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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Victim, Her Family Shocked by [Acid] Attack
Post Date: 2010-09-02 11:50:18 by Turtle
A Vancouver woman suffered severe burns Monday night when someone threw a caustic liquid in her face in an attack so unusual that a veteran police detective said he hadn’t heard of such a thing in 30 years working in Vancouver. {snip} “It’s very bizarre, very random and very weird, and we don’t understand it,” said Storro’s mother, Nancy Neuwelt, reached by phone while at Storro’s bedside. {snip} About 7:15 p.m. Monday, paramedics and police rushed to West Eighth and Columbia streets, near Esther Short Park. {snip} Storro, a Vancouver resident like her mother, had been standing outside on the passenger side of her car, planning to get some coffee at ...

Video: Suspicious Fire Kills 8 at Cancun Bar
Post Date: 2010-09-01 15:12:42 by Horse
Poster Comment:Anyone planning a trip to Cancun?

Video: Will 'Machete' release spark racial violence?
Post Date: 2010-09-01 14:33:38 by Horse

94% SAY NO TO USNEWS POLL: Should the Children of Illegal Aliens Be U.S. Citizens?
Post Date: 2010-09-01 12:45:02 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Should the Children of Illegal Aliens Be U.S. Citizens? Under the 14th Amendment, any child born in the United States is a citizen, even if the parents are not. But this policy of birthright citizenship is increasingly debated. Critics argue the policy misreads the Constitution. Its defenders say changing it would be dangerous. Birthright Citizenship a Good Idea? 5.71% Yes 94.29% No

Third World Diseases in America (My Title)
Post Date: 2010-09-01 10:56:10 by Turtle
You’ve probably heard of heirloom vegetables. You know, they’re the ones that have been preserved by passing seeds down from generation to generation. Heirloom varieties are generally at least 50 years old, but many are 100 years or older. While heirloom vegetables are actually benign–and frequently very tasty–it seems to me that we are currently witnessing an alarming wave of another type of heirloom: diseases. I started thinking about it when I read this post from Gateway Pundit earlier today, about an outbreak of typhoid (yes typhoid) in California and Nevada. Typhoid, once the scourge of many major cities, was nearly eradicated by the advent of clean water ...

Ted Hayes on Channel 11 (Mentions the Burning of the Black Church By An Illegal Alien)
Post Date: 2010-08-31 10:39:41 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
A 33 year old Hispanic man has been arrested for the church burning. He is being held on an Immigration Hold. The Church is in the middle of 18th Street Gang Territory. The residents of a house owned by and adjacent to the church were threatened, and two days before the fire, the house was shot up by an AK 47.

Mexico drug war cartels join forces
Post Date: 2010-08-27 18:04:04 by Horse
Poster Comment:Video report on America' new majority. That is what La Raza calls Mexicans.

France rounds up hundreds of Roma
Post Date: 2010-08-27 13:34:02 by X-15
Some 700 people have been removed from more than 40 illegal Roma (Gypsy) camps in France as part of a police crackdown backed by President Nicolas Sarkozy. The country's Interior Minister, Brice Hortefeux, said the Roma would be returned to their country of origin on "specially chartered flights". Meanwhile, members of a committee of UN experts sharply criticised France's treatment of Roma. They said racism and xenophobia were undergoing a "significant resurgence". The UN's Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is investigating how traveller communities, including the Roma, are treated. Some of the experts on the panel issued sharp ...

Mexican drug cartels' main area of influence
Post Date: 2010-08-27 10:02:36 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Ah! I see from this map of Mexico that we've had everything backward. It has occurred to me that I should start actually reading the briefs Stratfor sends me. Thank goodness the BBC does read their copies, which is how they got hold of just the kind the map that I snapped in an earlier post today was needed. Here is the map.I was asking in the August 20 post whether Mexico was facing an insurgency. Now what does that map tell you? Yes, by gum there is an insurgency in Mexico. The insurgency is President in Name Only Felipe Calderón and the troops loyal to him. The government in Mexico is very clearly the drug cartels.And from the map, the only reason this hasn't made it into ...

