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CLOWNWORLDUK Mother ‘Named and Shamed’ on Facebook For Not Clapping For the NHS
Post Date: 2020-04-24 18:08:36 by NeoconsNailed
A mother in the UK was named and shamed on Facebook because she failed to participate in the weekly ‘clap for the NHS’. Every Tuesday at 8pm in the United Kingdom, people emerge from their homes to applaud health workers for their role in fighting coronavirus. The event has become a massive nationwide spectacle, with people cheering, banging pots and pans and even setting off fireworks. However, when one woman was unable to take part, she was accused of “showing the street up.” The mother described how she had a difficult time getting her young son to sleep and fell asleep herself before 8pm. “A post went on our community Facebook group actually naming and ...

Immigration Migrant Areas of Paris Hit With 3rd Consecutive Night of Riots
Post Date: 2020-04-23 09:48:58 by Horse
Migrant areas of Paris were hit with a 3rd consecutive night of rioting following an accident in which a motorcyclist was seriously injured after a confrontation with police. One clip shows firefighters trying to tackle a blaze after numerous vehicles were set on fire. Pepe Mujica - Palabras y sentires 🎗 @PalabrasdePepe 🔥🇫🇷 Fourth night of riots in the Parisian suburbs of Villeneuve La Garenne. There have also been incidents elsewhere in the banlieue de #Paris. #France #disturbed #Incidents #COVID19 #coronavirus https://twitter.com/i/status/1252875617298575368 24 Comments Migrant areas of Paris were hit with a 3rd consecutive night of rioting ...

Trump promises to stop immigration then backtracks for foreign worker importers
Post Date: 2020-04-23 01:34:24 by James Deffenbach
We wish we had a way you could contact and influence Trump to honor his pledge to end immigration, but unfortunately, he is backtracking and average Americans like us have no way to reach him other than to share and comment on this release using email and social media in the hopes the press picks up our calls for action. President Trump speaks to his social media audience as if he is stopping all immigraiton into America during the pandemic, but in truth, his actual order will maintain a cheap foreign labor supply for most large companies. While Trump's base voters and supporters have no way to contact or influence the President since the White House comment lines are shut down and ...

Two British Men Arrested For Posting "Pubs Closed, Borders Open" Stickers
Post Date: 2020-04-22 10:38:27 by Horse
Councillor says message is an affront to diversity...

Tucker: Trump’s Immigration “Ban” Still Allows Corporations to Import Cheap Foreign Labor
Post Date: 2020-04-22 09:32:37 by Ada
Slap in the face to millions of unemployed Americans. Tucker Carlson warned on his show last night that President Trump’s supposed immigration “ban” is nothing of the kind because it still allows corporations to import cheap foreign labor, failing to protect more than 22 million Americans who have just filed for unemployment. As we highlighted yesterday, the draft executive order contains broad exemptions for “refugees,” “essential workers” and a number of other categories of people. That’s a far cry from temporarily suspending all immigration to the United States, as Trump’s initial tweet suggested. Now CNN reports that the “ban” ...

Less Than Half Of Adults In Los Angeles Now Have Jobs
Post Date: 2020-04-21 18:24:06 by Horse
Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti (D-CA) announced Sunday that the economic consequences of the coronavirus outbreak and association shutdown will have a greater negative effect on the city than the Great Recession of 2008. Poster Comment:Maybe they will take their stimulus checks and go back to Mexico.

Trump says he will sign executive order temporarily suspending immigration into US
Post Date: 2020-04-21 07:53:23 by Ada
President Trump on Monday said he will sign an executive order to temporarily suspend immigration into the United States amid the coronavirus pandemic, an extraordinary move that prompted immediate questions about its timing and scope. "In light of the attack from the Invisible Enemy, as well as the need to protect the jobs of our GREAT American Citizens, I will be signing an Executive Order to temporarily suspend immigration into the United States!" Trump tweeted. Click for Full Text!

