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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Judge Napolitano on the Constitutionality of the Arizona Immigration Law
Post Date: 2012-04-25 20:49:57 by Jethro Tull
Judge Napolitano on the Constitutionality of the Arizona Immigration Law by America's Newsroom Posted in: Arizona Immigration Law, Constitution, Elena Kagan, Judge Napolitano, SB 1070    var act=new gigya.services.socialize.UserAction();act.setUserMessage("I read on Fox News Insider...");act.setTitle("Judge Napolitano on the Constitutionality of the Arizona Immigration Law");act.setLinkBack("http://foxnewsinsider.com/2012/04/25/judge-napolitano-on-the-constitutionality-of-the-arizona-immigration-law/");act.setDescription("Judge Napolitano on the Constitutionality of the Arizona Immigration Law");act.addActionLink("Read ...

Staying put in Arizona after the immigration law: Not all undocumented immigrants joined the exodus
Post Date: 2012-04-25 10:48:28 by Jethro Tull
Staying put in Arizona after the immigration law: Not all undocumented immigrants joined the exodusBy Liz GoodwinNational Affairs ReporterPostsEmailRSSBy Liz Goodwin | The Lookout – 14 hrs agoHundreds of immigrants protesters on the one-year anniversary of SB1070. (AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin) Erika Andiola still remembers the day Arizona's tough anti-illegal immigration bill, known as SB1070, passed. She had been protesting outside the state capitol for days, sleeping on the ground and fasting, when the word spread through the crowd. She got a call from her mother, who, like Andiola, is undocumented. She told her daughter not to move because she was afraid she would get ...

Police to ignore California impound law amid concern of fairness to illegal immigrants
Post Date: 2012-03-23 12:39:51 by Horse
The Los Angeles Police Department will soon start ignoring California state law, which requires police to impound the vehicles of unlicensed drivers for 30 days. The majority of unlicensed motorists in Los Angeles are immigrants who are in the country illegally and have low-income jobs. The LAPD says the state's impound law is unfair because it limits their ability to get to their jobs and imposes a steep fine to get their car back. As long as drivers can produce some form of I.D., proof of insurance and vehicle registration, they'll be allowed to keep their car. Police Chief Charlie Beck insists that it's simply leveling the playing field. "It's about fairness. ...

Feds Purposely Keeping U.S. Borders Wide Open, Experts Say
Post Date: 2012-03-21 10:52:41 by christine
Under the guise of environmentalism, various federal agencies and departments are blocking Border Patrol agents’ access to critical areas while contributing to widespread lawlessness along the U.S. border, according to experts. Criminals, meanwhile, are taking full advantage of the rapidly deteriorating situation. Despite claims by the Obama administration that the American border is “safer” or “more secure” than ever, sources with knowledge of the reality on the ground say that is simply not true. In fact, as Mexico spirals deeper into chaos, conditions along the border are only getting worse — rapidly. “Far from contained and secure, the Arizona Border ...

Media Blackout...Canada and U.S. borders to be removed under new
Post Date: 2012-03-21 10:50:52 by christine

'Minuteman' movement shrinks as 'Patriot' groups multiply
Post Date: 2012-03-16 15:23:13 by Americans 1st
The number of "nativist extremist" groups in the United States, exemplified by the Minuteman groups born in Arizona, shrunk dramatically in 2011, the Southern Poverty Law Center says in its annual report. Their decline coincided with an explosion in the number of anti-government "Patriot" groups, the report says. The report describes the Patriot movement this way: "Patriot groups define themselves as opposed to the 'New World Order,' engage in groundless conspiracy theorizing, or advocate or adhere to extreme antigovernment doctrines. Listing here does not imply that the groups themselves advocate or engage in violence or other criminal activities, or are ...