Tyson Foods Brings Latent Tuberculosis to Emporia, Kansas
Post Date: 2010-08-26 20:50:48 by Horse
An estimated 750 to 1,000 Somali refugees are living in Emporia, a magnet because of jobs at the Tyson Foods meatpacking plant. Many have latent tuberculosis. H/T to Texas Fred and his comment thread. Tyson Foods' blatant disregard for the institutions of America is worse than we thought - and it stretches outside just the Shelbyville, TN plant. Here's how the Topeka Capital-Journal under the heading "Somalis arrive in Emporia with tuberculosis" describes the "exotic, new arrivals:" EMPORIA — When hundreds of Somali refugees began showing up to work at the meatpacking plant, nurses Lori Torres and Renee Hively were among the first to get to know the ...

Ground Zero Mosque: It's Their Touchdown Dance
Post Date: 2010-08-26 19:05:14 by Disgusted
When I asked questions as a kid, my dad said, “The answer is as plain as the nose on your face.” “Why are those Muslims building a mosque at Ground Zero?” one reader asked. “It doesn’t make sense to stick their mosque like a needle in our eyes at a place where their religion blew up the Twin Towers and killed 3,000 Americans. Why?” Every ethnic tribe throughout history moved/moves toward dominance and turf. In America, over 522 tribes fought for land on this vast continent. Montana’s Blackfeet maintained dominance of their territory. The Comanche in Texas lived to fight for more land. The Michigan Chippewa battled for their region. They killed, ...

Birthright Citizenship? Only if your mother was "subject to the jurisdiction thereof"
Post Date: 2010-08-26 13:01:32 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Birthright Citizenship? By Mark Alexander · Thursday, August 26, 2010 Only if your mother was "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" (Ciudadanía por Nacimiento -- sólo si su madre estaba sujeta a su jurisdicción) "The bosom of America is open to receive not only the Opulent and respectable Stranger, but the oppressed and persecuted of all Nations and Religions; whom we shall welcome to a participation of all our rights and privileges, if by decency and propriety of conduct they appear to merit the enjoyment." --George Washington Coming to America Given the far-reaching implications of illegal immigration, and more recently the ...

17,000 CASES BLOCKED - BACKDOOR AMNESTY - Feds moving to dismiss some deportation cases
Post Date: 2010-08-26 12:09:49 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Feds moving to dismiss some deportation cases Critics assail the plan as a bid to create a kind of backdoor 'amnesty' The scene at the Harris County lockup last summer. Culling the immigration court system dockets of noncriminals started in earnest in Houston about a month ago and has stunned immigration attorneys. he Department of Homeland Security is systematically reviewing thousands of pending immigration cases and moving to dismiss those filed against suspected illegal immigrants who have no serious criminal records, according to several sources familiar with the efforts. Culling the immigration court system dockets of noncriminals started in earnest in Houston about a ...

Video: (Zetas) Drug Cartel Believed Responsible for Mexico Massacre
Post Date: 2010-08-26 11:22:21 by Horse

John McCain - the WORST Senator money can buy!
Post Date: 2010-08-26 09:32:14 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
John McCain - the WORST Senator money can buy! John McCain???Arizona, you can't be serious about reelecting this lying political hack???WHO are you people?? Don't you remember he barely survived an Arizona recall effort?Conservatives don't back him...Independents have finally wised up....when will you?Liberal rags like the Washington Post and NY Times endorse McCain...why do suppose that is?John McCain was NEVER an Arizonan...his wife's rich daddy bought him a congressional seat in Arizona and moved him there! He's just another carpetbagger.Some ask how McCain can be doing as well as he is in this race..is it the 20 plus million dollars he's spent on distorted ...

Egg Kingpin Linked to Salmonella Scare Has History of Violations - EMPLOYS ILLEGAL ALIENS
Post Date: 2010-08-26 08:03:54 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Egg Kingpin Linked to Salmonella Scare Has History of Violations Shown here is Austin "Jack" DeCoster. (Sun Journal) The egg mogul linked to the widespread salmonella outbreak is considered by government officials a repeat offender, and the allegations and violations at his farms go far beyond sanitation to illegal immigration, unsafe workplace conditions and sexual abuse of female employees. Though the recent recall is the first time conditions at his farms have drawn such heated and nationwide scrutiny, Austin "Jack" DeCoster has been cited for violations dating back at least to the early 1990s. DeCoster has been a force in the egg world for decades, with companies ...

