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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Robots May Become Essential on US Farms
Post Date: 2007-09-06 19:43:39 by mirage
LOS ANGELES (AP) — With authorities promising tighter borders, some farmers who rely on immigrant labor are eyeing an emerging generation of fruit-picking robots and high-tech tractors to do everything from pluck premium wine grapes to clean and core lettuce. Such machines, now in various stages of development, could become essential for harvesting delicate fruits and vegetables that are still picked by hand. "If we want to maintain our current agriculture here in California, that's where mechanization comes in," said Jack King, national affairs manager for the California Farm Bureau. California harvests about half the nation's fruits, nuts and vegetables, ...

Herndon to Shut Down Center for Day Laborers
Post Date: 2007-09-06 00:07:44 by DeaconBenjamin
The Town of Herndon announced yesterday that it would close its 21-month-old day-laborer center next week instead of complying with a judge's ruling that the site must be open to all residents, including those who might be illegal immigrants. The decision to close the site, which became a flash point in the national debate over immigration, was reached late Tuesday by Mayor Stephen J. DeBenedittis and the six-member Town Council after a 2 1/2 -hour closed-door session. It brings the western Fairfax community virtually full circle in its attempts to regulate -- critics say drive out -- its large population of Latino day laborers. The center was established in late 2005 as an alternative ...

Check Out A New LOGO of the "Government of The United States"(In Spanish)
Post Date: 2007-09-05 02:46:36 by freepatriot32
http://www.usa.gov/gobiernousa/ spanish translation of the usa.gov website witht he seal of the usa in spanish

Straitjackets for illegals
Post Date: 2007-09-04 14:19:49 by Jethro Tull
Madrid - Spain's Interior Ministry will authorise police to dress undocumented immigrants in straitjackets and helmets during repatriation flights, the daily El Pais reported on Monday. Police may resort to the measures when they deem it necessary to protect illegal immigrants from hurting themselves in attempts to prevent their expulsion. Police may not drug immigrants or use disproportionate violence, according to new guidelines prepared by the ministry, which were described as being in line with Council of Europe norms. Spain's Canary Islands have received more than 5 000 Africans this year, about 50% less than during the corresponding period in 2006. Poster Comment:This ...

Being Illegal
Post Date: 2007-09-01 09:02:56 by Ada
Why Ron Paul Stands Head and Shoulders Above his Challengers on Immigration The worst rhetorical device used when discussing immigration and border control is the ad hominem, "illegal alien." It is used daily but its absurdity is rarely challenged other than to suggest it is a politically incorrect term. There is no such thing as a person whose very nature makes him illegal. Nobody is born into a state of illegality. The U.S. Constitution enumerates the rights we all possess as individuals. It doesn’t grant them nor does it claim to be exhaustive or authoritative on the subject. It is quite specific as to who possess rights; people; persons. In other words, anyone who can ...

Evicted for 'no Spanish': 'Superlawyer' joins fight
Post Date: 2007-09-01 06:34:58 by Ada
STUART, Fla. – A South Florida businessman who claims he's being evicted from his office space because he does not speak Spanish says he's now getting help from a high-profile lawyer known for winning megamillion-dollar judgments. Attorney Willie Gary has agreed to take the case of Tom McKenna on a contingency basis, WND has learned. McKenna, 51, says he still faces a move-out date of Aug. 31 from his location where he's run Seacoast Water Care for the past seven years, and doubts he can stay there. "I don't think I've got any choice [but to move]," he told WND. "[The landlord] wants to make my life a living hell." Enter Gary, a local legend ...

Prince, Davina and a baby revolution (25% of UK babies are born to foreign parents)
Post Date: 2007-08-25 16:19:46 by Zipporah
Prince, Davina and a baby revolution The row over statistics showing 25% of UK babies are born to foreign parents overlooks a well-established trend Esther AddleySaturday August 25, 2007The Guardian The heir to the throne is one. The environment secretary, Hilary Benn, another. The television presenter Davina McCall a third. They are all among one of the UK's fastest-growing demographic groups - people born in this country whose mother or father was born overseas.More than a quarter of babies born in Britain have at least one foreign-born parent, it emerged this week, up from just over a fifth in 2000. It is a striking statistic that in some quarters, predictably, provoked ...

