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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Tucker Carlson fires back at Biden saying Democrats have decided to change the electorate
Post Date: 2022-05-18 11:55:30 by Horse
plays clip of President boasting that fewer than 50% of Americans will be ‘white European stock’ soon Tucker Carlson has fired back at Joe Biden after he claimed Democrats are set on changing the demographics of the electorate in order to win elections. During his Fox segment on Tuesday, the media pundit played a 2015 clip of the then-Vice President's remarks at a White House conference on battling global extremism. Biden says: 'An unrelenting stream of immigration, nonstop, nonstop. Folks like me, who are Caucasian of European descent for the first time in 2017 will be in an absolute minority in the United States of America, absolute minority.'

GOP Rep. Kat Cammack reveals video of huge stockpile of baby formula at border center
Post Date: 2022-05-17 19:46:45 by Horse
after being slammed by White House for sharing photo of supplies being given to migrants while Americans struggle to feed their children A Republican congresswoman took a trip to the US-Mexico border to expose the stockpiling of baby formula being sent to border facilities while American families continue to face empty shelves amid a nationwide shortage. Rep. Kat Cammack, of Florida, was accused of lying about the formula crisis after she shared photos she was sent by sources last week showing full shelves of baby formula and food at a processing center at the southern border. But now the congresswoman has visited and surveyed the facilities herself, finding not only an amass of formula, ...

Italy's Salvini Warns Food Shortages Could Cause 20 Million African Migrants To Enter Europe
Post Date: 2022-05-17 09:54:38 by Horse
...if peace in Ukraine isn’t achieved by the end of this month...

'Replacement theory' fuels extremists and shooters. Now a top Border Patrol agent is spreading it.
Post Date: 2022-05-15 21:41:12 by BTP Holdings
'Replacement theory' fuels extremists and shooters. Now a top Border Patrol agent is spreading it. Will Carless, USA TODAY - 15 May 2022 Last month, Brandon Judd, who is a Border Patrol agent and the president of the National Border Patrol Council union that represents more than 18,000 agents, sat for an interview with Fox News anchor Bill Hemmer. Wearing a black polo shirt bearing the crest of his union, the shaven- headed Judd stared intently into the camera as Hemmer asked him why he thinks President Joe Biden has allowed “virtually an open border.” With a shake of his head, Judd responded, "I believe that they're trying to change the demographics of the ...

As Biden Border Crisis Continues, US Robot Dogs Soon to Patrol Mexican Border
Post Date: 2022-05-15 14:32:29 by BTP Holdings
As Biden Border Crisis Continues, US Robot Dogs Soon to Patrol Mexican Border Photo by U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. M. L. Meier. February 19, 2022 | Paul Crespo With President Biden’s border crisis continuing without any end in sight, four-legged “Robot Dogs” will soon be patrolling the U.S.-Mexico border, along with their human Border Patrol counterparts. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) says that these sci-fi looking robotic dogs, weighing about 100 pounds, are critical in patrolling the harsh American Southwest. Critics, primarily Democrats, aren’t happy with law enforcement using robots. Many Democrats aren’t happy with using any law ...

If We MUST Take Refugees, Why Not Insist On Cultural Affinity?
Post Date: 2022-05-15 08:12:19 by Ada
[Excerpted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively through VDARE.com] Earlier: JOHN DERBYSHIRE: *100,000* Afghan Refugees Coming Here???!!! Why Not Settle Them Amid Co-Ethnics In The ‘Stans? Last night, Thursday night, I attended a Center for Immigration Studies event. CIS is based in Washington, D.C. but they hold occasional events in New York City. They have good speakers with interesting things to say about immigration. These New York events were suspended for the duration of the COVID panic. That panic now being over—by general popular agreement, if not by government declaration—CIS has resumed them. I was glad to be there for this first one following ...

Multnomah County's Homeless Population Up 30 Percent From 2019, Data Shows
Post Date: 2022-05-12 19:04:46 by Horse
(Portland, Or) The total number of homeless people in Multnomah County is up 30 percent since 2019, according to data released by the county’s Joint Office of Homeless Services (JOHS) Wednesday. The majority of the increase is made up of people experiencing unsheltered homelessness—a term to define those who are living on the streets as opposed to in transitional housing or emergency shelters. As of 2022, 3,057 people were living unsheltered in the county, compared to 2,037 in 2019. The data was collected as part JOHS’s biannual Point in Time Count, during which hundreds of people gather information on where homeless people in Multnomah County are spending one night of the ...

