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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Cubans retire to Florida – with help from U.S. taxpayers
Post Date: 2015-10-12 01:25:08 by Horse
More Cubans are coming to Florida in their golden years to retire, able to tap U.S. government assistance even though they never lived or worked here. The number of Cubans arriving over the age of 60 grew fivefold since 2010, according to state refugee data. At least 185 made the crossing in their 80s or 90s. Unlike most other immigrants, Cubans qualify immediately for food stamps and Medicaid. If they are over 65 with little or no income, they also can collect a monthly check of up to $733 in Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Golden years: Cubans retire to Florida Cubans’ special status has enabled an increasing number of elderly to retire to the U.S. with taxpayer support. The ...

Obama giving Trump advice on how to turn remainder of USA into Mexico
Post Date: 2015-10-12 00:26:21 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
President Barack Obama denounced the immigration policies of leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump Thursday, without naming him directly, in a speech to Latino political leaders. "The greatness of America comes not from building walls," Obama told the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute anniversary awards gala. "The anti-immigrant sentiment that has infected our politics is not new, but it is wrong," he said, before adding that "economists agree that immigration does not hurt our economy; it grows our economy." Trump, a billionaire real estate developer who has never held elected office, has promised, if he wins the White House, to ...

Shock Video: Dozens of Dehydrated Illegals Pour Out of Semi Truck in Texas
Post Date: 2015-10-10 00:00:18 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Published on Oct 8, 2015 Frio County, TX - exas police officers found 39 undocumented immigrants in the back of an 18-wheeler truck, and the dramatic rescue was caught on the body cameras worn by officers. A federal grand jury indicted Drew Christopher Potter, 33, on Wednesday for his alleged involvement, charging him with one count of conspiracy to commit alien smuggling for financial gain and three substantive counts of transportation of undocumented aliens. If convicted on each count, he will face up to 10 years in federal prison and a maximum $250,000 fine. Frio County sheriff deputies and U.S. Border Patrol agents responded to a 911 call on Sept. 18 reporting multiple people ...

Top Law Enforcement Official: Terrorists Have Infiltrated U.S. Through Mexico
Post Date: 2015-10-07 13:58:01 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
A few days ago a top law enforcement official finally confirmed that Islamic terrorists have infiltrated the United States through Mexico, a story that Judicial Watch broke last year as part of an ongoing series involving the dangerously porous southern border. Last October JW reported that four members of the militant group Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS), who entered the U.S. through the Mexican border, were arrested in McAllen and Pharr Texas. Then, over the summer, JW reported that Mexican drug cartels are smuggling foreigners from countries with terrorist links into a small Texas rural town near El Paso and they’re using remote farm roads—rather than ...

‘No Borders’ Activist Gang Raped By Migrants, Pressured Into Silence To Not ‘Damage Cause’
Post Date: 2015-10-06 20:34:21 by Artisan
‘No Borders’ Activist Gang Raped By Migrants, Pressured Into Silence To Not ‘Damage Cause’ 931955 VALERY HACHE/AFP/Getty by Liam Deacon6 Oct 20152591 A young, female ‘No Borders’ activist working in a migrant camp on the France-Italy border remained silent about her gang rape by Sudanese migrants for over a month because “the others asked me to keep quiet.” Colleagues are alleged to have said that reporting the crime would set back their struggle for a borderless world. The ‘No Borders’ activist had dedicated a month of her life to helping migrants. Her group was stationed between Italy and France in Ponte San Ludovico in Ventimiglia when ...

0:05 / 1:32 French politician in hot water after calling France ‘white race’ nation
Post Date: 2015-10-05 15:42:31 by Horse
Poster Comment:Not as good as she sounds in English. In French she says France is a Judeo-Christian nation.

