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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Predator Released Early From French Prison Over ‘COVID’ Concerns Rapes Teen – Report
Post Date: 2021-04-15 09:30:05 by Horse
The family of a young girl allegedly raped by a suspect who was released early from a French prison due to COVID-related 'crowding' concerns is preparing to sue the government, according to reports. In October, the 17-year-old victim reportedly crossed paths with her alleged rapist, 27, who had been sprung from prison months ahead of schedule, in a town in the Nord-Isère department of France. The suspect, described as a "colossus" with eight prior convictions, had been sentenced to four years in prison in 2018 for "slaughtering and raping his girlfriend," the girl's father explained to local media. The victim was allegedly drugged and raped while ...

Americans for America 1st (Time for Texans to get their shit together).
Post Date: 2021-04-14 06:04:14 by noone222
Poster Comment:These people are Americans for America 1st and it's time for serious Americans to unite. I spent 3 winters in Laredo, Texas, where the population is primarily Hispanic, and are most definitely patriotic Americans that do not deserve to be over run by an invasion supported by cartels and other communists. This is a very serious and dangerous moment in time.

If words are violence, Knowles just hospitalized this prof
Post Date: 2021-04-14 02:20:37 by Horse
Poster Comment:Sets prof straight on illegal immigrants.

Iowa governor declines to help house migrant children
Post Date: 2021-04-11 13:26:42 by Horse
Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds says she has rejected a federal request to accept migrant children into the state, saying the need to find homes for them "is the president's problem." Reynolds told WHO radio on Tuesday that her priority is the health and safety of Iowans and that the state doesn't have facilities to house migrant children for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Tucker Carlson Mentions Replacement in the Context of Immigration. Hatred Ensues.
Post Date: 2021-04-11 07:51:03 by Ada
The ADL, always attuned to any indication that their subjects are getting restless, is insisting that Tucker Carlson be fired. What brought on their ire was Tucker’s use of the word ‘replacement’ in the context of a discussion of Joe Biden’s Open Border policy. Mentioning replacement in the context of immigration is pretty much in the same category as doubting that all races have the same potentialities or the official holocaust narrative. Be prepared for hatred. Tucker, as quoted in The Hill: “I know that the left and all the little gatekeepers on Twitter become literally hysterical if you use the term ‘replacement,’ if you suggest that the Democratic ...

Biden's Border Czar Abruptly Quits Despite 'No Crisis'
Post Date: 2021-04-10 00:33:50 by Horse
While the Biden-Harris administration continues to insist there's 'no border crisis' (as they take over seven hotels near the US-Mexico border), the departure of 'Border Czar' Roberta Jacobson, suggests otherwise. Jacobson, a former US ambassador to Mexico who criticized the White House for sending 'mixed messages' to asylum seekers over whether they should head for the border (which Biden absolutely implied during the 2020 election), is stepping down after less than three months on the job. Suggesting her services were no longer needed (as ICE commandeers seven border-area hotels because government facilities have run out of space), National Security Adviser ...

Almost 19,000 unaccompanied minors entered the US from Mexico in March
Post Date: 2021-04-09 11:37:26 by Horse
In just three months, US President Joe Biden, who campaigned on what he called predecessor Donald Trump’s ‘cruel’ policies on migrant children, has seen an unprecedented number of unaccompanied minors enter the country. Some 19,000 unaccompanied minors are being held by Customs and Border Patrol over the course of March, the largest number ever to be apprehended in a single month. The CBP fears the numbers will continue to climb, and are expecting a whopping 26,000 new arrivals daily by September, according to documents leaked to Axios.

Greg Abbott Orders Texas Rangers to Investigate Joe Biden Detention Facility for Sex Crimes
Post Date: 2021-04-08 14:15:19 by Horse
There is no reasonable doubt illegal alien children are being transported across the southern border to engage in the illegal act of child sex trafficking. We saw the same issues in 2014 during the previous Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) influx. The massive surge of child trafficking in the past three months is directly the result of Joe Biden facilitating the transport of children by Mexican cartels. This is a big business. In a replay of the same 2014 situation, we now hear of Joe Biden detention facilities where children are being raped and sexually assaulted while in the care and custody of Homeland Security officials. The children are then transported to custodial HHS ...

