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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Desperate Mass. Officials Asking Residents to Take in Migrant Families
Post Date: 2023-08-10 18:00:47 by Horse
Even as they sink under the weight of their own policies, Dems won’t admit their failings. According to a Fox News report, Massachusetts officials are asking residents to host migrant families in the face of an unprecedented migrant surge from the southern border. From Fox News: Massachusetts Lt. Gov. Kim Driscoll asked state residents Wednesday to open their doors and assist housing migrants after the Democratic governor, Maura Healey, declared a state of emergency Tuesday as the state is faced with a vast shortage of shelters. “Most importantly, if you have an extra room or suite in your home, please consider hosting a family. Housing and shelter is our most pressing need ...

Chicago Spends More Than $100M on Illegals- But Wont Say Where it Went
Post Date: 2023-08-10 17:58:17 by Horse
Chicago has spent over $100M to care for the illegals arriving in the city thanks to Joe Biden’s broken border. But officials won’t provide transparency on how the money is being spent. The Gateway Pundit reported in May that, while Chicago burns with rampant crime and violence, the City Council approved $51 million in aid for illegals. In July, it was revealed that most of those funds, $47 million, would be used to pay for a national staffing firm that provides personnel at shelters receiving illegals arriving in the city. And yet, despite pouring millions of taxpayer dollars into the crisis, Chicago residents remain concerned about the decisions city officials are making on ...

NYC is spending more money on illegal migrants than sanitation, parks, and the fire department combined
Post Date: 2023-08-10 17:55:23 by Horse
NYC is spending more money on illegal migrants than sanitation, parks, and the fire department combined Poster Comment:But the illegal aliens are also a burden to police, fire, EMTs, courts, schools and hospitals.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Makes Case For Finishing Border Wall
Post Date: 2023-08-09 13:22:40 by Horse
"No, I will not be Donald Trump’s vice president...

Biden's Billions for Ukraine Could Have Built a Wall Two Times Across U.S.-Mexico Border
Post Date: 2023-08-09 13:13:02 by Horse
President Joe Biden, with help from Congress, has sent more than $66 billion in American taxpayer money to Ukraine since the start of its war with Russia—an allocation of money that could have built a border wall nearly two times across the United States-Mexico border. Since the start of the war in 2022, Congress has approved more than $113 billion in aid for Ukraine, and Biden is expected to ask for another $10 billion aid package when Congress returns from recess. Since 2022, the United States has given more foreign aid to Ukraine than to any other country in the world, according to a Washington Post analysis. The bulk of the allotted aid has gone to military contractors making ...

Large numbers of Chinese illegal aliens are showing up in America
Post Date: 2023-08-08 10:18:49 by Ada
For all four years of Trump’s presidency, the Democrat establishment never let up: “Russia! Russia! Russia!”—as if a corrupt country with a dying population and a minimal industrial base was a threat to us. (The Dems never minded the very powerful Soviet Union.) Donald Trump tried very hard to get America to focus on the real risk, which is China. All the Chinese stories in the news of late show he was correct…and a new one has just been added to the list, which involves Chinese citizens (foot soldiers?) being smuggled into America. Here are just a few things to consider about China vis-à-vis America: Its shoddy goods completely undercut our manufacturing ...

NYC may house 95,000 migrants in Central Park and other parks
Post Date: 2023-08-06 10:40:30 by Horse
New York City’s Central Park and Prospect Park are being considered by city officials as part of the sanctuary city’s plan to house migrants. According to Bloomberg, over 95,000 migrants have arrived in New York City over the last 15 months. The recent surge in migration resulted in Anne Williams-Isom, deputy mayor for Health and Human Services declaring “everything is on the table,” during a Wednesday press conference when she was asked about the potential for migrants to be housed in the city’s parks. Williams-Isom noted that Central Park and Prospect Park are two of roughly 3,000 potential migrant housing locations the city is currently considering.

NYC Health Official: Illegal Immigration Bringing Tuberculosis, Polio to New York
Post Date: 2023-08-03 18:48:51 by Horse
New York City Health Commissioner Ashwin Vasan announced that illegal immigration has been ushering a new wave of tuberculosis and polio to the city. In a citywide letter to physicians and healthcare administrators last week, Vasan said that the more than 50,000 illegal immigrants that have come to New York City since last year caused a spike in contagious diseases like tuberculosis and polio. “Many people who recently arrived in NYC have lived in or traveled through countries with high rates of TB,” he wrote, as reported by the New York Post. Tuberculosis can be cured with antibiotics and generally takes six to nine months to fully recover. According to the Post, the ...