The band of brothers who voluntarily patrol the US-Mexico border: Heavily armed vigilantes led by a veteran dubbed 'Nailer' act as the final guard against what they call an 'immigrant invasion'
Post Date: 2015-10-04 13:18:12 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
The band of brothers who voluntarily patrol the US-Mexico border: Heavily armed vigilantes led by a veteran dubbed 'Nailer' act as the final guard against what they call an 'immigrant invasion' The Arizona Border Recon - made up of veterans former private security officers - guard the US-Mexico borderThey stop illegal immigrants, drug smuggling and human trafficking while providing intelligence to border agentsPhotographs were captured by Johnny Milano, who followed the men as they patrolled near the town of Nogales Many of men see immigration as an 'invasion' similar to when they served with US military in war zones, Milano said  Click for Full Text!

Jobs up only for immigrants, +14,000, down 262,000 for 'native-borns'
Post Date: 2015-10-02 12:59:06 by Horse
For a third month in a row, native-born Americans saw their job numbers tumble while immigrants experience solid gains. According to the montly Bureau of Labor Statistics numbers just released, "foreign-born" jobs numbers increased by 14,000, while those for "native-born" Americans fell off a cliff, by 262,000. Over the past three months, the job numbers for native-born have dropped by nearly 1 million, exactly the number of jobs President Obama promised to add when he ran for re-election in 2012. During that period, jobs for immigrants grew 218,000. Poster Comment:They do not say how many jobs are going to anchor babies.

The Frustrating & Shocking Truth About Immigrants That Obama Won’t Talk About (No, It’s Not About Crime)
Post Date: 2015-09-30 17:35:55 by BTP Holdings
The Frustrating & Shocking Truth About Immigrants That Obama Won’t Talk About (No, It’s Not About Crime) Immigration is one of the issues that Obama is trying to milk for support, as demonstrated by his whole #IStandWithAhmed nonsense. But there are some details about the whole immigration picture that President Obama isn’t being forthright about sharing. What are those details, you say? That 51% of immigrants receive some form of government welfare, which is higher than the population of American citizens receiving government welfare (30%). In other words, immigrants are not contributing to the economy as a whole; they are draining the economy. It gets worse when ...

Angela Merkel overheard confronting Mark Zuckerberg over the need to 'do some work' about racist posts on Facebook (Open Mic)
Post Date: 2015-09-28 16:29:51 by Horse
Conversation overheard between German chancellor and tech CEO, who sat together at luncheon on the sideline of UN meetings this Saturday Zuckerberg said 'we need to do some work' before Merkel pressed him on the issue that has gained urgency in Germany after violent attacks Country said it could take in 800,000 refugees this year as immigrants streamed toward Europe seeking asylum from war-torn homeland Facebook previously said it would work with German monitoring group after Justice Minister criticized company's stance on xenophobic posts German Chancellor Angela Merkel confronted Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg in a conversation overheard at the UN about those using his ...

Migrants trampled on the food and demanded money - English subtitle
Post Date: 2015-09-28 16:08:09 by Horse
Poster Comment:This is worse than the title indicates.

PERVERTED POPE ON PERVERTED AGENDA - The Pope ignored the Faces of Child victims of Illegal Aliens
Post Date: 2015-09-28 15:57:51 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
This week we were swamped with coverage of the arrival of Rome's Pontiff.  In a completely staged even by illegal alien advocates in Los Angeles, we witness a little illegal alien girl break out of the crowd to give the Pope her letter.  All week we heard about the poor illegal immigrant children......What about the children who were not represented....innocent little Americans that the Pope and this nation ignores!   Here are a few of those faces.  These are just a sample, there are hundreds!   Donald Trump is RIGHT!! Eighteen-year-old Tricia Taylor of Detroit was in court in December 2002 to hear the plea of the illegal alien who caused her to lose ...

San Francisco rent prices increased by 14.9% yy in July according to Zillow data. That’s a $556 increase in one year (To $4,287 a month)
Post Date: 2015-09-26 03:39:26 by Horse
Silver Watchdog @Silver_Watchdog San Francisco rent prices increased by 14.9% yy in July according to Zillow data. That's a $556 increase in one year 7:38 PM - 21 Sep 2015 Poster Comment:That outrageous rent is due to unlimited legal and illegal immigration.