Lou Dobbs: Angry White Man
Post Date: 2007-08-25 10:58:07 by Zipporah
Angry White Man To understand the shifting tectonics of American politics, look no further than cable's high priest of populism, Lou Dobbs. Sridhar Pappu January/February 2007 Issue On a summer evening in his futuristic CNN studio reminiscent of a Frank Gehry-designed cafeteria, I saw Lou Dobbs at full power, readying himself for his six o'clock show while the unused New York set of colleague Larry King was stashed in the back of the room like a giant, unplugged Lite-Brite. Few of us have had the chance to completely remake ourselves, but in the past four years, from this very perch, the still-cherubic-looking Dobbs, who hosts Lou Dobbs Tonight, has ...

Sibel Edmonds and the CIA/911 IG report
Post Date: 2007-08-22 19:50:13 by Zipporah
Sibel Edmonds and the CIA/911 IG reportby lukery Wed Aug 22, 2007 at 05:29:01 AM PDTI haven't spoken to former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds about yesterday's release of the CIA/911 Inspector General's report. I can imagine some of the things that she'd say, though. On the 'plus' side, she'd probably think that there was some benefit in the fact that there was some individual 'accountability' - after all, George Tenet, his deputy John McLaughlin, and Cofer Black were at least named. She'd probably scoff at the notion that "information wasn't shared." And she'd probably scoff at the notion that this was an 'executive ...

Newark Massacre - Where's The Outrage?
Post Date: 2007-08-22 07:38:05 by robin
"Open borders equals open season on our children," said Jan Herron, Denver based columnist for Magic City News. "Where's the outrage?" Professor Jose Angel Gutierrez at the University of Texas and founder of La Raza, a racist political party, said in a speech to his organization, "We have an aging white America. They are dying. I love it. We have got to eliminate the gringo. What I mean by that is if the worst comes to worst, we've got to kill him. Our devil has pale skin and blue eyes." Apparently, Gutierrez's new devil sports black skin and eyes--another color of Americans he doesn't like in the United States. Two weeks ago, in Newark, New ...

Latino 300 (spoof - Mexicans invading San Diego)
Post Date: 2007-08-21 22:51:03 by Zipporah
Here’s a Latino 300 parody by the Latino Comedy Project, where instead of Spartans, there are Mexicans invading San Diego! Definitely bound to generate some controversy.

Illegal Presence in US Not a Crime, Court Says
Post Date: 2007-08-21 20:44:50 by farmfriend
Illegal Presence in US Not a Crime, Court Says By Jeff Golimowski CNSNews.com Senior Staff Writer August 21, 2007 (2nd Add: Includes comments from Janine Cox of the Kansas Appellate Defender's Office.) (CNSNews.com) - If you can get past the border guards and into the United States, you're no longer violating the law, according to a Kansas Court of Appeals decision. The ruling comes after an illegal immigrant, Nicholas Martinez, was sentenced to a year in jail after pleading guilty to possession of cocaine and endangering a child. Court documents say Martinez was caught in an undercover sting by detectives in Barton County, Kansas (about 120 miles northwest of Wichita), using ...

The three amigos, erasing borders?
Post Date: 2007-08-21 13:37:23 by robin
Article published Aug 21, 2007 The three amigos, erasing borders? August 21, 2007 Wesley Pruden - Some of the folks who gave President Bush a country lickin' on his immigration "reform" are spoiling for another round with him. The reason why is on display at the "Three Amigos" summit in Canada. Mr. Bush and President Felipe Calderon of Mexico are guests of Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper for another workout of a vaguely described scheme called the Security and Prosperity Partnership, which the White House says is nothing more than three amigos getting together to swap yarns, pull a cork and talk about NAFTA writ large. But a remarkably diverse group of ...

