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New International Student Enrollment Falls 43% In US
Post Date: 2020-11-16 23:57:00 by Horse
COVID-19 has drastically cut international student participation in U.S. colleges and universities, punctuating three years of declining enrollment tied to costs, immigration barriers and perceived chaos in American society. In the school year that began three months ago, new enrollment of international students dropped 43% because of COVID-19. Nearly 40,000 students — mostly incoming freshmen — have deferred enrollment at 90% of U.S. institutions to a future term. The data were compiled and reported by the Institute for International Education and published in its annual Open Doors report about international students in the U.S. It is funded by the U.S. Department of State, ...

Border Patrol Stops Illicit Cargo Worth Over $4 Million from Crossing Into US
Post Date: 2020-11-08 13:19:38 by BTP Holdings
Border Patrol Stops Illicit Cargo Worth Over $4 Million from Crossing Into US By Kaylee Greenlee Published November 5, 2020 at 4:44pm Border agents seized over 45 pounds of black tar heroin and nearly 850 pounds of marijuana near Laredo, Texas, on Monday, officials announced Tuesday. The narcotics were seized in two separate incidents, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials. Agents seized nearly $4 million worth of black tar heroin and around $680,000 worth of marijuana. “Drug smugglers haven’t let a pandemic stop them, and neither have vigilant Border Patrol agents,” CBP official Mark Morgan tweeted Wednesday. ...

Mexican journalist exposes Joe Biden for signing compact that created influx of child trafficking, immigrant children in cages
Post Date: 2020-11-01 13:40:45 by Horse
Immediately following the final presidential debate between President Donald Trump and Joe Biden, Mexican journalist Oscar “El Blue” Ramirez, based out of Tijuana, created a live event to dispel the deadly lies spewed by Biden concerning children in “cages” at America’s southern border. Joining the chorus of the rest of the liberal left, Biden not surprisingly tried to blame Trump for immigrant children being “separated from their parents” at the border, accusing the current administration of creating the “border cages” where parentless children are supposedly being housed. What Biden failed to mention, however, is that it was he and Barack ...

Former Malaysian PM: "Muslims Have A Right To Be Angry And Kill Millions Of French People"
Post Date: 2020-10-29 17:30:26 by Horse
Update (1130ET): Twitter says part of the thread from Mohamad violates its rules on glorifying violence.. no shit! As Summit News' Paul Joseph Watson reported earlier, the former Prime Minister of Malaysia reacted to a series of Islamic terror attacks in France by tweeting, “Muslims have a right to be angry and to kill millions of French people for the massacres of the past.” Yes, really. Three people were killed and several injured near a church in the Notre-Dame area of Nice this morning, including one 70-year-old woman who was decapitated. The culprit was a jihadist who yelled “Allahu Akbar” throughout the attack. Meanwhile, in Avignon, a man wielding a ...

40% of all Welfare Claimants in Germany are Nonwhite Invader “Refugees”
Post Date: 2020-10-29 11:22:40 by Ada
At least 40% of all welfare claimants in Germany are nonwhite invaders pretending to be refugees—costing German taxpayers over €4 billion every month to support at least 2.7 million spongers, new official statistics have revealed. According to the figures released by the German government’s Statistiken der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA, “Federal Employment Agency”), at least 74.9 percent of working-age Syrians resident in Germany live entirely or partially from the welfare system, called Hartz IV. The official unemployment rate for Syrian citizens was 44.2 percent in June 2018, a slight decline from the previous year’s figure of 49.6 percent—but, ...

France Placed On Maximum Security Alert After 2nd 'Decapitation' Terror Attack In 2 Weeks
Post Date: 2020-10-29 09:40:36 by Horse
It's the third terror attack to rock France since the start of the Charlie Hebdo attacks trial back in September.

Invasion Over Southern Border if Biden Wins
Post Date: 2020-10-28 08:38:26 by Horse
Poster Comment:Starts at 1:00. Anticipating a Biden victory, coyotes are promising Mexicans free healthcare.

French Ambassador After Islamist Beheading: “France is a Muslim Country”
Post Date: 2020-10-28 02:50:03 by Horse
Responding to the beheading of a school teacher by an Islamist in Paris, French ambassador to Sweden Etienne de Gonneville told broadcaster SVT, “France is a Muslim country.” Yes, really. Samuel Paty was decapitated by an 18-year-old Chechen jihadist in revenge for showing cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad to pupils in a class on free speech. The country responded with mass protest marches in major cities and President Emmanuel Macron vowed to protect freedom of expression in honor of the victim. However, Macron’s vow to take the fight to Islamists has caused uproar in many Muslim countries, notably Turkey, who have effectively sided with jihadism by announcing boycotts on ...

