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Latest Articles: Immigration

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African migrants surge at U.S.-Mexico border; Rio Grande drownings up
Post Date: 2018-09-05 09:29:23 by Ada
MEXICO CITY, Sept. 4 (UPI) -- Piedras Negras, a city across the U.S.-Mexico border from Eagle Pass, Texas, saw the arrival of more than 90 refugees in the past two months from war-ravaged African countries trying to flee to the United States. Eagle Pass has also seen 15 migrants from Latin American countries dying as they tried to enter the United States this year, either drowning while crossing the Rio Grande river or from heat stroke. Many of the African refugees had been travelling for at least three years, the Rev. José Valdés, an advocate for migrants' rights told UPI in a phone interview from Piedras Negras, where the Catholic Church runs a shelter. "After ...

Voice of Europe Import the Third World, become the Third
Post Date: 2018-09-04 22:18:30 by Horse
Poster Comment:Looks almost like Los Angeles though I think California has sunk even lower.

Rare flesh-eating STD is discovered in Lancashire, UK (Immigrant Contribution?)
Post Date: 2018-09-03 10:40:26 by Horse
Poster Comment:Another contribution from immigrants to a First world nation.

Chemnitz Protester: ‘I Can’t Take My Daughter or Wife Into the City Anymore Because of Harassment by Migrants’
Post Date: 2018-09-03 10:27:10 by Horse
German town becomes epicenter of anti-mass migration sentiment Shteve #refollow (again) @stevetweets13 'I worked for 40 years. I can't take my grandchildren into town anymore. My wife and daughter-in-law went into town and, in front of police, Arab citizens said 'Wanna fuck? Wanna fuck? I ask myself, 'is that normal?' Video out of Chemnitz shows a German citizen at an anti-mass immigration protest explaining how he can’t take his wife and daughter in law into town anymore because of harassment by Muslim migrants. Chemnitz has been the epicenter of several clashes between anti-migrant protesters and leftists over the last week following the stabbing of ...

Germany Repeatedly Fails To Deport Migrant Accused Of 542 Crimes
Post Date: 2018-09-03 10:13:35 by Horse
The German government is struggling to contain a wave of violence that has rocked the country since Europe's refugee crisis began just over three years ago, when Chancellor Angela Merkel first announced her "open doors" policy in response to a wave of refugees fleeing Syria, Afghanistan and North Africa. That policy has since been abandoned after it nearly toppled Merkel's government earlier this year, but the sheer incompetence of German authorities as they struggle to deport criminal migrants continues to inspire awe. Migrants One troubling example was recently highlighted by Germany's Bild newspaper. One illegal migrant who arrived in Germany more than 20 years ...

Mollie Tibbetts' father says leave our daughter out of your immigration debate
Post Date: 2018-09-02 14:37:47 by BTP Holdings
Mollie Tibbetts' father says leave our daughter out of your immigration debate Luke Nozicka 6 hrs ago © Iowa Department of Criminal Investigation via AP, File FILE - This undated file photo released by the Iowa Department of Criminal Investigation shows Mollie Tibbetts, a University of Iowa student who was reported missing from her hometown in the eastern Iowa city of Brooklyn on July 18, 2018. Greg Willey, the vice president of Crime Stoppers of Central Iowa, said a body found Tuesday, Aug. 21, 2018, is believed to be Tibbetts. No information has been released about where the body was found. (Iowa Department of Criminal Investigation via AP, File) DES MOINES, Iowa – As ...

Dem Rep to ICE Agents Following Trump's Orders: 'You Will Not Be Safe'
Post Date: 2018-09-01 03:16:58 by Horse
While the media has whipped themselves into hysteria over a random elderly California man threatening some Boston Globe reporters and calling them "the enemy of the people," elected Democrats are busy telling ICE agents that "when the worm turns you will not be safe." From Fox News: A Democratic lawmaker issued a startling warning to government officials involved in “illegal” deportations that they “will not be safe” from future punishment when Donald Trump is no longer president. “If you are a US government official and you are deporting Americans be warned,” Arizona Democratic Rep. Ruben Gallego tweeted early Thursday. “When the ...

Texas Democratic Candidates Push To Decriminalize Illegally Crossing Border Protects?
Post Date: 2018-09-01 03:12:06 by Horse
Top Democrats running in Texas elections are calling for the decriminalization of illegally crossing the United States border. While campaigning in south Texas, Rep. Robert O’Rourke who is running against incumbent Sen. Ted Cruz for U.S. Senate, declared that illegal entry should not be a criminal matter. “These asylum seekers — penniless, at wit’s end, after surviving three weeks on the road, very often with their children — then attempt to do what I think any human would do, which is request asylum in between the ports of entry,” O’Rourke said. “We should not criminalize that.” O’Rourke failed to mention that: ...

Post Date: 2018-08-28 21:39:04 by Horse
Poster Comment:Ration water for Americans so we have water for the illegal aliens who haven't crossed the border yet. These are the people who want the illegal aliens to vote in our elections.