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott blames Biden for migrant children being 'starved and sexually abused' at overcrowded facilities
Post Date: 2021-04-08 09:59:08 by Horse
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott says Joe Biden should shoulder blame amid allegations of child abuse and neglect at an overcrowded San Antonio migrant facility. Abbott made the declaration at a press conference Wednesday evening, following tips to authorities about the alleged abuse occurring inside the Freeman Expo Center. The facility is currently holding 1,370 migrant children. 'This facility is a health and safety nightmare,' Abbot declared. 'The Biden administration is now presiding over the abuse of children. To end this abuse, the Biden administration must immediately shut down this facility.” In addition to the claims of child sex abuse and neglect, Abbott also claimed ...

Texas, Louisiana Sue Biden Administration for ‘Sanctuary Country’ Orders Freeing Illegal Aliens into U.S.
Post Date: 2021-04-08 09:54:52 by Horse
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry (R) have filed suit against The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for “sanctuary country” policies that prevent Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents from arresting, detaining, and deporting most illegal aliens. In February, top DHS officials announced sanctuary country policies that prevent ICE agents from arresting and deporting about 9-in-10 illegal aliens who would otherwise be deported. These policies require that ICE agents only prioritize arrest and deportation for illegal aliens who have been recently convicted of aggravated felonies, terrorists, or known gang members. As a ...

NY Democrats Plan to Immediately Give Illegal Migrants Checks of Over $20,000…
Post Date: 2021-04-07 21:44:36 by Horse
Democrats in New York are working on creating a fund that would give some illegal aliens and ex-convicts more than $27,000 apiece in direct payments for financial hardships related to the coronavirus pandemic. READ TX AG Ken Paxton: Texans pay an estimated $855 MILLION per year to cover the cost of illegal immigration. We can’t continue to foot the bill for those who skirt the law. Politico reported Tuesday that Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s office is in talks with state lawmakers to create something called the Excluded Workers Fund, which would offer direct payments to “undocumented immigrants and formerly incarcerated individuals” who missed out on work ...

NY State To Give Up To $2.1 Billion To Illegal Immigrants
Post Date: 2021-04-06 22:36:47 by Horse
“Excluded workers may not have a piece of paper, but they’re New Yorkers just as much...” Poster Comment:NY state is broke. So they lockdown small businesses bankrupting them and their employees, guarantee violence in the streets by bailing violent men and give billions to illegal aliens.

Graham Urges Fauci To Assess If Biden Border Policies Are Creating COVID "Super-Spreader" Event
Post Date: 2021-04-06 15:45:10 by Horse
"...the current setup being used by the Biden administration are creating a COVID super-spreader event... However, your expert opinion could confirm or alleviate these concerns..."

Judge Jeanine Opening on Open Borders
Post Date: 2021-04-04 05:09:25 by Horse

Border Patrol Insider Reveals Encounters With ILLEGAL ALIEN SEX OFFENDERS Reaches FIVE YEAR HIGH
Post Date: 2021-04-01 19:19:11 by Horse

California Shooter Identified, 9-Year-Old Victim Died In Mother's Arms
Post Date: 2021-04-01 19:02:46 by Horse
The shooter has been identified as Aminadab Gaxiola Gonzalez, a disgruntled employee of the business targeted in the rampage... Poster Comment:Not a white male supremacist.

