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ZERG RUSH: Trump Presidency Set to See More Illegal Immigrant Entries Than Obama Era
Post Date: 2019-03-06 09:08:08 by Ada
Welp. Breitbart: President Trump is projected to oversee the largest flow of illegal immigration at the United States-Mexico border since former President Bush’s administration, surpassing every year of crossings under former President Obama. As Breitbart News reported, more than 76,000 border crossers attempted to enter the U.S. in the month of February — the most apprehensions of illegal border crossers and migrants in this month in 12 years. While Trump’s administration expanded the Catch and Release program last month and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen focuses her attention on cybersecurity and terrorism issues, the U.S. is ...

Wanna get rich? Be a cop in California
Post Date: 2019-03-06 06:54:22 by BTP Holdings
Wanna get rich? Be a cop in California Ruben Navarrette Jr. on Mar 6, 2019 SAN DIEGO -- Is it too much to ask that those who are sworn to enforce the laws actually follow them? After all, when laws are broken, other people pay the price. You may have heard that California is running out of money. This is true. You may have also heard that the Golden State is home to an estimated 2.5 million illegal immigrants, and that this is what is driving California into bankruptcy. This is false. At least that's what I heard more than a decade ago from former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. At the time, Nativist talk-radio hosts were spewing baseless claims that the state's ...

Post Date: 2019-03-05 13:42:28 by Horse
Every time a manifestly racist, anti-white event goes down, which is frequently, conservative media call it “identity politics.” “The left is playing identity politics.” Whatever is convulsing the country; it’s not identity politics. For, blacks are not being pitted against Hispanics. Hispanics are not being sicced on Asians, and Ameri-Indians aren’t being urged to attack the groups just mentioned. Rather, they’re all piling on honky. Hence, anti-white politics or animus. The ire of the multicultural multitudes is directed exclusively at whites and their putative privilege. Anti-whitism is becoming endemic and systemic. Take “Empire” actor ...

12 States Vote to Destroy the Republic
Post Date: 2019-03-04 18:11:58 by Horse
Poster Comment:They are pushing us to Civil War.

Washington state democrats approve bill that prevents employers & landlords from discriminating against illegal aliens
Post Date: 2019-03-03 11:02:55 by Horse
Another instance of demorats giving privilege to criminal illegal aliens over those of law-abiding US citizens and legal immigrants. From MyNorthwest.com: Washingtonians are protected from discrimination based on factors such as gender, race, religion and sexual orientation — and now, Democrats in Olympia want to add illegal immigrants to the list of protected groups. Sen. Doug Ericksen (R-Ferndale) told KIRO Radio’s Dori Monson that Senate Bill 5165 prohibits discrimination by employers “based on citizenship or immigration status.” This applies to every realm from employment to housing rental and even to insurance transactions. In other words, if an employer had ...

Dems Have Blood on Their Hands: Illegal Rapes Child After Sanctuary City Releases Him from Prison
Post Date: 2019-03-02 11:31:59 by Horse
It’s a parent’s worst nightmare when their child becomes the victim of a horrific sexual crime. It’s even worse when a city practically allows it to happen.

In Germany, The Government will Steal Your Dog and Sell It to Pay for Immigrants
Post Date: 2019-03-02 09:43:44 by Ada
Before Madam Merkel invited millions of Moslems to come to Germany and live on welfare, it was a rich country. Not the kind of country that would steal your dog and sell it on eBay because it is running that low on funds. But Germany is now a very different country than it was a few years ago. It is not only a terrorist country and a gang-rape country, but also a country where the police kidnap your dog and sell it. RT: German treasury officials have seized a family’s beloved pug and auctioned it off on eBay to cover their debts – including an unpaid dog tax – but the dog’s new owner now claims she was sold a defective product. Purebred pug Edda fetched just $850 ...

House Dems balk when Republicans try to make universal background checks for firearms purchases apply to illegal immigrants
Post Date: 2019-03-01 14:06:20 by Horse
Democrats were pushing through legislation for universal background checks on all firearms purchases — but they objected to a Republican amendment that would make these same background checks alert federal authorities when an illegal immigrant tried to illegally purchase a firearm.