German woman threatened with eviction to make way for refugees A 51-year-old German woman is being evicted from her home of 16 years to make way for refugees, with shelters already full across the country
Post Date: 2015-09-25 12:49:41 by Horse
A woman in Germany is being evicted from her home of 16 years to make way for asylum-seekers, amid growing concerns over how Germany will find accommodation for the hundreds of thousands of refugees flooding into the country. Bettina Halbey, a 51-year-old nurse, has lived alone in her flat in the small western German town of Nieheim since her children grew up. On September 1, she received a letter from her landlord, the local municipality, telling her the building was being turned into a refugee shelter and she had until next May to leave. “I was completely taken aback,” Ms Halbey told Welt newspaper. “I find it impossible to describe how the city has treated me.” ...

What The Cathechism of the Catholic Church Actually Says on Immigration Might Surprise You
Post Date: 2015-09-24 11:50:15 by Artisan
There seems to be many radical left-wing bishops, priests and clergy within the Catholic church who are constantly chiding us that we need to welcome everyone into the United States, without limits. But what does the actual Catechism of the Catholic Church, which Catholics must adhere to, state about immigration? it might surprise you. The hierarchy of the catholic church itself, however, has been infested, sadly with radical open border advocates, who act as if it's immoral for the Unite States to have borders or enforce our sovereignty. This has never been the actual teaching or position of the church. These modernists, or so they're called, have done a great amount of damage to ...

Top British judge: Asian sex crime victims suffer more than white girls
Post Date: 2015-09-21 17:29:34 by Horse
A child molester from West Yorkshire who abused two Asian girls was rightly given a longer sentence than had his victims been white – because Asian sex-crime victims suffer more, a top judge has ruled. Jamal Mohammed Raheem-ul-Nasir. Jamal Mohammed Raheem-ul-Nasir. Mr Justice Walker said it was proper for paedophile, Jamal Muhammed Raheem Ul Nasir, to have been given a tougher than normal sentence, because his victims were Asian. Ul Nasir, 32, carried out sex attacks on two underage girls and was jailed for a total of seven years at Leeds Crown Court in December last year. He was convicted of two counts of sexual assault on a child under 13 and four counts of sexual activity with a ...

Refugee Reflections
Post Date: 2015-09-21 08:33:03 by Ada
There were only a few refugees still on the seafront when I arrived in Bodrum (Turkey), and there were even fewer of them by the time I left a number of days later. Where and how they had all gone I do not know. The Greek island of Kos, only two and a half miles away, had apparently been similarly cleared of many of the refugees who had landed there. Normality has returned to Bodrum: That is to say, the contest was resumed for the soul of the local inhabitants between the muezzin and rock music, often audible at the same time (I hope neither wins). The volume and length of the muezzin’s call certainly seems to have increased of late years, either from renewed confidence or from ...

Immigrants Fight Texas’ Birth Certificate Rules
Post Date: 2015-09-18 17:10:38 by BTP Holdings
Immigrants Fight Texas’ Birth Certificate Rules A 40-year-old woman with her daughter; both are plaintiffs in a lawsuit. Texas says its rules are an issue of providing proper ID. Ilana Panich-Linsman for The New York Times By MANNY FERNANDEZ September 17, 2015 McALLEN, Tex. — At the Republican debate on Wednesday and throughout the campaign, candidates led by Donald J. Trump have assailed illegal immigration, and some have questioned whether children who are born to immigrants in this country illegally should be considered American citizens. But here on the Texas border some local officials are engaged in activities that go beyond talk, enforcing some of the toughest ...

EXCLUSIVE - Flying over the Great Wall of Europe: Drone footage captures the tear gas, tanks, tents and sheer scale of the Hungarian border fence keeping desperate migrants out
Post Date: 2015-09-17 16:53:45 by Horse
Shows desperate migrants clashing with police along the 110-mile-long fence erected by Hungary to keep them out Around 900 people helped build the £20million, four metre-high wall, which stretches across entire Serbian border Riot police fired tear gas at unarmed migrants while Humvee tanks with machine guns stood on other side of fence Tensions rose after Hungary closed border with Serbia two days ago, prevented migrants from reaching Germany Spectacular drone footage captured the moment defiant migrants were tear gassed by police at the Hungarian border yesterday and shows the staggering scale of the great wall of Europe erected to keep them out. The film, shot for MailOnline ...