Poll: 79% of French Believe Islamism Has “Declared War” on Their Country
Post Date: 2020-10-26 12:33:47 by Horse
A new poll conducted after the beheading of a teacher in Paris has found that 79% of French people believe Islamism has “declared war” on their country. The survey was carried out by polling firm Ifop following the jihadist murder of geography teacher Samuel Paty, who was targeted for showing pupils cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad during a lesson about freedom of expression. The murder prompted numerous mass protest marches across the country in defense of free speech and against the Islamic takeover of France. “87% of French people say they agree with the fact that secularism is now in danger in France, and 79% that Islamism has declared war on the nation and the ...

The Moral Case for Trump—He Made His Money In Business, Biden Made His In Politics
Post Date: 2020-10-24 07:57:33 by Ada
[Excerpted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively through VDARE.com] Earlier: Biden Calls For Nation-Busting Amnesty In Final Debate That President Trump will lose his re-election bid is a common opinion among people who wish otherwise. It’s not just me. I got an email from an old friend who is nine times smarter than I am, and a Trump voter. On the side of the Democrats are: The FBI, the CIA, the federal bureaucracy, academia, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Hollywood, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, NPR, the NYT, every magazine on the shelf, BLM, Antifa, 50 million illegal aliens, and now, the Chinese Communist Party. If they can’t steal an election with that group of ...

Stumper: Should Trump Mention His Most Popular Issue?
Post Date: 2020-10-22 11:44:57 by Ada
In 2015, Donald J. Trump decided he was going to run for president on popular ideas. This was a stunning, historic breakthrough in American politics. He made his announcement in a speech talking about Mexican rapists, pledging to deport illegal aliens and build a wall. And the rest is history. I’m thinking he should try it again this Thursday night. Recall that Trump’s famous escalator speech provided any number of possible campaign themes: Bomb ISIS! Take their oil! Protect our veterans! Bring our jobs home! Repeal Common Core! Repeal Obamacare! Protect the Second Amendment! Make China pay! Concealed carry! But that’s not what the crowds chanted. They certainly ...

L.A. County Transfers up to $14 Million from Cops to Illegal Migrants
Post Date: 2020-10-15 19:42:04 by Horse
The $14 million payout will go to people – nearly all illegal migrants — who were detained by local cops to help deportations by Immigration and Customs Enforcement {ICE} between 2010 and 2014. The payouts will range from $250 to 425,000, with an average payment of roughly $700. Many of the migrants were successfully deported and may not learn about their promised windfall. https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2020/10/14/l-a-county-transfers-up-to-14-million-from-cops-to-illegal-migrants/ Neil Munro @NeilMunroDC California's poverty rate is worse than Alabama & Mississippi, says Census Bureau. The major cause of this huge change is immigration policy which spikes housing ...

STUNNING! Far Left Activists Running the CDC Wanted to Keep Borders OPEN During Coronavirus Pandemic
Post Date: 2020-10-06 14:41:17 by Horse
Barack Obama performed the impossible as commander in chief and even managed to radicalize and politicize the medical community at the CDC.

ICE To Initiate Enforcement Action In Sanctuary Jurisdictions
Post Date: 2020-10-03 14:44:16 by BTP Holdings
ICE To Initiate Enforcement Action In Sanctuary Jurisdictions September 29, 2020 (TheLibertyRevolution.com)- Sanctuary cities are soon to be the target of an operation by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. A Washington Post report, quoting U.S. officials, said the operation could begin sometime this week. It’s reported that California will be the target of the initial operation, with follow-ups planned for Philadelphia and Denver. The officials cited in the Post report said this campaign, dubbed a “sanctuary op,” is more about political messaging than a major ICE operation. The agency consistently focuses on violators of immigration policy, especially those ...

Facebook Censors Woman's Video of 'Foreign' Male Assaulting Her on French Train
Post Date: 2020-10-03 08:40:38 by Horse
A woman who shared non-graphic footage of a man sexually assaulting her on a train in France says her post was censored by Facebook, preventing her from exposing her attacker. In the video, the victim can be seen sitting opposite a male who appears to be of foreign descent. Billy @billygerent This is what France has become. https://twitter.com/i/status/1311727364758360064 The man ogles the woman while rubbing his genitals before eventually unzipping his jeans and attempting to grab her leg and shoe. The woman repeatedly tells the man to stop, pushing his hands away. The victim explained the situation in a Facebook post. “Visibly denouncing the truth and the daily attacks on ...

HUGE! Hispanic Voters at Telemundo Say President Trump OVERWHELMINGLY Won Debate
Post Date: 2020-09-30 10:30:49 by Horse
66% to 34%

Colorado Encourages Dead People, Non-Citizens To Vote
Post Date: 2020-09-28 00:44:06 by Horse
The Colorado Secretary of State is under fire after mailing postcards to dead people and non-citizens, urging them to go online and register to vote. According to CBS4, at least a dozen people are confirmed as receiving the postcards who shouldn't have - while the number of unconfirmed erroneous mailings is of course unknown. "Which sounds really nice except my mother has been dead four years and she hasn’t lived, voted, owned property, worked, or done anything other than visit Colorado since 1967," said resident Karen Anderson - who opened her mail about a week ago and found one of the postcards addressed to her mother. Anderson wonders "how many went out that ...