Children Born in the United States to Aliens Should Not, by Constitutional Right, Be US Citizens
Post Date: 2007-08-20 21:57:28 by DeaconBenjamin
For the whole of the Twentieth Century, it was commonly assumed that children born in the United States to alien parents were constitutionally entitled to be United States citizens. This assumption is based upon a U.S. Supreme Court case, United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898), which held that a child who had been born of alien parents, lawfully in the United States, was entitled to citizenship under the Fourteenth Amendment based on its terms that “[a]ll persons born in the United States ... and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States ....” The Supreme Court’s decision in Wong Kim Ark was based upon an inapplicable British common ...

Poway unveils bronze sculpture that pays tribute to city's settlers
Post Date: 2007-08-20 21:35:12 by Dakmar
POWAY ---- Three years after the city commissioned her and approximately 100 years after the settlers she represents lived in the area, a larger-than-life bronze sculpture of a pioneer woman was unveiled in Old Poway Park.The 7-foot-tall sculpture, which includes a baby in the woman's arms plus a dog and chickens at her feet, is one of two the city commissioned from Poway artist Richard Becker in 2004, with plans to install the art pieces outside a community fine arts center once planned for Old Poway. The council's decision to scuttle the project last year left the bronzes without designated a homes until this spring, when the council decided to they should go in the park and at ...

Elvira Arellano Arrested Outside Downtown Church
Post Date: 2007-08-19 21:07:51 by Horse
Chicago Immigration Activist Taken Into Custody Sunday Afternoon CBS News Interactive: Immigration and Naturalization (CBS) LOS ANGELES Elvira Arrellano, a Mexican woman who sought sanctuary from deportation in a Chicago church was arrested Sunday in Los Angeles. A spokesperson from the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency would not confirm Arrellano was taken in by ICE agents on Olvera Street, near La Placita Church, in the Los Angeles Civic Center area at about 3 p.m. Arellano and her son Saul, 8, who is a U.S. citizen, were in Los Angeles seeking immigration reform and were staying at La Placita Church. She visited three area churches to speak about immigration, but was ...

Crime surge near border afflicts U.S. Southwest
Post Date: 2007-08-18 23:10:08 by robin
Crime surge near border afflicts U.S. Southwest By Richard A. Serrano, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer 5:17 PM PDT, August 18, 2007 PHOENIX -- Violent crime along the U.S.-Mexico border, which has long plagued the scrubby, often desolate stretch, is increasingly spilling northward into the cities of the American Southwest. In Phoenix, deputies are working the unsolved case of 13 border crossers who were kidnapped and executed in the desert. In Dallas, nearly two dozen high school students have died in the last two years from overdoses of a $2-a-hit Mexican fad drug called "cheese heroin." The crime surge, most acute in Texas and Arizona, is fueled by a gritty drug war in Mexico ...

Mexican trucks may get full access to U.S. highways
Post Date: 2007-08-18 15:15:28 by Zipporah
Mexican trucks may get full access to U.S. highways By MICHAEL J. SNIFFEN Associated Press WASHINGTON — Some Mexican trucks will be allowed to carry cargo anywhere in the United States as soon as a federal inspector general certifies safety and inspection plans, the Bush administration announced today. The latest step toward implementing a controversial provision of the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement drew instant condemnation from labor and driver-owner groups that fear the program will erode highway safety and eliminate U.S. jobs. The decision was announced by a Transportation Department notice in the Federal Register, a dry, daily compendium of new federal ...

Building a North American Union Conspiracy
Post Date: 2007-08-18 07:00:22 by Kamala
Building a North American Union Conspiracy by Dana Gabriel The deniers, white washers, shills, and propaganda masters are purposely misleading the public into believing that that the North American Union is a conspiracy theory. Unfortunately, most people are too busy or lazy to care and check it out for themselves. Some of the articles debunking the NAU do little of the sort, but even bad propaganda can fool the people. The NAU is being kept secret in the sense that working groups are meeting without public participation or knowledge in some cases, and are conducting business without debate or oversight. Wouldn't the NAU require massive amounts of legislation with new agencies and ...