"Crisis In Paradise" - Mexican Tourist Mecca Descends Into Chaos As Cartels Wage War During Spring Break
Post Date: 2021-04-01 09:07:23 by Horse
While popular Instagram influencers and millennials flooded beaches, resorts, clubs, cenotes, and the Mayan ruins in Tulum, Mexico, during spring break, the up-and-coming paradise town on the Caribbean coastline of Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula is descending into chaos. These days, Tulum to Cancún (Cancún is about a 73-mile drive north) is flooded with spring breakers, millennials, and anyone trying to escape the virus pandemic in the US and Europe. Tulum is a coastal town. Known for its beautiful beaches and party vibe, but it's gaining a reputation for crime and violence. Homicides in Tulum jumped 109% in 2018, surging to 23 from 11, then increasing 47.8% in 20 ...

Guatemala Declares Emergency As New Migrant Caravan Bound To US May Be Forming
Post Date: 2021-03-31 01:26:34 by Horse
A flood of migrants has been racing towards the Mexico–US border under the Biden administration...

Foster Children Kicked Out of Home to Make Room For Migrant Children
Post Date: 2021-03-30 14:19:17 by Horse
A foster home for struggling youth in Washington has been ordered to be vacated to make room for migrant children who are surging over the border in record numbers.

Immigrant children in San Diego get in-person classes from teachers. American schoolchildren are stuck with online lessons
Post Date: 2021-03-30 13:35:19 by Horse
Some San Diego public school parents are angered over plans for teachers to provide in-person instruction to migrant children while their kids remain stuck at home slogging through virtual Zoom sessions.

Soylent Green (1973)
Post Date: 2021-03-28 11:04:16 by Horse
In the movie Soylent Green the audiences were told that they would have a bleak future when America's population went past 350 million in 2022. Biden's Open Borders and citizenship for H1B visa holders and their families will push us way past 350 million.

Graham to media: "Walk over there and ask the guy what the hell happened"
Post Date: 2021-03-28 02:15:11 by Horse
Poster Comment:Told reporters to talk to Border Patrol and not make a partisan issue of it.

White-Collar Visa Workers Take 2/3 of New Tech Jobs Each Year
Post Date: 2021-03-26 14:35:00 by Horse
TEXAS RED PATRIOT @scootdooby Bloomberg: White-Collar Visa Workers Take 2/3 of New Tech Jobs Each Year In 2018, “the U.S. had between 96,000 and 143,000 openings in IT occupations that typically went to candidates with a bachelor’s degree or higher in computer science or engineering,” said the March 10 report, headlined “STEM Graduates Deserve a Better Path to Good Jobs.” READ Biden White House's ties to Big Tech are detailed in new disclosures But the government each year provides “Occupational Practical Training” (OPT) work permits to hundreds of thousands of foreigners who have paid tuition to American universities. It also invites roughly 85,00 ...

California Approves Ethnic Studies Curriculum Encouraging a ‘Countergenocide’ Against Whites
Post Date: 2021-03-26 10:29:26 by Horse
The California Board of Education has unanimously approved a new ethnic studies school curriculum that has students “chant to the Aztec god of human sacrifice” and encourages a “countergenocide” against White Christians. Breaking911 @Breaking911 · Mar 25, 2021 BREAKING: The California State Board of Education has approved the new statewide ethnic studies curriculum 👇 Breaking911 @Breaking911 REPORT FROM CITY JOURNAL: Next week, the California Department of Education will vote on a new statewide ethnic studies curriculum that urges students to chant to the Aztec deity of human sacrifice and cannibalism, asking him for the power to be "warriors" ...

Biden lies, and the media doesn’t question it: Goodwin
Post Date: 2021-03-26 09:36:45 by Ada
Three big things stood out in President Biden’s first press conference. 1. The leader of the free world is often lost at sea and says many things that are blatantly false. 2. The media is in the tank and cannot be trusted to hold him accountable. 3. Because of Nos. 1 and 2, America is headed for serious trouble. For this sickening spectacle we had to wait 64 days? Still, the event was meaningful in one distressing way. Now we know beyond all doubt there is no way to deny the terrifying truth. This was Biden’s coming out party, and the nation faces a mess that will only grow worse with time. The man who campaigned on unity is hell-bent on permanent polarization, meaning ...

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