Trump Temporarily Suspends All Immigration Into The United States
Post Date: 2020-04-20 23:39:10 by Horse
I will be signing an Executive Order to temporarily suspend immigration into the United States!" Poster Comment:Americans had higher wages than Europe until we had to import natural resources when our population went over 150 million. We had 129 million people in 1929. 3 million Gentiles died from starvation. Then a million Americans died either during the are or after the war from their wounds before making a recovery and resuming normal life. If we had not entered WW II, we could have barred entry to Jews and had a paradise from coast to coast. Maybe 150 million or so people. Would have been a paradise. But I dream on.

teenage girl was grilled by 11 barristers for six days and called a liar - but refused to back down and laid bare the horror of Asian rape gangs
Post Date: 2020-04-19 16:10:21 by Horse
A car door was flung open and the two girls were pushed out into the darkness. They fell awkwardly on to the moorland heather as the vehicle accelerated away and the tail-lights disappeared into the night. The girls grabbed each other, huddling together, frozen in fear. After several minutes, when they were sure the car wasn’t coming back, they looked across the barren landscape of Saddleworth Moor towards the lights of civilisation blinking faintly in the distance. Then they began the long 14-mile walk back to town. It was a little after 8.30 the next morning when Sara Rowbotham parked her car outside the sexual health support service she ran in Rochdale, ten miles north-east of ...

Leading migrant rescue alliance falls apart over coronavirus handling disagreement
Post Date: 2020-04-18 07:51:49 by Ada
NGOs ended collaboration in Mediterranean amid lack of support from EU governments during pandemic Europe's leading migrant rescue alliance has fallen apart because of a lack of assistance from governments in the region amid the coronavirus pandemic. Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) and SOS Mediterranee, two French charities that have rescued thousands of migrants from the Mediterranean Sea over the past four years, said they could no longer continue their joint sea-based mission, citing a disagreement related to the handling of coronavirus. In a statement released on Friday, MSF said it had "taken the very difficult decision to end our partnership with SOS Mediterranee" ...

a man who was arrested in Cumberland County, North Carolina on 96 counts of child sexual abuse is an illegal alien.
Post Date: 2020-04-18 00:40:18 by Horse
North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement (NCFIRE), an activist group, first posted about the arrest of Pedro Rene Paguada on its Facebook page on April 2. The group said that he was arrested on March 27 on 43 counts of child abuse/sexual act, 45 counts of indecent liberties with a child, three counts of statutory sex offense with a child, two counts of second-degree forcible sex offense, and one count of statutory rape. He was also charged with driving without a license and a traffic offense. Busted Newspaper, a tabloid that reports on arrests, is the only media outlet that even covered Paguada’s arrest. According to the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office, U.S. ...

California’s Massive $125M Illegal Immigrant Stimulus Is Partially Funded By Mark Zuckerberg
Post Date: 2020-04-16 10:00:01 by Horse
On Wednesday, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced a massive cash payout for illegal immigrants in California that would consist of a “public-private partnership.” The gross total of the illegal alien stimulus will amount to $125 million, of which $70 million will be paid for by taxpayers who are legal United States residents. The other $50 million will consist of private funds from various pro-mass migration special interests, under the banner of the “California Immigrant Resilience Fund.”

Los Angeles sheriff releases 25% of inmates over coronavirus — now he's worried there might be a crime wave
Post Date: 2020-04-15 09:30:16 by Horse
Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva is worried that there might be a crime wave coming after he released what amounts to 25% of inmates over coronavirus concerns.

Framed photo of communist revolutionary seen inside grandma's house
Post Date: 2020-04-14 08:52:11 by Horse
Police in Germany, France, and Belgium were under siege during the weekend, as mobs of migrants and gangs attacked them in the streets despite coronavirus lockdowns in effect in each country. In the Anderlecht neighborhood of Brussels, at least 57 people were arrested after violent riots in response to the death of a 19-year-old who reportedly crashed his scooter while being chased after fleeing a police checkpoint. “Images of the protest show police officers driving a group of young people back, after which they run away," Bruzz reports. "A police helicopter was also used to monitor the neighborhood. However, this could not prevent the situation from getting very out of ...

The State of NY just made it a Class E Felony for Law Enforcement to report illegals to ICE.
Post Date: 2020-04-11 14:35:57 by Horse
Poster Comment:This and his handling of coronavirus by banning hydroxy will guarantee Cuomo goes up in flames in November if he gets the nomination. There is always Hillary.

Why Mexico Fears Shutting Down Its Economy To Combat COVID-19
Post Date: 2020-04-10 21:21:00 by Horse
The distance between a "normal" economy and grinding poverty is a lot smaller in Mexico than in a wealthy country like the United States or Germany... Poster Comment:Might I point out that the population of Mexico was 28 million in 1950. Today it is 132 million and there are 34 million Mexican-Americans. I wrote this: Senator, Why Do You Want to Cut Our Wages and Pensions 50%? https://vidrebel.wordpress.com/2019/04/29/senator-why-do-you-want-to-cut-our-wages-and-pensions-50/

UK: 7-year-old girl stabbed to death by Somali national
Post Date: 2020-04-05 08:16:02 by Horse
A seven-year-old British girl was stabbed to death by a Somali woman in a park on Mother’s Day, Sunday, March 22nd, a coroner was told during a court hearing. Emily Jones, the victim, was riding her scooter in the Queen’s Park, Heaton while on an outing with her father when she was senselessly and viciously attacked by a 30-year-old Somali woman, English regional newspaper Bolton News reports. Despite emergency services’ best attempts to save Emily’s life, she passed away about an hour later after she was rushed to the hospital.

