post Date: 2022-08-21 12:53:37 by Horse
Attorney Jay McMahon, candidate for Massachusetts Attorney General, issued a statement today: In the April 14, 2022 edition of the Boston Herald, a story was featured highlighting Florida Governor Ron DeSantis suggesting that illegal immigrants shipped to Florida, by the Biden Administration, be sent to Martha’s Vineyard. Although I agree with Governor DeSantis that illegal immigration needs to come to an end, and that we need to stop illegal immigrants from entering our country illegally, we need to go much further. I call on current Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey to sue the Biden Administration for their failure to keep illegal aliens from crossing at our southern ...

DEA Commissioner Milgram: Cartels Are Smuggling Fentanyl, “Killing Americans” At “Record Rates”
Post Date: 2022-08-20 01:23:58 by Horse

CBS On Surging Rent Costs & Bidding Wars: “Looking For A Place To Rent? Good Luck“
Post Date: 2022-08-19 16:04:18 by Horse
Poster Comment:One couple was told they could rent the apartment if they paid the whole $30,000 in advance. Someone ought to ask congressional and senatorial candidates if they see unaffordable rents being caused unlimited legal and illegal immigration.

Majority of Republican Primary Voters Want to Repeal In-state Tuition for Illegal Aliens
Post Date: 2022-08-19 10:52:36 by X-15
The latest polling commissioned by the Defend Texas Liberty PAC asked Republican primary voters if “Texas should repeal the law that gives illegal aliens discounted tuition to Texas public colleges and universities.” This has been a topic of discussion for years, as in-state tuition to public colleges and universities is discounted for residents of Texas. Currently, illegal aliens residing in Texas receive the same monetary benefits as Texans in regards to college/university tuition. Although Texas Democrats support taxpayer-funded benefits for illegals, State Rep. Jeff Cason (R–Bedford) filed House Bill 1486 to end in-state tuition for anyone “not authorized under ...

Lauren Southern: Whistle Blowers SPEAK OUT w/ Savanah Hernandez
Post Date: 2022-08-18 20:38:12 by Horse
Poster Comment:30,000 to 40,000 immigrant children are sent by air to cities in the US to unvetted adults who are unrelated and unknown. The children are given Social Security numbers making them and their eligible for benefits. The corporation NV Inc was a military contractor in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Cartels leave bodies on the American side of border to intimidate both illegals and US police. Some of these dead people had their faces burned off with acid.

New York City will spend millions renting another FIVE THOUSAND hotel rooms for illegal migrants,
Post Date: 2022-08-18 10:06:53 by Horse
On top of the 1,000 already booked including at four-star Times Square resort The Row New York City is planning on renting a further 5,000 hotel rooms to accommodate the migrants arriving on buses in the city from Texas and Arizona, as the city struggles to house the new arrivals. The 5,000 rooms will come on top of the 1,000 rooms the city announced they would rent last week. A solicitation letter was sent on Wednesday by the Department of Social Services, detailing the request. Poster Comment:Hola, Me Llamo Senor Caballo. Yo quiero vivir en la Ciudad de Nueva York. Ustedes deben pagar mi renta. Yo tambien quiere comida gratis. No me gusta trbajar. Hello, my name is Mr. Horse. I want ...

Paul Joseph Watson: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
Post Date: 2022-08-18 05:02:02 by Horse

Affordable housing California style.
Post Date: 2022-08-13 20:00:10 by Horse
Kim Iversen said her landlord in LA county is raising the rent for her 2 bedroom place to $6,000 a month when she moves out. (Larry Fink CEO of BlackRock) and other hedge funds are buying up apartment buildings and dramatically raising rents. The average home in Silicon Valley is $1.5 million though it costs more if you want to live in a safe neighborhood with good schools. Cupertino schools are good, the rest are piss poor. Palo Alto is great but a 640 square foot cabin sold for $2 million. The property tax was a mere $2.35 a month. To buy a $1.5 million home with bad schools, you will have to make $150,000 down payment. The balance of $1,350,000 can be paid be paid off over the next 30 ...