Congress Floods White-Collar Labor Markets
Post Date: 2018-08-28 19:23:01 by Ada
Federal data shows that legal immigrants are filling a growing share of several white-collar professions which have seen little salary growth since 2000. The data was posted by the Center for Immigration Studies, and it shows how Congress imports foreign-born immigrants and visa-workers to raise the labor supply by roughly 50 percent in several white-collar science and technology jobs, ensuring much lower salaries for Americans in those flooded job markets. The CIS study looked at the percentage of foreign-born workers in 474 separate occupations defined by the Department of Commerce. The group reported: There are 65 occupations in which 25 percent or more of the workers are immigrants ...

Underreported: How Building a Border Wall Changed San Diego | The Daily Signa
Post Date: 2018-08-28 12:00:22 by Horse
Poster Comment:Venezuela's population in 1950 was 5.483 million. Today it is 32.38 million which is about an 591% increase. America's population in 1950 was 152.3 million. If we had grown at the same rate, we would have 899 million people today living here. Ask any politician if they are for the Wall. If not, are they willing to live with 899 million other people in America.

Thousands of far-right protesters clash with riot police in German city where man was stabbed to death 'by migrants' as vigilante race-hate mobs 'hunt down foreigners'
Post Date: 2018-08-27 22:30:47 by Horse
A German man, 35, died in early hours of Sunday after being stabbed at a festival in the city of Chemnitz An Iraqi man, aged 22, and a Syrian man, aged 23, were arrested on suspicion of murder following the attack Around 800 far-right protesters went to the streets following the protest, which saw attacks on minorites Merkel's spokesman said he condemns groups 'in the strongest possible terms' after footage emerged of skinheads chasing a man of Arab appearance down the streets and throwing bottles at police Several people were injured Monday as thousands of far-right protesters took to the streets in the eastern German city of Chemnitz where a knife killing, allegedly ...

Tiny 140-square-foot studio apartment with a door-less bathroom and mini fridge stacked on top of a bed is on the market for a shocking $1,375 a month - proving just how pricey New York City real estate really is
Post Date: 2018-08-26 21:48:23 by Horse
An Upper West Side apartment is on the market for $1,375 a month The 140-square-foot studio is on the fourth floor of a walk up and lacks windows Windows are a legal requirement for bedrooms in New York City There is no door to the bathroom, no kitchen but has a mini-fridge on the bed One woman took to Twitter, clearly discouraged while apartment hunting New York City is notorious for its less-than roomy real estate that go for astronomical prices - and one property has proven that theory far too true. A listing for a 140-square-foot studio at the top of a four-floor walk up is on the market for a whopping $1,375 a month. The space lacks a lounging area, kitchen and windows - ...

Is he here legally? What we know about immigration status of Mollie Tibbetts' accused killer
Post Date: 2018-08-26 15:27:55 by BTP Holdings
Is he here legally? What we know about immigration status of Mollie Tibbetts' accused killer Tyler J Davis and Mike Trautmann 3 hrs ago Slide 1 of 50: Officials are searching for Mollie Tibbetts, 20. Tibbetts was last seen in Brooklyn on July 18, 2018. 1/50 SLIDES © Special to the Register Officials are searching for Mollie Tibbetts, 20. Tibbetts was last seen in Brooklyn on July 18, 2018. DES MOINES, Iowa – The immigration status of the man accused of killing a 20-year-old University of Iowa student has become the subject of intense dispute across the internet. Reports from law enforcement and immigration officials, information from court records, and anecdotes from ...

America is NOT a Nation of Immigrants or a Melting Pot | The Truth About Immigration into America
Post Date: 2018-08-25 15:22:49 by GreyLmist
Sources provided in the Description section at YouTube. Poster Comment:America's real culture is loyalty to the Constitution and its Founding Principles -- not the Leftist/Globalist mishmash of "World Syncretism".

The November Election Is About Illegal Alien Crime
Post Date: 2018-08-23 20:31:57 by X-15
If you’re cool with Americans being butchered by illegal aliens, this November you should vote Democrat. They’re certainly cool with Americans being butchered by illegal aliens. Oh, in theory they would probably prefer that the foreigners sneaking into our country in defiance of the laws we American citizens made through our elected representatives would stop butchering Americans. They don’t particularly want your kids to be butchered. They just want uncontrolled illegal immigration more than your kids’ safety. So, they’ve made a choice to be the party of illegal immigration. And the resulting body count is a price Democrats are willing to pay to replace an ...

This Is What $4 Million Buys You In Vancouver's "Housing" Market
Post Date: 2018-08-23 02:45:38 by Horse
We have written extensively about the surreal Vancouver real estate bubble in the past, but the following listing on Canada's REW site, summarizes the current state of Vancouver housing in one image better than any article ever could. We present the following house which could be yours for the low price of C$3,990.000: Did we say house. We meant teardown. Actually, no the teardown has already happened and it’s a pile of burned down debris that’s hit the market for C$3,990,000 in Kitsilano. According to the Vancouver Courier, the home at 2573 West 3rd Avenue was reduced to a heap of junk after a December 22, 2017 three-alarm fire on the premises (no one was injured). ...

