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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Biden Administration Officials Sued For Maligning Border Agents
Post Date: 2022-06-18 11:54:00 by BTP Holdings
Biden Administration Officials Sued For Maligning Border Agents Some top officials of the Biden administration are now facing legal challenges over their false statements regarding border agents; they accused them of whipping Haitian immigrants last year. The lawsuit is against the Department of Homeland Security and the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) for not disclosing the results of the investigations. Lawsuit For Maligning Border Officials On Thursday, the National Police Association (NPA) sued the border officials who tried to withhold information about the White House’s attempt to handle the 2021 Haitian immigrants incident at Del Rio, Texas. The lawsuit is filed under ...

Protest In Fargo ND Over Murder Of White Child By African Immigrant. Media Ignores
Post Date: 2022-06-18 10:33:34 by Horse
The name of Daisy “Jupiter” Paulsen has never appeared in the New York Times or the Washington Post, and over a year after her brutal murder in Fargo, ND at the hands of African immigrant Arthur Prince Kollie it’s now less likely to appear than ever. That’s because her father, Robert Paulsen, desperate over the institutional failures that led to her death and over what seems to be the increasing likelihood that Kollie will escape punishment, has allied with the radical National Justice Party, described by critics like the virulently anti-white Anti-Defamation League as “a virulently antisemitic white supremacist group,” to protest the scandal. Of course the ...

It mysteriously disappeared!
Post Date: 2022-06-15 10:02:28 by Horse
Poster Comment:North African illegal immigrants attacked Liverpool fans at a soccer stadium in Paris. The French press and government blamed the English soccer fans. The police decided to not request video footage which would prove who did what and allow for prosecution of violent criminals.

BlackRock CEO Larry Fink Blames Nationalism And Immigration Restrictions For Inflation
Post Date: 2022-06-14 21:51:04 by Horse
VIDEO The rise of nationalism and immigration restrictions are to blame for inflation, not the Federal Reserve printing trillions of dollars, according to BlackRock CEO Larry Fink. Fink, who manages some $10 trillion in assets, told Bloomberg earlier this month that he believes inflation is "not Fed related." "I would say, 10 years ago, the rise-- whether you call it nationalism or the rise of this belief that we have to focus on communities that have been devastated by globalization, we need to find ways of creating better jobs for more Americans, that in itself is inflationary," Fink said. "When you move away from the cheapest price ever to another area and ...

Illegal Aliens Set to Receive Driver’s Licenses in Massachusetts After State Legislature Overrides Governor’s Veto
Post Date: 2022-06-14 06:57:43 by Horse
– 17 States Now Allow Illegals to Get Gov’t Issued Photo ID Poster Comment:This is an act of treason.

Federal Judge Blocks Biden Administration Restrictions On Immigration Arrests
Post Date: 2022-06-12 03:13:02 by Horse
US District Court Judge Drew Tipton in Texas stated that the DHS had no authority to issue a September 2021 memo which directed immigration officials to focus only on illegals that are deemed a "threat to public safety or national security"...

Portland, Maine to raise property taxes to pay for free housing for 'asylum-seekers'
Post Date: 2022-06-10 10:43:42 by Ada
Illegal aliens are known to cost U.S. citizens billions to support, but rarely is that experienced as directly as it is now in Portland, Maine, where city officials voted to raise property taxes in order to house 1,200 "asylum seekers," along with 500 homeless. According to WGME: PORTLAND (WGME) – Portland property taxes will soon be going up by 4.8 percent. Last year, families with a $400,000 home paid about $5,200 in property taxes. With this new increase, it'll be around $5,550 for that same home. That's an increase of about $350. Portland’s finance director says without federal help, it will cost the city $9 million to house hundreds of asylum seekers ...

Feds Bust Extensive Uber Smuggling Ring at Northern Border
Post Date: 2022-06-09 20:43:24 by BTP Holdings
Feds Bust Extensive Uber Smuggling Ring at Northern Border Federal authorities recently unraveled an extensive plot to illegally smuggle non-citizens from India into America across the northern border by sending the individuals in Ubers. According to investigators, Rajinder Pal Singh created at least 17 accounts to facilitate his operations, with some accounts showing a ride history in excess of 90 trips. As a result, Singh has been arrested and now faces up to a decade in prison. However, Singh is far from the only individual involved in the illicit human smuggling efforts. While most Americans are rightfully concerned about their insecure southern border with Mexico, very few are ...

73% Of Trump Voters Believe Dems Are Trying To Replace White Americans With Immigrants Who Vote For Them; New Poll Finds
Post Date: 2022-06-08 19:49:22 by Horse
...numbers even higher than similar poll last week...