Biden's Open-Border Policies Create Depression-Era "Hooverville" In New York's Central Park
Post Date: 2023-08-03 01:29:21 by Horse
New York City is considering erecting tents in the two major parks and on Randall’s Island as possible sites for the asylum seekers.

Medical company DocGo awarded $432M contract to bus illegals out of the Big Apple
Post Date: 2023-08-02 19:49:12 by Horse
New York City (NYC) Mayor Eric Adams is reportedly paying a medical company hundreds of millions to bus border crossers and illegal aliens out of the Big Apple – using taxpayer money, of course. Poster Comment:If I had the contract, I would bus them all to DC.

Nearly 800,000 Californians behind on rent, with over $5B accumulated rental debts
Post Date: 2023-08-02 19:47:23 by Horse
As of early May, more than 768,000 households in California were behind on rent payments, with the accumulated rental debts totaling more than $5 billion. Poster Comment:Rents are sky high due to legal and illegal immigration.

Mayor Adams Now Supports Enhanced Border Control, Calls for State of Emergency Amidst Influx of Illegal Aliens in NYC
Post Date: 2023-08-02 10:17:10 by Horse
New York City Mayor Eric Adams was finally given a dose of reality about what residents who live near the border have been going through for years. Mayor Adams has announced his support for enhanced border control and called for a state of emergency in New York City in response to the recent wave of illegal aliens entering the sanctuary city. This shift in policy comes amidst harrowing scenes outside the Roosevelt Hotel in Manhattan, where dozens of illegal aliens have waited for hours, and some even for days, to be processed at the migrant arrival center and be placed in a shelter. The line has grown so long that some immigrants have resorted to sleeping on the street. “It’s ...

AI to Force 12 Million American Workers to Look for Jobs
Post Date: 2023-07-31 07:56:24 by Horse
AI is about to revolutionize “US efficiency” with devastating social consequences. With AI (supported by other technologies), 30 % of hours currently worked across the US economy could be automated. See the McKinsey Study By 2030, activities that account for up to 30 percent of hours currently worked across the US economy could be automated—a trend accelerated by generative AI. However, we see generative AI enhancing the way STEM, creative, and business and legal professionals work rather than eliminating a significant number of jobs outright. Automation’s biggest effects are likely to hit other job categories. Office support, customer service, and food service ...

Chicago residents berate officials over crime from illegal aliens at shelters:
Post Date: 2023-07-30 10:49:03 by Horse
'They disrespect us; they rob us; they harass us' Residents of a Chicago neighborhood angrily denounced their local officials over the crime overflowing from illegal aliens at a shelter, and some are threatening vigilante violence if nothing is done soon. More than 50 residents of the Woodlawn neighborhood attended the community meeting at Apostolic Church of God to express their outrage over prostitution, drug dealing, and violence from a migrant shelter set up at the former Wadsworth High School building. "I would ask you all to go out there — go out there at night, in the middle of the night — and see what goes on," said one woman in tears. "They ...

Chinese Invasion Blueprint Exposed - CRITICAL NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT
Post Date: 2023-07-29 23:41:54 by Horse
Muckraker has obtained a never-before-published document, circulated among Chinese illegal aliens, which offers a clear blueprint on how to navigate to the United States illegally, and how to exploit the asylum system, achieve refugee status, and become embedded in America. Month after month, thousands of military-aged Chinese nationals are crossing into the United States illegally. Some of these illegal aliens served in the Chinese armed forces, others are conducting weapons training inside the United States, and all have followed the same blueprint for infiltrating America. China is now positioned to attack America from within. CCP loyalists are scattered across the country and more are ...

IL Governor signs bill allowing illegal immigrants to become police officers
Post Date: 2023-07-29 23:36:03 by Horse
🇺🇸Travis🇺🇸 @Travis_in_Flint Just In: Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker has signed a law that will allow illegal immigrants to become police officers and sheriffs deputies. In Illinois American citizens will be arrested by illegals. House Bill 3751 permits anyone who is not a U.S. citizen but is legally authorized to work in the country under federal law to apply to become a police officer or a sheriff’s deputy. Poster Comment:This means Drug Cartels can use police officers to kill witnesses and rival drug gang members.

CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Woman escapes carjacking attempt in Oakland
Post Date: 2023-07-29 21:32:51 by Horse

NYC illegals just committed this heinous crime while staying on taxpayers’ dime
Post Date: 2023-07-29 10:55:43 by BTP Holdings
NYC illegals just committed this heinous crime while staying on taxpayers’ dime NYC Buildings Photo by Julien Goettelmann via Pexels Leftist politicians spent decades virtue-signaling their compassion by proclaiming areas under their control to be “sanctuaries” for illegal immigrants. While that was easy, what’s proven tougher is figuring out what to do when they actually show up in their neighborhoods. Now a group of NYC illegals just committed this heinous crime while staying on taxpayers’ dime. Police and witnesses say that a rowdy group of illegal immigrants attacked people walking by in Manhattan. The alleged attackers were staying at a former jail ...

Sweden, One of the Most Censorious Countries on Earth, Continues to Bizarrely Claim They Burn Korans Because of Free Speech
Post Date: 2023-07-29 09:33:20 by Ada
The obvious thing to do here is to give Andrew Anglin a permit to burn a Talmud in front of a Stockholm synagogue. I’m serious. Right now, it is very obvious that the Swedish government is specifically targeting Islam for reasons no one can even explain beyond some inexplicable hatred for the people they inexplicably flooded their country with. Click for Full Text!

NYC illegals just committed this heinous crime while staying on taxpayers’ dime
Post Date: 2023-07-28 17:41:29 by BTP Holdings
NYC illegals just committed this heinous crime while staying on taxpayers’ dime NYC Buildings Photo by Julien Goettelmann via Pexels Leftist politicians spent decades virtue-signaling their compassion by proclaiming areas under their control to be “sanctuaries” for illegal immigrants. While that was easy, what’s proven tougher is figuring out what to do when they actually show up in their neighborhoods. Now a group of NYC illegals just committed this heinous crime while staying on taxpayers’ dime. Police and witnesses say that a rowdy group of illegal immigrants attacked people walking by in Manhattan. The alleged attackers were staying at a former jail that ...

People Actually Trying to Stop Child Trafficking are Often Murdered The CENSORED Linda Collins-Smith Story
Post Date: 2023-07-28 12:04:59 by Horse
In 2019 we interviewed Kathy Hall on KFNX Talk Radio out of Phoenix regarding the kidnapping of her granddaughter after her daughter was killed in Arkansas. She was close friends with Arkansas State Senator Linda Collins-Smith, who was working on her case and attempting to help her get custody of her granddaughter. But after returning to Arkansas after a trip to Arizona, Arkansas State Senator Linda Collins-Smith was murdered. Poster Comment:All that ballot stuffing in Arizona is really about giving their state government to drug cartels.

White America: Disappeared and Replaced
Post Date: 2023-07-27 10:36:46 by Ada
In the United States the majority of the population remains white despite 58 years of mass immigration of non-whites. Despite remaining a large majority, white Americans are not only being replaced but are being disappeared along with their history. You no longer see white families in corporate ads. If a family is shown, it is a black man, white woman and mixed race children, or it is an Asian woman, white man and mixed race children. A white family has been given negative meaning as a statement against “diversity.” Diversity has trumped the basis of a nation state, which is a homogeneous population. A diverse, multicultural population is a Tower of Babel, not a nation. Without a ...

New York City Migrant Crisis Approaches Breaking Point
Post Date: 2023-07-26 21:14:43 by Horse
New York City is approaching a breaking point as it tries to metabolize the tens of thousands of illegal migrants who have streamed into the city over the past year. Since April of last year, more than 90,000 migrants have arrived in New York City. As of this month, about 55,000 are still being housed on the city’s dime, causing New York’s homeless shelters to burst at the seams. Combined with the city’s large homeless population, the city is now sheltering a record 105,800 people. New York City has already poured $1.2 billion into helping the migrants since last summer. Mayor Eric Adams said earlier this month that New York is seeing about 2,500 asylum seekers arriving ...

"The border INVASION is getting worse by the day" - Michael Yon
Post Date: 2023-07-26 15:43:31 by Horse
Poster Comment:Michael Yon is a former Green Beret who reports on illegals.

Rep. Gaetz Intros Bill Ending 'Unqualified' Birthright Citizenship
Post Date: 2023-07-26 11:01:16 by Ada
Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., introduced a bill to Congress on Tuesday to end "unqualified" birthright citizenship. "Birthright citizenship has been grossly and blatantly misapplied for decades, recently becoming a loophole for illegal aliens to fraudulently abuse our immigration system. My legislation recognizes that American citizenship is a privilege –– not an automatic right to be co-opted by illegal aliens," Gaetz said in a press release Tuesday announcing the bill's introduction in the House. "This is an important step in preserving the sanctity of American citizenship and ensures that citizenship is not treated as a loophole to be exploited but ...

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