Post Date: 2018-08-22 21:19:38 by Horse
Poster Comment:Watch the first 55 seconds to understand how Democrats have managed to mix #Pure Evil with #Batshit Crazy.

Trump Trolls Schumer On Twitter, Brings Up Anti-illegal Immigration Quote From 2009
Post Date: 2018-08-17 05:24:59 by BTP Holdings
Trump Trolls Schumer on Twitter, Brings Up Anti-Illegal Immigration Quote from 2009 By Randy DeSoto August 15, 2018 at 11:00am In a tweet on Wednesday, President Donald Trump highlighted that Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer espoused positions on illegal immigration very similar to his own not too long ago. Trump quoted Schumer from a 2009 speech he gave at Georgetown University Law School. “People who enter the United States without our permission are illegal aliens and illegal aliens should not be treated the same as people who entered the U.S. legally,” Schumer said. Schumer’s comments came not long after a failed bi-partisan push to reform the ...

New Mexico Jihad Compound Mysteriously Destroyed By Authorities
Post Date: 2018-08-16 21:46:20 by Horse
New Mexico authorities have executed a court order to destroy an encampment where the son of a famous New York Imam ritualistically murdered his three-year-old son and trained nearly a dozen other children to commit school shootings, according to Taos, NM prosecutors. The decision to raze the compound is the latest controversial development in the case, after New Mexico judge Sarah Backus on Monday ordered four out of five alleged Muslim extremists free on a $20,000 "signature bond" (meaning they didn't have to pay), including the suspect in his son's murder, Siraj Ibn Wahhaj. NBC News reports that police seized an RV where eleven children and five adults lived in what ...

Sweden Is Burning: Migrant Gangs Unleash Coordinated Fire-Bomb Rampage Across Multiple Cities
Post Date: 2018-08-14 07:40:50 by Horse
Many Swedes were horrified in early 2017 when U.S. President Donald Trump linked immigration to rising crime in Sweden, but an increasing number now agree with him. Amid soaring crime rates, gang violence, complaints about education, and pregnant mothers even being turned away from maternity wards due to a lack of capacity, resentment in Sweden has built over the influx of more than 600,000 immigrants over the past five years. And tonight is one of the worst night for violence in recent history as police report multiple gangs of masked youths rampaging across three major Swedish cities, setting cars on fire in what seems like a coordinated action. As The Daily Mail reports, police said ...

Formula 1 Heiress Flees to US from London: ‘Crazy How Unsafe UK Streets Are’
Post Date: 2018-08-13 17:53:41 by Horse
Formula 1 heiress Petra Ecclestone has relocated her family to Los Angeles from London due to the high levels of violent crime in the UK. "It's crazy how unsafe the UK has become — so much more so than 10 years ago," she said to the Sunday Times magazine. "Talking with mums at school, there have been so many incidents, so many attacks, robberies, knives during the day. You don't feel safe walking around the neighborhood." The crime has gotten so bad that Ecclestone hired four bodyguards, one for her and one for each of her three children. London has overtaken New York City in violent crime rates in 2018 thanks to Mayor Sadiq Khan's lack of initiative ...

Albert Schweitzer Quote on Africans
Post Date: 2018-08-10 00:31:20 by Horse
"I have given my life to try to alleviate the sufferings of Africa. There is something that all white men who have lived here like I must learn and know: that these individuals are a sub-race. They have neither the intellectual, mental, or emotional abilities to equate or to share equally with white men in any function of our civilization. I have given my life to try to bring them the advantages which our civilization must offer, but I have become well aware that we must retain this status: the superior and they the inferior. For whenever a white man seeks to live among them as their equals they will either destroy him or devour him. And they will destroy all of his work. Let white men ...

Australia: 100 Africans Attack Melbourne’s North-West Taylor’s Hill Suburb
Post Date: 2018-08-09 18:28:36 by Horse
A large gang of more than 100 Africans attacked the suburb of Taylor’s Hill in Melbourne, Australia, throwing rocks, smashing a police car and fighting with law enforcement officials in the latest outbreak of nonwhite violence to sweep that city since large-scale Third World “refugees” were allowed into that country. According to a report in Australia’s The Age newspaper, “terrified residents” watched as the African gang gathered at a basketball court and complex in the suburb. “Residents were told to stay inside, lock the doors, and also to park their cars off the road and in their garages if possible,” the report said. A police spokesman said: ...

Government By Judiciary: How Illegal Aliens Got To Go To Government Schools in America
Post Date: 2018-08-09 08:15:05 by Ada
The New Republic explains how illegal aliens have a right to rip off taxpayers: In 1977, the public school system of Tyler, Texas, a small city 100 miles southeast of Dallas, began expelling students who couldn’t prove they were in the United States legally. The state had passed a law cutting off educational funding for undocumented children, and for Lidia and José Lopez, migrants from Mexico, it meant that their children had to leave their local public school. To reenroll them, they were told they’d have to pay a fee of $1,000 per child, more than the family could afford from their jobs harvesting roses for Tyler’s flower nurseries. The Lopez family, and three ...

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