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Latest Articles: Immigration

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AOC Calls for Americans to Harbor Illegals From ICE
Post Date: 2019-06-23 17:29:02 by BTP Holdings
AOC Calls for Americans to Harbor Illegals From ICE (Fox News/"Justice With Judge Jeanine") By Eric Mack | Sunday, 23 June 2019 11:46 AM After calling U.S. illegal immigrant centers "concentration camps," Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., shared information on the Trump administration Immigration and Custom Enforcement raids, potentially putting ICE agents in danger of violent protests. Rep. Ocasio-Cortez tweeted Saturday: "Warning: The Trump admin is expected to begin ICE raids across the country TOMORROW, targeting people for round up. NOW is the time for us to come together: - Check in w/ your neighbors - Share "Know Your Rights" info - ...

Nancy Pelosi called Donald Trump Friday night asking to call off ICE raids
Post Date: 2019-06-23 08:44:35 by BTP Holdings
Nancy Pelosi called Donald Trump Friday night asking to call off ICE raids By Jake Tapper, Anchor and Chief Washington Correspondent 10 hrs ago © CNN Illustration/Getty Images House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called President Donald Trump Friday night and asked him to call off the Immigration and Customs Enforcement deportation raids scheduled for Sunday, a source familiar with the call told CNN. Trump pulled back on the raids Saturday a matter of hours after he spoke in support of the coordinated arrests and deportations that were slated to hit 10 major cities. Trump announced via Twitter that he would delay for two weeks US raids to give Congress a chance to "get together and ...

Sanctuary City Releases Illegal Alien Rapist, He Attacks Victim AGAIN… Now ‘Missing’
Post Date: 2019-06-22 03:53:25 by Horse
An illegal alien is wanted by law enforcement officials after he reportedly attacked the woman he raped following his release by the sanctuary city of King County, Washington. Francisco Carranza Ramirez, 35, has been living in the United States as an illegal alien for an unknown period of time, a law enforcement official confirmed to KOMO News. Ramirez crossed the southern border during an unknown time from his native Mexico. Ramirez, according to court records reviewed by the Seattle Times, raped a 32-year-old woman — who is bound to a wheelchair because of her disability — in King County on September 26, 2018. In the middle of the rape in her bedroom, the woman was able to ...

The Jackboots Are Coming: Mass Arrests, Power Grabs and the Politics of Fear
Post Date: 2019-06-20 09:17:43 by Ada
“Never has our future been more unpredictable, never have we depended so much on political forces that cannot be trusted to follow the rules of common sense and self-interest—forces that look like sheer insanity, if judged by the standards of other centuries.” ― Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism How do you persuade a populace to embrace totalitarianism, that goose-stepping form of tyranny in which the government has all of the power and “we the people” have none? You persuade the people that the menace they face (imaginary or not) is so sinister, so overwhelming, so fearsome that the only way to surmount the danger is by empowering the ...

Garages the new affordable houses.
Post Date: 2019-06-20 03:21:32 by Horse
Would you ever set up home in someone else’s garage? Or let a stranger move in to yours? More and more people are asking, “why not?” Let’s consider just how hard it’s becoming for people to afford housing in big cities. From Berlin to Singapore to Stockholm, rents have soared. And forget buying: research last year showed that 40% of young adults in England, for example, can’t afford to buy even the cheapest homes in their area – even with just a 10% deposit. Could living in a converted garage be an answer? Maybe. In parts of the United States, a lack of affordable housing means garage conversions are taking off. In car-centric Los Angeles, for example, ...

CA Voters Not Happy With Free Medical For Illegals
Post Date: 2019-06-19 15:09:25 by Horse
Free health care for illegals may have Gov. Newsom and the Dems grinning as the voters grimace... As the California state legislature and Gov. Gavin Newsom dislocate their shoulders in the hearty backslapping of their self-congratulatory moment in American history, the rest of the nation is snarling and spitting over the lunacy of the left coast Democrats. That is, according to the new Rasmussen Reports poll, which asked if illegal immigrants should receive free health care. The answer was a resounding no. No way, no how, nuh-uh, nada. It was a brief two-question survey that spoke volumes: “Do you favor or oppose making health care benefits available to young low-income illegal ...

Why your vote doesn't count (and why the Police don't care)
Post Date: 2019-06-19 08:52:56 by Horse

ICE Releases List Of Murderers And Rapists Protected Under Sanctuary City Policies
Post Date: 2019-06-19 07:16:40 by Horse
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) released a list of criminal illegal aliens who were released from jail due to sanctuary city policies, many of whom went on to commit other crimes. Washington and Oregon, two states under Democratic Party control, have enacted some of the strongest sanctuary laws in the country that protect illegal immigrants from federal apprehension. Washington Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee signed legislation in May that prohibits local jails and state prisons from honoring ICE detainers, and bars them notifying ICE when a suspected illegal immigrant is about to be released from their custody. The newly minted law puts Washington on par with Oregon and California ...