Post Date: 2007-08-15 15:05:55 by christine
I just came across some more information about the execution-style senseless slaying of three college kids who had managed to "beat the odds" and point their lives in the right direction only to be cut down by aliens who had no right to be in our country. A fourth college student, the sister of one of the victims, as you know, is still hospitalized after having been shot in the face. Today's edition of the Newark Star Ledger provides information about the illegal alien who, according to news reports, was the individual who was the leader of this band of sociopathic scum that carried out the brutal attacks on these exemplary students. This individual, for whom warrants have ...

Military aid to Mexico on SPP summit agenda, Violent drug war south of border now a U.S. problem
Post Date: 2007-08-14 14:00:22 by christine
The U.S. ambassador to Mexico is concluding discussions with the Mexican government of President Felipe Calderón to provide U.S. military assistance to assist Mexico in combating Mexican drug lords, according to the Democratic congressman from Laredo, Texas. President Bush is scheduled to discuss the subject at the upcoming Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America third summit meeting at Montebello, Quebec, on Aug. 20-21. An announcement of a final plan may not come until after the SPP summit, depending on the progress of the talks in Montebello. Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, told WND Friday he had consulted with U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Antonio O. Garza, Jr., about ...

Who Really Has the Monkey On His Back?
Post Date: 2007-08-13 06:40:19 by Ada
Airline passengers who grit their teeth and resign themselves to having all kinds of inoffensive belongings seized by the blue-gloved airport goons will be pleased to know how effective this brave security cordon really turns out to be. Late Monday a passenger in Lima, Peru boarded a Spirit Airlines jet for Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Arriving in this country, he presumably passed through all the required "international arrival" security rigmarole, killing several hours in the secure area of the Fort Lauderdale airport before boarding a plane to LaGuardia Airport in New York City. Only then did the monkey under his hat grow bold enough to come out, perch on his ponytail, and ask his ...

Immigration Crackdown Worries Employers
Post Date: 2007-08-11 13:10:58 by Indrid Cold
Farmers and other employers who rely heavily on immigrant labor said Friday that they could be driven out of business by the Bush administration's plans to crack down on workers whose Social Security numbers do not match their names, and businesses that hire them. Administration officials said the stepped-up enforcement would begin in 30 days. "Everyone's very anxious," said Paul Schlegel, director of public policy for the American Farm Bureau Federation. "We're heading into the busiest time of the year for agriculture, so you're going to see a lot of worry from farmers and employers about how you deal with this." The industry group, which represents ...

Where are the storms? Worst ones are often late [don't stop being very afraid]
Post Date: 2007-08-11 09:46:10 by a vast rightwing conspirator
Where are the storms? Worst ones are often late Forecasters said that some notoriously active seasons started slow, but NOAA still trimmed its predictions -- slightly.Posted on Fri, Aug. 10, 2007http://digg.com/submit?phase=2&url=http://www.miamiherald.com/884/story/198491.html&title='+encodeURIComponent ($('#storyBody/h1:first').text ())+'&bodytext='+encodeURIComponent ($('#storyBody/p:first').text ()); return false">Digg it http://del.icio.us/post?v=4&noui&jump=close&url='+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+'&title='+encodeURIComponent($('#storyBody/h1:first').text ()), ...

Exclusive: Watch the Borders: Fake Visas, Real Tunnels Cause Official Concern
Post Date: 2007-08-11 07:52:22 by Zipporah
Richard Esposito Reports: The U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the Canadian Border Services Agency have each recently issued security notices alerting law enforcement officials to border-crossing issues, including illicit tunnels and fake visas. On the U.S. side, DHS has issued an assessment of the "threat to the homeland" posed by illicit tunnels -- almost exclusively across the Mexican border. Among the report's key findings, "Tunnels under U.S. borders with Canada and Mexico serve primarily as conduits for transporting illicit drugs into the United States. In addition, reliable reporting indicates that some tunnels also are used for alien smuggling, ...

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