Tijuana Under Attack!": Sudden Eruption Of Cartel Violence Leaves Cars Burned Across Border City
Post Date: 2022-08-13 18:14:34 by Horse
The U.S. Consulate in Tijuana has requested all American government employees to shelter in place until further notice after cartel violence erupted in parts of northern Mexico. The violence began in Ciudad Juarez, a Mexican city on the Rio Grande, just south of El Paso, Texas, with a prison battle between two rival cartels that left eleven people dead -- then the chaos spread outside into the streets of the city, according to the Times of San Diego. By the weekend, the violence moved west, warranting the U.S. Consulate in Tijuana to advise Americans to shelter in place after a sudden eruption of violence. "The U.S. Consulate General Tijuana is aware of reports of multiple vehicle ...

Inmates Are Running the Democrat Asylum—and They Want to Criminalize ALL Opposition, Not Just Trump
Post Date: 2022-08-13 06:33:18 by Ada
The FBI shocked America this week by raiding Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago. This unprecedented move astonished Republicans and conservatives and united them behind Trump. Even the average Fox News Talking Head sees the raid as an outrageous abuse of power [Supporters, GOP lawmakers rally behind Trump amid FBI search, CBS News, August 1 0, 2022]. But Trump is not the only victim of America’s ongoing communist coup. The Biden Regime increasingly uses its legal powers at the bidding of its hysterical coalition of activists, who demand that it imprison their enemies. American patriots must wake to the danger posed by the communists’ control of the Department of Justice. The ...

Biden Hires 87,000 Bused-In Migrants As IRS Agents
Post Date: 2022-08-09 08:33:04 by Ada
WASHINGTON, D.C. — As D.C. resources begin to buckle under the strain of thousands of migrants being sent to the nation's capital from Texas, the Biden Administration has taken steps to solve the problem by hiring them all as IRS agents. "Those migrants are hard workers, folks! Let's make 'em tax collectors!" said Biden to aides. "Give those people a gun and an IRS badge and put them to work taking money from people! Poor kids can audit just as good as white kids. No joke!" Experts say Americans have been clamoring for more IRS agents for decades and are looking forward to having their finances examined and confiscated more than ever before. "If ...

NPR is shocked that GOP governors aren’t making it easy for sanctuary cities
Post Date: 2022-08-07 07:00:28 by Ada
Since the day Joe Biden entered the Oval Office, America’s southern border has effectively been erased. Millions of broke, uneducated people from all over the world, many of whom have contagious diseases, are illiterate, and are engaged in criminal activities, have been pouring into America. The states most affected are Texas and Arizona. A few months ago, Texas’s governor, Greg Abbott decided to start sending just some of these illegal aliens to D.C., a proud sanctuary city. What started as a gimmick has succeeded better than anyone could have imagined—and an NPR article proves that point. It's no secret that millions of illegal aliens are flooding America’s ...

The map that reveals the American dream is over?
Post Date: 2022-08-05 09:46:38 by Horse
Salary needed to buy the median US home is now $76K - and the typical family cannot afford a house in 35 of country's 50 biggest cities A family making the median national income can no longer afford the typical house in 35 of the country's 50 biggest cities, according to a new study. Based on home price data from the first quarter of the year, the salary needed to afford the median US home stood at almost $76,000 - roughly $8,500 more than the typical household actually makes, according to an analysis from Visual Capitalism. The study found that San Jose leads the nation in unaffordable homes, with the median home priced at $1,875,000, requiring a salary of at least $330,758 to ...

Swedish Migration Minister Wants To Limit Non-Nordic Population In Troubled Areas
Post Date: 2022-08-05 09:17:14 by Horse
...following Denmark’s example... Poster Comment:Wait until they do that with Whites in America. Wait. They already did that. They decriminalized the kidnap and gang rape of White women back in the 1960s in my hometown.

G.O.P. Governors Cause Havoc by Busing Migrants to East Coast
Post Date: 2022-08-05 08:03:25 by Ada
WASHINGTON — Lever Alejos was out of money and out of options when he arrived in South Texas last month, after a 1,300-mile journey from Venezuela that culminated with him crossing the Rio Grande in water up to his chin. The Border Patrol quickly arrested him, and after his release, he was offered a choice: a $50 bus ride to San Antonio, or a free bus ride to Washington, D.C., paid for by the State of Texas. “I wanted San Antonio, but I had run out of money,” said Mr. Alejos, 28, who has no family in the United States. “I boarded the bus to Washington.” A few days later, he arrived in the nation’s capital, among a busload of weary migrants. He spent the ...