Poll: Majority of Americans Favor a Border Wall over a Green New Deal
Post Date: 2019-02-28 19:28:41 by Horse
A majority of Americans would rather have a wall sealing America’s southern border than the Green New Deal, according to a poll released on Wednesday. Fifty-one percent of Americans say that they would rather have a border wall on America’s southern border, compared to 31 percent who say that they want a Green New Deal, according to a poll released by Remington Research Group. Republicans said that they would prefer a border wall by a 68-point margin, while Independents said that they would prefer a border wall by a two-to-one margin.

California prison guards are accused of orchestrating 'gladiator fights' by releasing inmates from rival gangs into the yard at the same time
Post Date: 2019-02-28 19:08:35 by Horse
Prison guards in California have been accused of orchestrating 'gladiator fights' between inmates by knowingly releasing rival prisoners into the yard at the same time. Relatives of inmates at California State Prison in Corcoran have been protesting for weeks outside the facility, against what they say is inhumane practice by guards who 'like to see bloodshed'. The prisoners say the problem is related to the Norteño-based Fresno Bulldogs gang, which refuses to make uphold a truce with rivals, USA Today reported.

The Coming California Catastrophe
Post Date: 2019-02-28 07:05:11 by Horse

UCLA Students Support Concentration Camps for Trump Supporters
Post Date: 2019-02-25 17:02:14 by Horse

Swedish Court Convicts Pensioner for Saying Somalis Are ‘Lazy’
Post Date: 2019-02-24 15:24:12 by Horse
A Swedish court has convicted a 70-year-old man of “hate speech” for claiming on social media that Somalis are lazy and don’t work. In a unanimous decision, the district court of Uddevalla handed down a guilty verdict, ordering the man to pay 60 daily fines of SEK 120, for a total of SEK 7200 (700 euros). The court said that the man’s Facebook post, which linked to an article by Swedish public broadcaster SVT, was “derogatory” to the reputation of Somalis as a group.

Migrants attack unarmed officials as they cross from Guatemala into Mexico
Post Date: 2019-02-23 14:44:41 by Horse
Members of a Central American migrant caravan violently attacked unarmed Mexican federal immigration officers with rocks and other blunt objects Tuesday after government officials tried to block the group from illegally crossing into Mexico from Guatemala. Newly released video taken from inside one of the Mexican government vehicles shows a group of about 1,000 people walking down a road in Tapachula after refusing to turn around. Similar videos and pictures circulated by Mexican media confirm the incident took place Tuesday. Federal immigration officers from Instituto Nacional de Migracion, Mexico's national immigration agency, had lined up a handful of white vans and pickup trucks ...

Where are the ‘empty shelves’? Max Blumenthal tours Caracas supermarket (VIDEO)
Post Date: 2019-02-22 10:03:49 by Ada
Corporate media grieve for the barren shelves and empty bellies in Venezuela, but are the alleged food shortages real? After touring a supermarket in Caracas, Max Blumenthal found plenty to buy – even craft beer. “Grocery shelves lie empty as food becomes increasingly scarce” in Venezuela, the UK Independent weeps. The country’s shops remain open but “sparsely stocked,” The Guardian laments. Even “basic commodities” such as toothbrushes aren’t available for purchase, CNN bemoans. “Hungry” Venezuelans must choose between “torture or starvation,” Bloomberg grimly concludes. Mainstream media coverage of Venezuela gives the ...

Post Date: 2019-02-20 07:54:41 by Horse
Poster Comment:https://vidrebel.wordpress.com/2019/02/20/border-wall-needed-voter-id-also-needed/ 15 percent of Mexican workers (6.7 million people) work for the minimum wage, and 4.1 million Mexicans receive incomes below the minimum wage. One in seven Mexican workers earn the average minimum wage of 65.58 pesos ($5.10) a day or less. Low wages are an incentive to migrate to America. Another incentive would be outstanding warrants in Mexico. As of July 2016, Mexican Americans made up 11.2% of the United States’ population, as 36.3 million U.S. residents identified as being of full or partial Mexican ancestry. The 2010 census indicates that since 1960 Mexico’s population has ...

“LETHARGY In the Executive”—the Funding Bill Trumpasco
Post Date: 2019-02-17 08:13:26 by Ada
Thank goodness St Valentine’s Day meant there was something to glow about this week. The political news just gets more depressing. I’ve been trying to hold on to some shreds of faith in our President, but he’s making it awfully difficult. This week’s fiasco, or Trumpasco, was of course the emergency funding bill out of Congress. Oh dear; oh dear, oh dear. That funding bill is worse than bad: it’s a catastrophe. It contains some meager funding for border fences in crucial places on our southern border; but the local authorities in those places are given a veto on the actual building of the fences! Since all the jurisdictions concerned are, at best, deep-blue ...