LAPD Chief: Illegal Immigrants Should Get Licenses
Post Date: 2012-02-25 08:57:04 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
View more videos at: http://nbclosangeles.com. LA Police Chief Charlie Beck said he supports giving driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants in California to improve roadway safety. "I think it's important that the state look at licensing undocumented immigrants," Beck said during a media availability on Thursday. "It's a public safety issue. People that are licensed are more likely to have insurance, more likely to report accidents, more likely to have vehicles that are registered to them." Beck said the state has failed to reduce the number of illegal immigrants driving without a license.

Illegals Squeeze Amnesty, $350,000 Out of Taxpayers for Immigration Raid
Post Date: 2012-02-24 11:41:23 by X-15
The federal government will pay $350,000 to a group of illegal immigrants and permit them to stay in the country pursuant to a settlement reached in a lawsuit they filed after they were arrested. The immigrants claimed the government violated their constitutional rights when federal agents raided a “Latino” neighborhood in New Haven, Conn., in 2007. Their reward for refusing to obey American laws is the largest settlement ever in a case involving an immigration raid. The leftist legal team is celebrating their success in frustrating the enforcement of immigration law, but the settlement is no surprise given the Obama administration’s decision in August to consider amnesty ...

What Will Jesus Do?
Post Date: 2012-02-10 10:24:38 by Ada
Like all wars, the one the Feds wage on our freedom of movement groans with ruined lives, human agony, and casualties. Many of those horrors are on display at the airports, as the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) sexually assaults, irradiates, harasses, and steals from passengers. And though most of the witnesses to these atrocities used to claim that the agency only needed more money and power to transform its inept brutes and sociopaths into efficient Warriors on Terror, increasing numbers now admit such change is impossible. Thanks to the TSA’s depredations, they understand that the Warriors threaten us far more than any free-lance bad guys ever could. Let’s hope ...

Immigration authorities released man who went on to kill 3 in North Miami
Post Date: 2012-01-23 11:58:01 by Horse
When burglar Kesler Dufrene became a twice-convicted felon in 2006, a Bradenton judge shipped him to prison for five years. And because of his convictions, an immigration judge ordered Dufrene deported to his native Haiti. That never happened. Instead, when Dufrene’s state prison term was up, Miami immigration authorities in October 2010 released him from custody. Two months later, North Miami police say, he slaughtered three people, including a 15-year-old girl in a murder case that remains as baffling today as it did the afternoon the bodies were discovered. DNA on a rifle found inside the house and cellphone tracking technology later linked Dufrene to the Jan. 2, 2011, slayings. ...

Sinai Torture Camps
Post Date: 2012-01-16 03:39:03 by Stephen Lendman
Sinai Torture Camps - by Stephen Lendman A November 30 Physicians for Human Rights/Israel  (PHR-I) report explains "chilling evidence" of atrocities committed against sub-Saharan African refugees, migrants, and asylum seekers. Titled, "Hundreds of Refugees Held Hostage in Sinai Torture Camps Need Rescuing," it discusses their horrific ordeal in captivity, including torture, other physical abuse, male and female rapes, and killings. Human traffickers mainly hold Eritreans for ransom. Relatives are pressured to pay. Tactics include phoning them to hear loved ones cry out in pain. Survivors report starvation, punching, slapping, kicking, whipping, burial in sand, ...

Cheap Natural Gas Threatens Renewable Energy
Post Date: 2012-01-08 04:41:55 by Tatarewicz
The renewable energy sector has grown rather quickly here in the United States – double digit growth for solar and wind energy –, but recent competition from natural gas has homeowners shying away from solar panels. Although fossil fuel prices are sometimes volatile depending on a myriad of factors including resource availability and mining dilemmas, one fossil fuel has been on a steady price-decline. Natural gas has experienced so much of a price drop that the expensive solar panel markets are suffering. NPR ran a story yesterday regarding this “classic situation of supply and demand.” For homeowners, the demand for natural gas has not gone up because there are ...

