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'Let the prisoners pick the fruit'
Post Date: 2006-04-01 00:45:03 by Tauzero
'Let the prisoners pick the fruits' House members condemn immigration bill WASHINGTON (AP) -- House conservatives criticized President Bush, accused the Senate of fouling the air, said prisoners rather than illegal farm workers should pick America's crops and denounced the use of Mexican flags by protesters Thursday in a vehement attack on legislation to liberalize U.S. immigration laws. "I say let the prisoners pick the fruits," said Rep. Dana Rohrabacher of California, one of more than a dozen Republicans who took turns condemning a Senate bill that offers an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants an opportunity for citizenship. "Anybody that votes for an amnesty bill ...

Soldier's mother faces being deported (son was killed in Iraq, may be sent back to Mexico because of meth use)
Post Date: 2006-03-31 21:54:43 by Zipporah
After prison sentence: The woman, whose son was killed in Iraq, may be sent back to Mexico because of meth use The Salt Lake Tribune Salt Lake Tribune OGDEN - The mother of a soldier killed in Iraq admitted in a Thursday court hearing to abusing methamphetamine, breaking the conditions of her treatment program. Angela Cabral was sentenced to up to 5 years in the Utah State Prison, a term that will apparently end with her deportation from the country for which her son died. Cabral, a legal resident of the United States but not a citizen, already was struggling with drug abuse when she learned that her son, Juan Carlos Banuelos Cabral, had been killed in a roadside bomb attack near ...

New Poll: Americans Favor a Guest Worker Plan
Post Date: 2006-03-31 20:06:54 by Brian S
79% say illegal immigrants should have the chance to work here, but most want tougher enforcement too By JYOTI THOTTAM Americans polled by TIME magazine show strong support for a guest-worker program and a process for undocumented workers to become citizens, but they take a tough stance on securing the borders. And most do not want illegal immigrants to have access to health care, public education or driver's licenses. In the telephone survey of 1004 adults, conducted Wednesday and Thursday, 79% say they favor a guest worker program that would allow illegal immigrants to remain in the U.S. for a fixed period of time — the main provision of the bill proposed by Senators John McCain ...

FOX NEWS TONY SNOW: Immigration Is Not The Pox Neo-Know Nothings Make It Out To Be
Post Date: 2006-03-31 19:18:48 by Mind_Virus
March 31, 2006 / 2 Nissan, 5766 Immigration Is Not The Pox Neo-Know Nothings Make It Out To Be By Tony Snow Illegal immigration seems to have spawned a dreary debate about the merits of Mexicans, when it should be drawing attention instead to a very different matter: how to build on the luster and wonder of the American dream. Immigration is not the pox neo-Know Nothings make it out to be. Begin with the astounding influx of illegal immigrants, the vast majority of whom hail from Mexico. While the population includes an eye-popping number of crooks, drug-dealers and would-be welfare sponges, it also provides a helpful prop for sustaining American economic growth and cultural dynamism. ...

Bush committed to comprehensive immigration reform
Post Date: 2006-03-31 16:18:13 by Zipporah
Big News http://Network.com Thursday 30th March, 2006 President Bush says he is committed to getting a comprehensive immigration reform package through the U.S. Congress, one that includes creation of a guest worker program. He spoke after talks in the Mexican resort of Cancun with President Vicente Fox. President Bush went to Cancun at a time when Americans across the country are focusing on the emotional issue of illegal immigration. Polls show the public is just about split, with half wanting a crackdown on undocumented workers and others saying steps should be taken to allow many to work in the United States legally on a temporary basis. The debate followed Mr. Bush to Mexico - ...

Students Who Want To Fly American Flags Walk Out / Skyline Students Say Their Flags Were Confiscated
Post Date: 2006-03-31 15:29:19 by mirage
LONGMONT, Colo. -- More than two dozen students walked out of Skyline High School Friday morning to protest what they say is a ban that doesn't allow the American flag to be flown on school grounds. Several students said that they were upset that Mexican flags can be waved around but that American flags couldn't. They said that school officials confiscated their American flags because it has become inflammatory because of recent immigration issues. "What we want to know is since when was it against the rules to have an American flag on a car, in a car, in your hands in a school?" said student William Cassity. "When the immigration laws came out we noticed that a lot of ...

