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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Amid Squalor & Misery,
Post Date: 2021-09-23 21:06:47 by Horse
Hospital Strained By Influx Of Illegal Immigrants: Del Rio Democrat Mayor The flood of illegal immigrants that has crossed over the Rio Grande River since mid-September is straining the hospital and other resources in this small Texas border city...

EXCLUSIVE: Thousands of Haitian migrants who flocked to Del Rio were already working and living comfortably as refugees in CHILE and only set off for the US after Biden scrapped Trump-era deportation policy
Post Date: 2021-09-23 13:12:04 by Ada
The secret behind the Haitians who have turned up in Del Rio, Texas is that they didn't migrate from Haiti at all but from Chile, where they had been granted asylum and were working and living comfortably as refugees. The dozens of Chilean identity cards that litter the ground in Ciudad Acuna, just across the Rio Grande from Del Rio, all bear distinctly non- Hispanic names. There is Prosper Pierre for instance, or Linode Lafleur or Eddyson Jean- Charles. None of the cards carries a name such as Gonzalez or Muñoz or Rojas. A closer look shows three telling letters - HTI - on the cards where they ask for the bearer's nationality. These are the discarded ID cards of ...

Hungary Thwarts Over 500 Illegal Border Crossings in One Day
Post Date: 2021-09-23 08:49:45 by Ada
More than 500 illegal border crossers were recently intercepted in a single day by Hungarian authorities. The Hungarian government released stunning footage of organized migrant mobs storming border barriers just hours before hundreds of aliens tried to penetrate various points along the country's frontier. In a series of clips shot both at night and in broad daylight, migrants can be seen assailing a multi-layered fence system erected along Hungary's border, with some groups using ladders to cross over extensive barbed wire barriers. Click for Full Text!

Haitian Deportees BITE ICE Agents And Assault Pilots On Deportation Flights Back To Port-Au-Prince
Post Date: 2021-09-22 17:41:25 by Ada
Haitian immigrants deported back to the Caribbean nation have bit Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers and assaulted pilots on deportation flights back to Port-au-Prince, according to new reports. In one incident on Monday at Laughlin Air Force Base in Texas, two Haitian migrants left their seats as the plane taxied to the runway and attacked ICE agents by biting them, forcing takeoff to be delayed, according to the Washington Examiner. Meanwhile in a another incident, three ICE officers also suffered non- life-threatening injuries during an assault on Tuesday at the Port-au- Prince airport, when a group from a plan carrying single adult men stormed another recently arrived ...

Haitian migrants being released into US on ‘very large scale’ despite Biden’s vow to send them back home – reports
Post Date: 2021-09-22 08:37:16 by Ada
Large numbers of Haitian asylum-seekers who’ve arrived in the US in recent weeks are being released into the country, officials told the Associated Press, after the Biden administration pledged to step up deportation flights. Haitian refugees have been released on a “very, very large scale” over the last week, one US official with “direct knowledge” of the situation told the AP on Tuesday, suggesting the number could be in the thousands. Another official who declined to be named confirmed that many of the migrants were being processed under immigration laws and had not been placed on expulsion flights back to Haiti, contrary to the administration’s claims. ...

AOC, Omar Spread Fake News Claims
Post Date: 2021-09-21 10:02:56 by Horse
That Border Patrol Is Whipping Migrants. ...more idiocy spread by Democrats to distract from hellish border crisis...

Hannity blasts Biden for allowing migrants to pack under TX bridge
Post Date: 2021-09-21 07:35:59 by BTP Holdings
‘Hannity’ host slams the Biden administration for mandating vaccines for Americans but not the migrants crossing the southern border. #Hannity #FoxNews

Mass Exodus Begins
Post Date: 2021-09-21 01:55:46 by Horse
As Illegal Immigrants Abandon Texas Bridge Camp For Mexico To Avoid Deportations. ...going back to Mexico to avoid being deported back to their home countries... Poster Comment:democrats did not think this thing through.

Swedish Man Raped With Bottle For 6 Hours By Immigrant Gang,
Post Date: 2021-09-20 18:06:19 by Horse
Now Charged With Hate Crime (VIDEO)

26 Governors Seek Meeting With Biden Over Border Surge
Post Date: 2021-09-20 17:45:54 by Horse
“As chief executives of our states, we request a meeting with you at The White House to bring an end to the national security crisis created by eight months of unenforced borders.”