Minimum Wage Laws Crippling Small Business
Post Date: 2012-01-05 07:35:25 by Tatarewicz
David Frias, 34, works at a popular movie theatre in San Francisco. He is a graduate of San Francisco State University whose dream is to film documentaries in the future. Right now, he only makes minimum wage; which is pretty darn good, actually. Lucky for him, he just received a pay increase as the minimum wage increased from $9.92 per hour up to $10.24 an hour. That 32 cents extra is a “psychological boost,” according to Mr. Frias: "I know I'm going to have a little extra money in my wallet. San Francisco is a model for low-wage workers - it's full respect, I guess." Surely a psychological boost is just that. It sounds good and feels good, but the actual ...

The Real Illegal Immigration Problem
Post Date: 2011-12-22 11:47:13 by Ada
As with all US Federal Government election cycles, the topic of illegal immigration always comes up. But, with Mexican nationals now leaving the US and returning to Mexico en masse to take advantage of Mexico's preferable economy and greater freedoms, the light should be shone upon all the Americans living illegally throughout the world. In Mexico, hundreds of thousands of Americans live illegally, as last counted by Mexican officials in the 1990s and that number has likely grown. Many of them disregard and overstay their 6-month tourist visa, preferring to live in the country for extended periods. The majority of Americans living illegally in Mexico do not cause major problems other ...

Illegal immigrants have no right to arms - court
Post Date: 2011-12-19 17:41:01 by X-15
Illegal immigrants do not have a right to bear arms under the U.S. Constitution, a federal appeals court ruled on Friday. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit, based in Missouri, rejected an appeal brought by Joaquin Bravo Flores, who was charged with possessing a firearm. Agreeing with the 5th Circuit, the court concluded that the protections of the Second Amendment do not extend to undocumented immigrants. Executing a search warrant in 2010, police uncovered a semi-automatic handgun in Bravo Flores' Minneapolis apartment. A grand jury indicted him for being an alien in possession of a firearm in violation of federal law. He was sentenced to three years in prison. Bravo ...

Recession is promoting racism in Ireland according to Immigrant Council
Post Date: 2011-12-19 16:02:17 by X-15
A Dublin conference has heard that Ireland’s economic recession is fuelling racism in the country - as immigrants are perceived to present a ‘threat’ to jobs for native Irish. The Immigrant Council of Ireland celebrated its 10th anniversary with the seminar, which heard founder, Sister Stan Kennedy describe the co-relation between the country’s economic woes and recent racist incidents. “There is a growing perception that migrants are a threat to Ireland and the ‘native’ Irish, and are unfairly benefiting from Irish jobs, entitlements and public services,” said Sr Kennedy. “The increasing levels of racism emerging in recent times can be ...

$100 — The New Floor for Crude Oil
Post Date: 2011-12-14 04:59:03 by Tatarewicz
In the midst of the news about the EU crisis, it’s worth pointing out that oil prices have quietly crept back over $100 a barrel. West Texas Intermediate is $102 as I write. Brent crude, which many argue is the more important figure, is $111. This is remarkable given how weak the global economic recovery has been. Also of interest is the fact that the price of crude oil has been trending higher, even while the prices of most other commodities have been drifting lower. Higher Trending Oil Price vs. Lower Trending Commodity Prices The US is the world’s largest consumer of oil. It’s not growing much. Yet there oil sits, with a three-figured handle. I think it is a sign that ...

US to leave Mexican border crossing to rangers
Post Date: 2011-12-11 18:51:24 by Horse
The bloody drug war in Mexico shows no sign of relenting. Neither do calls for tighter border security amid rising fears of spillover violence. This hardly seems a time the U.S. would be willing to allow people to cross the border legally from Mexico without a customs officer in sight. But in this rugged, remote West Texas terrain where wading across the shallow Rio Grande undetected is all too easy, federal authorities are touting a proposal to open an unmanned port of entry as a security upgrade. By the spring, kiosks could open up in Big Bend National Park allowing people from the tiny Mexican town of Boquillas del Carmen to scan their identity documents and talk to a customs officer ...