Here's How Much You Need To Earn To Afford A Home In 50 US Cities
Post Date: 2022-08-03 22:44:24 by Horse
Depending on where you live, owning a home may seem like a far off dream or it could be fairly realistic. As Visual Capitalist's Avery Koop details below, in New York City, for example, a person needs to be making at least six figures to buy a home, but in Cleveland you could do it with just over $45,000 a year. This visual, using data from Home Sweet Home, maps out the annual salary you’d need for home ownership in 50 different U.S. cities.

'VIP trips' cost migrants their lives in Texas smuggling tragedy
Post Date: 2022-08-01 22:28:59 by Dakmar
Daina Beth Solomon Mon, August 1, 2022 at 10:18 AM·8 min read By Daina Beth Solomon, Jackie Botts and Laura Gottesdiener TLAPACOYAN, Mexico (Reuters) - At first, Mexican migrants Pablo Ortega and Julio Lopez enjoyed the smuggling equivalent of a first-class ticket to the United States: complimentary beers, safe houses with video games, even a week at a hunting ranch. Both had borrowed thousands of dollars and paid extra to secure what smugglers promised would be a comfortable trip avoiding the worst dangers of illegal border crossings. On June 27, their special treatment ended: crammed and gasping for air in the back of a sweltering tractor-trailer in Texas with more than 60 ...

Lara Logan: They’re Giving Social Security Numbers to Illegal Aliens at the US Border
Post Date: 2022-07-31 14:48:36 by Horse
Lara Logan: You look around you and you know they don’t actually believe in citizenship. And now when people come across the border illegally, I have this confirmed from border patrol agents who are actually, physically doing this, they get given a Social Security number. They get assigned a Social Security number when they cross. I’m not sure how many of you are aware of that. And if you really want to know where the cheating starts, it’s long before you get to the polls. Think about it, it starts with the census. It starts with counting illegals in the census. Via Midnight Rider: We also know the Biden regime is tossing backlogged immigration cases for tens of thousands ...

Beware of Overclass Immigrants Who Want to Dispossess White America
Post Date: 2022-07-31 09:30:31 by Ada
Republicans who denounce illegal immigration, but then stress the “need” for more legal immigration, as VDARE has said through the years, aren’t just myopic: they are blind to the reality that immigration will soon change the country permanently, and perhaps create conditions that are beyond repair. One reason legal immigration is particularly dangerous: It is creating an “overclass” of skilled immigrants who will leverage their professional success and financial power to greatly hasten white dispossession, and bring about the Great Replacement. Several examples should give us pause: Sundar Pichai Born in Madurai, India, Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Alphabet Inc. ...

Democratic cities get a taste of the overwhelming cost of open borders
Post Date: 2022-07-30 08:17:58 by Ada
Democratic DC Mayor Muriel Bowser pleaded this week for the National Guard to help her city address the "humanitarian crisis" caused by the arrival of so many illegal migrants. In April, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott touted his plan to bus illegal immigrants released by the Biden administration up to D, saying of White House officials, “If they’re not going to come to the border, I’m going to take the border to them.” Arizona followed suit and, to be honest, I was skeptical. Stunts are a natural part of politics, of course, so there’s nothing wrong with that, but I figured the numbers wouldn’t be big enough to get anyone’s attention. The ...

10 Most Populous Ca Counties with % White
Post Date: 2022-07-30 05:22:49 by Horse
1) LA county 9.861 M White% 25.6% (Lots of Jews) 2) San Diego 3.095 M 43.11% 3) Orange 3.010 M 37.61% 4) Riverside 2.418 M 32.6% 5) San Bernadino 3.181 M 25.95% 6) Santa Clara 1.936 M 28.70% 7) Alameda 1.682 M 28.07% 8) Sacramento 1.585 M 41.03% 9) Contra Costa 1.166 M 38.06% 10) Fresno 1.008 M 26.96% The estimated population of California as of 2022 is 39.22 million. Latino 39.4% White 38.3% (includes a million plus Jews) Asian 17% Black 6.4% Mixed Race 5.9% Others not included. Poster Comment:When, not if, the West Coast falls into the Ocean, they will be coming to your area looking for freebies. Reno Nevada is 25 miles west of Los Angeles because California falls into ...

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