Biden's Border Blunder: 15,000 Migrants Under Texas Bridge Forces Gov. Abbott To Send In Troopers
Post Date: 2021-09-19 10:58:20 by Horse
Update (0958ET): The utter failure of the Biden administration to take control of the border crisis unfolding under the Anzalduas Bridge in Mission, Texas, resulted in Governor Greg Abbott sending State Troopers and National Guard members to secure the area. New figures from Fox News' Bill Melugin estimate nearly 15,000 migrants are currently under the Anzalduas Bridge as they wait to be processed by Border Patrol agents. Melugin has flown his drone over the area to show an aerial view of the increasing migrants, mostly Haitians, crossing the Mexico–US border and gathering under the bridge. Bill Melugin @BillFOXLA NEW: There is a massive surge of Texas DPS troopers heading into ...

White House: 'We Must Continue Admitting Unvaccinated Immigrants
Post Date: 2021-09-18 09:38:47 by Horse
To Replace All The Workers Who Got Fired For Being Unvaccinated' WASHINGTON, D.C.—Speaking on behalf of President Biden, Jen Psaki claimed today that we should keep letting unvaccinated immigrants into the country, since we need to fill all the roles of unvaccinated workers who got fired. Psaki said it's the position of the White House that the flood of unvaccinated immigrants is a good thing. "We must continue admitting unvaccinated immigrants into the country," Psaki said. "We must use them to replace all the workers who got fired for not being vaccinated." "Our workforce is suffering -- all these businesses need more workers, and we just told ...

Dozens of Haitian Caravans Numbering Over 50,000 Have Literally Invaded Mexico
Post Date: 2021-09-18 08:26:14 by Horse
& Are Now Surging Over Texas Border Like A Tidal Wave Infowars reporters, camera crews are on the ground, sending back incredible footage in real-time! Tune in to see for yourself and raise the alarm! The globalists have collapsed our border! Poster Comment:Banned video is worthless. It does not embed. You have to watch at the url above.

"This Is Illegal" - Republican Senator Blasts FAA Decision To Ground Drones
Post Date: 2021-09-17 20:00:36 by Horse
Filming Texas Bridge Border Chaos “I believe that the reason that they’re limiting drone usage is because they don’t want the American public to know, and I think this is illegal,”

"This Is Illegal" - Republican Senator Blasts FAA Decision To Ground Drones Filming Texas Bridge Border Chaos
Post Date: 2021-09-17 14:06:15 by Ada
Update (1100ET): Republican South Carolina Sen. John Kennedy said Friday that the FAA's grounding of all drones near that Texas bridge is fulfilling the Biden administration’s goal to hide the “lunacy” of its “open border” policy. “I believe that the reason that they’re limiting drone usage is because they don’t want the American public to know, and I think this is illegal,” Kennedy told “Fox & Friends.” “I’m sure that some are people who want to come to America for a better life. That’s fine. I’m proud of that, but that’s why we have a legal immigration system,” Kennedy continued, claiming that ...

Tucker: This Biden policy means many more young Americans will die
Post Date: 2021-09-17 12:18:36 by Horse

Biden Admin Bans Drones Over Del Rio Migrant Camp
Post Date: 2021-09-17 10:51:35 by Horse
After Fox News Videos Show Thousands in Outdoor Detention Camp The Biden administration issued an emergency order Thursday evening banning drones from flying over the Del Rio, Texas open air border detention camp after videos from a Fox News drone informed the nation of the massive influx of mostly Haitian migrants whose arrival over the past few days has overwhelmed Border Patrol and the small Texas city. Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-TX) said earlier Del Rio was being “completely overrun” with migrants. There are reports a caravan of 20,000 migrants is headed to Del Rio. Over 10,000 are reported in the camp as of Thursday evening. The Fox News drone images are shocking. Fox ...

Watch: About 8,200 Invaders, Mostly Haitians, Waiting to be Processed in Texas
Post Date: 2021-09-17 09:38:34 by Ada
Everyone is allowed in now. Just literally all of them. From wherever. Fox News: The number of migrants, predominantly from Haiti, waiting under the International Bridge in Del Rio, Texas has doubled to more than 8,000 in a single day, with sources telling Fox News that the situation is “out of control” and Border Patrol is overwhelmed. Drone footage from Fox News shows the number of migrants under the bridge, who are just waiting to be apprehended by Border Patrol, has surged within a single day. On Wednesday, the numbers were more than 4,000 but by Thursday morning that number had spiked to approximately 8,200, a source told Fox. A source told Fox that Border Patrol ...