Illegal Alien Who Killed Kate Steinle Sentenced to Time Served
Post Date: 2022-06-07 07:35:55 by Horse
The illegal alien who killed Kate Steinle was sentenced to time served. On July 1, 2015, beautiful California native, 32-year-old Kate Steinle was shot dead while walking with her father on Pier 24 in San Francisco. Steinle died two hours later as a result of her injuries. The illegal immigrant claimed that he had found the weapon and was attempting to shoot a sea lion. Illegal immigrant José Inez García Zárate was arrested and charged with her murder. TRENDING: Exclusive: "THE TRUTH ABOUT JANUARY 6th" Documentary Premieres Today on The Gateway Pundit! Narrated by Political Prisoner Jake Lang from Inside Solitary Confinement! MUST WATCH! In November 2017 ...

Asylum Seekers Overwhelm Shelters In Portland, Maine
Post Date: 2022-06-06 01:23:46 by Horse
Authored by Steven Kovac via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Facing an impending humanitarian crisis, Portland Family Shelters Director Mike Guthrie has a simple message to anyone who will listen, “We need help!” Guthrie, a hands-on, frontline worker in the effort to feed, clothe, and house a continuous flow of foreign nationals arriving in Portland by airplane or bus from the U.S. southern border, told The Epoch Times, “Our family shelter facilities, our warming room, and even area hotel space is at capacity. We have maxed out our community resources. “The time is coming when I’m going to have to look a dad in the face and tell him and his family that I ...

Inflation Will Price Many Americans Out Of Housing And Into Homelessness
Post Date: 2022-06-05 19:33:05 by Horse
When housing finally does deflate, it will only be under drastic economic instability. By that time, people will have much bigger concerns... Poster Comment:Automation sales are up 40% in the first quarter of 2022. Yet we are letting unskilled workers into America. Rents are forcing native born Americans to live in their cars. Yet we are letting legal and illegal aliens flood the country. Food and gas prices are soaring but we are letting legal and illegal aliens flood the country so we can print money and buy imported food and oil. Of course that money printing will lead to hyperinflation. But hyperinflation will help billionaires cancel their debts.

The Great Robo-placement? Workplace Robot Orders Jump 40% In First Quarter
Post Date: 2022-06-05 18:27:19 by Horse
"Automation, if it goes very fast, can destroy a lot of jobs..." Poster Comment:Automation means fewer jobs for legal and illegal aliens. This will drive down jobs for illegal aliens and for the native born. But all that increased immigration will drive up rental prices and increase the demand for food. It will also raise burdens on local governments for aid, schools and law enforcement and courts. A Perfect Storm is gathering. If they use any more PCR tests to kill chickens, people won't be able to buy food. There will be Nationwide Food Riots. Bill Gates gave $20 million to the man who made bird flu much more dangerous and more contagious. And he also gave money to ...

Like the US, England is being buried under illegal aliens and economic migrants
Post Date: 2022-06-05 10:20:19 by Ada
With Biden in office, America’s southern border has vanished entirely. Illegal aliens crossed the border over 1.6 million times in 2021 and, this year, they’re going to break that record, given that they’re marching across the border at the rate of around 200,000 per month (a number that may increase if Biden gets rid of the Title 42 health restriction). Once here, if the illegal aliens are caught, the government feeds them, clothes them, gives them free baby formula (if they need it), and ships them across the country to wherever they want to go. But believe it or not, we’re the lucky ones. What’s happening in Europe and, especially, in England is infinitely ...

God's Work: Border Patrol Speak Of The 'Scum' They Prevent From Crossing
Post Date: 2022-06-02 16:43:43 by Ada
The head of the U.S. Border Patrol is glorifying his agents after they seized ten sex offenders, a slew of lethal drugs, and other illegal immigrants wanted for severe crimes in only three days -- while further rescuing almost two dozen migrants from danger. "Extremely Proud!" tweeted Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz as he listed off the achievements the men and women in green had accomplished in only three days. Ortiz announced that agents had stopped 13 lbs of methamphetamine, 26 lbs of heroin and 131 lbs of fentanyl in that time period. Fentanyl, more than 50-100 times more potent than morphine, has been accused for the increase in overdose deaths across the nation. Agents ...

What Happened to This Small Village Told to Accept 1500 'Refugees'?
Post Date: 2022-06-02 16:15:26 by Horse

They’re Replacing You, Black America
Post Date: 2022-05-31 16:06:03 by Ada
Liberals are screwing over African Americans again, sublimely confident that whatever they do, Democrats will never get less than 90% of the black vote. In the Buffalo, New York, mass shooting 10 days ago, 18-year-old Payton S. Gendron drove 200 miles to a grocery store jam-packed with the descendants of American slaves and gunned down as many people as he could. But instead of this being an anti-black thing, the media have decided, no, it’s an anti-immigrant thing, based on the shooter’s belief in the “great replacement theory,” which holds that elites are deliberately replacing historic Americans with immigrants. Trust us, it’s all in his “manifesto” ...