Zionist Jews brag about Muslim invasion of Europe
Post Date: 2020-09-24 14:35:59 by Horse

VICTORY: 9th Circuit Court Gives Trump Green Light to Deport 300,000 Illegal Immigrants
Post Date: 2020-09-15 08:45:17 by Ada
The ruling confirms the administration’s authority to remove protected status for illegal immigrants from El Salvador, Sudan, Haiti, and Nicaragua. The 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals has ruled that President Donald Trump has the legal authority to remove the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) of some 300,000 illegal immigrants from El Salvador, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Sudan, enabling them to be deported by immigration officials. The court’s ruling came by a 2-1 decision, and struck down an attempt by a lower court to block President Trump’s action against TPS. Illegal immigrants from the nations listed in the case will have a grace period to find a way to legally remain ...

122 Illegals Taken Down in Utah, Nevada, Idaho and Montana During ICE Operation
Post Date: 2020-09-14 09:07:41 by BTP Holdings
122 Illegals Taken Down in Utah, Nevada, Idaho and Montana During ICE Operation ICE is keeping Americans safe from illegals with a criminal record. Their last raid across Utah, Nevada, Idaho, and Montana netted 122 illegals preying on the American people. These society killers have active criminal records, and they are hiding among the people hoping to be overlooked by ICE agents. Bryan Wilcox is the acting field office director for the Salt Lake City office. He stated that “The aliens targeted during this operation preyed on women, children, and men in our communities, committing serious crimes and, at times, repeatedly harming their victims. By focusing our efforts on abusers, we ...

Renowned Professor Predicts End of White Race as Third World Migrant Invasion Continues Unchecked
Post Date: 2020-09-13 15:03:35 by Horse
I cannot emphasize too strongly the importance of the 22-minute video at the end of this article. Let these preliminary thoughts of mine serve as a brief introduction. PROF. RICHARD LYNN, dissident psychologist, condemned as a “racist” for saying that different races have different IQs and that some races are smarter than others. There were howls of rage from the politically correct battalions when Professor Richard Lynn (born in 1930), made the following comments in an interview he gave in 2011 at the age of 81: “I am deeply pessimistic about the future of the European peoples because mass immigration of third world peoples will lead to these becoming majorities in the ...

Migrants Riot on Lesbos After White Privilege Greeks Refuse to Give Them More
Post Date: 2020-09-13 08:19:22 by Ada
These black African and Pakistani migrants have traveled for millions of miles, fleeing the brutal civil war in Syria, to arrive humbly on the shores of Europe. In return for their great sacrifice, they ask only one single thing of Europeans: that they be given food, clothes, a house, a race car, and unlimited access to white women and pre-teen white boys, and that these things be given to them in a good European country like Germany or Britain. But even that one small thing is too much to ask from privileged whites, who care nothing for the sacrifices made by these refugees. These oppressed people are left with literally no choice but to rise up and destroy the civilization of the ...

Biden's Immigration Pick Causing Outrage On The Left
Post Date: 2020-09-09 13:53:29 by Horse
Open-border advocates are furious over the addition of former Obama administration immigration expert Cecilia Muñoz to Joe Biden's transition team, according to The Hill. Muñoz, formerly with the National Council of La Raza before joining the Obama administration, was harshly criticized by immigration advocates for not doing enough for immigrant rights during her time in the Obama White House - and instead, "too often defended policies that led to the deportation of more than 2 million people." "Huge mistake. Huge. Huge mistake. Worst part? We have no other option. I guess we gotta pick our opponent. That’s what it has come down to," wrote ...

Violent drug cartel in Mexico are using BOMB equipped drones to assassinate enemies
Post Date: 2020-09-08 17:39:16 by Horse
Here comes the poor man's Predator. The bombs were made of Tupperware-like containers full of c4 charges, a common plastic explosive, and ball bearings for shrapnel. The discovery was linked to the Cártel de Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG), or Jalisco New Generation Cartel, which has continued to exert a tight grip on its home turf of the Jalisco state and surrounding areas. In fact, CJNG’s control extends to Mexico’s southwest Pacific coastline, along the Gulf of Mexico on the other side of the country and several states in the U.S. And in July, authorities estimated that CJNG oversaw around one-third of all drugs being transported from Mexico into the ...

Plight of Laid-Off American Workers Nothing to Celebrate
Post Date: 2020-09-06 09:23:14 by Ada
American workers across the wage scale are hurting. Small-business owners across the country are fighting for their survival. Young people face more uncertainty than ever about their futures and ability to put food on the table. As we head into Labor Day weekend, I would like to offer a friendly reminder from the “America First” right to the Beltway Republican message machine and the Trump campaign’s social media mavens: Now is not the time to be cheerleading for pandemic profiteers, tech billionaires, and “woke capital” globalists who are addicted to cheap foreign labor and abhor American sovereignty. According to one analysis by Oxfam, 17 out of the top 25 most ...

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