Gangs Of LA
Post Date: 2021-09-16 23:59:30 by Horse
Sheriff's Deputies Are Running Amok, Bullying Other Cops The Los Angeles Sheriff's Department is a massive law enforcement agency - it's responsible for policing 153 unincorporated communities and 42 cities across a sizable patch of southern LA County - but it doesn't get nearly as much attention as its neighboring agency, the LAPD, which patrols the City of Los Angeles. Unfortunately for the criminals who wind up in the agency's crosshairs, this lower profile has helped a culture of gang-like fraternities to flourish across the organization that officially are referred to as "secret cliques" or "subgroups", but in reality, they're just gangs. ...

Marx Got It Right: Mass Immigration Wrecks Wages. Why Won’t America’s Resurgent Communists Admit It?
Post Date: 2021-09-16 08:43:45 by Ada
Believe it or not, as Ripley used to say, Communist theoretician Karl Marx anticipated a key economic argument against mass immigration that VDARE.com has made since its beginning: Unfettered immigration depresses wages for host-nation workers. That Marx was wrong in his overall critique of capitalism, most notably his prediction that it was doomed, did not make him wrong on everything. On immigration, Marx was on the right side of the debate, if not necessarily for the right reasons. Oddly, America’s resurgent Communists don’t seem to have noticed. Consider a letter of 1870 to Sigfrid Meyer and August Vogt, German friends in the United States. Citing the effects of large-scale ...

Nearly 8 Million Illegal Immigrants to Get Amnesty
Post Date: 2021-09-13 19:36:36 by Horse
Under Biden’s Budget Resolution Says House GOP Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee strictly oppose the immigration reform measures in the committee’s portion of the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion budget resolution package because they say the bill grants amnesty to nearly 8 million illegal immigrants and encourages more people to flood the southern border. “June was the highest month on record until July when 212,000 enforcement encounters took place; my guess is August will be higher yet. So, what are Democrats focused on in this legislation? Putting amnesty in a bill for—approximately 8 million illegal immigrants—in a bill that spends $3.5 ...

Refugee Becomes First Black to Win Miss Ireland, Complains About Racism
Post Date: 2021-09-10 09:32:24 by Horse
Celebrates how "world is becoming more diverse." A former refugee who became the first black woman to win Miss Ireland reacted to being given the award by complaining about racism. Yes, really. Former asylum seeker Pamela Uba said she received “a lot” of racist comments on the Internet after becoming the first black woman to win the award in its 74-year history. “You’d be surprised,” Ms Uba said. “You would get a lot of bullying online, racism online, and I’ve experienced it quite a lot, especially since becoming Miss Galway and then becoming Miss Ireland. There is a minority there that feel the need to put out negativity.” Some of the ...

ALERT: Biden Just Sent Congress Policy “Riders” for Spending Bill
Post Date: 2021-09-09 22:06:36 by Horse
That Includes Lifetime Welfare AND Path to Citizenship for Every Unvetted Afghan Biden has Randomly Flown or WILL FLY Into US and Their Relatives Trump administration’s former Senior Advisor Stephen Miller sounds the alarm on a Biden policy that will give EVERY Afghan refugee a path to US citizenship and freebies compliments of the US taxpayers. Miller (More on Miller below) is an expert in refugee policy and has been brutally criticized by the left for his America First stance. After his tenure in the Trump administration, Miller founded America Legal First. According to POLITICO, Miller launched the legal group to “give Biden fits,” and that’s exactly what Miller is ...

Look at that productivity vs compensation chart
Post Date: 2021-09-07 18:06:05 by Horse
Poster Comment:Am I the only one who sees that Wall Street decided to flood America with legal and illegal aliens increasing our population from 150 million in 1950 to 333 million today. That means we have to pay exponentially more for rent while letting inflation cut our pay. Might I point out that the population of Mexico was 28 million in 1950. Today it is 132 million and there are 34 million Mexican-Americans. It is over population through legal and illegal immigration that has driven down wages while raising rents. In the past we made America to appear wealthier than it was by printing tens of trillion in I Owe You Nothing Federal Reserve Notes to buy free stuff from overseas. Look ...

Texas Continues To Build Biden’s Broken Border With Donation Money
Post Date: 2021-09-06 11:07:55 by BTP Holdings
Texas Continues To Build Biden’s Broken Border With Donation Money By Politico Daily - September 6, 202101260 The Texas Senate recently passed a $1.8 billion bill to build more than 700 miles of border wall and fencing. The bill, H.B. 9, was passed by a 23-8 vote, with several Democrats from border districts In support. The bill is now headed to Gov. Greg Abbott’s desk for signing and the project will be carried out by the Texas National Guard. Support for a Texas border wall has skyrocketed, with private donations soaring to more than $54 million. Gov. Abbott launched a fundraising website in June where people could help pay for the wall and raised around $1.25 million only ...

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