Republican politicians all over the country have repeated the Great Replacement theory
Post Date: 2022-05-29 21:05:35 by BTP Holdings
Republican politicians all over the country have repeated the Great Replacement theory Erin Mansfield and Candy Woodall, USA TODAY - 29 May 2022 Congressional candidate Joe Kent took to Twitter last summer to repeat a racist theme that has become commonplace in the country’s immigration debate and upcoming elections. “The left is supporting an invasion of illegal immigrants to replace American voters and undercut working class jobs,” Kent wrote. Then in the spring, in an interview with a white nationalist group, he nodded along as the host said Democrats don't care about the "Anglos" or "the founding stock of America." “You believe ...

Federal Agent in Buffalo Shooter’s Discord Chat, Parents Arrested and Tased for Telling Cops to Stop Uvalde Shooter
Post Date: 2022-05-29 07:12:46 by Ada
Both of the big mass shootings of the last few days are unraveling, exposing a sloppy mess of lies and hoaxes. As I reported earlier this week, in Uvalde, 40 cops were outside of the school for 40 minutes and refused to enter the building while the shooter was killing everyone. They were apparently waiting for the shooter to run out of bullets. The parents were ready to rush in themselves – so the police had to arrest them to… protect the shooter? Fox News: On Thursday, the Uvalde Police Department Chief Daniel Rodriguez released a statement saying its officers responded to reports of a shooter “within minutes,” alongside school district officers. Two responding ...

Texas Shooting: 40 Cops Stood Around Outside the School for 40 Minutes
Post Date: 2022-05-26 09:05:24 by Ada
Jacinto Cazares, a parent who is upset that the shooting rampage lasted 90 minutes – it took the cops 50 minutes to arrive after the first 911 call, then they stood around outside the school for 40 more minutes I’m not schizophrenic. But it was confirmed that at Parkland the police who were outside the school during the shooting were ordered not to go in by the Sheriff’s department, run by Scott Israel. That was after Sheriff Israel had attacked the school officer on duty for not going in. The school officer was eventually charged with a crime for not going in. Nothing ever happened to the Sheriff’s department who ordered their own officers not to go in. And now ...

11 Dead, 5 Wounded In Mexican Hotel Massacre
Post Date: 2022-05-24 16:43:51 by Horse
Telemundo 52 reports gunmen stormed a hotel in Mexico, killed nearly a dozen people, and injured five others Monday night. The hotel massacre occurred around 2200 local time at the Gala hotel and bar located in Celaya, a city in the central Mexican state of Guanajuato. Two trucks rolled up to the hotel with 15 masked men who unleashed a barrage of bullets on unsuspecting guests and employees. "Around 15 attackers surprised clients and employees of the Gala hotel and the adjoining bar, where they fired more than 50 times," the local news station said. The suspects fled, and when law enforcement agencies arrived at the scene, they found four people, two men and two women, dead ...

Bush Assassination Plot Revealed In FBI Warrant - Outraged Ted Cruz Demands "Secure The Border NOW"
Post Date: 2022-05-24 16:16:26 by Horse
Ohio-based Iraqi migrant plotted to get "Mexican visitor visas for the ISIS operatives" after casing Bush's Dallas residence...

Angry migrants protest for their 'right' to be in the US illegally
Post Date: 2022-05-24 10:20:01 by Ada
Apparently, being illegally present in the U.S. is now a "right" rather than a criminal act, and not even a "privilege" when done legally. For some 60,000 would-be illegal border-crossers amassed at the U.S. border, it's now a "right." This is why we're seeing would-be illegal border-crossers now holding protests in cities such as Tijuana as a judge's order on Title 42 forces the Border Patrol to turn back tens of thousands of unvetted entries into the States. According to Breitbart News: Foreign nationals protested in Tijuana, Mexico, on Sunday to demand President Joe Biden end the Title 42 public health authority at the United States-Mexico ...

EXCLUSIVE: Half-Million Migrants Cross Border in Ten Weeks
Post Date: 2022-05-22 10:06:01 by Ada
More than a half-million migrants illegally crossed the southwest border with Mexico during a 10-week period ending on May 15. The record-setting mass migration crisis is overwhelming Border Patrol and NGO resources as they deal with the chaotic level of border crossings. Between April 1 and May 15 approximately 513,000 migrants illegally crossed the southwest border with Mexico. The number reflects apprehensions cited in the April Southwest Border Migration Report and unofficial numbers obtained from a law enforcement source within CBP. The source stated that agents apprehended approximately 47,000 migrants just in the past seven days. Until recently, the Rio Grande Valley and Del Rio ...

Arizona AG Brnovich: ‘Cartels Have Seized Control of Our Border’ Because of Biden
Post Date: 2022-05-20 21:04:32 by Horse
Arizona Republican Attorney General Mark Brnovich is sounding the alarm on the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border. During an interview on Fox News, Brnovich slammed Joe Biden’s “failed” immigration policies. “Every time you think … we’ve hit rock bottom, something else happens,” he said. “There’s a record amount of people flooding into this country this year. Just last week, our office was involved in a record amount of fentanyl seized. Americans are dying. Our cities are more dangerous as a result of the failed Biden administration’s policies.” Cartels “have seized operational control” of the southern border, Brnovich said, ...

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