Trump Says Starting Next Week ICE Will Remove MILLIONS of Illegals!
Post Date: 2019-06-18 07:42:36 by Ada
Yeah sure, buddy. I’m sure this is totally real life. Just like everything else you said you were going to do. As the old saying goes: fool me once, shame on you. Fool me exactly six million times in a row, fuck you orange cheeto man. Seriously, people email me like “YOU’RE AS BAD AS CNN ANGLIN WHY WON’T YOU SUPPORT TRUMP????” My answer is: what exactly is there to support? You all see this and you all know: this is fucking bullshit. You know that because everything he says is bullshit. He’s kept a whole lot of promises – to ISRAEL. Not one single one to America. And don’t even tell me about “oh some judges.” Firstly, any ...

‘That’s Surprising’: Students Think Racist Quotes Are Trump’s, Turns Out They’re Biden’s
Post Date: 2019-06-16 17:28:54 by BTP Holdings
‘That’s Surprising’: Students Think Racist Quotes Are Trump’s, Turns Out They’re Biden’s By C. Douglas Golden Published June 15, 2019 at 3:44pm Former Vice President Joe Biden has had some problems with previous quotes resurfacing that sound a bit, well, racist in 2019. You may have heard, but plenty of college students didn’t. In fact, when they heard them, they thought they belonged to President Donald Trump. That fun little experiment came courtesy of Campus Reform, who sent their own Cabot Phillips out to do yet another survey of what our nation’s undergraduates are thinking, if and when they are. This time, he was armed with three ...

Ted Cruz to Newsmax TV: Border Crisis Getting Worse
Post Date: 2019-06-15 12:31:23 by BTP Holdings
Ted Cruz to Newsmax TV: Border Crisis Getting Worse (Newsmax TV's "The Chris Salcedo Show") By Theodore Bunker | Thursday, 13 June 2019 12:08 PM Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, told Newsmax TV on Thursday the United States has "a crisis at the border and it is getting worse," because of legal loopholes. Cruz said in an interview on Newsmax TV's "The Chris Salcedo Show" on Thursday morning, "we have a crisis at the border, and it is getting worse each and every day. And much of this crisis is caused by the loopholes that Congress has put into the law last month." He went on to say "140,000 people apprehended in one single month . . . ...

Mayor Pete: Ban Voter ID Laws
Post Date: 2019-06-14 20:40:41 by Horse
Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg (D) on Tuesday called for voter ID laws to be banned as part of his plan to “safeguard democracy” for black Americans. In an op-ed for the Charleston Chronicle, Buttigieg called for a “21st Century Voting Rights Act” becuse “cynicism” about the political “is nowhere more warranted than in the Black community, where systematic efforts are taking away the right to vote.” Poster Comment:He also wants to repeal the electoral college. That means illegal aliens in half a dozen states could steal every Presidential election until the end of time.

NFL legend rips California illegal immigrant health care plan when 'streets are littered with homeless legal residents'
Post Date: 2019-06-14 12:42:19 by Horse
Former NFL running back Herschel Walker succinctly expressed his opposition to a proposed California plan to pay for health insurance for thousands of illegal immigrants in a tweet earlier this week. What's the story? California Gov. Gavin Newsom and state Democrats have agreed to a plant hat would fund health care for illegal immigrants under the state's Medi-Cal plan. The coverage would be for low-income adults in the state illegally who are between the ages of 19 and 25. The agreement was part of the state's budget deal, and will cost a reported $98 million annually to cover about 90,000 illegal immigrants. What did Walker have to say? Walker, in his tweet, suggested that ...

Sweden: Church in Migrant Heavy Area Targeted With Explosion For Second Time
Post Date: 2019-06-14 09:52:20 by Horse
Police say attack suggests there is "a motive against the church"

Portland, Maine overrun with African migrants
Post Date: 2019-06-14 07:50:08 by Horse
Poster Comment:Donkey woman is the new governor of Maine and she is welcoming Africans.

Angry Carpenters Commit Jihad in Minneapolis
Post Date: 2019-06-12 08:14:11 by Horse
Poster Comment:Start at 1:15. This woman describes the Somali attack with hammers from several different view points.

In California, Illegals Come First; Californians Don't Matter
Post Date: 2019-06-11 01:56:25 by Horse
This decision will make California the first state in the US to pay for illegal immigrants to have full health benefits... Poster Comment:This is what happens when legal and illegal aliens plus anchor babies take over your state.

How Eisenhower Dealt With America’s First Illegal Immigrant Crisis
Post Date: 2019-06-10 16:47:26 by Horse
This is not the first time the US has dealt with an illegal immigration problem. Only last time it was dealt with in a decidedly swifter and sterner manner. The response, coordinated by President Dwight Eisenhower, resulted in nearly 3 million illegal immigrants being sent home. During his administration, Eisenhower became the first American president forced to deal with problems stemming from illegal immigration. Only, in Eisenhower’s time the politically correct culture of liberal sensitivities had yet to emerge. There was not much in the way of sympathy for those who had crossed into the country illegally. Eisenhower told the New York Times exactly what had caused the problem: ...