Mexico North
Post Date: 2006-03-31 13:07:49 by Peetie Wheatstraw
As one of those American rarities — a Los Angeles native — I looked at recent, mainly Mexican protests against proposed restrictions on illegal immigration with more than just outrage over lost U.S. sovereignty. I was also reflexively examining aerial photos to pinpoint where in L.A. those hundreds of thousands of Mexican-flag-waving demonstrators were marching. It was downtown Los Angeles, of course, a section of the sprawling city I rarely visited growing up. Then it hit me: As a little kid in the 1960s, my mother had taken me on an outing to Olvera Street, an old section of downtown ("old" for Los Angeles being mid-to-late-19th century) where visitors went to enjoy ...

March Diary [Derbyshire on Immigration] [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2006-03-31 12:46:35 by Peetie Wheatstraw
The issue of immigration was suddenly all over the news this month. The interesting question here is: Why does the federal government find it so difficult to do anything? It would seem to be a pretty elementary thing, and a basic function of government, to secure the nation’s borders and monitor who comes in, who goes out. Why can’t we do that? You hear all sorts of reasons. Big Agriculture wants fruit pickers and hog gutters; Elite America wants domestic servants; Middle America wants gardeners (sorry “landscapers” — hard to keep up with job-title inflation); the Dems want future voters; the Catholic Church wants souls; and so on. The real reason we find it so ...

BORDER WAR 2006 - Lou Dobbs in Mexico
Post Date: 2006-03-31 11:50:52 by BTP Holdings
http://www.apfn.org/audio/M005I060330155839-immigration-dobbs-3-30-06A.MP3 (3.01MB) http://www.apfn.org/audio/M006I060330161158-immigration-dobbs-3-30-06B.MP3 (3.33MB) http://www.apfn.org/audio/M007I060330163355-immigration-dobbs-3-30-06C.MP3 (3.98MB)

Hill Conservatives Warn Bush Of Amnesty Anger
Post Date: 2006-03-31 10:57:01 by Brian S
March 31, 2006 House conservatives yesterday issued a dire warning to President Bush and Republican leadership that they will pay a devastating political price if they proceed with a guest-worker program or anything resembling amnesty for illegal aliens before securing the borders and enforcing existing immigration laws. "They will remember in November," Rep. J.D. Hayworth, Arizona Republican, said of voters nationwide. "And many of those who have stood with our Republican majority in the last decade are not only angry, many of them plan to be absent from the polls" this year when the entire House and one-third of the Senate is up for re-election. Mr. Hayworth and ...

Jewish Groups Behind Immigration Invasion
Post Date: 2006-03-31 08:06:06 by Zoroaster
The Official Website of Representative David Duke, PhD 3/31/2006 Jewish Groups Behind Immigration Invasion Posted under: General— @ 3:46 am Jewish groups support immigration invasion The (Jewish) Forward reveals that major Jewish organizations supported the recent pro-illegal alien march in Los Angeles and spearhead amnesty legislation. Commentary by Dr. David Duke Some European Americans suffer under the illusion that organized Jewish power in America is now an ally in our efforts to stop immigration and preserve the heritage and freedom of our American and European homelands. An article in one of the leading Jewish newspapers in the United States, The Forward, thoroughly ...

Text of Salazar's immigration speech
Post Date: 2006-03-30 23:57:13 by mirage
I rise this morning to speak in support of the immigration reform bill which has been produced of our Judiciary Committee. I want to first congratulate Senator Specter and Senator Leahy for their leadership in that effort in the Judiciary Committee. I also want to congratulate all of my colleagues, Republicans and Democrats, who have come together in support of this historic measure that is now before the Senate. I believe that this measure truly represents the kind of bipartisan spirit that leads to the best policy creation for our country. I’m also proud of the eight sponsors of the McCain-Kennedy bill, including Senator McCain and Senator Graham, Senator Brownback, Senator ...

Bush Pushes Congress to Open U.S. to Immigrant Workers Who Have Been Sneaking Across Borders
Post Date: 2006-03-30 22:11:14 by Brian S
President Bush and Mexico's President Vicente Fox shake hands after their bilateral meeting in Cancun, Mexico, Thursday, March 30, 2006. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak) CANCUN, Mexico - With Mexican President Vicente Fox at his side, President Bush gave Congress a long-distance push Thursday to open the United States to immigrant workers who have been sneaking across the borders to fill low-paying jobs. "We don't want people sneaking into our country that are going to do jobs that Americans won't do," Bush said at the end of a private meeting with Fox, where the issue was on top of the agenda. "We want them coming in in an orderly way, which will take pressure off both our ...