We Found All the Baby Formula . . . Biden Admin Sent it all to Southern Border for Illegal Alien babies
Post Date: 2022-05-12 10:49:50 by Horse
For over a week, there have been widespread and growing reports of Baby Formula shortages all over the USA. Store shelves are bare of it in many places. Now, we know why: The Biden Administration has grabbed all the formula and sent it to the southern border to accommodate ILLEGAL ALIENS coming into the country with babies. Here's a small look at what shoppers in USA supermarkets find when they look for baby formula on store shelves: And Here is what is piling-up at US Border Patrol facilities along the southern border: According to Congresswoman Pat Cammack, pallets and pallets of baby formula are deluging the southern border.

If SCOTUS Overturns ROE, the Left Has Real Reason to Worry About Immigration, Affirmative Action, CRT, Etc.
Post Date: 2022-05-11 07:07:14 by Ada
The U.S. Supreme Court will make history this summer if it overturns the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that imposed unrestricted abortion nation- wide. The leaked draft of the opinion sent pro-abortion Leftists into foaming fits and has dominated news coverage all week. But this mightn’t be the only historic decision the court makes in the near future. Immigration and Affirmative Action are also pending cases. Thanks to the emergent American Kritarchy, SCOTUS now holds the fate of the country in its hands. Donald Trump’s appointees could either deliver decisions that put America and the Historic American Nation First—or capitulate to communist threats and intimidation. The ...

Desperate Ukrainian Refugees Who Flee War; Paint Swastikas on WW2 Graves
Post Date: 2022-05-08 11:02:11 by Horse
and STAB People in Host Countries! Tears are shed by many around the world for "those poor Ukrainian Refugees, fleeing the Russian Invasion." But some of those "poor Ukrainian Refugees" graffiti Swastikas onto World War 2 grave sites and stab people in the face and neck in their host countries! It has already happened in the Netherlands and now, here in New York City. We begin in the city of Nijmegan in the Netherlands, home to the Jonkerbos War Cemetery (Link) World War 2 Military Cemetery and memorial to the victims of NAZIS. Recent Ukrainian refugees are believed to have defiled the graves and the memorial, with spray-painted Swastikas and cheers for Ukraine's ...

Fed Gov Insider Reveals Suspected Terrorists Walk Freely in US After Biden's Afghanistan Withdrawal
Post Date: 2022-05-06 15:36:50 by Horse

Swedish Prime Minister Says Integration Has Failed After Migrant Riots
Post Date: 2022-05-05 07:50:55 by Ada
Sweden’s failure to properly integrate large numbers of migrants has led to the creation of parallel societies and gang violence, according to left-wing Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson. Andersson made the comments in the aftermath of nationwide riots by migrant gangs over the Easter weekend that left a hundred police officers wounded. Sweden’s approach to Islamic extremism and its failings in accommodating large numbers of migrants is the primary cause of the disorder, according to the Prime Minister. “Segregation has gone so far that we have parallel societies in Sweden. We live in the same country, but different realities,” said Andersson. ...

Senator Mark Kelly showing weakness, could split from Democrats on immigration if Biden doesn’t reverse course
Post Date: 2022-05-05 07:19:10 by BTP Holdings
Senator Mark Kelly showing weakness, could split from Democrats on immigration if Biden doesn’t reverse course By Christine Favocci May 4, 2022 President Joe Biden is uninterested in stemming the tide of illegal immigration. This could lead to some catastrophic problems for the nation. Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ) is concerned that Biden will abolish Title 42 immigration restrictions with no contingency plan to deal with the influx of illegal immigrants, Breitbart reported. The provision has allowed the U.S. to turn away illegal immigrants on the basis of the COVID-19 public health crisis. “There hasn’t been a plan put in place,” Kelly claimed about Biden’s decision ...

Illegal Aliens Sue Texas Officials After Arrests For Trespassing
Post Date: 2022-05-05 05:02:11 by Horse
A group of illegal aliens has filed a lawsuit against Texas officials for alleged constitutional violations...

California Expands Medi-Cal To Adults 50 And Older, Regardless Of Immigration Status
Post Date: 2022-05-01 21:21:53 by Horse
"This is an investment in our people, our economy, and our future..." Poster Comment:Blue states have lots of Biden Covid money sloshing around for now. They can do this until the Donkeys lose the House in November. Then they will have hell to pay. With an Open Border every sick person over 50 in Mexico and Central America can cross the border for free healthcare. In fact anyone whose family has a thousand dollars can buy a one way ticket to Los Angeles. This will come to a crashing end in 2023.