Rethinking the College Education Racket
Post Date: 2019-02-16 09:56:20 by Ada
Although American higher education has been terribly dumbed down since the late 1960s, it still has considerable practical value. College graduates earn more money, enjoy better health, and are less likely to get divorced than those who don’t have such degrees. Plus, their children fare better in these areas than the children of people who don’t get a college education. The credential isn’t necessary to financial success and being able to afford a family, but it’s the surest path to each. So, it continues to be widely believed that everyone should go to college. And of course, academia itself has no objection to the idea. With the government providing grants to needy ...

Post Date: 2019-02-15 15:15:34 by Horse

Incarceration vs. education: America spends more on its prison system than it does on public schools – and California is the worst
Post Date: 2019-02-15 12:48:05 by Horse
The U.S. spends more on prisons and jails than it does on educating children – and 15 states spend at least $27,000 more per prisoner than they do per student, according to a new report. Americans account for 4.4 percent of the global population, but 22 percent of the world’s prison population. California spends $8.6 billion a year on its prison system, more than any other state, averaging $64,642 per inmate. It’s also the state with the biggest gap between education and prison spending, paying just $11,495 per student for a difference of $53,146, according to a new analysis by personal finance site GoBankingRates. Poster Comment:Get rid of the illegal aliens. Legalize ...

Elderly German Couple Forced From Home to Accommodate Migrants
Post Date: 2019-02-14 10:26:52 by Horse
A German couple has been been notified they must vacate their apartment to make room for refugees who will soon be placed there, according to local media. Klaus Roth, 74, who has lived in his apartment in the town of Neckartailfingen for 24 years, is stunned by the decision, which was reached by the municipal council and mayor, Nürtinger Zeitung reports. "I put a lot of money and work into the apartment," said Roth, who raised his three children in the home. "I completely renovated it on my own." "You do not transplant an old tree." Roth and his partner have been offered a replacement dwelling half the size of their current abode – for the same ...

9th Circuit Sides With Trump On Environmental Waivers For Border Wall
Post Date: 2019-02-12 21:51:32 by BTP Holdings
9th Circuit Sides With Trump On Environmental Waivers For Border Wall 2:44 PM 02/11/2019 | Energy Tim Pearce | Energy Reporter The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled for the Trump administration Monday in a case challenging its use of waivers to bypass environmental regulations in constructing parts of the border wall. The state of California and several environmental groups sued President Donald Trump and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in September 2017 to stop construction of a border wall prototype and ongoing repairs to 14 miles of an existing barrier in San Diego. “Under the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRIRA), the ...

‘Shameful & disgusting!’ TSA slammed for ‘invasive groping’ of triple-amputee US veteran (VIDEO)
Post Date: 2019-02-11 15:18:25 by Horse
The online community has been outraged by the “shameful” and “disgusting” treatment of a triple-amputee Purple Star veteran of Iraq, who was subjected to an “invasive” search by a TSA agent in Arizona over the weekend. Strong words of support were voiced for Brian Kolfage after a video surfaced showing the 37-year-old Air Force veteran being “groped” by a Transportation Security Administration (TSA) officer during an invasive frisk on Saturday in Tucson International Airport. “They groped and searched under his hips and buttocks, his groin and his half-arm, searching for what?” YouTube user James Hoft wondered in the comments to his video ...

Gallup: Five Million Latin Americans Coming to U.S. in Next 12 Months
Post Date: 2019-02-11 14:22:38 by Horse
Five million Latin Americans plan to migrate to the United States in the next 12 months, and an estimated 42 million more say they want to enter the country. Those statistics were in a report from Jim Clifton, the chairman and CEO at Gallup: Forty-two million seekers of citizenship or asylum are watching to determine exactly when and how is the best time to make the move. This suggests that open borders could potentially attract 42 million Latin Americans. A full 5 million who are planning to move in the next 12 months say they are moving to the

Mexico now holds second place in most by armed conflicts globally. BUILD THE WALL!
Post Date: 2019-02-10 16:57:56 by Horse

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