American Dhimmitude
Post Date: 2006-03-30 20:24:35 by Peetie Wheatstraw
Hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens and their supporters have marched over the past couple of weeks demanding amnesty and opposing stricter immigration enforcement. This isn’t really about immigration, though — it’s about power. What we’re seeing in the streets is a naked assertion of power by outsiders against the American nation. They demand that we comply with their wishes and submit our immigration policies for their approval, and implicitly threaten violence if their demands are not met. Far from being a discussion among Americans about the best way to regulate immigration, the illegal-alien marches have been marked by the will to power: ubiquitous Mexican ...

We're Thinking About Tomorrow
Post Date: 2006-03-30 20:15:42 by Peetie Wheatstraw
Tucson, Ariz. — I got an e-mail today from somewhere in southern Arizona ranch country that captured the uncertainty, anger, and fear that illegal immigration brings to border residents every day. The message told of a wildfire in the Chiricahua Mountains, probably started by illegals. It's common. A group busts the line, finds a secluded spot to cook a meal, and then, because they don't live here and have no stake in what they might destroy, they don't put the fire out when they continue trekking north. My home state has had many such blazes over the years. Right now, after one of the driest winters on record and with fire season looming, everybody awaits the inevitable, hoping to ...

Myths vs. facts
Post Date: 2006-03-30 14:16:02 by Peetie Wheatstraw
It has been said that if you tell a lie 1,000 times in politics, it becomes truth. Before we reach that threshold, there are two myths that must be dispelled about the House's bipartisan immigration reform bill: • The first myth is that the House bill would make criminals out of priests who run homeless shelters and soup kitchens. The bill would not substantially change decades of law with respect to religious organizations. From 1986 until this year, no organization was allowed to conceal, harbor or shield an alien from law enforcement "in reckless disregard of the fact" that the alien is in this country illegally. During those two decades, no church was shut down for ...

Vicente Fox: U.S. Will 'Beg' For Mexican Workers
Post Date: 2006-03-30 12:10:31 by Mind_Virus
With Carl Limbacher and http://NewsMax.com Staff For the story behind the story... Thursday, March 30, 2006 10:35 a.m. EST Vicente Fox: U.S. Will 'Beg' For Mexican Workers Mexican President Vicente Fox is defending earlier comments where he insisted that the U.S. will soon be "begging" Mexico to send workers to alleviate a coming U.S. labor shortage. "I dare say that in 10 years, the U.S. will be begging, will be pleading with Mexico to send it workers," said Fox, who meets with President Bush in Cancun today to discuss what he calls the "migration" problem. In his March 3 remarks to the BBC, Fox warned that the U.S. had better take advantage of the Mexican ...

Race Riots Could Lead To Camps For Americans And Illegals : Mexican Extremists Led Like Lambs To The Slaughter Will Be The First Victims
Post Date: 2006-03-30 11:38:13 by Mind_Virus
Race Riots Could Lead To Camps For Americans And Illegals Mexican Extremists Led Like Lambs To The Slaughter Will Be The First Victims Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones/Prison Planet | March 30 2006 The catalyst for the agenda to intern millions of Americans deemed subversive in a time of manufactured chaos could be race riots kick-started by radicalized Mexican Klan groups and their establishment controllers. Yesterday we reported on the immigration protests that are a front for the violent separatist Atzlan movement. After watching Spanish TV news stations we were able to ascertain that the marches were not wholly an organic response to the introduction of the immigration bill but ...

Post Date: 2006-03-30 11:18:49 by Mind_Virus
RACIST AMERICA WAGES WAR ON THE 'WETBACKS' AMERICAN XENOPHOBIA: IMMIGRANTS BECOME "ILLEGAL ALIENS" Dennis Rahkonen @ Dissident Voice posted Wednesday, 29 March 2006 Archbishop Richard Mahony of the Los Angeles Catholic diocese is taking a leading stand on an issue that will be pivotal in determining whether democracy survives in the United States. As racist legislation advances in Congress to harshly repress “illegal aliens,” Mahony says American Catholics should disobey provisions within the pending bill that would forbid helping undocumented immigrants in a humanitarian manner. As anyone who’s watched CNN’s Lou Dobbs can attest, vicious hysteria ...