Buttigieg's big accomplishment that he never mentions on the campaign trail
Post Date: 2019-06-10 08:11:11 by Horse
The South Bend mayor and presidential hopeful crafted a unique way to lend a hand to the city's undocumented immigrants. Why doesn't he talk about it? SOUTH BEND, Ind. — It was 2016 and South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg had a problem. Wanting to coax the small city's approximately 4,500 undocumented immigrants out of the shadows to help them access services, Buttigieg toyed with the idea of some type of municipal identification card for those who couldn't obtain driver's licenses or other government ID's. The result was an innovative, first-of-its-kind governmentally endorsed, privately run program — one Buttigieg could tout on the presidential primary ...

How Italy's migrant model town Riace veered far-right
Post Date: 2019-06-09 09:04:43 by Horse
Riace (Italy) (AFP) - The sign reading "Riace, land of welcome" still hangs in the small town, but its dream of migrant integration is over after the far-right's "Italians first" election victory. The new mayor of the one-time "global village" in southern Italy's rural Calabria elected on May 26 with the support of Matteo Salvini's anti-migrant Lega party, Antonio Trifoli, has so far left the sign up. "We will welcome refugees again," he told AFP. "But we can't have 500 to 600 asylum seekers in a town with 1,500 residents," said the former town policeman. Trifoli was first on the independent "Riace reborn" list, ...

Will 'Whiteshift' save America from ethnic strife?
Post Date: 2019-06-08 14:47:24 by BTP Holdings
Will 'Whiteshift' save America from ethnic strife? Michael Barone on May 17, 2019 If you've been paying any attention at all to journalism in recent years -- maybe not a good idea, but if you have -- you surely have noticed those stories predicting, often with a certain relish, that the United States is about to become a majority-minority country. Such predictions, as the Obama administration Census Bureau director noted in 2014, "made demographic change look like a zero-sum game that white Americans were losing." Such fears contributed to Donald Trump's election in 2016. No one wants to vote for the side that seems to be saying, "Hurry up and die." ...

Data: Average of 124K Anchor Babies Born in U.S. This Year So Far
Post Date: 2019-06-07 18:44:28 by Horse
An average of about 124,000 children of illegal aliens, commonly referred to as “anchor babies,” have been born in the United States this year thus far, analysis of Census Bureau data concludes. In the first five months of 2019, about 124,000 children of illegal aliens were born on U.S. soil, thus solidifying their permanent American citizenship due to the nation’s birthright citizenship policy. The total derives from a Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) analysis of Census Bureau data, which reveals that, on average, about 300,000 anchor babies are born in the country every year, with nearly 25,000 anchor babies born every month. The Supreme Court has never explicitly ...

TSA is letting illegal aliens fly on U.S. airlines WITHOUT proper documents, even as Americans are searched and humiliated at gates
Post Date: 2019-06-07 18:29:04 by Horse
After the horrific Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the U.S. homeland, Congress quickly expanded the federal law enforcement bureaucracy by creating the gigantic Department of Homeland Security and with it, a brand-new agency called the Transportation Security Administration. Among other duties, the TSA is charged with screening passengers at U.S. airports via security checkpoints where agents force passengers to practically undress, be exposed to radiation-emitting x-ray machines, and be subjected to humiliating pat-downs in which scores of passengers have complained are too sexually exploitative. But while American passengers are subjected to such outrages, the TSA’s parent agency, DHS, ...

Massive Explosion Compared to 'Meteorite Strike' Destroys Swedish Apartment Building
Post Date: 2019-06-07 18:10:39 by Horse
A very powerful explosion damaged some 250 apartments and injured roughly 20 people in Linköping, Sweden, in what police believe may have been an intentional bombing, according to local media. The massive blast blew out windows and balconies in a five story apartment building and nearby residences as the shockwave traveled down the street, creating a chaotic scene that has been compared to the aftermath of a 'meteorite strike' and a 'war zone' by Swedish press. Local hospitals were alerted to prepare for a "disaster situation" and some 20 ambulances were deployed to the scene, along with emergency response personnel, police, and the bomb squad. Witnesses ...

(African) Migrants Attack German Train Attendant, Call Him 'Nazi Pig'
Post Date: 2019-06-05 20:51:19 by Horse
A group of migrants from Eritrea attacked a rail attendant in Germany, spitting on him and calling him a 'Nazi pig' after he refused to let them board a train with lit cigarettes, according to local media. The foreign men, aged 20 to 23, were reportedly part of a larger group of migrants who were behaving in an intimidating manner and breaking beer bottles at a train station in Halle, Germany, in the early hours of the morning. “The young people wanted to take a S-Bahn in the direction of Leipzig,” Du bist Halle reported Monday. “However, the train attendant refused to allow them to do so, because they wanted to get on the train with burning cigarettes, and behaved ...

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