Irish frozen out of new green card bill in congress
Post Date: 2011-12-09 18:01:49 by X-15
A green card bill that will be a bonanza for Indian, Chinese, Latino and Filipino immigrants is making its way through Congress and has passed the House of Representatives. It will have the impact of denying green cards to other countries, including Ireland,as a new quota will give more to the countries listed above. This is from The New York Times last week: “The House of Representatives on Tuesday passed a bill that tweaks the visa system to allow more highly skilled immigrants from India and China to become legal permanent residents. “The legislation also includes a measure that will more than double the green cards based on family ties available for Mexicans and Filipinos, ...

In War on Drugs, Dissent is "unpatriotic"
Post Date: 2011-12-07 16:45:57 by ghostdogtxn

Years after immigration raid, Iowa town feels poorer and less stable
Post Date: 2011-12-07 12:13:35 by Jethro Tull
POSTVILLE, Iowa—A group of Jewish boys in yarmulkes and winter coats walked past the "Taste of Mexico" restaurant on Lawler Street last week on their way home from school. Minutes later, a Somali man wearing a keffiyeh scarf around his neck passed by, perhaps on his way to the town's makeshift mosque on Main Street. This improbably diverse rural town of about 2,000 people in northeastern Iowa suffered a near-fatal shock more than three years ago when a federal immigration raid scooped up 20 percent of its population in a single day. An ultra-Orthodox Lubavitcher Jewish family from Brooklyn bought the town's defunct meatpacking plant in 1987 and attracted workers from ...

Mercedes exec arrested under Alabama immigration law
Post Date: 2011-11-26 03:27:11 by Tatarewicz
Police in Alabama last week arrested and briefly held a visiting Mercedes-Benz executive from Germany for not having a drivers license, drawing attention to the US state's controversial new immigration law. According to the Associated Press, the unnamed 46-year-old manager was only able to present a German identity card when pulled over by Tuscaloosa police last Wednesday. He was subsequently arrested and charged with not having proper identification as required by Alabama’s new immigration law, which has been criticised as being excessively draconian. Eventually, a colleague was able to find the man’s passport, visa and drivers licence at his hotel and took it to police, ...

Tequila Party is pro-immigration
Post Date: 2011-11-14 04:39:04 by Rotara
The national Tequila Party is not, as you might think, an alcohol-themed college soiree. It's a national movement, with roots in Nebraska, aimed at countering anti-immigration sentiment. It draws its name from the Aztec legend of Mayahuel, lover of the god Quetzalcoatl. Mayahuel is said to have died at the hands of an evil goddess whose favored nectar was tequila. "As Latina/os, we are reclaiming our Tequila Legend that symbolizes strong Indigenous women with Free Will," Shirley Mora James, a lawyer in Lincoln, said by email. Mora James was one of the first on the Tequila Party scene. In her work against what she sees as an anti-immigrant mentality, she found DeeDee Garcia ...

An American Nightmare
Post Date: 2011-11-11 13:22:21 by farmfriend
An American Nightmare Dan Rather I recently finished an investigation into what's being called one of the largest cases of human trafficking in U.S. history. The project was eye-opening because, before starting, I thought of the crime of human trafficking as inherently violent -- women snatched off the street at gunpoint and forced to sell their bodies; foreign workers indentured and exploited by the violent criminals who snuck them into the U.S. But our report, "American Nightmare", which aired on HDNet, tells a very different story. The alleged victims we found never faced violence or physical threats, but claim they were victims of a modern form of slavery nonetheless. ...

Post Date: 2011-11-07 01:52:39 by Tatarewicz
WASHINGTON -- Sometime last week, demographers estimate, a baby was born who brought the planet's population to a staggering 7 billion. That's worrisome, given the stresses on precious resources such as water. But the underlying trend that has created a crowded planet is not a baby boom in distant, impoverished countries. It's a phenomenon you can see in your own neighborhood or church or civic club: People are living longer and healthier lives. As someone who hopes to live to an advanced old age, I can hardly denounce the trend. But we'll face a slew of challenges -- including inevitable economic decline -- if there are not enough younger workers to fill the coffers for ...

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