Statehouses Take Up Immigration Legislation
Post Date: 2006-03-30 08:44:01 by Horse
An avalanche of immigration proposals that would cut services to undocumented workers are under consideration from the South to New England, but some of the most significant recent steps taken by state governments actually help illegal immigrants. So far this year, only one major crackdown has passed a state legislature: Georgia lawmakers last week approved what supporters claim would be the nation's toughest anti-immigrant law, limiting state benefits such as non-emergency medical care and unemployment checks to those in the country legally. But recent actions, by law, executive order or court decision, have extended benefits to illegal immigrants in Illinois, New York and Washington ...

Mexican illegals vs. American voters
Post Date: 2006-03-30 02:51:03 by Horse
It is lucky America has more than two centuries of mostly calm experience with self-government. We are going to need to fall back on that invaluable patrimony if the immigration debate continues as it has started this season. The Senate is attempting to legislate into the teeth of the will of the American public. The Senate Judiciary Committeemen — and probably a majority of the Senate — are convinced that they know that the American people don't know what is best for them. National polling data could not be more emphatic — and has been so for decades. Gallup Poll (March 27) finds 80 percent of the public wants the federal government to get tougher on illegal immigration. ...

Oceanside High erupts in protest as smaller rally begins in Vista
Post Date: 2006-03-30 00:18:56 by Zipporah
Oceanside High School students try to force their way through the school`s west gate onto Horne Street as Oceanside police in riot gear who fired paint ball guns at the ground to force the crowd to back away. Staff Photo Order a copy of this photoVisit our Photo Gallery Oceanside High erupts in protest as smaller rally begins in Vista A mob scene unfolded at Oceanside High School on Mission Avenue this morning when about 400 students tried to leave campus, only to be blocked by police officers toting pepper-spray pellet guns and wearing riot gear.The scene at the campus subsided as school let out this afternoon and protesting students headed for the Oceanside Bandshell at the beach. ...

Do Reconquistas Already Run Federal Immigration Bureaucracy?
Post Date: 2006-03-29 21:37:39 by Zipporah
An estimated 500,000 reconquistas took to the streets in Los Angeles over the past weekend to demand illegal alien amnesty. There were over 30,000 people in Denver, and more in other American cities….cities that are currently American, that is. But the fantasy world inhabited by the federal immigration bureaucracy—which would be charged with enforcing any "guest worker" amnesty scam—still knows no limits. Through its Office of Communications [OoC], DHS’ U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services [CIS] division has just (March 26) chosen to alert its employees in its Daily News e-mail broadcast that a "wave of anti-immigration sentiment is ...

A Democrat Says Supporting Amnesty Spells D-e-f-e-a-t For His Party In 2006, 2008
Post Date: 2006-03-29 21:30:30 by Zipporah
Ok, fellow Democrats, we are on the high road to election losses this year and in 2008—even though Bush is the most incompetent and dangerous President ever to serve in that office. Why? Because it now appears our elected Democratic representatives in the US Senate and House are going to authorize another massive amnesty–some 12 million illegal aliens now living here will get work permits–against the overwhelming wishes of American citizens. In doing so, as Jack Martin, Director of Special Projects at the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), puts it in an email: "The message sent abroad [is] that the U.S. will condone and accommodate illegal ...

Marchers say gringos, not illegals, have to go Activists turn tables, offer no amnesty for 'non-indigenous' on 'our continent'
Post Date: 2006-03-29 21:01:43 by Coral Snake
Marchers say gringos, not illegals, have to go Activists turn tables, offer no amnesty for 'non-indigenous' on 'our continent' Posted: March 29, 2006 1:00 a.m. Eastern © 2006 http://WorldNetDaily.com Mexica Movement activists protest in L.A. WASHINGTON 51; While debates about guest-worker programs for illegal aliens take place in the corridors of power, in the streets of America's big cities no amnesty is being offered by activists calling for the expulsion of most U.S. citizens from their own country. While politicians debate the fate of some 12 million people residing in the U.S. illegally, the Mexica Movement, one of the organizers of the mass protest in Los Angeles this ...

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