Illegal Sentenced to 10 Years Probation After Killing Texas Man Was illegal alien given preferential treatment after mowing down innocent man (in hit and run)?
Post Date: 2015-09-16 18:42:50 by Horse
A Texas family whose loved one was lost in a tragic hit and run accident is disappointed with what they feel is an inadequate punishment meted out to their family member’s killer – an illegal alien from Mexico. (Video at source) On the morning of March 15, Dallas resident David Benton, 55, was crossing the street in his neighborhood when a car struck him dead. The man behind the wheel, 22-year-old Mexican national Angel Lopez-Gil, continued driving with Benton on the hood of the vehicle, only stopping at an apartment complex to dump the man’s body. From there, Lopez-Gil fled on foot and was eventually caught. Speaking exlusively to Infowars, Benton’s sister, ...

Ex-Stasi Agent Hired to Censor “Xenophobic” Facebook Posts German government cracks down on dissent against migrant influx
Post Date: 2015-09-16 13:46:52 by Horse
The German government and Facebook are working with an organization led by an ex-Stasi agent to oversee a new program that will identify “xenophobic” posts made on the social networking website and punish people who make them with fines and jail sentences. The German Minister of Justice Heiko Maas met with Facebook this week to form a special task force that will work to remove comments from the website that “call for hatred” against migrants. The organization will be overseen by Network Against Nazis (Netz gegen Nazis), a group led by left-wing activist Anetta Kahane. Although Kahane now describes herself as an “anti-racist,” she was intimately involved in ...

Very impressive showing for whiteness and against invasion!
Post Date: 2015-09-15 22:59:45 by NeoconsNailed
One speaker even trashes "dirty Khazars and Jews" IIRC! You'll never see this coordination with amerikan patriots, alas. NEVER. Truly remarkable. NN SLOVAKIA – AWESOME FOOTAGE FROM NATIONALIST RALLY PROTESTING FOREIGN INVASION Shown here is some awesome footage taken of Slovakian nationalists protesting the foreign invasion of Europe. The most interesting thing I found about this footage is the stark difference between the nationalists and the anti-fa groups protesting them. The nationalists all look like strong alpha males. The anti-fa groups are filled with stupid women and faggot looking beta males. I think that by itself says it all. The video also includes a great ...

Report: Muslim Migrants Raping Women & Children at German Refugee Camp Women allegedly forced into prostitution
Post Date: 2015-09-15 14:17:21 by Horse
An explosive document released by top social welfare organizations in Germany reveals evidence that migrants at a refugee camp in Hessen are raping women and children, while also allegedly forcing women into prostitution. The document was made public by LFR (Landesfrauenrat) Hessen, Der Paritätische Hessen, Pro Familia Hessen and the Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Hessischer Frauenbüros. It asserts that women and children at a migrant camp in Hessen are being sexually molested by Muslim “refugees” on such a regular basis that they are afraid to go to the bathroom at night and have to remain fully clothed when they sleep. Women who are not accompanied by men are considered ...

Migrant Crisis: The Footage the Media Refuses to Broadcast
Post Date: 2015-09-15 01:20:03 by Horse
Poster Comment:Obama is doing the same to America.

Trump: We Have To Accept Migrants Here Because They’re Living In Hell In Syria
Post Date: 2015-09-14 23:49:08 by Artisan
He says we have to do it on a humanitarian basis Donald Trump weighed in tonight on the migrant crisis hitting Europe right now, saying that while he doesn’t like the concept of accepting migrants from the Middle East and Africa here, he says we have to do it on a humanitarian basis because they’re living in hell in Syria. Poster Comment:absolutely bonkers... the jew scriptwriters who gave Donny his 'tough talk' script lines for the past two months, (the same jews whose ass trump has always kissed) are fucking with you and LTAO...

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