A Critical Review of WTC 'No Plane' Theories [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2010-08-26 02:31:27 by RickyJ
A Critical Review of WTC 'No Plane' Theories By Eric Sal     A Critical Review of WTC 'No Plane' Theories By Eric Salteresalter1 [at] mindspring [dot] com Version 229 September 2006 NEW: Update, 8 November 2006: Rebuttal to Rick Rajter's 2nd Hit Deceleration Analysis Update, 30 October 2005: Rebuttal to Nico Haupt Update 2, 7 November 2005: WTC impact footage from WNYW Overview With the amount of attention that the 911research.wtc7.net/essays/pentagontrap.html" target="_blank">Pentagon no-plane theories have received, it shouldn't be surprising that some would also make the bizarre claim that no 767s hit the World Trade Center, despite ...

Video: Mexican Marines Find 72 Bodies in No. Mexico
Post Date: 2010-08-25 12:08:56 by Horse

Inviting Mexican Guest Workers Into U.S. Would Worsen Problems
Post Date: 2010-08-25 11:42:50 by Red Jones
Inviting Mexican Guest Workers Into U.S. Would Worsen Problems Insight on the News, August 27, 2001 by James R. Jr. Edwards The Bush administration has announced that it is considering both a mass amnesty of illegal Mexican aliens and a guest-worker program. Both ideas are signs that the administration is in denial regarding immigration. First, guest-worker programs don't work. The U.S. Bracero program from 1942 to 1964 brought in millions of Mexican workers to do field labor. It contained worker safeguards, but guest workers still were exploited. The Bracero program stimulated a flow of illegal immigration after the program ended. Formerly legal workers continued to return ...

John McCain's Victory Speech
Post Date: 2010-08-25 09:44:45 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Senate Arizona Republican Primary Incumbent Senator John McCain won the Republican Senate nomination in the Arizona Senate primary. McCain beat out former Congressman J.D. Hayworth, who later gave a concession speech to supports, and other challengers. Washington, DC CSpan Video

Video: Mexican marine family's killing tied to death of cartel leader
Post Date: 2010-08-24 22:38:26 by Horse

14th Amendment never meant for illegals--Proposed Texas law could force Supreme Court to decide
Post Date: 2010-08-24 21:10:27 by James Deffenbach
The suggestion by at least three senators that the Constitution be amended to deny birthright citizenship to children of illegal aliens born in the United States has induced derogatory retorts that to do so would negate the 14th Amendment's protection of civil rights. Historical facts - ignored by those opposed - in fact demonstrate that such an amendment would reinstate the rule as originally intended by the adoption of the 14th Amendment in 1868. At issue is the first clause of the 14th Amendment, which states, "All persons born ... in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States." As the Supreme Court held in the ...

Border deaths in Arizona may break record this year
Post Date: 2010-08-24 19:52:55 by Red Jones
Border deaths in Arizona may break record this year by Nicole Santa Cruz - Aug. 24, 2010 09:37 AM Los Angeles Times TUCSON - This year, Arizona became known as the state with the toughest policies against illegal immigration. That's why Deputy Chief Medical Examiner Eric Peters didn't think the Pima County coroner would see a surge in migrants killed while trying to cross Arizona's southern deserts. But despite beefed-up efforts to stem illegal immigration and an economy that makes work harder to come by, migrants are still trying to get into the country. And many are dying. In 2005, a record 196 bodies were found in Pima County. This year, the death toll could be worse. ...

Company Audits Up, Illegal Worker Arrests Way Down Since 2008
Post Date: 2010-08-24 18:07:34 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Company Audits Up, Illegal Worker Arrests Way Down Since 2008The Obama administration said it would focus its enforcement of illegal immigration laws by targeting workplace activities, but a recent report shows that while audits of employers are slightly up over the Bush administration, worker arrests are down drastically since the end of 2008. The Obama administration said it would focus its enforcement of illegal immigration laws by targeting workplace activities, but a recent report shows that while audits of employers are slightly up over the Bush administration, worker arrests are down drastically since the end of 2008. Under Obama, employer audits are up 50 percent, fines have ...

The War at Home Is Far Deadlier Than The One In Afghanistan
Post Date: 2010-08-22 10:33:32 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
The War at Home August 20, 2010 by Chip Wood  In researching another topic, I stumbled across a column I wrote three years ago. That was back in the days before Personal Liberty Alerts started sending my musings to more than 500,000 people every week. No, in the fall of 2007 I had just 1,000 or 2,000 readers, most of them were probably named Wood. So the column below didn’t reach very many people. If it’s okay with you, I’d like to run it again. Because the message it contains is quite literally a matter of life and death for every one of us. See if you don’t agree. Here it is. Like me, you were no doubt sickened by the news from Newark, New Jersey that three ...

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