Texas Gov. Threatens To Declare 'Invasion' As Illegal Immigration Expected To Skyrocket
Post Date: 2022-05-01 21:05:44 by Horse
"Is it something we’re looking into? Yes..."

Biden’s DHS Confirms Plans to Siphon Healthcare Services Away from Veterans to Illegal Aliens at Border
Post Date: 2022-04-29 15:13:22 by Horse
President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has seemingly confirmed plans to siphon healthcare services away from American veterans treated at Veterans Affairs (VA) to illegal aliens arriving at the United States-Mexico border. During a hearing before the House Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas confirmed to Rep. Ashley Hinson (R-IA) that the Biden administration is in talks with VA officials to potentially transfer doctors and nurses to the southern border to treat illegal aliens arriving every day in record-breaking numbers. “Is the department planning to reallocate resources, doctors and nurses, from our VA system ...

Biden Currently Barred From Lifting Title 42 Before May 23
Post Date: 2022-04-26 21:15:32 by BTP Holdings
Biden Currently Barred From Lifting Title 42 Before May 23 Under the Trump administration, Title 42 was put into effect. Quite simply, Title 42 lets Border Patrol officials send illegal immigrants back to where they came from without hearing out any asylum claims. Even with this measure in effect, unlawful border crossings are still a very real problem. Republicans and Democrats alike have urged the Biden administration not to do away with Title 42 unless there’s an appropriate program in place. However, the White House has been clear that it has every intention of ending this immigration policy. As a result of this, Arizona, Louisiana, and Missouri filed a lawsuit to defend ...

In "Huge Win For Border Security",
Post Date: 2022-04-25 20:09:37 by Horse
Court Temporarily Blocks Biden Admin From Lifting 'Title 42' "This is a huge victory for border security, but the fight continues on..."

Another Democrat slams Biden over border crisis
Post Date: 2022-04-22 18:18:38 by BTP Holdings
Another Democrat slams Biden over border crisis By Staff Writers April 22, 2022 Democratic Texas Rep. Henry Cuellar slammed the Biden administration for its treatment of Border Patrol agents. Cuellar shared the remarks during an interview on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends” on Monday. “I can tell you in talking to the men and women in green, they don’t want to have somebody from D.C. come in and just give them a pat on the back. They want somebody to really have their back, and they don’t,” Cuellar said. “Right now, when you talk to men and women in green and in blue, they feel demoralized. They don’t feel that Washington has their backs, ...

"Wrong And Reckless": More Democrats Split With Biden
Post Date: 2022-04-22 17:12:48 by Horse
As White House Hints At No Delay In Scrapping Title 42 Biden’s move could "create crisis conditions that would be dangerous for both migrants coming to America and Americans themselves." Poster Comment:Title 42 required rejection of covid positive immigrants. Let everyone with cholera, covid, TB and in need of long term care come to America. We can always raise your state sales tax to pay for it.

Auf Wiedersehen, Deutschland:
Post Date: 2022-04-21 10:40:00 by Horse
Almost 30 Percent Of People Living In Germany Either Foreign Born Or Have One Foreign Parent A recent report from Deutsche Welle should have people in the land of Goethe and Schiller and Bach and Beethoven wondering whether they live in Germany. The number of either foreign born or those with at least one foreign parent has surpassed 27 percent, the website reported:

The American Dream Is Dead:
Post Date: 2022-04-20 17:10:25 by Horse
For The First Time, Less Than Half Of Americans Believe They'll Ever Own A Home Housing becomes even less affordable, and more people end up renting, and so rents go up,… until something breaks or is broken. Poster Comment:Unlimited legal and illegal immigration did that.

Record Number Of Illegal Immigrants Waiting In Mexico For "Magic Day":
Post Date: 2022-04-19 19:13:23 by Horse
Immigration Expert: "Now you have Title 42 people coming in, who are just saying, ‘I’m coming to wait for the magic day'..." Poster Comment:Title 42 required immigrants be tested for covid. Too bad they do not run fingerprints with100 different nations. And then test them for skills and the ability to support themselves without adding to burdens faced by American workers.

As Crime Surges, Hispanic Americans Slam Democrats For Being “Soft On Crime”
Post Date: 2022-04-18 16:45:06 by Horse
Poster Comment:They favor a wall because the Cartels are kidnapping children and exploiting them.

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