Coronavirus Spreading in Norway's Migrant Areas, Somalis Hit Hardest – Reports
Post Date: 2020-04-04 10:49:05 by Horse
Almost one in four hospitalised immigrants in Norway is Somali, despite the diaspora there constituting only 0.8 percent of the Norwegian population. This has been attributed to cramped living conditions and their insufficient knowledge of the Norwegian language. While the share of immigrants admitted to Norwegian hospitals with COVID-19 roughly corresponds to their proportion in the general population, there is one group that is strongly over-represented in the statistics. Despite accounting for only 0.8 percent of the Norwegian population, Somalis constitute over 20 percent of immigrants treated for Covid-19, according the Norwegian Public Health Instutute (FHI). More than 829 ...

Half a Million Chinese People Entered America at the Height of the Coronavirus Outbreak
Post Date: 2020-04-04 08:08:31 by Horse
Around half a million Chinese people, some of them infected with coronavirus, entered America from December to February at the height of the COVID-19 outbreak, new figures show. The numbers, which were obtained from Commerce Department and U.S. Customs and Border Protection records, were compiled by ABC News. They show that in the three month period when coronavirus was raging across China, 759,493 people entered the U.S. from China. This number included 228,000 Americans who were returning home, meaning that roughly half a million were Chinese citizens or people living in China who were visiting the U.S. for tourism, business or to see family. This number of people were pouring into ...

Sweden Begins To Abandon Liberal Coronavirus Approach As Deaths Surge
Post Date: 2020-04-02 02:36:48 by Horse
Having been one of the few European countries in the world not to impose a coronavirus lockdown, Sweden is now starting to abandon its liberal approach after a surge in deaths. Up until now, Sweden had kept schools, bars, restaurants and cinemas open while only restricting gatherings that were over 50 people. People were encouraged to observe social distancing measures, but there were no quarantine protocols enforced by force of law and unlike its Scandinavian neighbors, Sweden’s borders remained open. Commentators warned that this was “like watching a horror movie” and that it would inevitably backfire. Now that Sweden has recorded 239 COVID-19 deaths, more than Norway, ...

Gaetz: Why Would We Have $350 Million For Migrants And Refugees Before We Restore The Economic Condition Of Every American?
Post Date: 2020-03-26 16:47:40 by Horse
Rep. Matt Gaetz blasted the $350 million designated for migrants and refugees in the $2 trillion coronavirus relief package, which did not include any money for Immigration and Customs Enforcement or Border Patrol.

Germany Closes Border To Europeans, But Migrants Still Allowed In
Post Date: 2020-03-24 09:14:15 by Horse
refugee red carpet will continue, despite global pandemic... Poster Comment:I suppose you know that Angela Merkel is Jewish.

A 42-year-old died in ICE custody, becoming their 10th death in six months
Post Date: 2020-03-24 07:35:06 by BTP Holdings
A 42-year-old died in ICE custody, becoming their 10th death in six months Lauren Theisen 10 hrs ago A 42-year-old Mexican man died on Saturday at a Texas hospital while under the custody of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, becoming the 10th death on ICE’s hands since the beginning of the government’s fiscal year in October. The man, Ramiro Hernandez Ibarra, was awaiting his deportation and died of complications related to septic shock, according to ICE, but the agency did not elaborate on the circumstances that led to his death. © Kendall Rodriguez ABC News notes that the 10 deaths that ICE has experienced so far this fiscal year already exceeds the eight ...

Paris No-Go Zone Police Overwhelmed Attempting to Enforce Quarantine
Post Date: 2020-03-23 08:08:14 by Horse
Police in Paris no-go zones are becoming overwhelmed trying to maintain the nationwide quarantine and have handed out record numbers of fines

(Trump finally closes borders) The Ingraham Angle 3/20
Post Date: 2020-03-22 22:15:28 by Horse
Poster Comment:Joe Biden 8 days ago was saying it was wrong to close the border and to restrict travel from overseas. (One woman returned from Italy and went out immediately to hug and talk to her friends. She infected over 40 people directly and an unknown number of people on a second hand basis. That was in the Dominican Republic.)

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